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02-25-2015, 02:01 PM
A very good movie I recommend. The setting Nazi Germany.


02-25-2015, 02:03 PM
I read the book. ;)

Perhaps I had a somewhat sheltered childhood, being 5 in 1960, but my first friendship began when I was 3 and we really knew nothing of what each other's families believed or how they made their livelihoods.

Over the years, as we moved onto school, our experiences were very different. I went to parochial school, she to public. My grandparents were immigrants, her's came on the Mayflower.

We didn't care about any of that, we were friends.

Seems the story was so compelling to me for many of these same type of experiences.

02-25-2015, 02:03 PM
I have seen it! I won't give it away! :rolleyes: Very good movie.

Have you you seen the Grey Zone? Recommend it also!

02-25-2015, 02:17 PM
I have seen it! I won't give it away! :rolleyes: Very good movie.

Have you you seen the Grey Zone? Recommend it also!

No I have not seen the Grey Zone. I will look for it. Thanks Olivia:)

02-25-2015, 02:26 PM
I haven't seen, The Grey Zone, though this old Ebert review, while 5 stars, gives me pause:


02-25-2015, 02:26 PM
Oh wow, I will certainly be watching The Grey Zone.


02-25-2015, 03:04 PM
Oh wow, I will certainly be watching The Grey Zone.


I should say that I spent 2 years researching the Holocaust, including films and books, along with original documents. I became quite depressed.

Same with nursing homes, which I did with my ex, eventually getting published. Again, depression.

I avoid the worst of both now, while life is not as 'prosperous' as when I was studying, my propensity towards depression has improved.

02-25-2015, 03:49 PM
I'm about burn out on holocaust films and books as well.
the preview of the grey zone reminds me of lline from "Man's Search for Meaning" where Fankl says paraphrasing
"the best of us did not survive.".

02-25-2015, 04:12 PM
I have had many questions about the holocaust, about why the Jews did not fight back. This movie addresses the fact that many Jews assisted the Nazis in killing Jews and burning them for the promise of living four more months! I guess I might die not understanding!

02-25-2015, 04:15 PM
I have had many questions about the holocaust, about why the Jews did not fight back. This movie addresses the fact that many Jews assisted the Nazis in killing Jews and burning them for the promise of living four more months! I guess I might die not understanding!
Really? Where did those questions come from?

02-25-2015, 04:35 PM
Really? Where did those questions come from?

I am not sure what you are asking me.

02-25-2015, 04:44 PM
Saw this already too. Don't want to say much when others may not have seen it yet. Putting kids into it sure adds a whole different emotional element to things.

Then again, how long has this flick been out now? Gotta be able to speak about it sometime!!

*** Spoiler Alert ***
















Holy shit, can you imagine? I'm betting Dad sure had a different perspective on the camps after that little screw up. But crap, gave me a look on my face for like 3 days, going wtf? did I just see. Always harder to digest when it's kids.

02-25-2015, 05:17 PM
Really? Where did those questions come from?
Why did the Jews not fight back? Could it have been those that could, did? Most couldn't? They hadn't weapons?

02-25-2015, 07:48 PM
Why did the Jews not fight back? Could it have been those that could, did? Most couldn't? They hadn't weapons?

Yes there were a lot of reasons, One I think was most dominate was disbelief that it was so bad.

who could imagine that it would get that bad?
what's the saying "1st they came for the .... and i didn't speak up.... then they came for me and there was no one left."

the soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn has a quote about How the Russian people didn't fight back against Stalin taking them from their homes to the gulags either.
the gist of it is
The police came to the house and took your neighbor away, it must be for a "good reason" right? Then later the secret police come and take YOU away. But you think well you'll have your day in court right? it will all work out.

Solzhenitsyn says when the cops came to the door he and his neighbors should have killed them on the spot. that would have stopped the round ups to the gulags.
but people generally trust and support the gov't. sometime even when they tell you what they are going to do.

frankly i think we today are in a very similar position in the U.S.. The boiling frogs scenario. Presidential powers is off the charts, gov't spying is off the charts, track your cars, our phones, drones over head, gov't killing people without trials, jailing people without trials.
If the gov't were to accuse your neighbors of being a "terrorist" and sent them to gitmo would you question it? how many would?

but it could never happen here i'm sure. we're the good guys right? at least the republican are:rolleyes:.

02-25-2015, 08:04 PM
Yes there were a lot of reasons, One I think was most dominate was disbelief that it was so bad.

who could imagine that it would get that bad?
what's the saying "1st they came for the .... and i didn't speak up.... then they came for me and there was no one left."

the soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn has a quote about How the Russian people didn't fight back against Stalin taking them from their homes to the gulags either.
the gist of it is
The police came to the house and took your neighbor away, it must be for a "good reason" right? Then later the secret police come and take YOU away. But you think well you'll have your day in court right? it will all work out.

Solzhenitsyn says when the cops came to the door he and his neighbors should have killed them on the spot. that would have stopped the round ups to the gulags.
but people generally trust and support the gov't. sometime even when they tell you what they are going to do.

frankly i think we today are in a very similar position in the U.S.. The boiling frogs scenario. Presidential powers is off the charts, gov't spying is off the charts, track your cars, our phones, drones over head, gov't killing people without trials, jailing people without trials.
If the gov't were to accuse your neighbors of being a "terrorist" and sent them to gitmo would you question it? how many would?

but it could never happen here i'm sure. we're the good guys right? at least the republican are:rolleyes:.

You may be onto something here, though neither I nor others wish to agree.

02-25-2015, 11:08 PM
A very good movie I recommend. The setting Nazi Germany.

Yes, I saw that one. The ending was devastating...