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View Full Version : When this Police Officer Finds Out a Man is Carrying Concealed, His Reaction is Total

02-27-2015, 07:11 AM
This is usually the reaction I get from cops when they find out I have a carry permit, yes the media wants us to believe the cops do nothing but kill innocent criminals :rolleyes: and are scared to death of folks getting a carry permit but in all honesty for those that have done it correctly the cops don't mind you carrying at all, after all the background checks I went through they know I am not a criminal, and lets face it to go get a carry permit is the hard way, you can walk to most any city and buy a illegal gun all day long so being you tried to do it correctly means a lot to the police.

Watch the video, a lot of truth in it.

The mainstream media wants you to think police are out of control. They want you to believe every single cop with a gun is out there to kill innocent black children.
It’s so far from the truth it’s disgusting.
Yes, there are police who abuse their position of power, everyone knows that can happen.
But police in large part are just as scared as people because of the boldness of criminals turbo-charged on speed and inflicting violence on whoever they want.
So when an officer pulls over a man for speeding and finds out he’s carrying concealed (legally) it’s actually the officer who’s relieved.
