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View Full Version : DOJ report on Furgeson Police actions and e-mails show

03-05-2015, 09:32 AM
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....The report (http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/documents/national/department-of-justice-report-on-the-ferguson-mo-police-department/1435/) highlighted repeated examples of bias in law enforcement and described a system that seemed to be built upon using arrest warrants to force money out of black residents. In addition, the Justice Department also pointed to several racist e-mails written by police and municipal court supervisors (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/in-ferguson-three-minutes--and-two-lives-forever-changed/2014/08/16/f28f5bc0-2588-11e4-8593-da634b334390_story.html) and highlighted numerous allegations of physical and bigoted activity on the part of officers.

“Seen in this context, amid a highly toxic environment, defined by mistrust and resentment, stoked by years of bad feelings and spurred by illegal and misguided practices, it is not difficult to imagine how a single tragic incident set off the city of Ferguson like a powder keg,” Holder said during a news conference Wednesday afternoon in Washington, D.C.
In Ferguson, it has become “routine” for officers to violate the constitutional rights of residents, he said. This behavior deepens the distrust that residents say has long existed, as encounters between police and residents “frequently and rapidly escalate and end up blatantly and unnecessarily crossing the line,” he said.
He described the investigation as fair, thorough and rigorous, and vowed to continue working with people in Ferguson and surrounding municipalities, calling the report “only the beginning” of a necessary process. After the Justice Department issued similarly harsh reports on the police departments of Cleveland (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/justice-department-finds-use-of-force-problems-in-cleveland-police-department/2014/12/04/303e0d28-7be6-11e4-b821-503cc7efed9e_story.html) and Albuquerque (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/11/07/albuquerque-agrees-to-justice-department-deal-and-will-overhaul-its-troubled-police-force/) last year, city officials in both places (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/11/07/albuquerque-agrees-to-justice-department-deal-and-will-overhaul-its-troubled-police-force/) reached settlements (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/justice-department-finds-use-of-force-problems-in-cleveland-police-department/2014/12/04/303e0d28-7be6-11e4-b821-503cc7efed9e_story.html) with the department and promised that reforms would follow....

Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/03/04/holder-report-shows-why-michael-browns-death-set-off-ferguson-like-a-powder-keg/)
I hope no one assumes that the report is purely biased or wants gives some other reasons why the abusive police behavior is justified or not really that bad.

But P.Depts are human organizations.
to paint them as all bad all the time is wrong but to paint them as angels that do right 99.99999% of the time is to be willing blind and in denial.

to add to this report I'd like folks to consider this book.
Police Unbound: Corruption, Abuse, and Heroism by the Boys in Blue

Former chief of police in Minneapolis and commander of the Bronx police force Tony Bouza pulls no punches in this blunt, candid assessment of police culture. Emphasizing the gap between the average citizen's perception of police work and the day-to-day reality of life as a cop, Bouza reveals the inner dynamics of a secretive, fraternal society that will do almost anything to protect itself. The strong bonds of loyalty among police both inspire individual acts of heroism in the face of danger but also repress full disclosure of the truth when corruption or abuse of power are suspected, says Bouza. Young rookies are quickly molded by the unspoken rules and the code of silence that govern a cop's professional life, and they soon learn that physical but not moral courage is expected.
Bouza evaluates sweeps, roundups, sting operations, the controversial practice of racial profiling, and the politics of law enforcement. He critically examines the excesses, abuses, and corruption of the New York, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis police forces, among others, offering insights into what went wrong in the infamous Louima and Diallo cases.
But his most telling criticism is not directed against the police per se but against our society's ruling elites and the middle class, who give police the unmistakable message that the underclass must be kept down and property owners protected at all costs. He charges that the heart of the problem of both crime and police abuse in America is our tacitly accepted class structure separating the privileged from the poor, and along with it the systemic racism that society as a whole is not yet willing to face. Bouza concludes his critique on a positive note with straightforward proposals on how to make the police more ethical and effective.
This controversial, eye-opening book by a veteran insider exposes a reality that TV cop shows never portray and raises serious moral questions about class and race....

Is this Former chief of police working for Eric Holder or sumthin' or Sharpton's payroll?
The fact is the culture of police depts is NOT to treat everyone equally. Or to be honest at all times. Or just to get the bad guys.

Blacks and the poor in general often have to deal with a face of police that the middle class and rich do not see... or want to see.

03-05-2015, 09:40 AM
Wilson walks free without charges - EXACTLY how it should have went.

They fired and put 2 folks on suspension, exactly how that should be too. And others they find doing the same. And of course the DOJ will likely follow up on this.

Now the next will be Brown's mother and friends - who found others who had a makeshift stand selling shirts of her son. She and others charged the stand and assaulted and stole merchandise - making it a felony robbery. Now they are stating that they are expecting more unrest. If true, then why? People will once again be violent? I understand her emotions, but if she did it, she should be charged appropriately as this has nothing at all to do with any shooting or DOJ findings.

03-05-2015, 02:40 PM
Wilson walks free without charges - EXACTLY how it should have went.

They fired and put 2 folks on suspension, exactly how that should be too. And others they find doing the same. And of course the DOJ will likely follow up on this.

Now the next will be Brown's mother and friends - who found others who had a makeshift stand selling shirts of her son. She and others charged the stand and assaulted and stole merchandise - making it a felony robbery. Now they are stating that they are expecting more unrest. If true, then why? People will once again be violent? I understand her emotions, but if she did it, she should be charged appropriately as this has nothing at all to do with any shooting or DOJ findings.

The one(s) that should be fired and/or jailed.....is:

1) the head of the DOJ (is that ahole EVER LEAVING???) that made the decision to spend time, public resources and taxpayer money to "investigate" (Read: partisan leftist agenda of launching bogus/phony accusations of racism witchhunt) this incident for a year and a half....when most of us knew from Day One that there was no 'there there',

2) Michael Brown's step-father AND mother for inciting violence and committing various crimes because their thug kid got what he asked for,

3) The rabid leftists that organized and showed up in Ferguson for the purpose of agitating and creating an environment of anarchy,

4) The looting aholes caught ON CAMERA robbing stores in Ferguson.

But nobody will be held accountable here. We know how this works. They'll just blame the Tea Party, George Bush and 'whitey'....per usual.

03-05-2015, 04:26 PM
Ferguson is not unlike many small town police departments. Particularly in the deep South. There is rampant racism. Even in large cities like Los Angeles, there is a lot of racism. It won't change until people's attitudes change. Which might be a while.

03-05-2015, 04:36 PM
Good Grief!

There is rampant racism in the democrat party! That's where the racists and race baiters convene! Al Sharpton dines with obama and holder!

03-05-2015, 05:59 PM
Ferguson is not unlike many small town police departments. Particularly in the deep South. There is rampant racism. Even in large cities like Los Angeles, there is a lot of racism. It won't change until people's attitudes change. Which might be a while.

Racism does not limit itself to one 'color' or 'race'...I've seen it...Illegal Mexicans in Long Beach CA threatening and intimidating whites and blacks....Blacks intimidating whites in Philly, Camden, Atlantic City, LA, and NYC. The greater St.Louis area is one of the worst black racist enclaves in the USA.

It has constantly been implied by Sec of MisJustice Holden, O-weak-ass-Bama, and Al not-so-SHARPton that this was all a white racism case. Woe-Bama was a 'Community Organizer' (what the hell ever that is) in Chicago; yet, that is a cesspool of
black gang violence....nice he was put up as a Post Turtle President. Sharpton owes $4.5 mil in back taxes, yet still shakes down corporations to this day.

It has all been shown otherwise - and the three above have not apologized or made restitution
for the riots, looting, and injuries their declarations supported. That punk was raised on the streets and not in a home.

He had a welfare momma and no male parenting.

Those are your Liberal-We-Must-Get-Along heroes?

03-06-2015, 08:10 AM
The one(s) that should be fired and/or jailed.....is:

1) the head of the DOJ (is that ahole EVER LEAVING???) that made the decision to spend time, public resources and taxpayer money to "investigate" (Read: partisan leftist agenda of launching bogus/phony accusations of racism witchhunt) this incident for a year and a half....when most of us knew from Day One that there was no 'there there',

2) Michael Brown's step-father AND mother for inciting violence and committing various crimes because their thug kid got what he asked for,

3) The rabid leftists that organized and showed up in Ferguson for the purpose of agitating and creating an environment of anarchy,

4) The looting aholes caught ON CAMERA robbing stores in Ferguson.

But nobody will be held accountable here. We know how this works. They'll just blame the Tea Party, George Bush and 'whitey'....per usual.

#1 is bad for the entire country. Obama and Holder are leading racism from the highest offices in the land.

#2 The father should have been charged for inciting violence. The mother HAS to be charged with felony burglary - or you're telling others it's ok to commit crimes if you're upset.

#4 I wish they could identify some of these animals, and of course prosecute to the fullest extent.

Obama and Holder, nothing going to happen. Neither parent is charged. Mommy gets away with it as they fear unrest. Same goes for the animals looting and burning.

03-06-2015, 09:17 AM
There are quite a few other threads that piss on Obama, Holder and the criminals that burned and looted. (as apposed to those that peacefully protested.). Any commentary on the animals in uniform that abused innocents without impunity? the unfair treatment because of race?

So I'm not here defending Sharpton. (even Trayvon Martin's family doesn't want him associated with them.) He's not the issue of this thread. I'm not here defending Holder's record, or Obama's on this or other issues. Or the rioters, please don't derail it. Start a Sharpton thread or ANOTHER thread on the "animals" of Ferguson riots, the fires and property damage thread. this thread is about Police corruption and race base policing in Furgeson and elsewhere.

Is it really Obama's, Holders or even Sharpton's fault that the white police in some cities have been more abusive to blacks because of race for sometime? no. Or is it just wrong to point it out if you're black? if a black president says it, that makes it "divisive"... even if it's true?
I've mentioned before that Blacks have known about unfair police treatment ..well forever. in some cities it's not a real problem but some it been a persistent one. it seems Furgeson is one of those. shouldn't it be exposed...by someone? Blacks have brought the problem to state and fed authorities before but other presidents an AG's didn't address it. It would have been great if they did. maybe it'd seem more true if Bush said it, or Clinton. but whowever says it, it's still true.

I get the impression here that people should never mention that there are IN FACT real racist cops that are never reigned and often protected and that there are even racist police cultures in some police depts..

Frankly some of the talk here reminds me of the push back from many in the south during 1960's.
A light beer version of comments like. those from George Wallace of Alabama, and Bull Conner (remember the dogs)
"...all these people have come down here to stir up our good Negros. There's no problem in our town/city state (country). Outside agitators have STIRRED up trouble."

If that's to much to reply to.
Please comment on the police chief of Minn MN and the Bronx to says there IS IN FACT a real issue of race and class and police corruption. Is he just stirring up racial division for political reasons?

Sorry if the facts don't align with you concept of 99.9% of police treat everyone equally and are always honest.
but it doesn't help or change the facts to pile on the messengers.

03-06-2015, 09:28 AM
Ferguson is not unlike many small town police departments. Particularly in the deep South. There is rampant racism. Even in large cities like Los Angeles, there is a lot of racism. It won't change until people's attitudes change. Which might be a while.

I bet you haven't even BEEN to Ferguson, much less been there on a regular basis. I used to work in Ferguson with cash in the vehicle from delivering doughnuts and it wasn't that bad. It's amazing how people can invent a special "reality" from one incident that incidentally turned out to be a FALSE accusation.

03-06-2015, 09:38 AM
There are quite a few other threads that piss on Obama, Holder and the criminals that burned and looted. (as apposed to those that peacefully protested.). Any commentary on the animals in uniform that abused innocents without impunity? the unfair treatment because of race?

So I'm not here defending Sharpton. (even Trayvon Martin's family doesn't want him associated with them.) He's not the issue of this thread. I'm not here defending Holder's record, or Obama's on this or other issues. Or the rioters, please don't derail it. Start a Sharpton thread or ANOTHER thread on the "animals" of Ferguson riots, the fires and property damage thread. this thread is about Police corruption and race base policing in Furgeson and elsewhere.

Is it really Obama's, Holders or even Sharpton's fault that the white police in some cities have been more abusive to blacks because of race for sometime? no. Or is it just wrong to point it out if you're black? if a black president says it, that makes it "divisive"... even if it's true?
I've mentioned before that Blacks have known about unfair police treatment ..well forever. in some cities it's not a real problem but some it been a persistent one. it seems Furgeson is one of those. shouldn't it be exposed...by someone? Blacks have brought the problem to state and fed authorities before but other presidents an AG's didn't address it. It would have been great if they did. maybe it'd seem more true if Bush said it, or Clinton. but whowever says it, it's still true.

I get the impression here that people should never mention that there are IN FACT real racist cops that are never reigned and often protected and that there are even racist police cultures in some police depts..

Frankly some of the talk here reminds me of the push back from many in the south during 1960's.
A light beer version of comments like. those from George Wallace of Alabama, and Bull Conner (remember the dogs)
"...all these people have come down here to stir up our good Negros. There's no problem in our town/city state (country). Outside agitators have STIRRED up trouble."

If that's to much to reply to.
Please comment on the police chief of Minn MN and the Bronx to says there IS IN FACT a real issue of race and class and police corruption. Is he just stirring up racial division for political reasons?

Sorry if the facts don't align with you concept of 99.9% of police treat everyone equally and are always honest.
but it doesn't help or change the facts to pile on the messengers.

Seems to me that the subject is the Ferguson police department and the results of a DOJ investigation. My post at least, was about the Ferguson police department related events. I also commented on those guilty of being caught within the department, and I hope they get fired and whatever else is coming to them. I understand you may not want to discuss Brown's mother's felonious crime, nor the crime of his father, but they are all part of the overall events in Ferguson. I'll happily start another thread where we can discuss Ferguson.

03-06-2015, 09:49 AM
Yes, there are racist cops. Yes, there are probably entire departments in smaller towns. I think in places like Ferguson, you probably have a percentage involved, but not all. They are/should seeking them out and hopefully they will be dismissed or suspended, depending on the severity of their actions. Those folks are wrong and there is no excuse.

But it doesn't change the fact that Brown was in the wrong. It doesn't change the fact that the extreme overwhelming majority of everything that took place in Ferguson, was the fault of those rioting and "protesting".

03-06-2015, 11:10 AM
Yes, there are racist cops. Yes, there are probably entire departments in smaller towns. I think in places like Ferguson, you probably have a percentage involved, but not all. They are/should seeking them out and hopefully they will be dismissed or suspended, depending on the severity of their actions. Those folks are wrong and there is no excuse....

Agreed, and some police cultures of abuse and self protection should be addressed as well.

none of that excuses real crimes.
it is itself crime.

03-06-2015, 11:40 AM
Yes, there are racist cops. Yes, there are probably entire departments in smaller towns. I think in places like Ferguson, you probably have a percentage involved, but not all. They are/should seeking them out and hopefully they will be dismissed or suspended, depending on the severity of their actions. Those folks are wrong and there is no excuse.

But it doesn't change the fact that Brown was in the wrong. It doesn't change the fact that the extreme overwhelming majority of everything that took place in Ferguson, was the fault of those rioting and "protesting".

After giving it some thought, I will bet most of the rioters/looters were "vistors" for Wellston, Pagedale or similar places. Ferguson wasn't "hardcore ghetto", but that may change after the post-riot exodus.

03-07-2015, 08:44 AM
link to PDF

Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/03/04/holder-report-shows-why-michael-browns-death-set-off-ferguson-like-a-powder-keg/)
I hope no one assumes that the report is purely biased or wants gives some other reasons why the abusive police behavior is justified or not really that bad.

But P.Depts are human organizations.
to paint them as all bad all the time is wrong but to paint them as angels that do right 99.99999% of the time is to be willing blind and in denial.

to add to this report I'd like folks to consider this book.
Police Unbound: Corruption, Abuse, and Heroism by the Boys in Blue

Is this Former chief of police working for Eric Holder or sumthin' or Sharpton's payroll?
The fact is the culture of police depts is NOT to treat everyone equally. Or to be honest at all times. Or just to get the bad guys.

Blacks and the poor in general often have to deal with a face of police that the middle class and rich do not see... or want to see.

@revelarts...you really hate `all` Law enforcement don't you?