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View Full Version : UK: Crazed Union Rant ...

03-02-2015, 01:00 PM
I'm not sure if I've assigned this thread to the correct part of the forum. But anyway ... I think this is both 'entertaining' and, in its way, rather informative ...

There is going to be strike action taken this coming weekend on the London Underground system (of a limited nature, compare to what the Union usually gets up to ..).

The basis for it is that a Tube train driver was given breathaliser tests repeatedly by his employer, and kept failing them. So, he was taken off of his job of driving a Tube train !

His Union decided to back him. With just 244 votes in favour, they're holding their protest strike in a few days.

Nick Ferrari, an 'LBC News Radio' presenter, interviewed the Union leader. The outcome was some rather offensive responses from that Union man, where he repeatedly asked the presenter if he was beating his wife ... !!!

Here's a link to the LBC site page which contains an audio link to the interview. Make of it what you will !!!


03-02-2015, 03:40 PM
If a job can be done by a drunk, it can be done better by a robot. We can revise GEICO's slogan: So easy a caveman drunk can do it.

03-03-2015, 09:15 AM
If a job can be done by a drunk, it can be done better by a robot. We can revise GEICO's slogan: So easy a caveman drunk can do it.

Funny you should say that ...

Not many people remember this - but back in the 1970's, London Underground considered investing in automating its tube network. As matters were then, every tube train was 'human' driven. So, they installed automation on Victoria Line trains.

A strike was called on the network, and it was one of the particularly successful ones. The network was, essentially, closed down ...

... EXCEPT for the Victoria Line. Bosses decided to give their automated driving-facilities a 'trial' run, as no drivers had turned up for work.

Result: one Tube network devoid of trains for a day, except for the Victoria Line, which ran a normal service !

The Unions were incensed at all this. On 'health and safety' grounds, they insisted that all the automation technology be removed from Victoria Line trains. It was, and has never been reinstalled ... either on that line, or any other on the network.

By total contrast, they'll evidently support to the hilt any driver who fails the employers' breath tests, and call a strike in support of him !!

On a different network, but also serving London and that general vicinity, we have the Docklands Light Railway. These are .. AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN .. driverless trains. The entire system is run by computer. It's been running since at least the 1990's.

I'm unaware of any safety concerns ever emerging out of its - exceptionally trouble-free - operation !