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06-27-2007, 01:24 PM

How come the "faggot" himself didn't confront Ann? :laugh2:

06-27-2007, 01:45 PM
What a desperate attempt to shut the opposition up. Not to mention completely hypocritical, after all, liberals would never resort to personal attacks on Republicans would they? lol

Black Lance
06-27-2007, 02:02 PM
And here's how the liberal media covered this story.


I love how the commentator pauses to justify himself at the end.

06-27-2007, 02:03 PM
Ann chewed poor ole Lizzy up, and spit her out on the floor..

From what I've heard, they've now sent an email out using this confrontation with Ann, asking for money....:laugh2:

Pretty pathetic

06-27-2007, 02:09 PM
Ann chewed poor ole Lizzy up, and spit her out on the floor..

From what I've heard, they've now sent an email out using this confrontation with Ann, asking for money....:laugh2:

Pretty pathetic

Ann's another futuer ex-wife of mine. :laugh2:

06-27-2007, 02:30 PM

How come the "faggot" himself didn't confront Ann? :laugh2:

Because he is a spineless wuss .

06-27-2007, 04:32 PM
Ann chewed poor ole Lizzy up, and spit her out on the floor..

From what I've heard, they've now sent an email out using this confrontation with Ann, asking for money....:laugh2:

Pretty pathetic

I don't know if she chewed her up, but she did pretty good considering the fact that she was ambushed.

Isn't it just like The Faggot to use a personal tragedy/ defeat to raise money? His son dies: "we need money"; his wife gets terminal breast cancer: "we need money"; his wife ambushes Coulter and doesn't do so well: "we need money".

06-27-2007, 04:41 PM
I don't know if she chewed her up, but she did pretty good considering the fact that she was ambushed.

Isn't it just like The Faggot to use a personal tragedy/ defeat to raise money? His son dies: "we need money"; his wife gets terminal breast cancer: "we need money"; his wife ambushes Coulter and doesn't do so well: "we need money".

maybe if they didnt spend so much on their mansions they wouldnt need all these donations.

06-27-2007, 04:59 PM
maybe if they didnt spend so much on their mansions they wouldnt need all these donations.
Don't forget the cost of security from their neighbors who all can't stand them and would burn those mansions down in a heatbeat if they had the chance.

06-27-2007, 06:29 PM
Heres the CNN article. You can see the Liberal Media make's is sound like Ann was in the wrong. Elizabeth and John are both pansies.


06-27-2007, 06:33 PM
Here is Elizabeth Edwards take on it from her husbands website.

It is the end of the fund-raising quarter (perhaps you have heard?), and I was traveling in the Pacific Northwest when I heard Coulter was going to be on Hardball. I thought back to all her targets in the past: Ambassador Pamela Harriman, during Harriman's memorial service, the brave 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser and the rest of the Jersey Girls who forced the formation of the 9/11 Commission, and, of course, the day before, John - again. I thought to myself: this has to stop. So I decided to listen and to call in if she continued her personal attacks and ask her to engage on the issues and stop using language of hate in place of political dialogue.

I was sitting in the airport in Portland while I watched Chris Matthews interview Ann Coulter on MSNBC. It wasn't surprising, but time and again she chose to answer serious questions with hate-filled personal attacks and factual misstatements. And so I called the Hardball number I had asked the campaign earlier in the day to get for me.

In the South, when someone does something that displeases us we politely ask them to stop. I had done it before to some rude college boys in South Carolina in 2003. They responded politely and stopped. So that is what I asked of Coulter last night. She is 45, so I had hoped for at least as civil a response as I had gotten from 19-year-old college boys. I was wrong.

This is a bigger problem than a single mean-spirited woman who makes her living spitting out hate words.

Personal attacks lower our political dialogue at precisely the time when we need to raise it. At a time when our country needs real answers to tough questions, Coulter and too many others like her would rather throw around insults, threats and innuendo.

There is a backdrop to this. Young people are becoming engaged again in politics. As a mother, it is intensely gratifying to watch a whole new generation wake up to the importance and excitement of the political process. But look what they see as they get involved. As a citizen and as a mother, it's incredibly disheartening to see the way our political discourse has devolved into ugly personal attacks that do nothing more than divide us and drive people away from the political process.

It's no surprise that across this country there is disagreement about a lot of the issues facing America today, and - honestly -- that is just fine. In fact it's exactly what the Founding Fathers anticipated when they laid out our system of government. Those differences actually strengthen us, make us hone our policies and our rationale, make us think about the problems that confront us. Real debate about the issues is good for America. Hateful attacks drive people away from that worthwhile process and diminish America.

The attacks were aimed at Kristen Breitweiser because she was effective and articulate. And I know that the attacks now are aimed at John because he is the candidate -- and this is the campaign -- the hate-mongers fear the most. This campaign's bold vision and detailed plans for America threaten their ability to maintain the status quo. John envisions an America where our government serves the interests of all the people, rather than the interests of a special few, an America where someone who comes from nothing can have a life with everything, One America for all of us.

We cannot let hate language distract us from that vision.

So, I confronted her. But I know this is not the end. This is only the beginning of a long campaign, and the personal attacks - as Coulter said - will continue. It is a sad fact that when people like Coulter are afraid to debate on the issues, they resort to personal attacks. We've seen it happen for years now, and no doubt, one phone call will not put a stop to it. But we can stand up and fight back. We can call these attacks exactly what they are, and we can refuse to allow them to poison our political process. That is all I did yesterday.


06-27-2007, 10:19 PM
Edwards and his wife are upset because she has been hitting them dead on. They have no character. But then what do you expect from someone who channels dead fetuses to take money from doctors.

06-27-2007, 10:22 PM
I don't know if she chewed her up, but she did pretty good considering the fact that she was ambushed.

Isn't it just like The Faggot to use a personal tragedy/ defeat to raise money? His son dies: "we need money"; his wife gets terminal breast cancer: "we need money"; his wife ambushes Coulter and doesn't do so well: "we need money".

I hate the SOB but it's not right to attack someone because of their medical condition. She has a rare and deadly bone cancer not breast.

06-27-2007, 10:28 PM
I hate the SOB but it's not right to attack someone because of their medical condition. She has a rare and deadly bone cancer not breast.


Dick Cheney has a heart problem and a pace maker..

That doesn't stop them from attacking him....

If she wants to play in this game...Then she is fair game...

Their pathetic little people, anyway...

And their the ones who continually bring up their misfortunes to make money off it....

06-27-2007, 10:28 PM
I hate the SOB but it's not right to attack someone because of their medical condition. She has a rare and deadly bone cancer not breast.

no one is attacking her because of her medical condition, but because she is trying to use her medical condition to milk the public to support a failing Presidential campaign.

06-27-2007, 10:56 PM

Dick Cheney has a heart problem and a pace maker..

That doesn't stop them from attacking him....

If she wants to play in this game...Then she is fair game...

Their pathetic little people, anyway...

And their the ones who continually bring up their misfortunes to make money off it....

What's with you latley? Are you taking your daily dose of Geritol? :laugh2:

06-28-2007, 12:06 AM
I hate the SOB but it's not right to attack someone because of their medical condition. She has a rare and deadly bone cancer not breast.

Yeah, they'll be crying all the way to the bank when those donations come pouring in from the "donation" letters feature Ann's wonderful missives :rolleyes:

06-28-2007, 12:17 AM
Edwards and his wife are upset because she has been hitting them dead on. They have no character. But then what do you expect from someone who channels dead fetuses to take money from doctors.May I ask, does Anne Coulter have ''character'' in your christian eyes?

06-28-2007, 12:20 AM
May I ask, does Anne Coulter have ''character'' in your christian eyes?

the edwards claim to be christian and

Abbey Marie
06-28-2007, 12:27 AM
Stephanie raises an excellent point. Where were the objections when the left was ridiculing Cheney's serious heart problems?

06-28-2007, 12:39 AM
Stephanie raises an excellent point. Where were the objections when the left was ridiculing Cheney's serious heart problems?

I never said anything about Cheney's heart problems. I give him a lot of credit continuing to run for office eventhough it was causing him medical problems. :salute:

Abbey Marie
06-28-2007, 01:06 AM
I never said anything about Cheney's heart problems. I give him a lot of credit continuing to run for office eventhough it was causing him medical problems. :salute:

Aww, I didn't mean you. :)

06-28-2007, 01:18 AM
no one is attacking her because of her medical condition, but because she is trying to use her medical condition to milk the public to support a failing Presidential campaign.

I agree you shouldn't use a medical condition like that. If she is trying to get support over her illness she should use it for her illness not her husbands gain. He is a piece of shit for allowing that too as one should never exploit their wifes or their medical conditions for their own gain. What a complete worthless piece of shit.

06-28-2007, 01:20 AM
Aww, I didn't mean you. :)

I know. :)

06-28-2007, 01:30 AM
How it all started...............

2007 John Edwards controversy
Coulter drew criticism for statements she made at the 2007 Conservative Political Action Conference, where she used the term "faggot" in reference to presidential candidate John Edwards in an allusion to Grey's Anatomy star Isaiah Washington's use of the word and his subsequent counseling:[97][98]

I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I'm - so, kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards, so I think I'll just conclude here and take your questions."[99]

The audience responded in laughter but Edwards responded on his website by characterizing Coulter's words as "un-American and indefensible" and asking readers to help him "raise $100,000 in 'Coulter Cash' this week to keep this campaign charging ahead and fight back against the politics of bigotry."[100] Coulter's words also drew the condemnation from many prominent Republicans and Democrats alike, as well as groups such as the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).[100][101][102] Coulter responded in an e-mail to the New York Times: "C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean."[101] She also posted a response on her website: "I'm so ashamed, I can't stop laughing!"[103]

On March 5, 2007, Coulter appeared on Hannity and Colmes and said that her use of the word "faggot" was a "taunt" and further expounded that [the word] "faggot isn't offensive to gays; it has nothing to do with gays." In regards to the criticisms from her own party, Coulter responded with "Apparently our top three Republican nominees aren't that smart. And by the way, if they're going to start apologizing for everything I say, they better keep that statement handy cause there's going to be a lot more in the next year."[104]

In response to this issue, three advertisers (Verizon, Sallie Mae, and Netbank) pulled their advertisements from Coulter's website,[105] and eight newspapers dropped Coulter's column, including The Times in Louisiana, The Oakland Press in Michigan, The Mountain Press of Sevierville, Tennessee, and the New Era in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.[106][107][108]

Responding to the controversy, Coulter has said:

Just for the record, I've never attempted to revise, or extend, nor have I apologized and the attempts to silence me have made me even more money…Those newspapers pay me about 25 cents per month, but I picked up a LOT of speeches…Attempts to censor me have really backfired. [109]

In a June 25, 2007 appearance on the ABC show Good Morning America, in reference to the homophobic slur Coulter said that she had “learned my lesson” and that "If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot,"[2] a reference in sarcasm to a similar statement made by Bill Maher towards Dick Cheney.

In a next-day appearance on MSNBC’s ‘Hardball’ with Chris Matthews, Coulter received a phone call from Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards’ wife, asking her to stop the personal attacks and to stick to discussing the issues. Coulter responded by claiming that the Edwards campaign was “raising money off it” and denying the previous day’s slur. Mrs. Edwards also brought Coulter to task for writing that they had a bumper sticker on their car saying “Ask me about my dead son” in reference to the death of their son Wade. Coulter responded by characterizing Edwards' call as an attempt to silence her, by attacking Sen. Edwards for being a trial lawyer, and by refusing to desist from further personal attacks.[3]


06-28-2007, 11:12 AM
I hate the SOB but it's not right to attack someone because of their medical condition. She has a rare and deadly bone cancer not breast.

May I ask, does Anne Coulter have ''character'' in your christian eyes?

Stephanie raises an excellent point. Where were the objections when the left was ridiculing Cheney's serious heart problems?

Y’all need to understand Coulter’s tactics here. I’ve been using these type of tactics myself for decades, long before I even heard about Coulter, so I can give a little insight.
1. Say something like: “some say (add controversial material here). People who dislike you will likely assume that it is your opinion, and immediately blast away at you. Listen quietly to the blast, occasionally add in a defense of the unnamed “some” originally referred to, and enjoy the crescendo. After hearing enough, casually ask if the loudest moth could please point out where you indicated that the opinion was yours. Of course they can’t so they eat crow.
2. Let the enemy define the rules of decorum. Coulter did this masterfully in this video, as she mentioned that Bill Maar (sp?), a darling of The Left, said that Cheny should die (or similar), and since there was no uproar over that, that Ann could therefore say something similar. Say it, then sit back and observe the backlash, let the crescendo get louder. After hearing enough, casually point out the hypocrisy.

So to answer John Doe, yes Coulter has character. She has enough character to face her enemies, let them make false assumptions and hypocritical assessments, thereby pointing out their hatred towards those they disagree with.

BTW if you have not read any of her books, I highly suggest that you do so. It will give further insight into her thinking. I read “Treason” and was most impressed. In that book she document treasonous activities of the Democrat Party from FDR onward. She also defends McCarthy. And everything is documented in about 30 pages of end note. She’s trained as a lawyer and the book reads like an indictment, spiced with her provoking humor.

06-28-2007, 11:22 AM
In a June 25, 2007 appearance on the ABC show Good Morning America, in reference to the homophobic slur Coulter said that she had “learned my lesson” and that "If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot,"[2] a reference in sarcasm to a similar statement made by Bill Maher towards Dick Cheney.

...Except It's worth Noting Maher claimed he was NOT kidding when he says he wished Cheney were killed.

Black Lance
06-28-2007, 11:46 AM
From the article posted by nevademic,

But look what they see as they get involved. As a citizen and as a mother, it's incredibly disheartening to see the way our political discourse has devolved into ugly personal attacks that do nothing more than divide us and drive people away from the political process.

If the concern that Elizabeth Edwards has about personal attacks is that they "divide us", she needs to re-examine her support for her husbands campaign. John Edwards is a politician who travels the country telling people how there are "two Americas", and details how the government needs to save us all from the rich America by re-distributing some of their wealth to the poor/middle-class America. It doesn't get much more divisive than separating US citizens into "two Americas" based along class lines and demanding that wealth be confiscated and re-distributed from the wealthier citizens accordingly.

And as for driving people away from the political process, I can't help but think that some of Edwards supporters become disillusioned when they discover that their champion of class warfare spends $500 on a haircut.

06-28-2007, 12:03 PM
May I ask, does Anne Coulter have ''character'' in your christian eyes?

yeah. integrity. She doesnt put up with bull crap. Id trust her over Edwards in a heart beat.

06-28-2007, 12:14 PM
yeah. integrity. She doesnt put up with bull crap. Id trust her over Edwards in a heart beat.I see.

btw, did you mean mrs edwards in a minute or mr edwards in a minute?

As far as I think, as a Christian, there is nothing to admire or respect, when it comes to Anne Coulter. Otherwise, I think she can be entertaining at best.

06-28-2007, 01:10 PM
...Except It's worth Noting Maher claimed he was NOT kidding when he says he wished Cheney were killed.

It's called karma and Maher is fucked.

06-28-2007, 06:26 PM
I see.

btw, did you mean mrs edwards in a minute or mr edwards in a minute?

As far as I think, as a Christian, there is nothing to admire or respect, when it comes to Anne Coulter. Otherwise, I think she can be entertaining at best.

I think someone who points out hypocrisy, making vicious enemies of the hypocrites in the process, does so in emulation of Jesus. Isn't that exactly what He did while on earth?

06-28-2007, 07:08 PM
I think someone who points out hypocrisy, making vicious enemies of the hypocrites in the process, does so in emulation of Jesus. Isn't that exactly what He did while on earth?

Don't forget he turned water into wine! :cheers2:

06-28-2007, 07:27 PM
Lot's of comments on the littly panseys site...Venture over at your own risk.....:laugh2:

Ann Coulter: When Does This Crap End? (VIDEO)
Op-Ed by: Tim King Salem-News.com
Coulter is a prime suspect in the theft of the nation's moral compass.

(SALEM, Ore.) - When we grow up we are taught the difference between right and wrong. Well before reaching adulthood, we are supposed to have a sound understanding of the bottom line, and a reasonable appreciation for the fact that mistakes carry consequences.

But moral decay, divisiveness and polarity are the order of the day in 2007. As a society, it seems like we no longer aspire to be chivalrous. Instead we go for the most outrageous, the most shocking, the most revealing, and the least-clothed.

And networks give time to a media whore who taunts people over the death of their child, calls the widows of 9/11 firemen in New York "Greedy Witches", and states on national television that she hopes a leading politician will die in a terrorist attack.

It brings us to that rotten speck on the TV screen; a tortured soul called Ann Coulter, "Nazi Bitch" as she is known on countless Websites, and she brings us all a particular kind of shame can't be contained in the continental United States.

The news in recent weeks has been packed with death and murder and tragedy. The rate of soldiers dying in Iraq is climbing, murders and random crimes are growing, and the national media's sense self regulation is nowhere to be seen.

When students are gunned down on a college campus; shot dead, we cry as a national family. But Ann Coulter can verbalize her wishes for the murder of a high level public official, John Edwards, and FOX News goes on writing her paychecks.


Do Coulter supporters want the same threats to be leveled at politicians they support? If it isn't OK to scream fire in a theater, then how does this twisted person get away with this garbage?

Well, that's simple... The wicked witch of the far right and FOX News is willing to exploit her good figure and she has long blonde hair. Sorry, but Coulter is the epitome of people in TV news that only exist because of their appearance. If she was homely and overweight, would she have this stage?

Somebody has to put things into perspective, because the luxury ride of American supremacy is over, and we have pulled out all the stops that once kept people like Coulter in better places, like jail. A time period when people felt compelled to be respectful and decent is growing smaller in the rear view mirror.

And it is more than a theory that world admiration for the United States has flown out the door, and now other nations are watching a diabolical pawn named Coulter getting what seems to be increasing time on the air.

In the two featured video clips, you can see Coulter at her worst, or at least we what we hope is her worst.

She is a modern day incarnation of Jane Fonda's personality during the Vietnam War, a blasted traitor with disregard for the bond that is supposed to unite all Americans.

And that illustrates the most important thing that we all should feel obligated to remember; that this that it is not about right and left folks, it is about right and wrong.

It's also about the increasingly unethical behavior of media bullies who distance themselves farther from the truth, or any concern for Americans, with each passing day.

A former employer of Coulter's, Jonah Goldberg with National Review Online, described what it was like to work with her, "she behaved with a total lack of professionalism, friendship, and loyalty".

USA Today gave her the boot shortly after hiring her to cover the 2004 Democratic National Convention. She wrote one article that began, "Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston..."

Long lost sisters?
Ann Coulter and Margie Phelps of the
Westboro Baptist Church

Some suggest that Coulter is similar in many respects to members of the Westboro Baptist Church out of Topeka, Kansas. They are known for their anti-gay protests and taunts of grieving family members at military funerals.

The bizarre and hateful church group and Coulter have become the two most covered national phenomena's that fully go for the throat of people when they have to bury their own children.

The Westboro Baptist Church does it so they can sue governments that allow them to be assaulted while they assert their civil rights.

Coulter does it for ratings and money.

One primary focus of Coulter's bad energy has been Senator John Edwards. In the past she has called him "a faggot" and now she says on national television that she hopes he is assassinated by terrorists.

This week on MSNBC's "Hardball," Elizabeth Edwards called in to the show to ask Coulter to stop making personal attacks on her husband, Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards.

She also called Coulter out for the tormenting remarks she made previously made about John Edwards having placed a bumper sticker on his car referencing his dead son.

"You had a column a number of years ago which made fun of Charlie Dean's death and suggested that my husband had a bumper sticker on his car that said 'ask me about my dead son.'"

Coulter interrupted her at that point and said, "That was three years ago".

Then as Mrs. Edwards tried to talk to Coulter about her dead son, a heckler yelled from the crowd, "Why isn't John Edwards making this call?" which Coulter then parroted as a response instead of addressing her cruel error. Watch the first video clip below:

the rest at.......:laugh2:

06-28-2007, 07:30 PM
I think someone who points out hypocrisy, making vicious enemies of the hypocrites in the process, does so in emulation of Jesus. Isn't that exactly what He did while on earth?

Excellent come back! Thought provoking! (I did have to read it a couple of times out loud, before I understood what your statement meant...before the light went off though!)

And Yes, this is what Jesus did, and quite often, while he was here on Earth.

I don't believe He was vicious or showed malice when he pointed out the hypocrisy to his followers and to those committing it, though. He showed them WHY it was wrong or why they were wrong.... but this was usually with a "story", a parable, an example they could understand when He was done with it, and not anything like the manner that Anne Coulter does it, which appears to be evil driven, vicious, with malice intended.

Anne Coulter is no Jesus Christ, nor anyone that should be considered an example of Him and His teachings imho.

06-28-2007, 07:55 PM
Excellent come back! Thought provoking! (I did have to read it a couple of times out loud, before I understood what your statement meant...before the light went off though!)

And Yes, this is what Jesus did, and quite often, while he was here on Earth.

I don't believe He was vicious or showed malice when he pointed out the hypocrisy to his followers and to those committing it, though. He showed them WHY it was wrong or why they were wrong.... but this was usually with a "story", a parable, an example they could understand when He was done with it, and not anything like the manner that Anne Coulter does it, which appears to be evil driven, vicious, with malice intended.

Anne Coulter is no Jesus Christ, nor anyone that should be considered an example of Him and His teachings imho. The only reason it appears to you in this way is that you vehemently disagree with her politics. If you were open minded and listened to what she said, you'd realize that she's nothing like you assert.

06-28-2007, 10:25 PM
The only reason it appears to you in this way is that you vehemently disagree with her politics. If you were open minded and listened to what she said, you'd realize that she's nothing like you assert.Perhaps you are right. I will try to listen, with an open mind, next time.

Abbey Marie
06-28-2007, 10:46 PM
Perhaps you are right. I will try to listen, with an open mind, next time.

"You must spread some reputation around..." etc.

06-29-2007, 08:27 AM
Perhaps you are right. I will try to listen, with an open mind, next time.

Post 26 will give you a clue on this. That's what it was meant for.

06-29-2007, 08:49 AM
Oh, how I hate Ann Coulter. She and Rosie both deserve awards for being famous for acting like twats and saying/doing whatever it takes to keep their ugly mugs on TV.

06-29-2007, 09:03 AM
I must say what an odd comparison, as the two have nothing in common.

06-29-2007, 10:08 AM
I guess you're sort of right. They just both irritate me in the same way, I guess. They both seem to be people that get overpraised for standing up for their beliefs, etc., when it's obvious to me that they're both just trying to be celebrities.

06-29-2007, 10:54 AM
I guess you're sort of right. They just both irritate me in the same way, I guess. They both seem to be people that get overpraised for standing up for their beliefs, etc., when it's obvious to me that they're both just trying to be celebrities. I think that you are wrong there as well. I have not read any books by Rosie, but based on her comments about how steel can't melt, referring two the World Trade Center building collapses, she obviously has limited intelligence. I have read "Treason" by Coulter, and its obvious from that that she is highly intelligent. She's also a lawyer, BTW, while I don't think Rosie made it into college.

Rosie irritates me for her sheer meanness and stupidity. As I understand Coulter's tactics, designed to irrate people who fail to listen to her in context, I find her to be very entertaining.

Hagbard Celine
06-29-2007, 11:05 AM
It's called karma and Maher is fucked.

I'm pretty sure karma is on the Maher's side in this particular instance.