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02-10-2015, 08:27 AM
What is the most annoying single thing about other drivers?

To me it is when someone tailgates me. If I were a man I would get out and open a can of whoop*ss on them. They make me so angry!

02-10-2015, 09:04 AM
What is the most annoying single thing about other drivers?

To me it is when someone tailgates me. If I were a man I would get out and open a can of whoop*ss on them. They make me so angry!

I would need to see the view out the front of your car to see if I would agree with you or not. :poke:

02-10-2015, 09:29 AM
It's a tie, but sort of the same thing:

Inconsiderate drivers AND drivers who feel justified/entitled.

Case(s) in point:

Inconsiderate drivers: People who cruise along in the left lanes. SHOULD be an offense requiring instant license suspension. Left-lane camping leads to road rage from those suffering behind somebody unwilling to pay attention. Inconsiderate drivers do not maintain lane discipline while turning. This is demonstrated in what happened to me this very morning: DeathWish Saturn guy...when we are in two lanes turning right onto a road with three lanes...HIS JOB in the curb lane is to turn INTO THE CORRESPONDING LANE on the new road. It's not just courteous, it's the LAW. I'm to the left of him and my Steel bumer is higher than his head. When I turn into the SECOND lane from the right - the corresponding lane on the new road, He DRIFTED OVER and try to pinch me, turning into the second lane, well...there's a good chance my truck could have killed him. Pay. The. Phuck. ATTENTION. And THEN...and THEN he had the audacity toget mad at ME- as if I did something wrong.

Also - this: Three lane highway. Right lane closed one mile ahead and thus, Completely empty of cars. Get a clue people - USE the lanes until they run out. I see the heard/entitled mentality tooling about in the left two lanes...until a smart, attentive driver passses in the right. They often pull out and block that guy and get all mad and stuff. The problem is NOT the guy passing in the free lane, it's the idiots who line up a MILE TOO SOON and expect others to follow their example. People who pull out to block in that case should have their license revoked on the spot. USE all the lanes until they run out; then, every-other-car let somebody in from the closing-lane. Ta-da! Easy.

People paying too much attention to the speed limit; you can recognize them as "Well, I'm going the speed limit - you should slow down! So - I'll block your lane to insist you stay behind me! You shouldn't be speeding after all!" See above. Should be criminal. It's non of your business why other cars are going fast.

People brake-checking folks they think are following too closely (tailgating). Holy shit if I were a cop and saw somebody brake-check somebody I'd arrest the brake-checker on the spot. That should be criminal, too.

Too long; didn't read?

The US should adopt German traffic laws; the way folks drive in the US is horrid.

02-10-2015, 11:53 AM
So, you two fellers tend not to agree with me.

I am one of those who tend to drive the speed limit. To be honest, I don't care why you are driving fast. And I understand that maybe my penchant for obeying the law is annoying you. But does tailgating me really solve anything? Is staying right on my bumper and getting there one second faster really worth the danger to you AND me?

02-10-2015, 11:59 AM
The right lane is for driving, the left lane is for passing and if you're obeying the law then you're in the right lane. :) FWIW, I don't like tailgaters either but their actions are not always independent of the actions of others.


Would you prefer high beams being flashed and would you cede the left lane when done so?

02-10-2015, 01:29 PM
The right lane is for driving, the left lane is for passing and if you're obeying the law then you're in the right lane. :) FWIW, I don't like tailgaters either but their actions are not always independent of the actions of others.


Would you prefer high beams being flashed and would you cede the left lane when done so?

If I am the slowest driver of course I stay in the correct lane. It is mostly when there is only one lane that people tend to tailgate. I think we are all in agreement here...at least I hope so.

Abbey Marie
02-10-2015, 02:52 PM
There are dozens of things that annoy me when driving. Sometimes I think I am in a near-constant state of pissed-off when driving.

But the SINGLE MOST ANNOYING thing to me, is:

When someone pulls out right in front of me from a side street, driveway, or another lane, and then GOES SLOW.

I tend to use my "driving words" in that situation.


02-10-2015, 03:07 PM
There was a time when I loved to drive. Not anymore.

Biggest peev...Tailgaters...... Wish I had a bumper sticker that read: "Tailgators belong on Tow Trucks!"

That's where they usually end up anyhow...WHILE ON THE PHONE, or TEXTING.

02-11-2015, 02:48 AM
dmp ... as we've mentioned before ... I am one of those that cruise in the left lane .... because I'm generally going faster than other drivers and it's just stupid to move over to the right lane and then back again because I have to pass again. I hate cars that dart in and out of traffic all the time. Either get in the slow lane and go with the flow, or get in the fast lane and get the hell out of the way. It ticks me off when a person going 5 mph over the speed limit decides to pass someone going the speed limit and it takes them 10 miles to pass.

And, because I'm usually driving faster I keep an eye out for LE ... which means I will see a driver coming up fast and trust me, I will move over if they are in a bigger hurry than I.

I have several pet peeves: :slap:

1. There are some days that I know, absolutely know, that my vehicle has become invisible because there are idiots who pull in front of me, or cross the road in front of me and I literally have to slam on the brakers (and a healthy dose of slamming on the horn). However, it could be that I'm driving so fast that they are incapable of deducing my speed, therefore, making poor judgement calls about when to pull out.

2. People who drive UNDER the speed limit.

3. People who block an intersection so others can't cross when their light is green.

4. HOWEVER, THE BIG PISSER for me is the one that makes all others pale in comparison and just makes me want to hold my ground and have a head on collision. It's when an idiot decides to pass a bicyclist using my lane and making me have to stop so he/she's not inconvenienced by having to stop. It is not my responsibility to pull over and let you use my lane to pass the bicycle that is in your lane!! You need to stop or slow down until it is safe for you to pass that bicyclist and if that means you need to poke along behind them for a mile or two until there is no oncoming traffic, then so be it!!!


02-11-2015, 04:44 AM
After spending 25 plus years on the road there are many things that make me mad as can be, but the one that annoys the most is the driver that wants to get in the left lane and ride 10 miles under the speed limit ( or they ride next to the car in the right lane) Stay right except to pass.

Then there is the person on the back roads that hits their brakes and slows down to a almost a stop and as they start their turn they put their blinker on. :upyours:

02-11-2015, 05:52 AM
dmp ... as we've mentioned before ... I am one of those that cruise in the left lane .... because I'm generally going faster than other drivers and it's just stupid to move over to the right lane and then back again because I have to pass again.

Ya know I love you, but in Arizona you're breaking the law if its a two lane highway. Their law is like michigan - it sucks, but it's better than some without left-lane laws. I tell ya, it also contributes to your pet peeve below...

I hate cars that dart in and out of traffic all the time. Either get in the slow lane and go with the flow, or get in the fast lane and get the hell out of the way.

Keeping ALL traffic to the right - regardless of speed - except when actually passing helps prevent 'darting' as those in a hurry try to move around those in their way. :)

I need to add a pet peeve:

People who may too much attention to the speed limit. "I was going the speed limit" has become our excuse mantra. So many times going faster or slower than the posted limit is (not only law in some cases) the safest thing to do.

Speed does NOT kill. Poor decision-making kills.

02-11-2015, 07:48 AM
All of them. The roads should be completely empty for me. I played GTA way too many times. When driving down the road - I often hallucinate about how awesome it would be to do the pit maneuver on the car in front of me and watch it do a barrel roll.

02-11-2015, 07:54 AM
All of them. The roads should be completely empty for me. I played GTA way too many times. When driving down the road - I often hallucinate about how awesome it would be to do the pit maneuver on the car in front of me and watch it do a barrel roll.

Oh my, Jim. I will watch out for you!!!

02-11-2015, 08:03 AM
Oh my, Jim. I will watch out for you!!!

I used to have road rage. Now I internalize my rage and just crack a smile thinking about what I would like to do to bad drivers. :)

02-11-2015, 08:53 PM
I used to have road rage. Now I internalize my rage and just crack a smile thinking about what I would like to do to bad drivers. :)

`Agree....That smile is / can be used in many scenarios ...................

Abbey Marie
02-12-2015, 12:16 AM
I used to have road rage. Now I internalize my rage and just crack a smile thinking about what I would like to do to bad drivers. :)

Is that really good enough? I can't imagine quietly doing that. I need to express myself, lol.

02-12-2015, 01:19 AM
So, you two fellers tend not to agree with me.

I am one of those who tend to drive the speed limit. To be honest, I don't care why you are driving fast. And I understand that maybe my penchant for obeying the law is annoying you. But does tailgating me really solve anything? Is staying right on my bumper and getting there one second faster really worth the danger to you AND me?

If you are in the left lane, you're being told to move to the right. While tailgating isn't the safest way to do so, if you don't respond to lights flashing, it's the next recourse.

02-12-2015, 01:22 AM
After spending 25 plus years on the road there are many things that make me mad as can be, but the one that annoys the most is the driver that wants to get in the left lane and ride 10 miles under the speed limit ( or they ride next to the car in the right lane) Stay right except to pass.

Then there is the person on the back roads that hits their brakes and slows down to a almost a stop and as they start their turn they put their blinker on. :upyours:

I must admit I'm way pissed on a highway for anyone going 55 or 60 in left lane, unless passing someone going slower.

I'm prepared to take a ticket for going 15 or more over those speed limits.

02-12-2015, 01:50 AM
Ya know I love you, but in Arizona you're breaking the law if its a two lane highway. Their law is like michigan - it sucks, but it's better than some without left-lane laws. I tell ya, it also contributes to your pet peeve below...

But I'm already breaking the speed limit law so...........

Keeping ALL traffic to the right - regardless of speed - except when actually passing helps prevent 'darting' as those in a hurry try to move around those in their way.

As I said before, if I'm in the left lane driving faster than anyone else, what is the point of getting in the right lane until there is no one else to pass?

02-12-2015, 02:57 AM
I must admit I'm way pissed on a highway for anyone going 55 or 60 in left lane, unless passing someone going slower.

I'm prepared to take a ticket for going 15 or more over those speed limits.

GA came out with the Slow Poke law, if you are riding in the left lane and someone is wanting around by law ( now ) you must move right to let them get around, it is on me if I am speeding , it's not for some idiot to decide how fast I should drive.

02-12-2015, 05:22 AM
I drive a car in the same manner I post on a forum: calm and collected (though I may be burning inside).

02-12-2015, 06:31 AM
But I'm already breaking the speed limit law so...........

Right - but speed laws SHOULD be broken; they are stupid.

As I said before, if I'm in the left lane driving faster than anyone else, what is the point of getting in the right lane until there is no one else to pass?

Tis a good thing to practice discipline; lane discipline too

02-12-2015, 07:46 AM
Is that really good enough? I can't imagine quietly doing that. I need to express myself, lol.

Oh, I express myself alright! I have a serious "talking" issue when I drive, rather colorful and made up language, and I often talk to others driving, whether they are aware or not! And sometimes, I might even express myself with sign language. :)

02-12-2015, 11:28 AM
Left lane parkers are my most infuriating driver.. If you don't want to be tailgated get over!!!!!!!!!!!! Slow drivers on single lane roads, I have to say, if you begin to get a "line" of cars behind you maybe, just maybe, you are going TOO SLOW and you should pull over and let the cars pass.

People who use the excuse "I'm driving the speed limit" and cause a grouping of cars to pile up behind them are the ones who cause MORE ACCIDENTS than the person going over the speed limit. When cars are spaced out that leaves time to react and when you intentionally or unintentionally cause traffic to back-up or slow down YOU are the one who is creating an environment of possible distraction, anger, dangerous situations, and poor judgement. All that based on the "I'm doing the speed limit or driving safe" premise. If you truly wanted to be SAFE you would move to the right and let the others pass to "spread out the traffic" and yes that goes for single lane as well as 2 lane roads......

Weather generally sets the safe speed for roads, I'm not talking about the lunatic that is flying by EVERYONE but the speed that most traffic is flowing is the best and that may by 10 mph over the limit of 15 mph under the limit it all about conditions and if everyone is traveling at an acceptable rate the IDIOT that slows it down is a MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-12-2015, 01:13 PM
Left lane parkers are my most infuriating driver..

I'm pretty sure they are the state animal of Indiana. :poke:

Abbey Marie
02-12-2015, 03:46 PM
Oh, I express myself alright! I have a serious "talking" issue when I drive, rather colorful and made up language, and I often talk to others driving, whether they are aware or not! And sometimes, I might even express myself with sign language. :)

I have never used "sign language", though I've been very tempted at times. I do have quite the repertoire of interesting words. Ever since a guy waved a large looking handgun at me at a light, I tend to just say them to myself.

I had a friend who kept a supply of large bolts in his car, and when a driver got him angry enough, he'd hurl one at the car.

02-12-2015, 03:50 PM
I'm pretty sure they are the state animal of Indiana. :poke:

I think PA has them beat, I can remember going through PA and we would be running along about 65 in the right lane, I would pull out to pass and the car I was passing would speed up so I couldn't get around and as soon as I got back in behind them we would slow back down to 65, yes I think that kind of diving is on the PA drivers license test. :laugh:

02-12-2015, 03:51 PM
I'm pretty sure they are the state animal of Indiana. :poke:

The people you are referring to are from Ohio, they sneak in every once in a while and screw up the roads for the rest of us. :laugh:

02-12-2015, 04:43 PM
Can't honestly limit Bad, or Terrible drivers to any one state.

No matter where we go today. We are bound to run into somebody who only has a PEP BOYS license, and they never learned that Other people would also be out there on the road..just like them.

02-13-2015, 09:07 AM
The people you are referring to are from Ohio, they sneak in every once in a while and screw up the roads for the rest of us. :laugh:

They must know when I'm coming then so they can invade. :scared: But actually the state bird of Ohio is the 'turn from the driving lane when their is a perfectly good left hand turn lane' bird. They come out most often on a Sunday morning when there is no one else to scare them off the roads.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-13-2015, 10:15 AM
I have never used "sign language", though I've been very tempted at times. I do have quite the repertoire of interesting words. Ever since a guy waved a large looking handgun at me at a light, I tend to just say them to myself.

I had a friend who kept a supply of large bolts in his car, and when a drive got him angry enough, he'd hurl one at the car.

My transplanted down here Yankee friend and co-worker decades ago did the bolt thing. Always at night if a driver did something totally stupid and/or dangerous to him he'd speed up pass the offender and toss out a large bolt or nut and let fate decide if it hit its target, usually the windshield and usually he'd see the car behind swerve or hit the brakes ,slowing down while trying to figure out what hit their vehicle.
I never did that but as a young man I chased down more than a few especially dangerous offending drivers and threaten to stomp their ass. Even had to do it a few times but hell, that was the fun part-when the man called what he thought was a damn bluff.
Thank God I've calmed down since then.
Haven't slapped an offending driver in over ten years!
By the way, I always just ignore when its a female driver. Its been my philosophy that they are for the most part just incapable of having excellent driving skills. Of course they are no better or no worse than reckless male drivers. And seems to be far too many of those, especially the young black men around. SOBs are wreck-less with the their own lives and stupidly/arrogantly completely unconcerned about the lives of others on the road!
Some even live to outgrow that when they get into their 50's/ 60's.. --Tyr

02-22-2015, 10:20 PM
Right - but speed laws SHOULD be broken; they are stupid.

Tis a good thing to practice discipline; lane discipline too

Come here big boy and I'll show you discipline!!


02-23-2015, 06:56 AM
I have never used "sign language", though I've been very tempted at times. I do have quite the repertoire of interesting words. Ever since a guy waved a large looking handgun at me at a light, I tend to just say them to myself.

I had a friend who kept a supply of large bolts in his car, and when a drive got him angry enough, he'd hurl one at the car.

My transplanted down here Yankee friend and co-worker decades ago did the bolt thing. Always at night if a driver did something totally stupid and/or dangerous to him he'd speed up pass the offender and toss out a large bolt or nut and let fate decide if it hit its target, usually the windshield and usually he'd see the car behind swerve or hit the brakes ,slowing down while trying to figure out what hit their vehicle.
I never did that but as a young man I chased down more than a few especially dangerous offending drivers and threaten to stomp their ass. Even had to do it a few times but hell, that was the fun part-when the man called what he thought was a damn bluff.
Thank God I've calmed down since then.
Haven't slapped an offending driver in over ten years!
By the way, I always just ignore when its a female driver. Its been my philosophy that they are for the most part just incapable of having excellent driving skills. Of course they are no better or no worse than reckless male drivers. And seems to be far too many of those, especially the young black men around. SOBs are wreck-less with the their own lives and stupidly/arrogantly completely unconcerned about the lives of others on the road!
Some even live to outgrow that when they get into their 50's/ 60's.. --Tyr

I always carry a few fishing sinkers in my vest posket when riding the bike, just in case someone is stupid enough to do something that crosses the line.

02-23-2015, 07:46 PM
I was in the wrong lane coming home from work the other day. I thought about this thread and moved over to the other lane. I didn't want a bolt thrown at me.

02-23-2015, 08:47 PM
The thing I hate the most is people that crowd the other lane going down the highway "just in case" they want to change lanes. That habit is most prevalent in the Northeast.