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View Full Version : The Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

02-24-2015, 03:47 PM
Just breaking on Fox News. No article or link yet.

The Democrats continue to obstruct progress that would lower oil prices and make gasoline cheaper for working families.

Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Is he still pretending it "needs more study"?

After how many years of study, how many reports already completed?

Apparently placating his enviro-whacko base is more important to him than helping America and saving money for "the little people".

02-24-2015, 04:56 PM
More proof that the GOP are the party of deceit and obfuscation.

The Keystone XL Pipeline would NOT lower gas prices or create meaningful jobs for the American populace.
In case you haven't checked, gas prices are already as low as they have been in quite some time. Because there is a glut of oil on the market.
Big Oil wants the pipeline to decrease cost of production. Allowing it to make higher profits on oil to send overseas.
The pipeline would produce only temporary jobs. Full time maintenance will yield only a handful of positions.

02-24-2015, 05:09 PM
Just breaking on Fox News. No article or link yet.

The Democrats continue to obstruct progress that would lower oil prices and make gasoline cheaper for working families.

Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Is he still pretending it "needs more study"?

After how many years of study, how many reports already completed?

Apparently placating his enviro-whacko base is more important to him than helping America and saving money for "the little people".

He can't sign it now. That would be breaking his perfect record of doing nothing to help America or Americans.

02-24-2015, 05:10 PM
More proof that the GOP are the party of deceit and obfuscation.

The Keystone XL Pipeline would NOT lower gas prices or create meaningful jobs for the American populace.
In case you haven't checked, gas prices are already as low as they have been in quite some time. Because there is a glut of oil on the market.
Big Oil wants the pipeline to decrease cost of production. Allowing it to make higher profits on oil to send overseas.
The pipeline would produce only temporary jobs. Full time maintenance will yield only a handful of positions.

I don't know where you get your figures, but the Alaska Pipeline employs hundreds of people and an army of contractors to maintain it.

Beyond that, any boost in domestic production is a step in the right direction. I don't like paying any of those countries in the Middle East or Venezuela for oil.

Well, I guess all those democrats will be facing the music here in 2 years. Their obstructionist behavior cost them dearly in the last election, and this won't be forgotten. Remember how frantic Landrieu was to get Keystone passed when she figured out Americans want that pipeline? Yeah, too little too late, chickie.

02-24-2015, 05:10 PM
**Good God Liberals are so Damn deceitful and stupid.....!

02-24-2015, 05:16 PM
Just breaking on Fox News. No article or link yet.

The Democrats continue to obstruct progress that would lower oil prices and make gasoline cheaper for working families.

Barack Obama just vetoed the Keystone XL pipeline bill.

Is he still pretending it "needs more study"?

After how many years of study, how many reports already completed?

Apparently placating his enviro-whacko base is more important to him than helping America and saving money for "the little people".

I understand Obama Veto'd a CLEAN BILL. So, I'm glad he did it. The Dems, and Obama can complain as much as they want..like Gabby, but the TRUTH is. Democrats and Obama now have to explain their own OBSTRUCTION techniques. Bet the people those Democrat Senators supposedly represent...Aren't happy.
WAIT A SECOND.....Those people aren't SMART ENOUGH to be unhappy about how their Liars operate.

02-24-2015, 05:31 PM
More proof that the GOP are the party of deceit and obfuscation.

The Keystone XL Pipeline would NOT lower gas prices or create meaningful jobs for the American populace.
In case you haven't checked, gas prices are already as low as they have been in quite some time. Because there is a glut of oil on the market.
Big Oil wants the pipeline to decrease cost of production. Allowing it to make higher profits on oil to send overseas.
The pipeline would produce only temporary jobs. Full time maintenance will yield only a handful of positions.

Wrong. You have bought into the BS propaganda from the idiot left. Even if those jobs were temporary, we need them desperately...in case you haven't noticed.

Obama doesn't want to do anything that might help America's oil or energy industry. His string handlers might lose millions or billions. Can't have that.

02-24-2015, 05:33 PM
**Good God Liberals are so Damn deceitful and stupid.....!

Add to that....stuckonstoopid and delusional, bordering on insanity.

02-24-2015, 05:36 PM
More proof that the GOP are the party of deceit and obfuscation.

No, Gabby!

The Dems have been that the past 8 years.

Do you remember Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?

Nothing the Pub's tried to do were even worth their time.

Anything and everything sent forth was refused, ignored, and ridiculed.

Dems are spoon-pounding brats. It is time to grow the hell up.

02-25-2015, 10:23 AM
More proof that the GOP are the party of deceit and obfuscation.

The Keystone XL Pipeline would NOT lower gas prices or create meaningful jobs for the American populace.
In case you haven't checked, gas prices are already as low as they have been in quite some time. Because there is a glut of oil on the market.
Big Oil wants the pipeline to decrease cost of production. Allowing it to make higher profits on oil to send overseas.
The pipeline would produce only temporary jobs. Full time maintenance will yield only a handful of positions.

You make that sound like a bad thing. Profitable companies with lower costs are able to pass on cost savings to consumers as well as pay taxes to the treasury. Those sound like good things to me. How about the savings in transport costs? Is $50BB per year worth it?

Like always, it will probably come down to money. And it won’t be about jobs (Pipeline Jobs (http://www.forbes.com/sites/energysource/2013/05/10/pipe-dreams-how-many-jobs-will-be-created-by-keystone-xl/)), regardless of which end of the spectrum you believe, because there just isn’t enough jobs to matter compared to the value of the oil itself and the refinery capacity. It’s simply cheaper and quicker to transport by pipeline than by rail or by truck. The difference in cost is about $50 billion a year for shipping via the Keystone versus rail, totally eclipsing any economic effect of jobs in either direction.A rail tank car carries about 30,000 gallons (÷ 42 gallons/barrel = about 700 barrels). A train of 100 cars carries about 3 million gallons (70,000 barrels) and takes over 3 days to travel from Alberta to the Gulf Coast, about a million gallons per day. The Keystone will carry about 35 million gallons per day (830,000 barrels). This puts pressure on rail transport to get bigger and bigger, and include more cars per train, the very reason that crude oil train wrecks have dramatically increased lately.
The Congressional Research Service estimates that transporting crude oil by pipeline is cheaper than rail, about $5/barrel versus $10 to $15/barrel (NYTimes.com (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/13/us/rail-transport-of-crude-oil-increases-as-pipeline-falls-short.html?_r=0)). But rail is more flexible and has 140,000 miles of track in the United States compared to 57,000 miles of crude oil pipelines. Building rail terminals to handle loading and unloading is a lot cheaper, and less of a hassle, than building and permitting pipelines.
It isn’t acceptable to just say we shouldn’t be moving oil, because we will for the next decade or more, no matter what. So, keeping in mind the difference between death/damage to humans and damage to the environment, which would you choose?

And you were also incorrect about exporting crude oil. We had a bad on exporting domestic crude at least until recently but that seems to be lifting in favor of exporting refined products. We should be allowing exporting value added goods which mean more jobs and more economic impact than just building or maintaining the pipeline.


02-25-2015, 11:39 AM
https://scontent-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11002662_836723523040899_3361757192228193611_n.jpg ?oh=622d9621c32a61ffdd232153020a167e&oe=5580B5C0