View Full Version : Yemen in chaos: Portrait of an Obama 'success' story

02-12-2015, 07:55 AM
Yes Mr. President you are doing a fine job, just 5 months ago he tells us how well it is there. A real great example of another one of Obama success stories. One has to remember that Obama stated "don't get use to the low gas prices " so maybe this really is a success story for him. :rolleyes:

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Feb. 11, 2015 - 2:47 - A few months ago, the president was touting Yemen as a model of his foreign policy success. Today, armed rebels seized US embassy vehicles afer diplomats fled the country over growing unrest


02-12-2015, 08:00 AM
Sure, Yemen is a success. And pull my left gonad and it'll play jingle bells for you! The shithole is like a magnet for terrorists.

02-12-2015, 09:33 AM
Would that mirror the "success" of our drone policy in Yemen as well?

02-12-2015, 10:35 AM
Would that mirror the "success" of our drone policy in Yemen as well?

Depends on how you define success. Have a shitload of terrorists been killed? Yep, and that makes it a success to me. And I know you'll then ask "well how many more were created as a result?" - not sure, but if they want to be killed too, I have no issue with that. And if the chief complaint is the use of drones, then use fighter jets. If the issue is sending jets into their territory, then send missiles from ships at sea. If the issue is that it potentially can kill innocent people, then send in teams of Seals. If we don't want to endanger any lives of Americans, then drop large ordinances from bombers and call it a day. Any way you slice it or dice it, it's been a terrorist haven for quite some time, it is certainly not a success, and active terrorists should be killed.

02-12-2015, 01:28 PM
Depends on how you define success. Have a shitload of terrorists been killed? Yep, and that makes it a success to me. And I know you'll then ask "well how many more were created as a result?" - not sure, but if they want to be killed too, I have no issue with that. And if the chief complaint is the use of drones, then use fighter jets. If the issue is sending jets into their territory, then send missiles from ships at sea. If the issue is that it potentially can kill innocent people, then send in teams of Seals. If we don't want to endanger any lives of Americans, then drop large ordinances from bombers and call it a day. Any way you slice it or dice it, it's been a terrorist haven for quite some time, it is certainly not a success, and active terrorists should be killed.

It always depends on how you define success. If dead terrorists are your definition then yes, there are dead terrorists. If helping Yemen remain a viable state and an ally in the War on Terror then no, doesn't seem to be a success. If making the United States safe from terrorism then Yemen may now be more conducive to terror cells. If advancing American interests abroad are your goal then BO just got our ass handed to us. I'd say at the very least the jury is still out.