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View Full Version : `.....Obama Praises Holder In Teary-Eyed Send-Off Capped By Aretha Franklin Serenade`

02-27-2015, 11:42 PM

......Both President Obama and Eric Holder shed tears during an event Friday for the retiring Attorney General which was capped by Aretha Franklin singing “America the Beautiful.”...............................Obama was seen wiping away a stray tear as he was thanking Holder, who also cried a bit at the conclusion of Obama’s remarks. Both grew emotional ............................



`The first action of the new Attorney General should be to bring Eric Holder up on charges. Failure to uphold the oath of his office by allowing blatant violation of federal drug laws. Blatant disregard to state's rights as appellate federal judges violated the 10th Amendment. Allowing civil and criminal unrest to occur by the black community against police officials while spouting that they wanted dead cops and two NY police officers are assassinate.

Eric Holder is the poster child for criminality.

Good riddance to nothing but a black criminal thug in a suit. Go back to the hood where you belong Eric.`

02-28-2015, 12:01 AM
Too bad, I had a really good gif for this.

02-28-2015, 12:04 AM
Too bad, I had a really good gif for this.

Welcome back to the site...Post it up...

02-28-2015, 08:12 AM
Obama has funny ideas about what a good man is!