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View Full Version : The Costs Of Not Backing Hitler

02-12-2015, 06:42 PM
You all probably know the faults of Hitler and the mistakes he made. But get over it. Here are some other things for you to consider.

The Costs Of Not Backing Hitler

It is disasterously ignorant to think that backing Stalin was better. In the early 30's, Stalin caused up to 10 million Ukrainians to starve to death. He didn't even need "death camps" to do it. Not to mention all of the other atrocities he committed. Also, like it or not, Germany was a more civilized and "Western" country than Russia.

Soon after Hitler was beaten, the "Iron Curtan" went up across Europe. Just five years after WW II, there was the Korean war. One American soldier talked about being attacked by so many communist Chinese that he could have blindly fored a shot in the direction of the enemy and have been sure of hitting one of them. Apparently the Chinese weren't very grateful for our having helped them against the Japanese.

Since then, there have been many proxy wars fought against the communists. Also, Vietnam certanly didn't do our country any good. There were also at least a couple of times where nuclear war could have broken out against Russia. There would have been an incredibly high price to pay had that happened. The U.S. also spent massive amounts of money in the arms race against Russia.

Another thing is that quite a while ago, I heard that the Chinese had developed the Nutron bomb. They may have gotten it from us through spying. But it is more likely that some Chinese "American" scientist thought that the homeland should have such a weapon too. The U.S. has also spent huge amounts of money in developing weapons technology. Well that money and the security that went with it has basically gone down the toilet. According to a couple news segiments I saw, Chinese hackers have stolen most of, if not all, of our advanced weapons technology. The cost of that is yet to be seen.

Another cost was in part spoken of in a documentary I saw about Americas involvement in the Vietnam war. Apparently some White soldiers had put up what was probably a fairly small Confederate flag on their tent pole. A black soldier told an officer that if it wasn't taken down, there was going to be trouble. The flag was taken down. When you give a gun to a negroid, the rights of White people can go right out the window. As it did there. But if we had backed Hitler, such costs, along with the negro riots and protests going on because some White police officers performed their duty, wouldn't be happening. We would also be much safer from Muslim "extrmist" terrorists.

Also, without racial patriotism, there can be no real national patriotism. That is why so many of our jobs have gone overseas. After all, if what you are supposedly doesn't matter, why would it matter who makes what. There is also the ecological cost of sending those jobs to poor countries with lax environmental laws. There are also the costs involved in the "politically correct" U.S. doing nothing useful in stopping the flow of illegal invader scab scum from crossing our southern border. Etc. times zillions.

Do you still believe that not backing Hitler was worth the many costs? If so, tell me your brainwashed lies.

02-12-2015, 07:22 PM
Youre a click-baiter. Like those ads that say "you will never believe this shocking thing the pope said to a stripper!"

Your self-grandizing DESTROYS your credibility.

God - and your last line? Gawd youre awfully intellectually immature. Youre mentality is JUST LIKE ppl susceptible to mob mentality; puritanical fanaticism. Pitchforks and whatnot

02-12-2015, 07:26 PM
Youre a click-baiter. Like those ads that say "you will never believe this shocking thing the pope said to a stripper!"

Your self-grandizing DESTROYS your credibility.

You think it is just his self aggrandizing that destroys his credibility? Of course, this idea presumes he had any credibility to begin with...

02-12-2015, 07:36 PM
Edited thread title to reflect content of thread.

02-12-2015, 07:47 PM
Edited thread title to reflect content of thread.

He should be okay with that, he is all about the truth, after all...

02-12-2015, 08:00 PM
Obama and company must get their Racist information from people like this.

It makes me feel confident to see, whenever anyone calls me a racist. They have no idea what that means until they meet someone who idolizes hitler so much.

No need to waste any more time with this.

02-12-2015, 08:11 PM
Youre a click-baiter. Like those ads that say "you will never believe this shocking thing the pope said to a stripper!"

Your self-grandizing DESTROYS your credibility.

God - and your last line? Gawd youre awfully intellectually immature. Youre mentality is JUST LIKE ppl susceptible to mob mentality; puritanical fanaticism. Pitchforks and whatnot
Your opinions about what I said mean nothing to me. All I did was speak the truth. Of you disagree with anything I wrote, tell me what it is. Or shut the "F" up. Also, if you think that anything I wrote has anything to do with me, you're hallucinating. As for my last line, your calling it immature doesn't make it so. Not telling me why you think the costs of not backing Hitler were worth it just proves your intellectual immaturity. Not that any of your arguments would have amounted to anything anyway.

02-12-2015, 08:14 PM
Of course they would mean nothing to you; youre an imbecile.

02-12-2015, 08:27 PM
Of course they would mean nothing to you; youre an imbecile.

It's as though he believes that if he calls the tripe he posts "the truth" enough times it will make it so...

02-12-2015, 08:44 PM
It's as though he believes that if he calls the tripe he posts "the truth" enough times it will make it so...

And his ego cant take honesty, isnt that weird?

02-12-2015, 08:48 PM
It's as though he believes that if he calls the tripe he posts "the truth" enough times it will make it so...

hjmick. Problem really is. Like all easily-led, uneducated, holier-than-thou hypocrites who honor themselves by declaring their SICKNESS of feeling superior to other humans who have darker skin; they HONESTLY DO BELIEVE WHAT THEIR HATRED IN PREACHING SAYS.

The mindless, ignorance of so many, from ALL races who hate for the sake of hate..much like ISIS today. Will end the humanity we all hope to one day achieve. But people like that will always bring their ignorance to the fight because they really are TAUGHT to hate anyone, and everyone who doesn't look, and think (nonthinking) like them.

Skin head, Nazi, often equates in America to other definitions of Red Neck, and Holy Rollers who, like the ISIS, Islamic Terrorists around the world....only operate as far as their limited education will take them....Into the gutters of the World.

02-12-2015, 09:02 PM
You all probably know the faults of Hitler and the mistakes he made. But get over it. Here are some other things for you to consider.

You are such an ignorant, racist, selfish fool..

02-12-2015, 09:03 PM
Well heck. Click on a thread about Hitler and find out that it has little to do with Hitler or WWII.
Even Gnostic Christian makes more sense than the OP of this thread.

02-12-2015, 09:26 PM
Of course they would mean nothing to you; youre an imbecile.
Care to put your money where your mouth is? I didn't think so. Or else you would have tried to refute just one little point in all the statements I made. So I guess that makes you the imbecile. In the religion section, I started another thread called, "Jewish Warfare." If you care to take a minute or so to read it, maybe you can find something in there to refute.

It's as though he believes that if he calls the tripe he posts "the truth" enough times it will make it so...
You too meed to put your money where your mouth is. Point out something I said that is untrue. I can set you straight quickly enough.

And his ego cant take honesty, isnt that weird?
I havent heard any honesty from you. All I have heard from you are cult induced insults. And that isn't weird. It is what I have come to expect from most status quo supporting, "don't rock the boat" types like you.

02-12-2015, 09:33 PM
You too meed to put your money where your mouth is. Point out something I said that is untrue. I can set you straight quickly enough.

PLEASE, please demonstrate for all of us here. How YOU put your Money In Your Mouth?

You do it first, and when we stop laughing. Wondering whether you have your Pre-school Diploma yet. We'll all have a laugh on YOU. (P.S. What do you prefer? Coins, or Paper?)

02-12-2015, 09:36 PM
You are such an ignorant, racist, selfish fool..
You are so far beyond brainwashed, you can't even realize it. And you call me a fool!? What a joke. Would you like to take a close look at the kind of metal your chains are made of? Go to the religion section and take a minute or so to read my thread, "Jewish Warfare."

Well heck. Click on a thread about Hitler and find out that it has little to do with Hitler or WWII.
Even Gnostic Christian makes more sense than the OP of this thread.
You seem to talk the talk. Can you walk the walk? Tell me what I wrote that doesn't make sense to you. I can try to straighten you out. But as thet say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.

PLEASE, please demonstrate for all of us here. How YOU put your Money In Your Mouth?

You do it first, and when we stop laughing. Wondering whether you have your Pre-school Diploma yet. We'll all have a laugh on YOU. (P.S. What do you prefer? Coins, or Paper?)
You're the one who started flapping his lips. If you can't back it up, that's on your head. As for me, I'm not here to perform for you. So suck it.

02-12-2015, 09:55 PM
You're the one who started flapping his lips. If you can't back it up, that's on your head. As for me, I'm not here to perform for you. So suck it.

Thank you once again. Keep it coming. Everyone is watching. And nobody thinks you are capable of performing anything anyhow. You're not worth it. But I am having a good time. So please continue.

The more you speak, or brag. The better it is for the rest of us. As Forest Gump said when talking about people like you..."Stupid is, as Stupid does." No performance in that.

02-12-2015, 11:35 PM
You seem to talk the talk. Can you walk the walk? Tell me what I wrote that doesn't make sense to you. I can try to straighten you out. But as thet say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink.

So tell me dear, how much do YOU know about WWII? How much do you really know about Hitler and the Third Reich? When was the last time you went to Germany? How many of your relatives lived their during WWII? How many of your relatives fought for the Germans?

I sincerely hope that Jim keeps you around for awhile. I find you to be immensely entertaining.

02-13-2015, 07:02 AM
Well heck. Click on a thread about Hitler and find out that it has little to do with Hitler or WWII.
Even Gnostic Christian makes more sense than the OP of this thread.

Twins maybe ? One is about as bad as the other.

02-13-2015, 07:04 AM
So tell me dear, how much do YOU know about WWII? How much do you really know about Hitler and the Third Reich? When was the last time you went to Germany? How many of your relatives lived their during WWII? How many of your relatives fought for the Germans?

I sincerely hope that Jim keeps you around for awhile. I find you to be immensely entertaining.

Gabs don't talk to sexy to this kid, you just gave him a cheap thrill.

02-13-2015, 05:56 PM
Thank you once again. Keep it coming. Everyone is watching. And nobody thinks you are capable of performing anything anyhow. You're not worth it. But I am having a good time. So please continue.

The more you speak, or brag. The better it is for the rest of us. As Forest Gump said when talking about people like you..."Stupid is, as Stupid does." No performance in that.
Instead of talking about your views about what I can do or not, let's talk about what you can't do. Logically debate me about any of the statements I made in this thread. Now that's funny. I guess for you, "Stupid is, as stupid can't do."

So tell me dear, how much do YOU know about WWII? How much do you really know about Hitler and the Third Reich? When was the last time you went to Germany? How many of your relatives lived their during WWII? How many of your relatives fought for the Germans?

I sincerely hope that Jim keeps you around for awhile. I find you to be immensely entertaining.
I know enough about things to know I am right. But that isn't the question. The question is all of the costs involved in not backing Hitler. Costs that you probably can't acknowledge. Because as Milton basically wrote, people have an ability to make a hell out of heaven or a heaven out of hell.

02-13-2015, 06:22 PM
Do you still believe that not backing Hitler was worth the many costs?

What did Hitler do to deserve backing?

02-13-2015, 06:29 PM
Gabs don't talk to sexy to this kid, you just gave him a cheap thrill.

Jeff. Gotta disagree with you. This kid obviously hates women, and loves to play hide the sausage with other wannabe skin-head types. He actually is convinced backing his HERO from Nazi Germany, makes him feel more superior to Whale Dung. But, we all know. Eventually. Bottom feeders like this end up EATING THEMSELVES.

02-13-2015, 06:30 PM
What did Hitler do to deserve backing?
If you read my thread, you would know what.

02-13-2015, 06:50 PM
Warning: Blue language


02-13-2015, 07:23 PM

Chuck Norris's real name is Carlos BTW

02-13-2015, 07:25 PM
I know enough about things to know I am right.

I don't need to know the facts to know that I am right. Because I am always right.

Pol Pot once said pretty much the same thing. He was a fairly stupid man who wanted to make sure that no one was smart enough to question his directives. So he had everyone with more than an elementary education killed or interned. Cultie would have been safe, of course.

02-13-2015, 07:28 PM
Stop replying to his rubbish. Seriously. Fucking stop.

02-13-2015, 08:21 PM
I don't need to know the facts to know that I am right. Because I am always right.

Pol Pot once said pretty much the same thing. He was a fairly stupid man who wanted to make sure that no one was smart enough to question his directives. So he had everyone with more than an elementary education killed or interned. Cultie would have been safe, of course.
Again, your insipid opinions don't interest me. If you think I am wrong about what I wrote in my thread, it is easy enough to fix. Just tell me what it is. Even if it only lasts as long as it takes me to reply. Also, Hitler wasn't Pol Pot. Neither am I. So I guess you know where to ram your insuniation.

02-13-2015, 08:23 PM

Chuck Norris's real name is Carlos BTW
If Chuck Norris isn't White, I guess that explains how he found his way into movies.

02-13-2015, 08:29 PM
Quite disappointed that Cultie is no longer with us. I kind of enjoyed his insipid attempts at discussion. And I never got him to admit that he didn't know shit about Hitler or the Nazis.
Oh well...


02-14-2015, 03:15 PM
If you read my thread, you would know what.

Actually I did. You complained about everything else but failed to regale us with the "positives" that Hitler brought to the world.

02-14-2015, 03:17 PM
Quite disappointed that Cultie is no longer with us.

:eek: The "interesting" ones flame out so fast. :(