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View Full Version : *** Wellston MO Councilwoman Janet Dixon. Know what a horrible person she is***

02-11-2015, 04:20 PM
`........Janet Dixon is a Councilwoman in Wellston Missouri. Janet Dixon's son, Terrence Dixon, seems to be a drug dealer and seems to have a problem with beating women. Terrence Dixon did tell police how much heroin and cocaine he sells a month.

His mother keeps getting him out of trouble. She has had an Officer fired twice. It also seems Janet Dixon has been caught lying to a Judge.

*Feel free to share this everywhere.



`...This also an example of why you need to have good relationships with overlapping agencies.
`Politics are a reality (although this is beyond criminal) Those Officers need to send in County/State LEO (or Feds) to deal with the son next time.
They can do what needs to be done and tell Janet Dixon to get bent. In some cases they could also get around the prosecutor by filing in another Court with jurisdiction...`

02-11-2015, 04:22 PM
`She needs to be fired.`

02-11-2015, 06:58 PM
Just wondering. Anyone happen to know how far away from Ferguson this woman lives?

And, why hasn't either AL (Dumbshit)Sharpton, or Eric Holder come to her Lying, Hateful Defense?

The country is full of people like her, and the people who put her there...? Probably voted twice for Obama.

What does that tell us?

02-11-2015, 08:35 PM
Just wondering. Anyone happen to know how far away from Ferguson this woman lives?

And, why hasn't either AL (Dumbshit)Sharpton, or Eric Holder come to her Lying, Hateful Defense?

The country is full of people like her, and the people who put her there...? Probably voted twice for Obama.

What does that tell us?

It's maybe 10 minutes away. Wellston is deeper into the ghetto. Back in the 1980s Ferguson was still a livable place, even back in the 1980s Wellston was worse that Ferguson today.

02-11-2015, 08:37 PM
Just wondering. Anyone happen to know how far away from Ferguson this woman lives?

And, why hasn't either AL (Dumbshit)Sharpton, or Eric Holder come to her Lying, Hateful Defense?

The country is full of people like her, and the people who put her there...? Probably voted twice for Obama.

What does that tell us?

`When the sun never set on the British Empire...the British understood that some people are just not capable of self government.`

50,000 years of African "history"..... Detroit...DC.... New Orleans...*Sad truth..

02-11-2015, 08:41 PM
`When the sun never set on the British Empire...the British understood that some people are just not capable of self government.`

50,000 years of African "history"..... Detroit...DC.... New Orleans...*Sad truth..

LongTerm. Totally agree. No wonder they call us Racists. Is that word (racist) the replacement word the Liberals use for TRUTH, or HONESTY?

Whenever any of us attempt to inform others with Honest, Actual, Truthful Facts. We instantly get to hear the traditional, liberal, hate filled name calling that identifies LIBERAL IGNORANCE for all to see.

02-11-2015, 08:57 PM
LongTerm. Totally agree. No wonder they call us Racists. Is that word (racist) the replacement word the Liberals use for TRUTH, or HONESTY?

Whenever any of us attempt to inform others with Honest, Actual, Truthful Facts. We instantly get to hear the traditional, liberal, hate filled name calling that identifies LIBERAL IGNORANCE for all to see.

​*Truth is racist to the Left (Liberals)...it is what it is....They will remain Ignorant ....

02-11-2015, 09:04 PM
Typical small town politics.

02-11-2015, 09:20 PM
Typical small town politics.

Ya...very Typical.:rolleyes:...And Detroit, DC, New Orleans......................

02-11-2015, 10:06 PM
Typical small town politics.

Typical Liberal, "SMALL MINDEDNESS" when referring to small town politics. You failed again, gabby.

02-11-2015, 10:25 PM
Typical small town politics.

People don't sit on their porch and wave as you go by in Wellston. I have an idea: Why don't you take a Midnight stroll in the "quiet little town" of Wellston?