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02-24-2015, 11:35 AM
I've started journaling my rants. I'll put these in seperate replies to help with your comments (which are welcome, but if they disagree with me I'll probably hate).

Ugh. Kicks me in the wickets when I see TV and other commericals from car companies extolling their car's prowess over mud/snow conditions.

Look - your Car/Truck does not go well in the snow. Your car/Truck's TIRES go well in the snow. or mud. or whatever.

Seeing things like the Kia Sorrento haulin' butt up a snowy mountain road; wearing what look like all-season POS tires while the narrator tells the viewer how mad-cool-and-wicked-awesome-at-snow the car is...seeing those things annoy me as much as the 85%? of Michiganders CAMPING IN THE LEFT LANE as they drive down the highway. (that's another rant)

You want a car that 'goes better in the snow' than your honda civic?

Head to discount tire, spend a grand to pick up a set of winter wheels and blizzaks.
Other than on initial take off, your civic will now 'gobetter' in every other important category (namely stopping and turning) thanANY 4x4/awd with regular all-season tires. BAM! I just saved you thousands of dollars. its kina like you owe me a few bucks now. When you can stop, say, 50 feet shorter from 30mph using winter tires...hell...I might have just saved your life. At least saved your deductable.

Bottom line - don't buy into the hype. Tires are 7/10ths the equasion when it comes to traction. Maybe 9/10ths.

Tomorrow's rant: Fast Food companies should be prohibited from using models/actors who don't represent the MEAN weight of their customers. Oh - right...nobody wants to see Fatty McStuffins shoving three BigWhoppers down his/her mouth (no sexual innuendo implied).

02-24-2015, 11:36 AM
Hey jackhole driving across M53 from me. Look dillwad, the grassy median does NOT makemy eyes immune to your bright headlights. Keep those things OFF until there's nobody coming the opposite direction.

To complete my traffic-related bitching..

DeathWish Saturn guy...when we are in two lanes turningright into a road with two or more lanes...YOUR JOB in the curb lane is to turn INTO THE CORRESPONDING LANE on the new road. It's not just courteous, it's the LAW. I'm to the left of you and my Steel bumer is higher than your head. When I turn into the SECOND lane from the right - the corresponding lane on the new road, and you DRIFT OVER and try to pinch me, turning into thesecond lane, well...there's a good chance my truck will kill you. Pay. The. Phuck. ATTENTION. And THEN...and THEN you have the audacity toget mad at ME- as if I did something wrong. Keep it up.

Tomorrow's rant:

University of Michigan published 'suggested bad words' - a flyer given to their students to"facilitate emotional castration" and further pussify the population.

When people get 'offended' by words they are lying - nobody is offended by words; people are horny for 'outrage'. They actively seek out reasons to getbutt-hurt. Makes them feel special.

02-24-2015, 11:36 AM
So I'm tired of watching ads featuring "No cost to you!" health stuff. That claim - 'no cost to you' is a bald faced lie.

It DOES cost you. Costs Me. The companies get their money from Medicare/caid. That's tax dollars guys. That's OUR money.

That's all. Sometimes the ignorance of the masses bothers the heck out of me.

Tomorrow's rant: It's Not YOLO - YOLO is poor grammar. It should be YLOO - You Live Only Once.

02-24-2015, 11:37 AM
Today's rant: What Politicians Do in an effort to get theirway.

Here's an example of how weak-minded the voting base can be:

Politican A presents a bill Called "Save our Children!" Contained in the bill is a provision to execute impoverished kids by age 3, thus 'saving them' for a childhood of want and maybe hunger.

Politician B does not likethe bill and voices opposition.

Politican A gets on TV andsays "Politician B HATES CHILDREN! I mean, HOW could he oppose a bill thathelps end the suffering of kids! Politician B is a Childophobe!! He would rather a kid STARVE"

Here's where we, society, come into the picture...

Now social media blows up accusing Politician B of being a child-hating right-wing nut job! Popular network and cable media companies broadcast Politician B's photo with the label "He hates children"

Rallies take place. Demonstrations. "Social Justice Experts" stir up the population calling for IMMEDIATE implimentation ofthe "Save our Children!" law.

Then...the law gets enacted. Kids start dying. When the kids start dying people protest MORE. Politician A stands up and tells the screaming horde - "The kids are dying ONLY BECAUSE we do not have enough funding. Every citizen with a conscious must support raising taxes by 10%! Do it for the children!"

And...then taxes get raised because, after all, who doesn't want to SAVE our children!

Today's rant? Low information Voters. Not just Ignorant; WILLFULLY so. People who do not care enough to take the time to understand a couple important facts:

#1 "Society" is not to blame for problems because "WE" are society. WE are to blame for our bad laws, policies,and unrest. Us. Blaming society psychologically removes US from blame.

#2 The government works for US; not the otherway around. "The Authorities" are below "The citizens" in terms of pecking order. We grant power (seemingly more and more) to Government employees/appointees to impose and enforce the laws WE want. If we hate a law, we do not hate the law enough to change the law.

#3 Nothing can be unconsitutional and have no recourse. If something is judged as unconstitutional, and the population WANTS the law, the population can change the constitution if they care enough.

Tomorrow's Rant?

People who litter. Litterbugs are the ultimate of egomaniacs. "Oh well, SOMEBODY ELSE will clean that up, mmkay!"

02-24-2015, 11:37 AM
Today's Rant:

Weather forecasters.

Specifically when weather forecasters on news stations crap-talk snowy weather. When I hear things like "Thankfully,this will be only a couple inches of snow, at most!" I want to throat-punch them through the TV. When Ihear things like "More bad weather - as 10" of snow will drop tonight!" I want to bestow the type of savage beating where the police would say 'oh my god, what kind of animal would do this to another human being!"

The talking heads are pandering. The real issue? Why the hell folks get upset for "winter" acting like "winter"? Michiganders have little idea how good they have it -what with the seasons here acting like they should. Growing up in Western Washington I had two and a half seasons at most. Summer - July 6th until end of September - was wonderful. Beautiful. No more-pretty place on the planet. 1 Oct - 1 May: Cold and blowing rain. 33 Degree Rain = Winter weather. Just awful. 2 May - 6 July = 40-70 degree rain.

So...local weather forecasters...stop the whining. CELEBRATE snow and cold because it's proof the earth is still going around the sun and pivoting and all that like itshould. Why do they pander to the audience? They are trying to form a connection with the viewers. Research probably shows (although I have no idea) viewers want first to feel connected to the people giving them news: In fact, I bet more research would show people would rather hear LIES from peoplet hey like than truth from folks they don't like (see: Viewers of MSNBC). Thus - Talking heads on TV blather about, ranting about "Bad" weather. Just once I'd like to see the weather talking heads say something like" And thank GOD - the snow is finally here! We're hoping for a soid foot of powder in the lowlands. Don't worryabout your commute - people around you will crash for a couple of reasons - you just enjoy how pretty it is before the snow turns dirty, like Darin's ex-wife.

Want constant weather? Move to the equator.

Tomorrow's Rant: People okay paying their bank to give them THEIR money back (read: ATM fees). Related: People feeling great the Gov't Gives them their tax-money back, which amounts to a zero interest loan you've given the government. Not-related: how jacked up our tax system is that people who pay NO taxes get 'refunds' on the taxes they never paid. Don't. Get. Me. Started.

02-24-2015, 11:38 AM
Today's Rant:


While waiting in a crowded room with 15 other patients one guy wearing Dept of Correction "uniform" sat pretending not to notice folks noticing him. Then it happened - on Volume level 'Obnoxiously loud for a small room of strangers' guy's 'Text' Alert sounded. A cartoon giggle and some whistling.

Okay...He'll look around sheepishly and say 'sorry!' - then put his phone on vibrate like a polite person.

Nope. More and more messages come before he makes aphone call.

"Hello son!" he says loudly into the phone - as if the person is on the otherside of the room. "I'm just calling to say I love you - you have homework today? OH! Okay! Right. Well, you may want to do the homework you have so it will be done and not unfinished. What's that? Oh..I love you too son!"

People around him looked over at him - all the 'awws' and what-not. I felt stomach sick. If you must make a call in a group of strangers - exit the damn room or speak quickly and quietly. Keep your ringer down - off if possible. Phone etiquette. Be NICE to people, people.

Prompted me to pick up my phone and dial my Son and speak loudly into the phone:

"Hey Ethan. Yeah. It's me. Look, okay, I'm getting tired of your crap. You're 13 now and I need you to start feeding yourself. Find your own food - it's a rough world. I understand you have ababy of your own to care for, but I'm done spending money on you. Hope you have a good night and the doctor says I'm probably not your real dad. Later"

Silence. Absolute. Silence.

Tomorrow's Rant:

Low f'ing standards of "good" service/Food here in SE Michigan. Coupled with high prices.

02-24-2015, 11:39 AM
Today's Rant:

Parents - stop sucking up to your kids. Seriously - I get sickened when I see parents rush to their kids every beckon and call. Grown-ass people drop what THEY are doing because little Johnny is screaming "MahhhhMeeeee!!Now!!!" Fully Legal adults are more-concerned with their kids being 'bored' than they are about their kids learning things like "personal responsibility" or "patience" or "Your Mom is NOT your servant"- except I can't blame the kids in any of this as they are doing exactly what humans do: gravitate towards the easy path despite how being essentially a leach (on a family or society) ruins not only their situation but destroys a person's ability to function alone. When the lazy stop working/fixing/improving they become functionally useless. It's so much harder to START working than to KEEP working. Parents who refuse to let their kid keep crying or say "no" to their kid EVERY TIME the kid wants to hop in the parent's bed, or fix six different meals for dinner because "Little Johnny doesn't LIKE chicken, so I fix ham for him, but little Sarah doesn't like ham so I fix ham and spaghetti - but little Becky doesn't LIKE chicken or ham or spaghetti so I fix pancakes for HER. I mean, the kids HAVE to eat, right? I mean, ensuring the kids are FED is "Being a Good parent! I mean, LOOK how HAPPY the kids are when they each get whatever they want! Making kids HAPPY is Being a GOOD parent, right?"

No. Wrong.Wronger than two boys in a bathtub. Wronger than a football-bat.

Being a good parent is teaching your kids to control themselves in public. Its teaching your kids "no" means "No". Its teaching your kids they are NOT more-special than anyone else and they will likely have to work very hard to get what they want in life. Its teaching your kids your family is NOT a democracy where the kids geta vote in decision-making - most of the time. Letting the kid choose the dinner for the night - and having that kid HELP MAKE that dinner - that stuff is GOOD. But. For the other whine-buckets? They get what you fix and if they don't like what you fix they eat or don't eat and that's that.

When my children were young...2-3-whatever...they learned to obey my commands. They were too young to understand "A car in motion tends to stay in motion; thus that car driving down the street will not be able to stop if you run out into the road." ALL They needed to know was "When Daddy calls me, or says "stop" or 'No" I need to come to him, or stop what I'm doing because if I don't he'll paddle my butt." That's all they NEED to know.

As they aged I taught them 'why' - but when they are tiny, 'why' doesn't matter.

If you LOVE your kids you will NOT allow them to see adults (especially parents, and ESPECIALLY Dads) as bumbling idiots as portrayed on popular kids' shows. My kids stopped watching Disney channel the minute I watched ONE episode of "Only KIDS can solve problems- Your parents are idiots, and your DAD will always, ALWAYS jack up something, or fall into a pool, or break something, or not seem to understand how a remote control works because he needs YOU to fix everything." I'm not sure that was the EXACT name of the show, but it was the plot.

Men. Fathers. We're the last group of society where it's perfectly fine to insult. You know what I'm talking about. Every commercial where the dad can't cook, can't clean, can't keep kids in check until the Working Mom comes home with dinner and everyone laughs "Oh, Dad!!!"

NEVER reward your kids for good behaviour because good behaviour should be the NORM. Reward them for EXTRA-GOOD behaviour. Reward them for things above and beyond the baseline of conduct YOU establish for them. When they clean their room (the norm) AND they clean or help clean brother/sister's room. Give them a piece of candy* for that stuff.

(*Back in basic training, our Drill Sergeants would offer a 'piece of candy' - generally extra time for phones, or "free" time to work on our lockers, cleaning our bay, or Drill and Ceremonies, etc. That's what I mean by 'piece of candy', not necessarily real candy)

If you LOVE your kids, beat them. And when I write "beat them" I mean take a paddle, wooden spoon, belt, or your hand to their bottom when they act up. Do like I did - I told my kids, when they were 3 or 4; as soon as they could understand, I would spank them for one of three D's. Disrespect. Disobedience. Dishonesty. Everything else we did 'taking a privilege' and all that hippy, progressive BS. But on the things that MATTER. The things that make children into respectful, hard-working, productive adults - (see the3 D's) I took NO chances. Honestly, my kids ARE better than "Yours" - despite your bumper stickers. And JUST as, or MORE important than a few swats on the butt, after you "beat" your kids, hold them tightly and tell them how much you love them. Talk to them about what THEY did. Talk to them about their not obeying you when you told them to shush at the store, or told them to show respect to the dinner guests by playing quietly in another room, or about lying "I didn't do it!" when you SAW them break the plate in the kitchen. That's where it happens, guys. That's where you build that bond of trust. I was a psych major for a semester, so I know what I'm talking about.

True story - every time I spanked my kids - okay, maybe not EVERY time, but most times - I would leave the room and I'd cry myself. It BROKE me to have to whoop them but their lessons - their spankin' was NEVER about me. Being a parent is NEVER about us - it's about doing the right thing for the kids. It's about the hard right over the easy wrong.

When parents start teaching their kids by example, kids start learning to become better than the whiney, self-centered, super-ego kids we see on TV and, more frightening, in schools today. When we force children into becoming mature, selfless, disciplined-in-speech-and-in-deed, we set the stage for a stronger family unit and ultimately a stronger society. Lord knows we need the former because that will bring the latter.

I guarantee Obama wasn't spanked as a kid, and LOOK at that goofball trying to lead a nation at war. People like him want to give terrorists a 'time out' instead of blasting them into oblivion. He wants to 'understand the needs' of the terrorists through a 'dialog of respect'.

But Don't. Get. Me. Started.

Tomorrow's rant:

Crucial conversations - why people refuse to give or accept disagreement or criticism. Some of the best relationships in history were forged after honest, and at times brutal, conflict (See: Rocky and Apollo Creed; Gilgamesh and Enkidu; US andGermany/Japan; Obama and everything he stood against, until it became popular with his 'base', so he flip-flopped and started liking, etc.) Conflict is GOOD. Or can be good if we remove the ego; they say conflict is the result of a perceived threat to someone's self-esteem. When westop taking disagreement PERSONAL (and stop taking the discussions of issues to personal levels [which is the logical fallacy of ad hominem - taking the argument 'to /against the man/person'- it's a way of not discussing the actual issue, but simply insulting the other party...such as 'of COURSE you would never put the toilet seat back up, you're selfish and discourteous!' That's taking the issue of 'the woman not putting the toilet seat back up when she's done', and changing the issue to your assessment of HER. Stop the ad hominem and focus on the issue, JUST the issue without the character assassination.]) we can start using conflict to make us BETTER people. Make sense?

02-24-2015, 11:40 AM
So the State of Michigan is wanting to raise sales tax by1% to "fix the roads" because the state "doesn't have enough money" to keep the roads in a semi-good state of repair.


Let's see here. Can anyone tell me ONE instant where throwing money at a problem fixedit? Has anyone asked "WHY"can't the state afford to keep the roads in shape? "Money" is but ONE variable - let's look at others. Before I go on: Truth-in-lending statement: I am a dues-paying union member. Have been half my career. Of course my dues is only $13/pay check. And I can never go on strike.

* Cost. Cost to repair. Why is the cost so high? Does the state mandate all repairs be done with companies with union employees? (I honestly don't know) Why are governments paying road-repair companies who pay a guy $25?/hr to stand therewith a 'stop' and 'slow' sign? IF the state requires 'union labor', removing that requirement could 'save' enough money to avoid raising taxes. Why aren't repair companies held accountable if their repairs fail (are they?)? If other governments can find ways to hire GOOD companies who produce a GOOD product (roads that can survive ONE winter),what's up with Michigan? Did I mention how much I can't stand 'big labor' driving up costs for EVERYONE? That's another rant - here's a preview: "When UAW 'demands' and gets $5k/year raises for even the unskilled workers, MY price of a car goes up. As does the price of beer and other goods because now stores RAISE prices because, hell, a large portion of the community now makes more money (except me!). As it's been said, The union-way to upper middle class is 'paying people more'. The non-union way into the middle classis through better education, small business ownership, or working harder andbetter to climb up the career ladder." Related: Those people calling for 'wage equality' or 'living wage' for unskilled workers will NOT be happy until the 'Dollar Menu' becomes the Ten-Dollar Menu. Raising wages = raising the cost of everything. So, feel GOOD getting $15/hr for doing unskilled work while you're now paying $8 for a gallon of milk, $12 for a BigMac, etc. The result of your $15/hr job COULD be a net reduction in buying power.

* Use. State of MIallows the heaviest axle loads I've known of. Reducing the impact of vehicular traffic could help preserve the pavement. So Ford, Dodge, whatever would have to make more trips to transport their goods. Fine - pass that cost on to the consumer; I have no problem with that.

* Performance audits. Why aren't we holding-accountable govt officials decision that lead to'terrible roads' or 'mis-management' of our road funds? So we want to raise taxes to 'fix the roads'- who manages that money to ensure its SOLEY for roads? What happens in timesof surplus - does the un-used money get refunded to the people who paid it (NO.Never. Ever. Happen)? What happens when contractors now BID HIGHER knowing the Gov't has MORE money available for roads? Will the Gov't come back and ask for MORE taxes next year? Who is managing the performance of the awarded contracts, and who is managing the performance of funds - ensuring theywill not be used for pet projects from area reps?

* What about pulling money from non-value-addedservices? I'm sure the state is spending MILLIONS per year on services which have little-no value added to the vastmajority of state residents. Did youknow there's a law firm getting $4M per year to help prisoners SUE the state? How much of that $4M is simply, effectively,'salary' for probably over-paid attorneys? That'd save A LOTof money. What I'm saying is - when the Government takes MORE of MY money, I'm forced to re-prioritize. I'm forced to think outside the box and make it work. Lets demand our government do MORE of that, maybe?

* Let's talk about spending. How cool would it be if instead of spending money to fix a residential street, a government said to the citizens of that street: "Look, we have a contractor lined up and he said it'll cost $1M to fix your street. We can do that, OR we can refund the 'street' portion of your taxes and let the 50 of you residents find another contractor to fix it (probably cheaper)."

*People can afford the increase! Only people who buy expensive items will notice it. 1% on a $1000 TV is ONLY $10! We can? Really? That argument is something politicians LOVE to throw out there - we see it "...and this increased tax affects ONLY households making more than $200,000 per year! It's their fair share! They're rich! Than can afford it!"

Where are the highest-paying jobs? Frequently in the big metropolitian areas. $200,000 year salary in New York City is like making HALF that around here. That's due in part to $4100/month for a less-than-1000 sq ft Apartment in NYC. Things like that. So - it's dishonest to assume people making $200,000 are 'wealthy' without applying CONTEXT to their salary. Said another way, my $95k/year job in Detroit would require $200,000/year in New York city - to simply maintain whatever standard of living I have now. Also it doesn't take into account BILLS like, credit debt, car payments, F'ING RIDICULOUS CHILD SUPPORT costs (So lemme get this straight...SHE has 1 more over night per month than I do, and that raises my "Child" support payment by nearly $200 per month? Holy crapballs. Look - I'm ALL for supporting the child, but lets make the parent receiving 'child support' ACCOUNT for even 50% of the support to demonstrate actual cost of the children. Let's show 'child support' for what it's really become: Money given to the custodial parent for them to blow on bon-bons or new winches or whatever. Just sickening.)

The point of all this is to say to the citizens: "Stop blindly accepting Gov't requests to take MORE of our money! Start requiring better accountability of the money the state spends. Start requiring creative solutions within the state's 'citizen-seized' income."

And to the State: "Stop taking money from MY pocket without giving ME a measured return on that money,Government."

Tomorrow's rant: Stop with the "out of a job yet, keep buying foreign!" stickers. How about this: "Stop making inferior products for inflated prices and I'll consider buying American." ESPECIALLY funny is when I see those stickers on cars made in Mexico. Or Canada. Corporations are global nowadays. Buying cars, goods, from "Foreign" companies DIRECTLY helps American communities (see: Toyota, BMW, Kia, etc,plants on US shores). Get out of the 1940s. I'd like to make a sticker that reads: "Can't afford a new truck? Thank Big Labor and it's $50/hr for a guy to push a button for 10 hrs a day!"

(you union guys, please don't hate me. Or break my kneecaps. :-) )

02-24-2015, 11:43 AM
Seeing things like the Kia Sorrento haulin' butt up a snowy mountain road; wearing what look like all-season POS tires while the narrator tells the viewer how mad-cool-and-wicked-awesome-at-snow the car is...seeing those things annoy me as much as the 85%? of Michiganders CAMPING IN THE LEFT LANE as they drive down the highway. (that's another rant)

I still say driving with your tires touching the dotted line (just in case you want to change lanes) is worse. However, I suppose someone could do BOTH and be in the left lane while their tires touch the dotted line.

02-24-2015, 12:01 PM
One of the greatest DP threads ever. I love it when dmp unloads, even when it is against me. :cool:

02-24-2015, 12:11 PM
...I love it when dmp unloads, even when it is against me. :cool:

god that's sorta hot...in a sexual way.


02-24-2015, 12:23 PM
I love it when dmp unloads, even when it is against me. :cool:

god that's sorta hot...in a sexual way.


Yeah, don't worry, I didn't think anything dirty either. :coffee:

Anton Chigurh
02-24-2015, 12:47 PM
When people get 'offended' by words they are lying - nobody is offended by words; people are horny for 'outrage'. They actively seek out reasons to get butt-hurt. Makes them feel special.Being 'offended' is always a choice, not a autonomic reaction.

I am not responsible if you are offended. No one is, except yourself.

"Huh? But.... But... They PISSED ME OFF!" - You might say or be thinking.


They did or said the thing, but you still had the power to choose if you were going to be offended or not.

Did they somehow rob you of your free will? Of course not.

If I am angered or offended, it's strictly on me because I made the choice to be angered or offended. Same for you. You made that choice.

You have the same option to choose not to be offended, or angered, whatever it is.

They do the thing, what you do after that is on you.

And that's the memo.

02-24-2015, 12:50 PM
Yeah, don't worry, I didn't think anything dirty either. :coffee:

I have no idea if she's attractive because she's scared to post photos...but I might date her. :)

02-24-2015, 01:07 PM
I've started journaling my rants. I'll put these in seperate replies to help with your comments (which are welcome, but if they disagree with me I'll probably hate).

Ugh. Kicks me in the wickets when I see TV and other commericals from car companies extolling their car's prowess over mud/snow conditions.

Look - your Car/Truck does not go well in the snow. Your car/Truck's TIRES go well in the snow. or mud. or whatever.

The other day I got my turbo, AWD, with posi, and 4 Blizzak's out for some fun on the snow covered back roads before the road crews could treat them. Good fun & big smiles.

Bottom line - don't buy into the hype. Tires are 7/10ths the equasion when it comes to traction. Maybe 9/10ths.

That's only traction in the conditions you mentioned.

For dry conditions (launches) it's shocks, springs, relocation bars, panard bar, and then tires on the other fun car.

02-24-2015, 02:16 PM
Yeah, don't worry, I didn't think anything dirty either.

Then again, it might be... :cool:

I have no idea if she's attractive because she's scared to post photos...

You are incorrect here. All you have to do now is find it. :bunny4:

02-24-2015, 02:45 PM
You are incorrect here. All you have to do now is find it. :bunny4:

:bs: Prove it. :)

Anton Chigurh
02-24-2015, 03:12 PM
You are incorrect here. All you have to do now is find it. :bunny4:They might find themselves having to change your Nick to "Attila" if you're a Hun.:salute:

02-24-2015, 07:44 PM
Ugh. Kicks me in the wickets when I see TV and other commericals from car companies extolling their car's prowess over mud/snow conditions.

Look - your Car/Truck does not go well in the snow. Your car/Truck's TIRES go well in the snow. or mud. or whatever.

Seeing things like the Kia Sorrento haulin' butt up a snowy mountain road; wearing what look like all-season POS tires while the narrator tells the viewer how mad-cool-and-wicked-awesome-at-snow the car is...seeing those things annoy me as much as the 85%? of Michiganders CAMPING IN THE LEFT LANE as they drive down the highway. (that's another rant)

You want a car that 'goes better in the snow' than your honda civic?

Head to discount tire, spend a grand to pick up a set of winter wheels and blizzaks.
Other than on initial take off, your civic will now 'gobetter' in every other important category (namely stopping and turning) thanANY 4x4/awd with regular all-season tires. BAM! I just saved you thousands of dollars. its kina like you owe me a few bucks now. When you can stop, say, 50 feet shorter from 30mph using winter tires...hell...I might have just saved your life. At least saved your deductable.

Bottom line - don't buy into the hype. Tires are 7/10ths the equasion when it comes to traction. Maybe 9/10ths.

Well, Doctor, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this - and I'll tell you why. I've never really been a fan of traction control because in earlier generation models I was able to turn TC off and get myself out of predicaments that couldn't have been done with it on. That changed.

Last year I had a company car, it was a 2013 Chevy Equinox equipped with sissy All-Terrain tires on it. My co-worker was in a Suburban, equipped with better All-Terrains and we were running around doing cell site maintenance in the Glennallen area which is about 200 miles East of Anchorage.

It had rained, frozen and then had about 18" of snow dumped on it, so it was very slick in addition to pushing snow. My partner was ahead of me as we went up a goat trail to a site on top of a hill, and he spun out. I kept distance to allow him to work on it, and he tried for quite a while before giving up. It seemed clear that my Equinox wasn't going to do any better, especially with lesser tires, but I had to give it a shot.

The Equinox cruised right past him and up the hill, no problem, plowing snow over the hood the whole way. The TC limited the power, so I just held it on the floor and let it do it's thing and I could feel it limiting the power to each wheel to keep it rolling without spinning. I came back down, packed him a trail by running up and down a few times, and he still couldn't go up. I suggested that he turn off his TC, and it was hardly able to move without it. Finally, he just jumped into my rig and we went up to do the work.

When we came back down, we were discussing the merits of TC... so I turned off TC and tried to go back up - it didn't get anywhere close to getting up, even with getting a run at it. Turned it back on, and I cruised right up.

The same thing happened on a mountain out of Eagle River right outside of Anchorage a couple of months later. This time it was a fleet of Chevy 2500 HD pickups, that same Suburban, and a Subaru. The Equinox was the only one able to get all the way up the icy switchback trail to the site, and I definitely had lesser tires than all of them. I again experimented by turning off TC, and was unable to make it up without it.

So I don't think it's a lot of hype, I tested it because I felt confident that I could make the car perform better without the computer assisted traction control - but I was wrong! Traction control has improved immensely in the last few years and it won me over despite my contrary preconceived notions.

I will agree with you that earlier versions of traction control were inferior and you were better off by disabling it in certain situations, though.

02-24-2015, 08:46 PM
Well, Doctor, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this - and I'll tell you why. I've never really been a fan of traction control because in earlier generation models I was able to turn TC off and get myself out of predicaments that couldn't have been done with it on. That changed.

Last year I had a company car, it was a 2013 Chevy Equinox equipped with sissy All-Terrain tires on it. My co-worker was in a Suburban, equipped with better All-Terrains and we were running around doing cell site maintenance in the Glennallen area which is about 200 miles East of Anchorage.

It had rained, frozen and then had about 18" of snow dumped on it, so it was very slick in addition to pushing snow. My partner was ahead of me as we went up a goat trail to a site on top of a hill, and he spun out. I kept distance to allow him to work on it, and he tried for quite a while before giving up. It seemed clear that my Equinox wasn't going to do any better, especially with lesser tires, but I had to give it a shot.

The Equinox cruised right past him and up the hill, no problem, plowing snow over the hood the whole way. The TC limited the power, so I just held it on the floor and let it do it's thing and I could feel it limiting the power to each wheel to keep it rolling without spinning. I came back down, packed him a trail by running up and down a few times, and he still couldn't go up. I suggested that he turn off his TC, and it was hardly able to move without it. Finally, he just jumped into my rig and we went up to do the work.

When we came back down, we were discussing the merits of TC... so I turned off TC and tried to go back up - it didn't get anywhere close to getting up, even with getting a run at it. Turned it back on, and I cruised right up.

The same thing happened on a mountain out of Eagle River right outside of Anchorage a couple of months later. This time it was a fleet of Chevy 2500 HD pickups, that same Suburban, and a Subaru. The Equinox was the only one able to get all the way up the icy switchback trail to the site, and I definitely had lesser tires than all of them. I again experimented by turning off TC, and was unable to make it up without it.

So I don't think it's a lot of hype, I tested it because I felt confident that I could make the car perform better without the computer assisted traction control - but I was wrong! Traction control has improved immensely in the last few years and it won me over despite my contrary preconceived notions.

I will agree with you that earlier versions of traction control were inferior and you were better off by disabling it in certain situations, though.

I've found the same in my Mazda.

02-25-2015, 07:51 AM
One of the greatest DP threads ever. I love it when dmp unloads, even when it is against me. :cool:

god that's sorta hot...in a sexual way.


OK now that is just funny :laugh:

As for the thread, dmp we must think a lot a like, I liked them all.

02-25-2015, 08:06 AM
Then again, it might be... :cool:

You are incorrect here. All you have to do now is find it. :bunny4:

:bs: Prove it. :)

She posted at least one for sure, although quite a while back. My ass is certainly not searching for an hour to find it!! But I can vouch for her. She posted a smaller picture of her and her little cutie daughter.

02-25-2015, 08:09 AM
She posted at least one for sure, although quite a while back. My ass is certainly not searching for an hour to find it!! But I can vouch for her. She posted a smaller picture of her and her little cutie daughter.

I remember at least 2 pictures of gabby, one dressed up for a holiday get together and like Jim said one with her little cutie, and that little girl is a doll.

02-25-2015, 08:11 AM
I remember at least 2 pictures of gabby, one dressed up for a holiday get together and like Jim said one with her little cutie, and that little girl is a doll.

That's right, the one sitting on the couch with her family at Christmas time. She did look kinda hot in that one. For a beotch anyway. :)

02-26-2015, 07:20 AM
Well, Doctor, I'm going to have to disagree with you on this - and I'll tell you why. I've never really been a fan of traction control because in earlier generation models I was able to turn TC off and get myself out of predicaments that couldn't have been done with it on. That changed.

Last year I had a company car, it was a 2013 Chevy Equinox equipped with sissy All-Terrain tires on it. My co-worker was in a Suburban, equipped with better All-Terrains and we were running around doing cell site maintenance in the Glennallen area which is about 200 miles East of Anchorage.

It had rained, frozen and then had about 18" of snow dumped on it, so it was very slick in addition to pushing snow. My partner was ahead of me as we went up a goat trail to a site on top of a hill, and he spun out. I kept distance to allow him to work on it, and he tried for quite a while before giving up. It seemed clear that my Equinox wasn't going to do any better, especially with lesser tires, but I had to give it a shot.

The Equinox cruised right past him and up the hill, no problem, plowing snow over the hood the whole way. The TC limited the power, so I just held it on the floor and let it do it's thing and I could feel it limiting the power to each wheel to keep it rolling without spinning. I came back down, packed him a trail by running up and down a few times, and he still couldn't go up. I suggested that he turn off his TC, and it was hardly able to move without it. Finally, he just jumped into my rig and we went up to do the work.

When we came back down, we were discussing the merits of TC... so I turned off TC and tried to go back up - it didn't get anywhere close to getting up, even with getting a run at it. Turned it back on, and I cruised right up.

The same thing happened on a mountain out of Eagle River right outside of Anchorage a couple of months later. This time it was a fleet of Chevy 2500 HD pickups, that same Suburban, and a Subaru. The Equinox was the only one able to get all the way up the icy switchback trail to the site, and I definitely had lesser tires than all of them. I again experimented by turning off TC, and was unable to make it up without it.

So I don't think it's a lot of hype, I tested it because I felt confident that I could make the car perform better without the computer assisted traction control - but I was wrong! Traction control has improved immensely in the last few years and it won me over despite my contrary preconceived notions.

I will agree with you that earlier versions of traction control were inferior and you were better off by disabling it in certain situations, though.

How do you know you had lesser tires? I'm going to assume your Equinox had all-season, not all-'terrain' as you wrote. In a lot of conditions All-seasons would do a lot better than all-terrains. I have lots of aneqdotal evidence. Also - the Google machine tells me the OEM All-season for that car is the Michellin Latitude Tour - which gets lots of rave reviews for its prowess in the snow. The tire shows a good amount of siping - siping is generally NOT present in all-terrains (the uber-popular BFGs included).

What happened in your experience is this - The car used options you have, but used them more efficiently. A LARGE part (probably not all) of what the car's computer did can be replicated - except things like braking one wheel at a time and all that. But as far as controlling wheel spin on each axle? That can be learned.

Now - They've made it MORE challenging to be a good driver nowadays with drive-by-wire; so they engineer more software to help the driver out. I get that.

The test would be this: Put Summer tires on that equinox, Summer tires on the other vehicles, and give it a go. Have the same driver, too.

And none of the devices that helped you 'go' will give you the help you need to turn and stop.

That said - imagine, just imagine the massive improvements you'd see with a set of blizzaks on that equinox? :)

02-26-2015, 07:21 AM
That's right, the one sitting on the couch with her family at Christmas time. She did look kinda hot in that one. For a beotch anyway. :)

:bs: Prove it :)

02-26-2015, 07:43 AM
:bs: Prove it :)

I hate you. This took forever to find. And I had to read a lot of her older posts in order to find this, and now my brain hurts.

Anywayy, sitting on the couch, in the middle. She's a hottie :)


02-26-2015, 08:30 AM
I remembered a pet peeve I have while reading through DP this morning, #1 a Racist trying to call everyone else a racist, hell man be who you are and stop trying to put everyone around you down because they are honest enough to stand up and say who they are and what they believe.

02-26-2015, 08:40 AM
No way. Hrm...


02-26-2015, 08:57 AM
Today's Rant:

When kids try to get-all-up-in-my-kitchen.

My daughter sent me a text asking about her pop-tartans [sic].

Now - as much as I dislike when my kids try to call ME to task about something, I LOVE....i LOVE how she backed-off and acknowledged her attitude - AND didn't try to bust my balls when I over-reacted to her questioning. She immediately saw I was bothered; she immediately backed-off out of respect - EVEN THOUGH I was too quick to lose my temper about it.

Her name on my phone is "Everything is Awesome" (cue the Lego Movie song).




02-26-2015, 09:04 AM
Kids will surprise you sometimes! Mine is in the stage where he is right about EVERYTHING, even when I know that he knows he is wrong. He's in the teen rebellion stage. Little pain in the butt. I try to remind him about the attitude, and to back off, and be respectful and all that jazz - but mine doesn't seem to be quite as responsive as yours. But like you, regardless, afterwards I try to let my feelings be known, and that none of the crap effects our love for him.

I am glad to see she stuck up for the pop tarts though. They rule, and definitely worth fighting for. :)

02-26-2015, 09:09 AM
What grinds my gears the most as of late? Getting up at 3am nightly, like clockwork, to have to use the bathroom. Yes, I drink a lot of coffee, but I get rid of it father quickly. I'm done by noon. I don't drink much after that, and nothing after like 7pm if I can help it. And no matter what I do, I feel like I drank 14 beers at 3am.

And yes, I kinda know what it is, so shut up. I'm at that age, and Dad and bro both have prostate issues. And I've discussed here before, no finger going near me unless it's a must!!

And I really enjoy my sleep, so when I get up, I want to punch someone in the face. And then I have trouble falling asleep again. And then back up by 6 as I have to go again!!!

02-26-2015, 09:10 AM
What grinds my gears the most as of late? Getting up at 3am nightly, like clockwork, to have to use the bathroom. Yes, I drink a lot of coffee, but I get rid of it father quickly. I'm done by noon. I don't drink much after that, and nothing after like 7pm if I can help it. And no matter what I do, I feel like I drank 14 beers at 3am.

And yes, I kinda know what it is, so shut up. I'm at that age, and Dad and bro both have prostate issues. And I've discussed here before, no finger going near me unless it's a must!!

And I really enjoy my sleep, so when I get up, I want to punch someone in the face. And then I have trouble falling asleep again. And then back up by 6 as I have to go again!!!


Where one and you wont have to get up again :laugh:

02-26-2015, 09:18 AM

Where one and you wont have to get up again :laugh:

I couldn't pee lying down!!

After my surgery, in White Plains hospital, I woke up in post op and REALLY had to go. I begged. They brought me this weird curved bottle. I was like WTF is that? They expected me to pee in that thing while lying there in the middle of the recovery room. F that. I got up and almost fell over and tried to get to the bathroom. Finally the lady helped me to the room.

Btw, that was the same day I also escaped from my room and the guys in the white coats found me outside smoking and returned me to my room! LOL

Anton Chigurh
02-26-2015, 01:00 PM
I hate you. This took forever to find. And I had to read a lot of her older posts in order to find this, and now my brain hurts.

Anywayy, sitting on the couch, in the middle. She's a hottie :)

http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?33758-Merry-christmas&p=512624#post512624She makes her daughter wear glasses with tape on the bridge. Scarring that poor child.:eek:

02-26-2015, 02:29 PM
How do you know you had lesser tires? I'm going to assume your Equinox had all-season, not all-'terrain' as you wrote. In a lot of conditions All-seasons would do a lot better than all-terrains. I have lots of aneqdotal evidence. Also - the Google machine tells me the OEM All-season for that car is the Michellin Latitude Tour - which gets lots of rave reviews for its prowess in the snow. The tire shows a good amount of siping - siping is generally NOT present in all-terrains (the uber-popular BFGs included).

What happened in your experience is this - The car used options you have, but used them more efficiently. A LARGE part (probably not all) of what the car's computer did can be replicated - except things like braking one wheel at a time and all that. But as far as controlling wheel spin on each axle? That can be learned.

Now - They've made it MORE challenging to be a good driver nowadays with drive-by-wire; so they engineer more software to help the driver out. I get that.

The test would be this: Put Summer tires on that equinox, Summer tires on the other vehicles, and give it a go. Have the same driver, too.

And none of the devices that helped you 'go' will give you the help you need to turn and stop.

That said - imagine, just imagine the massive improvements you'd see with a set of blizzaks on that equinox? :)

Yeah, I meant All-Seasons... my bad.

Anyway, I don't doubt that it would have performed better with legitimate snow tires on it, the tires I had were designed to perform on pavement... as I said, "sissy tires".

But the results speak for themselves - I couldn't go up the hill without having Traction Control on, and it did it relatively easily with it on. In that situation, the moment a tire broke traction, you were slowing down and momentum was key in getting up the hill. It was limiting power to each wheel and reduced / shifted power the instant it began to spin. That's something you can't do individually to all 4 wheels - you can't give Left Front more power than Left Rear, while giving Right Rear more power than Right Front all calculated and adjusted multiple times per second.

I determined that they had better tires from looking at them - a more aggressive tread and deeper lugs. I couldn't tell you what make and model they were, or even what I had... just what I observed.

Anyway, my point was that while I am very good at driving vehicles in mud, snow & ice, from Kenworths to Economy, I was able to get much better results in the same vehicle in the same conditions by using the onboard Traction Control rather than turning it off and relying solely on my instincts, abilities and driver input.... and it wasn't marginal, the difference was night and day : bottom of the hill vs. over the top. I don't think anyone would say that the driver isn't a huge part of the equation, it definitely is - but an experienced driver combined with the latest generation TC makes for some impressive results.

I wish I could tell you that I was able to make that car perform better without the TC assistance with only my Manly Driving Abilities honed to perfection after decades of experience, because my personal ego would enjoy it.. but sadly, that's not the case.

It feels completely wrong to be relying on the computer and simply holding the throttle on the floor, but that's what it took.

I'm going to buy Sharon an Equinox, that little rig was impressive and it got over 30 MPG on average, too. That's the nice thing about company rigs... you can fearlessly test them out. :happy0203:

02-26-2015, 03:38 PM
Yeah, I meant All-Seasons... my bad.

Anyway, I don't doubt that it would have performed better with legitimate snow tires on it, the tires I had were designed to perform on pavement... as I said, "sissy tires".

But the results speak for themselves - I couldn't go up the hill without having Traction Control on, and it did it relatively easily with it on. In that situation, the moment a tire broke traction, you were slowing down and momentum was key in getting up the hill. It was limiting power to each wheel and reduced / shifted power the instant it began to spin. That's something you can't do individually to all 4 wheels - you can't give Left Front more power than Left Rear, while giving Right Rear more power than Right Front all calculated and adjusted multiple times per second.

I determined that they had better tires from looking at them - a more aggressive tread and deeper lugs. I couldn't tell you what make and model they were, or even what I had... just what I observed.

Anyway, my point was that while I am very good at driving vehicles in mud, snow & ice, from Kenworths to Economy, I was able to get much better results in the same vehicle in the same conditions by using the onboard Traction Control rather than turning it off and relying solely on my instincts, abilities and driver input.... and it wasn't marginal, the difference was night and day : bottom of the hill vs. over the top. I don't think anyone would say that the driver isn't a huge part of the equation, it definitely is - but an experienced driver combined with the latest generation TC makes for some impressive results.

I wish I could tell you that I was able to make that car perform better without the TC assistance with only my Manly Driving Abilities honed to perfection after decades of experience, because my personal ego would enjoy it.. but sadly, that's not the case.

It feels completely wrong to be relying on the computer and simply holding the throttle on the floor, but that's what it took.

I'm going to buy Sharon an Equinox, that little rig was impressive and it got over 30 MPG on average, too. That's the nice thing about company rigs... you can fearlessly test them out. :happy0203:

But the results are skewed, bro. It's very close to apples to oranges. Take the fact the OEM tires are already getting decent reviews for snow performance, the unknown condition of the other vehicle tires or driver skills, and the fact the car would go better with real winter tires...

That's what I'm saying - being able to individually adjust power to each wheel - computers are good!

It's not the lugs, fwiw, it’s the siping - except it’s the lugs too, when talking 'clearing out thick snow'.

Careful with the equinox. It's made by UAW and they suck. Look into a Subaru Forrester (with the turbo engine) and blizzaks?? :)

Abbey Marie
02-26-2015, 04:20 PM
Are others' rants welcome?

Here goes mine for the day:

I need our daughter to look harder for, and get, a job. For dozens of good reasons.

Maybe it's her generation. Maybe we make it too comfy for her to stay at home. Maybe both, and some others thrown in, but she seems to lack motivation in this area. She did extremely well in school, but that's where it seems to have stopped.

02-26-2015, 04:42 PM
Are others' rants welcome?

I hope so, as I dropped mine earlier. Maybe that will be something else that grinds Darin's gears, folks who hijack his threads! :)

Here goes mine for the day:

I need our daughter to look harder for, and get, a job. For dozens of good reasons.

Maybe it's her generation. Maybe we make it too comfy for her to stay at home. Maybe both, and some others thrown in, but she seems to lack motivation in this area. She did extremely well in school, but that's where it seems to have stopped.

Sometimes it takes a little while for "life" to kick in. Once kids realize they want better cars, better clothes, more money for anything - then they suddenly start taking the job searches more seriously.

Tell her she has to get a paper route in order to kick in around the house. Only a matter of time after that! :laugh:

02-26-2015, 05:01 PM
What grinds my gears the most as of late? Getting up at 3am nightly, like clockwork, to have to use the bathroom. Yes, I drink a lot of coffee, but I get rid of it father quickly. I'm done by noon. I don't drink much after that, and nothing after like 7pm if I can help it. And no matter what I do, I feel like I drank 14 beers at 3am.

And yes, I kinda know what it is, so shut up. I'm at that age, and Dad and bro both have prostate issues. And I've discussed here before, no finger going near me unless it's a must!!

And I really enjoy my sleep, so when I get up, I want to punch someone in the face. And then I have trouble falling asleep again. And then back up by 6 as I have to go again!!!

Time for that checkup every man hates Jim. Prostate can fool ya into thinking everything's okay.

Not a joke. Too many visits to the head every night needs to be checked out.
Good thing is. It may just be enlarged.

Or, you can ignore it. Wait for it to become something else. Then the You Know What Hits the Fan.
With the radiation, and chemo.

Abbey Marie
02-26-2015, 07:01 PM
Time for that checkup every man hates Jim. Prostate can fool ya into thinking everything's okay.

Not a joke. Too many visits to the head every night needs to be checked out.
Good thing is. It may just be enlarged.

Or, you can ignore it. Wait for it to become something else. Then the You Know What Hits the Fan.
With the radiation, and chemo.

He's right, Jim. Maybe you need a female doctor like we have. My husband just grins and bears it, lol. I'll admit, it must be very weird.

02-27-2015, 06:59 AM
I couldn't pee lying down!!

After my surgery, in White Plains hospital, I woke up in post op and REALLY had to go. I begged. They brought me this weird curved bottle. I was like WTF is that? They expected me to pee in that thing while lying there in the middle of the recovery room. F that. I got up and almost fell over and tried to get to the bathroom. Finally the lady helped me to the room.

Btw, that was the same day I also escaped from my room and the guys in the white coats found me outside smoking and returned me to my room! LOL

I remember that day well :laugh:

Mom had called me all upset saying you where trying to escape and they where going to arrest you :laugh: I told her hell if he leaves they will make him pay the bill, but she was worried about her little boy that day, that was funny, thank God you have that pain behind ya.

02-27-2015, 08:13 AM
Are others' rants welcome?

Here goes mine for the day:

I need our daughter to look harder for, and get, a job. For dozens of good reasons.

Maybe it's her generation. Maybe we make it too comfy for her to stay at home. Maybe\ both, and some others thrown in, but she seems to lack motivation in this area. She did extremely well in school, but that's where it seems to have stopped.

It's been a couple of years since my youngest graduated university, but for nearly 6 months after he spent his mornings looking for and applying online for jobs, the afternoon playing video games and taking naps. Grinded my gears indeed!

Finally told him he had to find an afternoon/evening job if he wanted to remain 'home' while looking for his 'real job.' He also had to pick up his auto insurance if he wanted to drive. He found part-time job within a week at pet store. Then found 'real job' a couple weeks later. Moved into apt with college friend within 2 months, (guess that was preferable from paying $200 a month to me. LOL!)

He's still at the 'real job' 4 years later, his salary has nearly tripled. Seemed he needed a bit of a push to get a 'real job' that probably didn't fit all of his criteria.

Abbey Marie
02-27-2015, 08:21 AM
It's been a couple of years since my youngest graduated university, but for nearly 6 months after he spent his mornings looking for and applying online for jobs, the afternoon playing video games and taking naps. Grinded my gears indeed!

Finally told him he had to find an afternoon/evening job if he wanted to remain 'home' while looking for his 'real job.' He also had to pick up his auto insurance if he wanted to drive. He found part-time job within a week at pet store. Then found 'real job' a couple weeks later. Moved into apt with college friend within 2 months, (guess that was preferable from paying $200 a month to me. LOL!)

He's still at the 'real job' 4 years later, his salary has nearly tripled. Seemed he needed a bit of a push to get a 'real job' that probably didn't fit all of his criteria.

Inspiring story, Kath. As usual, I learn a lot from your experience. :beer:

02-27-2015, 08:33 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about it, Abs, I think a lot of it is natural. Who wouldn't want to sleep in? Play video games instead of hard work? Out with friends instead? Vegging to some re-runs late at night instead of sleeping for work?

I think kids will normally prefer these things and don't fully understand responsibility yet, no matter how much we taught them. They're evil little buggers and will bleed us dry if we let them!! I think it's a fine balance, which Kath did. Of course we can't toss them out and say "you're 18, see ya!". But we can't let them freeload either. I think it's our responsibility to slowly give them more and more responsibility. Once they reach a certain point, they are going to prefer to have their responsibilities on their own. It's like psychology to make them get jobs and move out!! But if you don't push a little, they will take advantage.

02-27-2015, 08:43 AM
I wouldn't worry too much about it, Abs, I think a lot of it is natural. Who wouldn't want to sleep in? Play video games instead of hard work? Out with friends instead? Vegging to some re-runs late at night instead of sleeping for work?

I think kids will normally prefer these things and don't fully understand responsibility yet, no matter how much we taught them. They're evil little buggers and will bleed us dry if we let them!! I think it's a fine balance, which Kath did. Of course we can't toss them out and say "you're 18, see ya!". But we can't let them freeload either. I think it's our responsibility to slowly give them more and more responsibility. Once they reach a certain point, they are going to prefer to have their responsibilities on their own. It's like psychology to make them get jobs and move out!! But if you don't push a little, they will take advantage.

At 18 the choice was college or job.

At 21-23 it's job or life is going to be very difficult. ;)

The longer one graduates, but doesn't have a job or in school, the harder it will be to get the interview or job. Obviously I don't know what was happening with all those applications the kid filled out in those first 6 months, but he only went for 2 interviews, I'm guessing he turned down many.

Like Abbey's daughter in all likelihood, he had stellar academic record, was an RA for 3 years, had done a 6 month internship, and was active in volunteering throughout high school and college.

Once he realized I couldn't/wouldn't keep him in the lifestyle he'd chosen, he not only found an interim job to meet my demands, but rather quickly found a position that led to a career he's now very happy in.

Now maybe that would have happened anyways, but timing is everything.

02-27-2015, 08:48 AM
My Dad gave me the 18 and get a job speech. A few days later I packed what little I had and moved to Mom's house! LOL

But I learned the hard way that moving doesn't pay the bills, won't get me a car, won't pay for the fun that friends were able to have, won't pay for cool clothing, won't pay for your own pad to hang at, it just won't pay for a damn thing. So I kicked and screamed, and relented, and got a job. Dad was right. Mom was right.

But it took like 2 more years before I finally realized an education in addition might be helpful. I think some drugs and alcohol may have prevented me from seeing this properly.

02-27-2015, 08:50 AM
Time for that checkup every man hates Jim. Prostate can fool ya into thinking everything's okay.

Not a joke. Too many visits to the head every night needs to be checked out.
Good thing is. It may just be enlarged.

Or, you can ignore it. Wait for it to become something else. Then the You Know What Hits the Fan.
With the radiation, and chemo.

I know you're right. And contrary to my nightmares, I'll be going in to make sure this is no more than an enlarged prostate like my Dad. But yeah, much better than the alternative.

He's right, Jim. Maybe you need a female doctor like we have. My husband just grins and bears it, lol. I'll admit, it must be very weird.

I'm still searching for a midget chinese woman for a doctor. :)

03-09-2015, 06:47 AM
“Racist”. “Hate-speech”. “Offensive words.” “Offensive behaviour”.

I am listening to the news and a story about a fraternity's racist video or something of the sort. Seems college kids were making comments about another race – they were generalizing, stereotyping, and using what some call ‘offensive’ language.

As if on-cue, the ‘marchers’ and ‘protesters’ start. Their chants – their aggressive response to these ‘racist’ kids of the frat who was recorded.

Here’s what was on the vid: Kids on a bus chanting “There’ll never be a nigger in SAE. You can hang them from a tree but they’ll never sign with me, there’ll never be a nigger in SAE!”
Of course we have ‘outrage’. Of course we have calls for, in essence, to ‘burn this MF’er down!’. We have high-horse riders on twitter begging for ‘something to be done!’.

Here’s the scariest part of all of this: Ready for it?

If THIS type of behaviour – although idiotic, stupid, whatever – is enough to incite protests and saber rattling and ‘outrage’, I question the resolve of our society. I question the weakness – to actually get ‘outraged’ by people I don’t know chanting something stupid not directed towards anyone specific, in a non-threatening way, without knowing if anyone of color was on the bus participating – of our population. People outraged at SPEECH are NOT tough enough to defend freedom nor liberty. People so-upset at the mere WORDS of others have NO chance in holding a society together.
Here’s the proper response: “Those kids are idiots. Move on”
That video does NOT mean ‘our society has farther to go in race-relations’ . That video is NOT evidence of racists; for I believe saying something racist does not make somebody a racist any more than saying something in japanese makes somebody japanese.
As a man with likely-african roots, I’m bewildered at the flip-flop in violence against another race since ‘our nation began’ and about the 1960s. Back in the day, white folk killed, tortured, and harassed folks of color sometimes with impunity. Today, (probably) European-american, or…hrm…lighter-pigment skin-colour kids on a bus do a chant and that’s ‘evidence of racism’ while folks of my part of my ancestry burn buildings, assault people, KILL people, and destroy innocent bystanders and that is LARGELY accepted by the likes of our (partially) black president and his counsel. The rampant destruction of a city is the result of White-on-Black racism. It’s not their fault. They SHOULD riot because cops arrest more black folk than white folk (no mention of the black folk doing the crime in the fist place). Its understandable to our societal (leaders) because today's youth-of-colour have innate fear, frustration and pain from their ANCESTRIAL struggles (literally – people have said shit like that). Warning! Crazy-talk ahead. But talk that is TRUE (as displayed) in the minds of our weakest-but-loudest segment of society:

Group of kids with largely European-American heritage on a bus chanting black-centric racist words: Proof of white privledge, racism, and all things bad.
Group of people with largely african heritage Burning the streets and buildings, rioting, looting, and assaulting others: ALSO Proof of white privilege, racism, and all things bad.

What the HELL is wrong with us, as a people? If somebody wants to be a racist, but is not otherwise infringing upon the rights, freedoms of others? Who gives a shit.
Liberty SHOULD be enough to quell the ‘outrage’. But it will not. Liberty will take a back seat to people looking to be special-enough as to be offended. It’s not only within race-relations – it’s with illnesses, tragedy, and victory.
Go to a funeral – especially that of a young person – and you’ll likely hear how close the person speaking was to the deceased. You’ll hear how SAD the person speaking is. You’ll hear how the person speaking has LOST SO MUCH! Maybe the person speaking should instead focus on the deceased – NOT themselves. We hear it on forums, and in bars: “Well…my BUDDY was in A’stan! He got hurt!” Another jumps in “Well MY body lost his leg!” Then a third “Well MY BUDDY lost ALL his limbs!” With victory – “Oh yeah? Well MY COUSIN knows a guy who was friends with a woman whose sister’s best friend’s former roommate knew Tom Brady!”
Human nature rises up and demands association-for-attention in ALL situations. We yearn to be special-enough as to be associated with tragedy or victory. It’s a case of “LOOK AT ME!! I am OFFENDED!! Some stupid white kids were chanting on a bus! But that HURTS ME! Acknowledge me!! Validate ME!!”

Unfortunately, the response to this video is WORSE than the video. Happens all the time.

03-09-2015, 07:43 AM
What the HELL is wrong with us, as a people? If somebody wants to be a racist, but is not otherwise infringing upon the rights, freedoms of others? Who gives a shit.

If you're white, and display anything racist, you must be lit on fire, looted from, instantly arrested, shot, beat up, expelled, fired....

But if other races?


03-10-2015, 11:20 AM
If you're white, and display anything racist, you must be lit on fire, looted from, instantly arrested, shot, beat up, expelled, fired....

Call me a racist. I really don't care.

Do I believe I am a better person because I am a blue-eyed natural blonde? No.

Do I believe that people with European roots are better than those with African roots? No.

Do I believe that one culture is better than another? Heck yes.