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View Full Version : A little cold this morning

02-20-2015, 08:14 AM
Yes, I know it gets colder at other places, but I'm not there! My ass is tiring of the snow and cold weather. Knock on wood, at least I don't have to shovel today.

And Gabby, don't you dare come in here and brag about how awesome and warm it is in Huntington. Same for you, Ms. Kathianna in Sedona!! I'm suffering here, have sympathy!!


02-20-2015, 08:54 AM
Low 30's here in south Florida this morning.

02-20-2015, 08:54 AM
Love it! Winter SHOULD be awfully cold.

Here's my truck's thermometer of outside air temp - taken this morning about 0545


02-20-2015, 08:57 AM
Love it! Winter SHOULD be awfully cold.

My step daughter (born and raised in south Florida) is starting to learn this fact :laugh:

She moved to Nashville last year (after the worst of the winter). She went to her car yesterday and this is what she posted

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10635921_10153604270513332_8610419868881856227_n.j pg?oh=4262d2aba3fc534f334909b8193851ef&oe=5548310E&__gda__=1431770225_4c8d5170e996aa9a1b06b5883bfd8cc d

02-20-2015, 10:06 AM
-26 and -40? Holy crapamoly!! My ass wouldn't be able to shoot such photos as my ass would remain in the heated house!!

02-20-2015, 10:09 AM
No way it's negative 40 in Nashville.

02-20-2015, 10:14 AM
No way it's negative 40 in Nashville.

Wind chill? It's supposed to get to about 19 here today, but they say not over 0 if you figure in the wind chill. I dunno. I stop going outside when it goes below 32.

02-20-2015, 10:16 AM
Wind chill? It's supposed to get to about 19 here today, but they say not over 0 if you figure in the wind chill. I dunno. I stop going outside when it goes below 32.

Cars don't measure windchill. Especially a 1982 Chevy. :scared: I just know it's too damn cold here in Atlanta.

02-20-2015, 10:25 AM
In fact, I believe nothing can measure wind-chill; which is essentially math and physics and stuff applied to biology. Wind chill is 'measured' by using a forumla to gauge what the temp feels like for animals/people. It's "Because of the cooling effects of wind, the air temp would feel like it was x-degrees...it's not REALLY x-degress. Thus, a car - or any thermometer - can't 'measure' it.

02-20-2015, 10:26 AM
In fact, I believe nothing can measure wind-chill; which is essentially math and physics and stuff applied to biology. Wind chill is 'measured' by using a forumla to gauge what the temp feels like for animals/people. It's "Because of the cooling effects of wind, the air temp would feel like it was x-degrees...it's not REALLY x-degress. Thus, a car - or any thermometer - can't 'measure' it.

So you're saying wind chill is caused by global warming? :)

02-20-2015, 10:27 AM
Cars don't measure windchill. Especially a 1982 Chevy. :scared: I just know it's too damn cold here in Atlanta.

My 2004 Toyota does! I roll down the window and let the wind in, and the wind chill tells me it's fucking freezing out there!!

02-20-2015, 10:57 AM
......*5 degrees 5:00 am this Morning....NC.....just got home....30 minutes ago....my Jeep Grand Cherokee showed 17 Degrees....so...its warming-up :coffee:

02-20-2015, 11:23 AM
My 2004 Toyota does! I roll down the window and let the wind in, and the wind chill tells me it's fucking freezing out there!!

I think more accurately it's the doofus that rolled down the window. :slap:

02-20-2015, 11:53 AM
16 above in Alaska.

That cold weather down there will put hair on your chest.

02-20-2015, 11:59 AM
Just a laugh (or is it)


02-20-2015, 02:03 PM
Yes, I know it gets colder at other places, but I'm not there! My ass is tiring of the snow and cold weather. Knock on wood, at least I don't have to shovel today.

And Gabby, don't you dare come in here and brag about how awesome and warm it is in Huntington. Same for you, Ms. Kathianna in Sedona!! I'm suffering here, have sympathy!!


I was stationed at Fort Totten a few years back, and know full well how damn cold it can get on the Sound.

02-20-2015, 02:27 PM
It was a brisk -6 this morning when I woke up, but a nice sunny & breezy 12 degrees now.

02-20-2015, 03:13 PM
Everyone is talking like this super cold weather is something NEW?

We all have such short memories, and has anyone noticed.

Whenever YOU tell somebody how cold it is where YOU are. They always take such great pleasure in

telling you A LOWER TEMPERATURE, or worst conditions because...EVERYBODY ALWAYS HAS TO BE BETTER.

02-20-2015, 05:23 PM
Everyone is talking like this super cold weather is something NEW?

We all have such short memories, and has anyone noticed.

Whenever YOU tell somebody how cold it is where YOU are. They always take such great pleasure in

telling you A LOWER TEMPERATURE, or worst conditions because...EVERYBODY ALWAYS HAS TO BE BETTER.

Well ain't you just a fucking party pooper :poke:

02-20-2015, 05:39 PM
Well ain't you just a fucking party pooper :poke:

Yeah. And look who I am entertaining here.:poke:

02-20-2015, 07:04 PM
Yeah. And look who I am entertaining here.:poke:

It's 15 degrees here this evening, dropping down to 6 later tonight.

02-20-2015, 07:47 PM
It's 15 degrees here this evening, dropping down to 6 later tonight.



02-20-2015, 10:16 PM
Yes, I know it gets colder at other places, but I'm not there! My ass is tiring of the snow and cold weather. Knock on wood, at least I don't have to shovel today.

And Gabby, don't you dare come in here and brag about how awesome and warm it is in Huntington. Same for you, Ms. Kathianna in Sedona!! I'm suffering here, have sympathy!!


You are kind of a whiney bitch there Jim. And I say that with the utmost love...

We had worse temps last year for almost 7 months straight. This winter is very mild compared to last.

So suck it up buttercup!

At least you have an indoor job. The 10 horses I have here still need hay daily. Good thing I installed heated automatic waterers last fall.

02-21-2015, 07:16 AM
16 above in Alaska.

That cold weather down there will put hair on your chest.

A heat wave HUH NT :laugh:

02-21-2015, 07:22 AM
Here in GA we had a shitty weather week for sure, Monday night brought a ICE STORM that was horrible, I stood outside and literally every 30 seconds it would sound like a shotgun going off in the woods and then you would hear the tree falling, yes we lost power at about 1 am and then it came back on around 8 am only to go back out until Wednesday day morning.

Tuesday and Wednesday night bottomed out at around 9 degrees, Thursday about 14 and last night we got a heat wave, 31. But we are going to be back in the low 60's by tomorrow.

BY the way I have all the pine anyone could ever want for sale :laugh: We had approximately 20 tree's fall on my land, mostly all pines but thank God only a few hit the house, but no damage done !!

02-21-2015, 07:35 AM
Good thing you live in a tough house rather than a tough neighborhood.

02-21-2015, 07:45 AM
It's not that the cold bothers me much, well two furnaces running almost constantly does. It's that it hasn't been above freezing for almost three weeks with a lot of -0 nites, wind, and snowing every few days. Tonight another 4-7 inches of snow followed by sleet and freezing rain and warming tomorrow to ~40 and then another week minimum of below freezing temps. This is the time of the year when you keep asking; is it ever gonna end?

02-21-2015, 07:57 AM
You are kind of a whiney bitch there Jim. And I say that with the utmost love...

We had worse temps last year for almost 7 months straight. This winter is very mild compared to last.

So suck it up buttercup!

At least you have an indoor job. The 10 horses I have here still need hay daily. Good thing I installed heated automatic waterers last fall.

Isn't it like -30 by you too? And yeah, I am a whiny bitch!! LOL And will continue to be when it goes below 32 and above 95!! Kudos to you for taking care of the animals!!!!

Here in GA we had a shitty weather week for sure, Monday night brought a ICE STORM that was horrible, I stood outside and literally every 30 seconds it would sound like a shotgun going off in the woods and then you would hear the tree falling, yes we lost power at about 1 am and then it came back on around 8 am only to go back out until Wednesday day morning.

Tuesday and Wednesday night bottomed out at around 9 degrees, Thursday about 14 and last night we got a heat wave, 31. But we are going to be back in the low 60's by tomorrow.

BY the way I have all the pine anyone could ever want for sale :laugh: We had approximately 20 tree's fall on my land, mostly all pines but thank God only a few hit the house, but no damage done !!

We need some wood, can you drive it up here to me? Diana keeps nagging me to go get some firewood, but everyone who sells it up here keeps it outside and now it's all soaked. FWIW, she did nag prior to it snowing... Then I went to grab some crappy Duraflames and they were all sold out.

It's not that the cold bothers me much, well two furnaces running almost constantly does. It's that it hasn't been above freezing for almost three weeks with a lot of -0 nites, wind, and snowing every few days. Tonight another 4-7 inches of snow followed by sleet and freezing rain and warming tomorrow to ~40 and then another week minimum of below freezing temps. This is the time of the year when you keep asking; is it ever gonna end?

Hell, and some will obviously laugh - while I complain about the cold outside, I sit here in my room with the air conditioning on and sometimes the window open!! Ask Jeff if you don't believe me. It's just a small window unit in just this one room, but it keeps the temps constant and helps me breathe and sleep better. If I turn it off, I overheat, and will toss and turn.

And I'm singing the same tune, and just happy I'm not up in Mass. area getting it 10x worse!!

1-3 more inches expected here this evening.

02-21-2015, 02:44 PM
We need some wood, can you drive it up here to me? Diana keeps nagging me to go get some firewood, but everyone who sells it up here keeps it outside and now it's all soaked. FWIW, she did nag prior to it snowing... Then I went to grab some crappy Duraflames and they were all sold out.

Not sure how much you pay for a cord of wood up there but I get a truck load for $50, not sure exactly how much it is but it is enough to make a four foot high wall all the way around my front porch, but it has been cold enough that I am at the end of my first load, and yes most store it outside here as well but if ya put it in a hot fire it just burns a little slower.

02-21-2015, 02:48 PM
I was sent this today

https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10994156_10203793079446924_7539039532837066464_n.j pg?oh=79d7972f7632b4fa91804502326ad7e9&oe=558A2CC8

02-22-2015, 01:20 AM
Isn't it like -30 by you too? And yeah, I am a whiny bitch!! LOL And will continue to be when it goes below 32 and above 95!! Kudos to you for taking care of the animals!!!

Tonight's windchill is that (-25 to -35) but I don't pay much attention to weather other than to know when to take horse blankets off or leave them on or if I need to text my step- brother to plow us out. Oh and if it's warm enough to ride (20 & up with little wind).

02-24-2015, 08:13 AM

Those were the good 'ol days! (and yes, Larchmont/Mamaroneck is same town/village)


02-24-2015, 08:32 AM
We have about a 1/8th of a inch of snow on the ground and a very light snow falling, and yes schools are closed. My boys who usually are praying for schools to close are all upset, they had their first middle school baseball game this afternoon and now it will have to be rescheduled :laugh:

02-24-2015, 12:06 PM
We have about a 1/8th of a inch of snow on the ground and a very light snow falling, and yes schools are closed. My boys who usually are praying for schools to close are all upset, they had their first middle school baseball game this afternoon and now it will have to be rescheduled :laugh:

There is an ice/snow mix on the ground in the Dallas area and pretty much everything is closed. Primarily because no one has all-weather tires and very few people know how to drive in the conditions.


02-24-2015, 12:50 PM
Hooray, broke the low temperature record for Feb. 24th set in 1948 & tied in 1996 by 12 degrees at -11 at 5:51 this morning. Kicking ass here in the Northeast and celebrating all day. :laugh:

02-24-2015, 01:44 PM
It is still Winter in the Northern hemisphere. The first day of Spring is March 21st.

So, I'm a killjoy? Pragmatic too!

02-24-2015, 01:49 PM
Everyone is talking like this super cold weather is something NEW?

We all have such short memories, and has anyone noticed.

Whenever YOU tell somebody how cold it is where YOU are. They always take such great pleasure in

telling you A LOWER TEMPERATURE, or worst conditions because...EVERYBODY ALWAYS HAS TO BE BETTER.

Memory's a funny thing.

Wait for a ten degree rise in temperature .. however brief. Then sit back and see a 'Global Warming Is Here Again' thread develop .... :laugh::laugh:

Happily, the UK isn't experiencing extremes in temperature .. it's been a fairly run-of-the-mill winter over here (maybe a bit on the warm side, if anything). We've had a couple of cold snaps - nothing extreme - and now temperatures are ranging between around 8 degrees C in daytime and just above freezing at night. Fairly typical for this time of year.

None of this will be instructive to anyone here, of course. The first sign of any heatwave, even if we have to wait until summer for one (!!!) and the doom-mongers will be in full cry once more.

02-24-2015, 01:55 PM
Memory's a funny thing.

Wait for a ten degree rise in temperature .. however brief. Then sit back and see a 'Global Warming Is Here Again' thread develop .... :laugh::laugh:

Happily, the UK isn't experiencing extremes in temperature .. it's been a fairly run-of-the-mill winter over here (maybe a bit on the warm side, if anything). We've had a couple of cold snaps - nothing extreme - and now temperatures are ranging between around 8 degrees C in daytime and just above freezing at night. Fairly typical for this time of year.

None of this will be instructive to anyone here, of course. The first sign of any heatwave, even if we have to wait until summer for one (!!!) and the doom-mongers will be in full cry once more.

Right you are! I believe, since our pretend president has announced that Global Warming is more dangerous than ISIS, or ISIL. All of us should donate a few ObamaBucks, and buy snow shovels that can be delivered to the WHITE HOUSE.
And they (shovels) should be marked "GLOBAL WARMING TOOLS".

02-24-2015, 02:02 PM
Right you are! I believe, since our pretend president has announced that Global Warming is more dangerous than ISIS, or ISIL. All of us should donate a few ObamaBucks, and buy snow shovels that can be delivered to the WHITE HOUSE.
And they (shovels) should be marked "GLOBAL WARMING TOOLS".

Good one.

Logically ... if Obama is so sure that 'global warming' is more of a threat than ISIS ... is he therefore guaranteeing that we'll see signs of global warming before any ISIS threat materialises ? If so, any story we hear of any ISIS atrocity (e.g more captive beheadings, say ..) must be bogus, if not preceded by a heatwave in the continental US .....

02-24-2015, 02:33 PM
Good one.

Logically ... if Obama is so sure that 'global warming' is more of a threat than ISIS ... is he therefore guaranteeing that we'll see signs of global warming before any ISIS threat materialises ? If so, any story we hear of any ISIS atrocity (e.g more captive beheadings, say ..) must be bogus, if not preceded by a heatwave in the continental US .....

Seems as if there is only ONE REAL WAY Obama will ever dare admit ISIS, or ISIL are a threat, and related to Islamic Terrorists. And sadly...that ONE WAY will probably be when our WHITE HOUSE is attacked, and burned down for the SECOND time in our history.

But then again. With all of the Muslim Brotherhood Protection the Obama's have around them. Maybe they would make Obama their MARTYR, and make Obama watch the beheadings of his two daughters, and Moochell???

02-24-2015, 05:50 PM
Yes, I know it gets colder at other places, but I'm not there! My ass is tiring of the snow and cold weather. Knock on wood, at least I don't have to shovel today.

And Gabby, don't you dare come in here and brag about how awesome and warm it is in Huntington. Same for you, Ms. Kathianna in Sedona!! I'm suffering here, have sympathy!!


I bloody HATE cold weather/the winter. In my best whine....I wanna go to Miami!!!

We're expecting a couple of inches of snow tonite....to go with the ice we've already had.


02-25-2015, 08:02 AM
There is an ice/snow mix on the ground in the Dallas area and pretty much everything is closed. Primarily because no one has all-weather tires and very few people know how to drive in the conditions.


Yes the schools where closed and I agree Gabs, of course if the roads had snow on them that is :laugh: Today they are calling for snow coming in late in the day ( early evening ) so schools are letting out early, they are calling for 1 to 3 inches and if we do get that much school will be done for the week. We have no real equipment to clear the roads and Gabs you are exactly right folks have no idea how to drive in it, heck if the clouds are white people panic in the winter down here :laugh:

But on a positive note, the food stores love it, when the weatherman calls for any kind of wintery mix you can't find a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk, people must plan on living on milk and bread. :laugh:

02-25-2015, 11:53 AM
Yes the schools where closed and I agree Gabs, of course if the roads had snow on them that is :laugh: Today they are calling for snow coming in late in the day ( early evening ) so schools are letting out early, they are calling for 1 to 3 inches and if we do get that much school will be done for the week.

This past Monday was the first Monday in my area that school was not canceled due to snow & ice since Jan. 5th. Lotta 3 day weekends for the kids.

On a side note, I can walk across the Delaware River to Jersey.

http://i386.photobucket.com/albums/oo302/rover27/IMG_0100_zpsrh3arrau.jpg (http://s386.photobucket.com/user/rover27/media/IMG_0100_zpsrh3arrau.jpg.html)

02-25-2015, 12:27 PM
It was -16 here the other day and yesterday was a heat wave, it was -5. I think I will move where it is warmer.... Alaska maybe? :coffee:0

02-25-2015, 12:54 PM
It was -16 here the other day and yesterday was a heat wave, it was -5. I think I will move where it is warmer.... Alaska maybe? :coffee:0

You know it's cold outside when people are looking to Alaska for warmth!!

02-25-2015, 01:17 PM
You know it's cold outside when people are looking to Alaska for warmth!!

There has been at least a foot of snow on the ground here for about 6 weeks. And with the cold it makes it unbearable to go shopping anywhere other than the internet. And getting to work is simply work all by itself

02-25-2015, 01:33 PM
All of this 'cold' had me remembering last year, I thought it 'the worst ever.' Seems it was only the 3rd worst since 1950's. LOL! Reading the linked article though, I'm figuring that in the 70's I was in my teens and early 20's. Cold and/or snow just didn't bother me that much. Heck I remember sitting on rocks with college friends out by Museum of Science and Industry, watching ice floes go by. Of course sipping Bailey's and coffee helped, I'm sure.

This is reminding me why I headed Southwest. I must love my kids and friends a lot to return...


Editor's note: This post has been updated to reflect how the 2013-2014 winter season in particular compares to seasons past. It introduces the Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index, which seeks to combine several factors that make winter miserable: temperatures, snowfall and a winter season's duration. As of March 17, the index would suggest the 2013-2014 was the third-worst since the 1950s. Additionally, the season ranks third-highest when it comes to snowfall (http://www.wbez.org/series/curious-city/just-how-bad-chicago-winter-109637#snow) measured from Dec. 1 to the end of February. Continue reading to see how recent decades (not just this season) compare to those of Chicago's past when it comes to temperature (http://www.wbez.org/series/curious-city/just-how-bad-chicago-winter-109637#temps), wind chill (http://www.wbez.org/series/curious-city/just-how-bad-chicago-winter-109637#windchill), extreme events (http://www.wbez.org/series/curious-city/just-how-bad-chicago-winter-109637#extremes), grey skies (http://www.wbez.org/series/curious-city/just-how-bad-chicago-winter-109637#grey), and city response (http://www.wbez.org/series/curious-city/just-how-bad-chicago-winter-109637#city). Maybe you’re still warming up from January’s polar vortex (http://www.wbez.org/tags/polar-vortex) — replacing your car’s battery or repairing the plastic insulation taped into your window frames — but bear with us: What’s the worst part of winter?
Curious City recently got a related question from Edgewater resident Tracey Rosen:

“Is it true that Chicago winters were worse than they are now?"I asked Illinois State Climatologist Jim Angel (http://www.wbez.org/results?s=jim%20angel), who pointed out Tracey’s query raises questions of its own.

“I have wrestled with that question before — what constitutes a ‘bad’ winter. Is it the snow, the cold temperature, the length of the season, etc.,” Angel said in an email. “I can tell you that by most measures the winters in the late 1970s were the worst.”


The winter of 2013-2014 “began” in Chicago on Nov. 11, according to AWSSI, with 0.4 inches of snow. That’s close to the average start date of Nov. 13, which means it’s unlikely to rank as one of the city’s longest winters — several have stretched five or six months. In 2006, winter started on Oct. 12 and didn’t end until April 12.
The following chart represents the trajectory of misery within specific seasons. Read from left to right, you can see when a particular winter season began and — as the line climbs — how it performed on the AWSSI scale. This version represents only the five highest- and five lowest-ranking seasons. The blue, filled-in section represents 2013-2014, while the black line follows the average since the start of the 1950-1951 season.

http://www.wbez.org/system/files/styles/original_image/llo/insert-images/boustead%20winter%20update.pngClick to enlarge! This chart shows the five highest-ranking and five lowest-ranking winter seasons according to the Accumulated Winter Season Severity Index. The 2013-2014 season is indicated by the blue, filled-in section and is current through March 17, 2014. The black line represents the average compiled from the beginning of the 1950-1951 winter season. Data provided by NOAA's Barbara Mayes Boustead.


Statistically speaking, the AWWSI suggests that this winter is indeed "bad" compared to previous seasons; as of March 17, Boustead said, 2013-2014 ranked as the third-most severe since the 1950s.
Omaha-based Boustead said she her work's inspired by the descriptions in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie novels (http://www.omaha.com/article/20111124/NEWS01/711249895), particularly The Long Winter.
“What I’ve been doing this whole thing for is so that I can go back to these records and add up what their AWSSI was that winter and show how severe that winter was,” she said.
Temperatures: chilly, crisp or spiteful
Looking at data from the National Climatic Data Center, housed in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/), you can get a sense of that ‘70s chill (http://www.southernclimate.org/products/trends.php) Angel mentioned:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/h9P0LhfCacDnZMY2oWtx98ZK62yvDYMNhyDZGL-DRRCy7T67acaWyh-41Sy1yJ95Jni3eZR7bc-R9YE5kvDpDKhz1LhEMGRTced1Q-wJ5nAAEDrjBqI2ko3HmQWinter season temperatures in Illinois. Chart courtesy of Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program.


02-26-2015, 08:17 AM
OK so the storm last night changed every 15 minutes on the weather channel, the kids are out of school today ( called before the first snow flake ) and we wound up with a dusting, but the forecast at one point was 3 to 8 inches and then 15 mins later it would say 1 to 3, we must of been right on the line.

On a side note I took the wife up to Dahlonega GA yesterday ( she has a meeting there until Sunday ) anyway they where calling for a solid 6 inches all through and also got a dusting :laugh:

But I bring this up for Fj, man if you ever wanted pretty scenery to ride in that is the area, the road twist and turns and goes up and down, and every corner is prettier than the last.

OO yea and I checked, as long as you don't say to much they will allow liberals up there. :cool::laugh::cool:

02-26-2015, 09:29 AM
OO yea and I checked, as long as you don't say to much they will allow liberals up there. :cool::laugh::cool:

That's a relief, without a couple of libs around who would we shake our fists at. ;)

But you're right, the Dahlonega area has some good roads. GA 60 north of there up through Suches is not to be missed. I can send you a route if you're up to the challenge of an FJ planned route. :)

02-27-2015, 07:51 AM
That's a relief, without a couple of libs around who would we shake our fists at. ;)

But you're right, the Dahlonega area has some good roads. GA 60 north of there up through Suches is not to be missed. I can send you a route if you're up to the challenge of an FJ planned route. :)

Right now as far as doing anything with the bikes is out :laugh: I did hook up the battery charger to them :laugh: but sure, I love to ride up through there, we have 2 chapters up there and they always seem to amaze me with the rides they put on, each time it is better than the last.

03-05-2015, 09:08 AM
There is an ice/snow mix on the ground in the Dallas area and pretty much everything is closed. Primarily because no one has all-weather tires and very few people know how to drive in the conditions.

that's cuz at least 40% of Dallas residents moved there from MN and believe it or not, about 40% of the people can't drive in anything here either.