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View Full Version : Outrageous! Spanish made the official language of a Texas town!!!!!!!

06-27-2007, 06:50 PM
EL CENIZO, Texas (Reuters) - The border town of El Cenizo, whose population is heavily Hispanic, has adopted Spanish as its official language and declared the community a safe haven for illegal immigrants, officials said Friday.

Full Story...........

Only one thing to say, outrageous.

06-27-2007, 06:54 PM

Great site against amnesty and making English our official language.

06-27-2007, 06:56 PM
Another great site!


The have a petition to print out and fill out and send in. We all need to do this!


06-27-2007, 06:57 PM
Screw that.

06-27-2007, 07:04 PM
A letter to send to your Senator's and Congressman.

The Honorable
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative:

As a constituent, I respectfully ask you to support official English legislation in the early days of the 110th Congress.

In a nation that has become increasingly divided, the time has come to support measures which bring our citizens together. English, our common language, has been a uniting force for our diverse population for generations. It is time to recognize the "glue" of our society with the passage of official English legislation.

Making English the official language of the United States will give our nation a much needed, properly focused language policy. Numerous studies have found that an understanding of English is the key to better jobs, improved health and higher education. By centering our attention on a common language, we can enable immigrants to participate more fully in our economy and political process, binding natives and newcomers together in our great nation.

I hope I can count on your support of this pro-America initiative. I look forward to hearing about your efforts on official English legislation.

06-27-2007, 07:59 PM
Ola amigos! :laugh2:

06-27-2007, 08:06 PM
And making English the official language solves exactly what?

Honestly I could give two fucks either way, its so far down the list of pressing issues of the day as to not even register.

06-27-2007, 08:12 PM
And making English the official language solves exactly what?

Honestly I could give two fucks either way, its so far down the list of pressing issues of the day as to not even register.

You do realize that the goal of the Mexican government is to eventually take over Texas, Arizona, NM, So Cal and parts of a few other states, don't you? Those little brown bastards are still fighting the Mex-American war with Teddy Rosevelt. They couldn't beat us then, can't beat us now, but they can walk over the border, move next door and outbreed us, which is exactly what's happening.

06-27-2007, 08:17 PM
You do realize that the goal of the Mexican government is to eventually take over Texas, Arizona, NM, So Cal and parts of a few other states, don't you? Those little brown bastards are still fighting the Mex-American war with Teddy Rosevelt. They couldn't beat us then, can't beat us now, but they can walk over the border, move next door and outbreed us, which is exactly what's happening.

Glock I kind of think all that talk of take over is hyperbole and rhetoric. Its kind of like taking Willie Joyce's idea seriously of giving a few southern states to the Blacks and Whites get the rest of the country that he came up with a while back, kind of ridiculous like that.

06-27-2007, 08:32 PM
Glock I kind of think all that talk of take over is hyperbole and rhetoric. Its kind of like taking Willie Joyce's idea seriously of giving a few southern states to the Blacks and Whites get the rest of the country that he came up with a while back, kind of ridiculous like that.
I'm in the process of searching for the map I use to have a link for, but here is some other evidence. Its usually best to believe what your enemy's stated goals are. The muzzies are planning on taking over Europe (again), and the Mexicans are planning on taking over parts of the US (again). These are both wars that continue through the centuries without end, until one generation lets down their guard. The same thing happened in Rome. http://www.limitstogrowth.org/WEB-text/aztlan.html

06-27-2007, 08:41 PM
Glock ..... Check out the map of Aztlan. Do a google using that term. This shit is real, man.

06-27-2007, 08:42 PM
I'm in the process of searching for the map I use to have a link for, but here is some other evidence. Its usually best to believe what your enemy's stated goals are. The muzzies are planning on taking over Europe (again), and the Mexicans are planning on taking over parts of the US (again). These are both wars that continue through the centuries without end, until one generation lets down their guard. The same thing happened in Rome. http://www.limitstogrowth.org/WEB-text/aztlan.html

Well you've got a much more powerful argument with the ragheads and Europe but the Mexicans well......I just don't see it.

06-27-2007, 08:44 PM
Check out the map of Aztlan. Do a google using that term. This shit is real, man.

So is some shit put out by the Klan. Come on, La Raza etc. etc. are fringe groups, they no sooner represent mainstream Latinos than Tiger Woods represents the Black man.

06-27-2007, 08:55 PM
So is some shit put out by the Klan. Come on, La Raza etc. etc. are fringe groups, they no sooner represent mainstream Latinos than Tiger Woods represents the Black man.
Shit, man. You need to take your next vacation down South somewhere, or in Aztlan somewhere where there's percenatges of Latinos 25, 35% or more. Go to a bar, buy them some drinks and talk to some of these fuckers. Some have no qualms about telling you what their plan is. Most of them refuse to learn english and are not interested in becoming US citizens. All they want to do is to make money and babies.

06-27-2007, 09:00 PM
All they want to do is to make money and babies.

Sometimes, usually around tax time, thats all I want to do too. Basically, and i'll be honest with you, lately I don't give two fucks about this concept called America, the government fucks you at every turn, steals 20-40% of your hardearned money every year in one fashion or another etc. etc., I could go on and on and on.

Its kinf of hard sometimes to get fired up about the way this country is going, especially socially, sometimes I say fuck it, if the Mexicans want this place so bad let em have the motherfucker.

06-27-2007, 09:06 PM
Sometimes, usually around tax time, thats all I want to do too. Basically, and i'll be honest with you, lately I don't give two fucks about this concept called America, the government fucks you at every turn, steals 20-40% of your hardearned money every year in one fashion or another etc. etc., I could go on and on and on.

Its kinf of hard sometimes to get fired up about the way this country is going, especially socially, sometimes I say fuck it, if the Mexicans want this place so bad let em have the motherfucker.

I feel your pain, man. :laugh2:

But seriously, would you rather live in Mexico? They have the most corrupt police in the world. You can bribe your way out of vehicular manslaughter for $850. Start a business? You'll need protection cash. That's why unemployemnt is rampant down there, business are afraid to invest. Do you think the pols are any cleaner?

Believe me friend, they will be all over your Greek ass and my German-Irish one, and deep in our wallets.

Abbey Marie
06-27-2007, 09:07 PM
Sometimes, usually around tax time, thats all I want to do too. Basically, and i'll be honest with you, lately I don't give two fucks about this concept called America, the government fucks you at every turn, steals 20-40% of your hardearned money every year in one fashion or another etc. etc., I could go on and on and on.

Its kinf of hard sometimes to get fired up about the way this country is going, especially socially, sometimes I say fuck it, if the Mexicans want this place so bad let em have the motherfucker.

I'll bet that helps keep the blood pressure down at least. I am at the point where I can't even stand to read about a lot of what is going on in this country these days.

06-27-2007, 09:14 PM
I feel your pain, man. :laugh2:

But seriously, would you rather live in Mexico? They have the most corrupt police in the world. You can bribe your way out of vehicular manslaughter for $850. Start a business? You'll need protection cash. That's why unemployemnt is rampant down there, business are afraid to invest. Do you think the pols are any cleaner?

Believe me friend, they will be all over your Greek ass and my German-Irish one, and deep in our wallets.

Mexico? Hell no! I'd take off first plane out to Greece where, and I know i'm gonna get jumped on for this, the lifestyle is soooooooooooooo much less stressful and so much better. Sure your economic opportunities aren't as great or as varied but you can get by on less there. That is why my plan is to make as much as I can, put away as much as I can and when the kids are all out and on their own..........pppppppppt i'm outta here. I figure I got at the most twenty years left here at the most, hell it might be one if Bubba Clinton gets reelected in 2008.

06-27-2007, 09:15 PM
they should simply cut of federal and state funding along with water power and sewer.....they want to be hispanic / mexican...get your support from them.....

or when they build the fence....just jog it around them

06-27-2007, 09:21 PM
I'll bet that helps keep the blood pressure down at least. I am at the point where I can't even stand to read about a lot of what is going on in this country these days.

Abbey I swear to you, there are days where I read the newspaper or turn on the tv and I just want to puke.

Heck I heard, and i'm way too afraid to verify it, that they officially made Rosie the new host of Price Is Right, not that that is a life altering thing but for godsakes the dyke has been a failure at everything.....her talk show, her magazine and the View.........plus she's a certified tinfoil whack job, what the hell are people thinking?

My God early in the morning sometimes I listen to NPR on the way to job appointments and I swear one day I will cause a NASCAR style pile up on the freeway, its not just NPR either but all the major news outlets, the lies that they just casually throw out there, especially on social issues and global warming and people gobble it right up!

Abbey Marie
06-27-2007, 09:26 PM
Abbey I swear to you, there are days where I read the newspaper or turn on the tv and I just want to puke.

Heck I heard, and i'm way too afraid to verify it, that they officially made Rosie the new host of Price Is Right, not that that is a life altering thing but for godsakes the dyke has been a failure at everything.....her talk show, her magazine and the View.........plus she's a certified tinfoil whack job, what the hell are people thinking?

My God early in the morning sometimes I listen to NPR on the way to job appointments and I swear one day I will cause a NASCAR style pile up on the freeway, its not just NPR either but all the major news outlets, the lies that they just casually throw out there, especially on social issues and global warming and people gobble it right up!

I soooooo hear you. It might not be so bad, but we have kids who will need to deal their whole lives with this mess we've allowed to happen.

Pale Rider
06-27-2007, 09:28 PM
Sometimes, usually around tax time, thats all I want to do too. Basically, and i'll be honest with you, lately I don't give two fucks about this concept called America, the government fucks you at every turn, steals 20-40% of your hardearned money every year in one fashion or another etc. etc., I could go on and on and on.

Its kinf of hard sometimes to get fired up about the way this country is going, especially socially, sometimes I say fuck it, if the Mexicans want this place so bad let em have the motherfucker.

Not me. I'll fight and die for this country, and I spent eight years in the military proving it. What's going on in this country is pissing off a lot of people, and I look forward to the day it all comes to a head. When the war starts in this country, I'm ready. The fucking mexicans can have it OVER MY DEAD BODY.

06-27-2007, 09:31 PM
Not me. I'll fight and die for this country, and I spent eight years in the military proving it. What's going on in this country is pissing off a lot of people, and I look forward to the day it all comes to a head. When the war starts in this country, I'm ready. The fucking mexicans can have it OVER MY DEAD BODY.

Pale my brother, ever stop and think about if the thing you are fighting for would lay down its life for you?

06-27-2007, 09:49 PM
It's a free country, is it not? If you live in a town where everyone speaks Spanish, what is wrong with allowing them to speak Spanish?
The "official language" thing is just a political thing. Chances are, everything is in Spanish anyway. Go to my sister's neighborhood in East Los Angeles and things are probably the same. There is no "official language," but if you speak English, no one is going to understand you. If you are in a neighborhood where 100 percent of the residents speak Spanish, the "official language" is going to speak Spanish.
Get off your high horse and quit trying to legislate other people's lives.

06-27-2007, 10:20 PM
The United States of America is no more...

It was nice while it lasted..


Abbey Marie
06-27-2007, 10:23 PM
The United States of America is no more...

It was nice while it lasted..


Stephanie, can we all move up to Alaska with you? It may be the only place left for us.

06-27-2007, 10:31 PM
Stephanie, can we all move up to Alaska with you? It may be the only place left for us.

I'm not so sure about that, Abbey..

The libs. are trying to get their grubby little hands in here, also....:coffee:

06-27-2007, 10:35 PM
The Mexicans don't want Alaska. It is too cold. They are content to take over the Lower 48. :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
06-27-2007, 10:36 PM
I'm not so sure about that, Abbey..

The libs. are trying to get their grubby little hands in here, also....:coffee:

No! I thought you guys had too "real" a lifestyle for our ivory tower types.

06-27-2007, 10:42 PM
They are not coming for me. I can speak Spanish.

06-27-2007, 10:43 PM
No! I thought you guys had too "real" a lifestyle for our ivory tower types.

Well....where I live up North..we're still all pretty much the survival types...
Hell, at -50 to -60 below zero....You pretty much have to be....:laugh2:

Down south....so, so..

06-27-2007, 10:43 PM
No! I thought you guys had too "real" a lifestyle for our ivory tower types.

What, are the Liberal's getting tired of indoor plumbing and wanting to live in igloos? :laugh2:

06-27-2007, 10:44 PM
Well....where I live up North..we're still all pretty much the survival types...
Hell, at -50 to -60 below zero....You pretty much have to be....:laugh2:

Down south....so, so..

So your a manly woman? :laugh2:

06-27-2007, 10:44 PM
What, are the Liberal's getting tired of indoor plumbing and wanting to live in igloos? :laugh2:



06-27-2007, 10:45 PM
They are not coming for me. I can speak Spanish.

Who in their right mind would come for you? I would rather slam my dick in a door.

06-27-2007, 10:46 PM
So your a manly woman? :laugh2:



06-27-2007, 10:47 PM



Pale Rider
06-28-2007, 08:32 AM
Pale my brother, ever stop and think about if the thing you are fighting for would lay down its life for you?

I am my country bro. Without people like me, this country would be in the hands of someone else as we speak. There's too many died in the wool, hardass, rednecks like me still here, and WE - ARE - AMERICA, and the spineless, liberal, yellow bellied, lay down, apologist, appeaser, cut and run surrender kings and queen DOGS, that are all too ready to just hand this country over to a bunch of third world invaders, when the shootin' starts, they'll have a bead on them too. They better fucking PRAY that bill don't pass.

Hagbard Celine
06-28-2007, 08:52 AM
Ola amigos! :laugh2:

*ahem* that's "hola." :D

06-28-2007, 11:33 AM
Mexico? Hell no! I'd take off first plane out to Greece where, and I know i'm gonna get jumped on for this, the lifestyle is soooooooooooooo much less stressful and so much better. Sure your economic opportunities aren't as great or as varied but you can get by on less there. That is why my plan is to make as much as I can, put away as much as I can and when the kids are all out and on their own..........pppppppppt i'm outta here. I figure I got at the most twenty years left here at the most, hell it might be one if Bubba Clinton gets reelected in 2008. Maybe I'll be the last patriot standing.

06-28-2007, 11:34 AM
*ahem* that's "hola." :D And its tor-til-ah chips, not tor-tee-yah. :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
06-28-2007, 11:36 AM
And its tor-til-ah chips, not tor-tee-yah. :laugh2:

And it's not amnesty. It's "No way, Jose'" :laugh2:

Hagbard Celine
06-28-2007, 11:38 AM
I think being bilingual is a good thing. :dunno: I don't see why a change like this is being so feverishly resisted.

06-28-2007, 11:56 AM
I think being bilingual is a good thing. :dunno: I don't see why a change like this is being so feverishly resisted. Ever been to frech speaking parts of Canada? They treat english speakers like dirt. I get the same treatment when I walk into a mexican C-Store here in NC.

Its also a drain on the economy, as well as an attack on our culture. We use to be a melting pot.

Hagbard Celine
06-28-2007, 12:03 PM
Ever been to frech speaking parts of Canada? They treat english speakers like dirt. I get the same treatment when I walk into a mexican C-Store here in NC.

Its also a drain on the economy, as well as an attack on our culture. We use to be a melting pot.

I don't see why Spanish speakers here would be rude just because French Canadians are.

And I see why you think illegal aliens are a drain on our economy. They are a small drain--and I don't like the fact that they send money out of our economy and into Mexico's. That could be remedied by a fair tax. And as far as your melting pot analogy goes, accepting other cultures and languages is what it means to be a melting pot. Melting pot means people from all cultures mesh together here to make-up the American people. It doesn't mean people from all cultures become English-speaking, Christian White people when they come here. What's so bad about learning a second, third or fourth language? It makes you a more learned person. We all know knowledge is power, so why not learn something new? It's proven to increase your intelligence, make you live longer and function better abroad. I WANT to learn Spanish.

Pale Rider
06-28-2007, 12:28 PM
I don't see why Spanish speakers here would be rude just because French Canadians are.

And I see why you think illegal aliens are a drain on our economy. They are a small drain--and I don't like the fact that they send money out of our economy and into Mexico's. That could be remedied by a fair tax. And as far as your melting pot analogy goes, accepting other cultures and languages is what it means to be a melting pot. Melting pot means people from all cultures mesh together here to make-up the American people. It doesn't mean people from all cultures become English-speaking, Christian White people when they come here. What's so bad about learning a second, third or fourth language? It makes you a more learned person. We all know knowledge is power, so why not learn something new? It's proven to increase your intelligence, make you live longer and function better abroad. I WANT to learn Spanish.

That's it hag... just keep bending to all the different people coming into America. Keep letting those coming here dictate to YOU and ME, who ARE American, that WE have CHANGE to accommodate THEM! Yeah, that's the ticket. That will surely make America stronger... yeah. No one should EVER be required to assimilate to America again. If you don't want to be an American, you don't have to be. You can be whatever you want to be if you don't want to be an American. We don't care. Just take over. We'll all bend to whatever it is you want us to do. You want us to have to learn how to speak your language, even though this is America? No problem. We'll kiss your illegal alien ass all up one side and down the other. We love you. We can't live without you. Please tell us what it is you want us to do...

Yeah well... you can be that way Hag. I say if you come to America, you better be BECOMING an American, or you don't have any business being here. Go the fuck back to where you came from.

Hagbard Celine
06-28-2007, 12:36 PM
That's it hag... just keep bending to all the different people coming into America. Keep letting those coming here dictate to YOU and ME, who ARE American, that WE have CHANGE to accommodate THEM! Yeah, that's the ticket. That will surely make America stronger... yeah. No one should EVER be required to assimilate to America again. If you don't want to be an American, you don't have to be. You can be whatever you want to be if you don't want to be an American. We don't care. Just take over. We'll all bend to whatever it is you want us to do. You want us to have to learn how to speak your language, even though this is America? No problem. We'll kiss your illegal alien ass all up one side and down the other. We love you. We can't live without you. Please tell us what it is you want us to do...

Yeah well... you can be that way Hag. I say if you come to America, you better be BECOMING an American, or you don't have any business being here. Go the fuck back to where you came from.

I think people coming here should be "American," but I think being American means having an allegiance to the US and the liberties and ideals that it stands for. I don't think speaking English makes you an American. It makes you an English speaker. People would be better off knowing more than one language. Knowledge is always better than ignorance Pale. I don't think we should be considering making laws that give amnesty to illegals, but I also don't think it's smart to just deport them all. Whatever happened to the guest-worker idea? Why would that be a bad thing? Seems to me it would alleviate this whole situation.

06-28-2007, 01:00 PM
I think people coming here should be "American," but I think being American means having an allegiance to the US and the liberties and ideals that it stands for. I don't think speaking English makes you an American. It makes you an English speaker. People would be better off knowing more than one language. Knowledge is always better than ignorance Pale. I don't think we should be considering making laws that give amnesty to illegals, but I also don't think it's smart to just deport them all. Whatever happened to the guest-worker idea? Why would that be a bad thing? Seems to me it would alleviate this whole situation.

I say we round them up like cattle, brand them and send them back. :laugh2:

06-28-2007, 01:18 PM
I don't see why Spanish speakers here would be rude just because French Canadians are.

And I see why you think illegal aliens are a drain on our economy. They are a small drain--and I don't like the fact that they send money out of our economy and into Mexico's. That could be remedied by a fair tax. And as far as your melting pot analogy goes, accepting other cultures and languages is what it means to be a melting pot. Melting pot means people from all cultures mesh together here to make-up the American people. It doesn't mean people from all cultures become English-speaking, Christian White people when they come here. What's so bad about learning a second, third or fourth language? It makes you a more learned person. We all know knowledge is power, so why not learn something new? It's proven to increase your intelligence, make you live longer and function better abroad. I WANT to learn Spanish.

I’m just telling you of my own personal experience, as well as those of others I know. We have a very high percentage of Spanish speaking migrants, perhaps 20% or more. And if you go into “their” areas, you get treated like you don’t belong. Same as my experiences in French-canada.

I didn’t say illegals are a drain on our economy. What I said is that the burden to use two or more languages in one country is a drain. The reason for that should be self-explanatory.

06-28-2007, 02:16 PM
I say we round them up like cattle, brand them and send them back. :laugh2:

Wow, way to add to the discussion.:lame2:

06-28-2007, 02:20 PM
I am my country bro. Without people like me, this country would be in the hands of someone else as we speak. There's too many died in the wool, hardass, rednecks like me still here, and WE - ARE - AMERICA, and the spineless, liberal, yellow bellied, lay down, apologist, appeaser, cut and run surrender kings and queen DOGS, that are all too ready to just hand this country over to a bunch of third world invaders, when the shootin' starts, they'll have a bead on them too. They better fucking PRAY that bill don't pass.

Pale we all agree that currently George W Bush is the leader of America, right? Ok if you were standing next to Bush and a nutbag came up to fill YOU with lead do you think W would jump in front of you and take the bullet? No, probably not, that is why I ask why you would be so willing to take up arms in a civil conflict to protect someone who would not return the favor.

Pale Rider
06-28-2007, 04:04 PM
I think people coming here should be "American," but I think being American means having an allegiance to the US and the liberties and ideals that it stands for. I don't think speaking English makes you an American. It makes you an English speaker.
Well there's where we disagree. I do think speaking English is a primary function of becoming an American. We're an English speaking country. You should learn our language, not the other way around.

People would be better off knowing more than one language.
I only know one language. Why would I be better off to know another one?

Knowledge is always better than ignorance Pale.
I certainly can't argue with that. But speaking a second language does NOT instantly make you knowledgable, or not ignorant for that matter.

I don't think we should be considering making laws that give amnesty to illegals, but I also don't think it's smart to just deport them all. Whatever happened to the guest-worker idea? Why would that be a bad thing? Seems to me it would alleviate this whole situation.
I think we should deport all illegal aliens that are currently in our jails and prisons. I also think that we should deport any illegal that comes into contact with law enforcement, and law enforcement officers should make finding out their immigration status paramount at every encounter. That would make a good start.

I think the guest worker program is a good idea. Sign 'em up and bring 'em in legal. No problem. But keep TRACK of them.

06-28-2007, 07:52 PM
Well there's where we disagree. I do think speaking English is a primary function of becoming an American. We're an English speaking country. You should learn our language, not the other way around.

I only know one language. Why would I be better off to know another one?

I certainly can't argue with that. But speaking a second language does NOT instantly make you knowledgable, or not ignorant for that matter.

I think we should deport all illegal aliens that are currently in our jails and prisons. I also think that we should deport any illegal that comes into contact with law enforcement, and law enforcement officers should make finding out their immigration status paramount at every encounter. That would make a good start.

I think the guest worker program is a good idea. Sign 'em up and bring 'em in legal. No problem. But keep TRACK of them.

Without a common language, there is no country

07-16-2007, 10:19 PM
Without a common language, there is no country

Exactly. Not to mention the costs of putting everything in multiple language. We need a standardized official language. It should also be a ruquirement to speak English to become a citizen or even gain employment here in the US. I hate it when you goto the store or a fast food place and try and order or buy something and the person barely speaks English and because of it your order is screwed up or you get the wrong product.

07-17-2007, 03:18 AM
Not me. I'll fight and die for this country, and I spent eight years in the military proving it. What's going on in this country is pissing off a lot of people, and I look forward to the day it all comes to a head. When the war starts in this country, I'm ready. The fucking mexicans can have it OVER MY DEAD BODY.

I also spent my time in the military and I agree with you 200% I am willing to defend our country again also.

07-17-2007, 06:21 AM
Exactly. Not to mention the costs of putting everything in multiple language. We need a standardized official language. It should also be a ruquirement to speak English to become a citizen or even gain employment here in the US. I hate it when you goto the store or a fast food place and try and order or buy something and the person barely speaks English and because of it your order is screwed up or you get the wrong product.

You know that's funny that you mention that, I worked at a Hispanic nightclub as a bartender for about 2 years, when I first started there it was a Hip Hop club however the area it was in was turning majority Hispanic so the owner changed it into a Hispanic club. These people would come up to me all the time an ask me if I spoke Spanish? I would tell them no. They would be like but this is a Mexican Club and I would tell them yeah in America not Mexico.

07-17-2007, 06:58 AM
EL CENIZO, Texas (Reuters) - The border town of El Cenizo, whose population is heavily Hispanic, has adopted Spanish as its official language and declared the community a safe haven for illegal immigrants, officials said Friday.

Full Story...........

Only one thing to say, outrageous.

You did realize that this article is about something that happened over 7 years ago at least, right?

It says this involved Governor George W Bush.... this has to be at least from 2000 and maybe even earlier?

Do you know if the town changed back to English since then? Has their been a Mayor change since then, that may have turned it back to English?

I can sympathize with the Mayor's feeling of "apathy" from his citizens in the town, who did not follow the local politics because of the "language" barrier, HOWEVER, who said life was suppose to be Easy Street?

He may have solved his "short term" problem but he has hurt himself and these citizens in the long run.

In the long run, these 1st generation citizens could have felt "pressure" to learn the English language and ascerted themselves more to learn the English Language and melt in to America if he had kept his town meetings in the English Language.

He could have spent some of their own tax monies for courses in English as a Second Language, he could have done so much more to help these citizens to become Americans instead of just "a part of America", who statistically will never have the riches of those Americans that know the English Language.

07-17-2007, 07:08 AM
I also spent my time in the military and I agree with you 200% I am willing to defend our country again also.

Sorry--America doesn't want you to do that. Our border guards ended up in prison for doing that exact thing. Odd when an entire race of people isn't required to follow the law.

07-17-2007, 07:25 AM
THE LIBERALS!!!!! We need to nip this in the bud before it gets worse. Its already dang bad and we should get a petition to get those border patrol agents pardoned. I say we need to erect sniper towers and or issue hunting liscenses. And sensors in the ground that would be able to detect them trying to dig tunnels like we have seen. And if they detect someone digging a tunnel blow it up. Its the best way to be effective at securing our borders. But since this country has too many liberals. Then ok we need to send up the unmanned predator and have more agents to patrol our borders. I mean there is no excuse for them doing this crap. Ok i realize they are only trying to come to a better place and thats fine this country was founded on immigrants coming to america. But there are legal means in doing so. Yes it may take forever. Took my friend nearly 6 years to get his citizenship. But he came from ukraine he speaks english pays taxes and is a law abiding citizen and he was here legally the entire time.

07-17-2007, 07:42 AM
THE LIBERALS!!!!! We need to nip this in the bud before it gets worse. Its already dang bad and we should get a petition to get those border patrol agents pardoned. I say we need to erect sniper towers and or issue hunting liscenses. And sensors in the ground that would be able to detect them trying to dig tunnels like we have seen. And if they detect someone digging a tunnel blow it up. Its the best way to be effective at securing our borders. But since this country has too many liberals. Then ok we need to send up the unmanned predator and have more agents to patrol our borders. I mean there is no excuse for them doing this crap. Ok i realize they are only trying to come to a better place and thats fine this country was founded on immigrants coming to america. But there are legal means in doing so. Yes it may take forever. Took my friend nearly 6 years to get his citizenship. But he came from ukraine he speaks english pays taxes and is a law abiding citizen and he was here legally the entire time.

Can't blame the liberals for this one. Both political parties are content to allow illegals pour across our borders and stay here. Different reasons maybe but the same results. We ceased to be a "melting pot" when laws were enacted that only pertained to or protected only some races and cultures.

07-17-2007, 08:25 AM
Well in the latest amnesty bill i believe a lot of the votes against it were the republicans. But hey whoever is at fault it needs to be dealt with. I am sick and tired of these clowns breaking laws to come here. They are criminals and need to be treated as such. No aiding the criminals. I have no respect for these clowns that break our laws then want to come here and try to be a citizen this country has laws for a reason. If you break the law there is a punishment. Also as far as if you have a kid here he is automatically a citizen it shouldnt be an illegal having a kid here gains citizenship. Well screw that just another reward for them breaking our laws :fu:

07-17-2007, 01:09 PM
Well in the latest amnesty bill i believe a lot of the votes against it were the republicans. But hey whoever is at fault it needs to be dealt with. I am sick and tired of these clowns breaking laws to come here. They are criminals and need to be treated as such. No aiding the criminals. I have no respect for these clowns that break our laws then want to come here and try to be a citizen this country has laws for a reason. If you break the law there is a punishment. Also as far as if you have a kid here he is automatically a citizen it shouldnt be an illegal having a kid here gains citizenship. Well screw that just another reward for them breaking our laws :fu:

This Anchor Baby crap has to stop as well.