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View Full Version : Hillary: "secret email accounts... it's everything our Const was designed to prevent"

03-04-2015, 02:46 PM
Fascinating quote from Hillary Clinton.

Oddly, she was not talking about her own secret email account, which she used while she was Secretary of State to conduct all State business in a way that couldn't be revealed to investigators.

She said it in 2007, and was complaining about George W. Bush.

"Our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps, the secret military tribunals, the secret White House e-mail accounts.... We’ve seen information taken off of government websites. It is a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok. It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.
- Hillary Clinton, "Take Back America 2007" Conference, June 20, 2007

Now that we know how Hillary feels about "secret email accounts", when can we expect her to turn over all the emails used in that account, to investigators trying to find out her role in the Benghazi disaster where four Americans were killed by terrorists, including a U.S. Ambassador?

03-04-2015, 06:52 PM
Well.....I have a Government E-Mail account for work, and I cannot access *Any* outside E-mail connections.

We have to take boring annual training on Internet Security.
We get hammered over OPSEC (Operational Security), PERSEC, (Personal Security),
INFOSEC (Informaton Security) and more!

We are required to get Security Clearances just to access our work Networks for
many applications!

Is Hillary...as the Sec of State, immune to all of this Cyber Secuity for Government
Officials and Employees? No...But will Holder go after her? No frikkin' way.

She has no business even beiing considered stepping into the White House - Even as a guest!

This carpet-bagger is slimy and like Obama, thinks she is above the Law and above any and
all direction.

03-04-2015, 07:09 PM
Fascinating quote from Hillary Clinton.

She said it in 2007, and was complaining about George W. Bush.

"Our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps, the secret military tribunals, the secret White House e-mail accounts.... We’ve seen information taken off of government websites. It is a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run amok. It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.
- Hillary Clinton, "Take Back America 2007" Conference, June 20, 2007

Now that we know how Hillary feels about "secret email accounts", when can we expect her to turn over all the emails used in that account, to investigators trying to find out her role in the Benghazi disaster where four Americans were killed by terrorists, including a U.S. Ambassador?

I doubt it. She is exclusive from any faults, errors, or ignoring of Law; Protocols, Legal and security requirements for office or position. Just ask her....

She would have had to acknowledge specific security requirements as a resident of the White House with access to the systems there; she would have had to acknowledge similar requirements as a (Carpet-bagging) Senator; she would have had to do that and more as a Cabinet Secretary.

And LIBs want this distrustful bag of hammers as President?

03-04-2015, 07:50 PM
I doubt it. She is exclusive from any faults, errors, or ignoring of Law; Protocols, Legal and security requirements for office or position. Just ask her....

Slick Willie was the same way. He acted "presidential" before doing such was cool.
Hillary Clinton may be smart, but she doesn't have much common sense. Which is why she will not win the Dem nomination. Dems will eventually realize that Hillary has too much baggage and closet skeletons to be a viable candidate.

The Dems need to find a safe, agreeable candidate. Then they won't have to find a way to win the 2016 election. They can sit back and watch the GOP lose it.

03-05-2015, 12:12 AM
Slick Willie was the same way. He acted "presidential" before doing such was cool.
Hillary Clinton may be smart, but she doesn't have much common sense. Which is why she will not win the Dem nomination. Dems will eventually realize that Hillary has too much baggage and closet skeletons to be a viable candidate.

The Dems need to find a safe, agreeable candidate. Then they won't have to find a way to win the 2016 election. They can sit back and watch the GOP lose it.

You have statements to back up.


03-05-2015, 01:33 AM
Slick Willie was the same way. He acted "presidential" before doing such was cool.
Hillary Clinton may be smart, but she doesn't have much common sense. Which is why she will not win the Dem nomination. Dems will eventually realize that Hillary has too much baggage and closet skeletons to be a viable candidate.

The Dems need to find a safe, agreeable candidate. Then they won't have to find a way to win the 2016 election. They can sit back and watch the GOP lose it.

How's this grab ya' for a 2016 General Election?: Joe Biden versus Rand Paul .