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View Full Version : `......Russia threatens a NATO member: "Will annihilate Romania's Black Sea fleet"

03-06-2015, 02:34 PM

" We know that Romania has the potential of developing its offensive capabilities. This is why we will prepare a strategy to annihilate the Romanian Navy. We have reasons to believe the standoff between Romania and the Russian Federation will escalate" -- Vladimir Evseev, director of the Political-Military Studies Center in Moscow``


*Translated from http://www.romaniatv.net/rusia-ameni...#ixzz3TctuLhDo (http://www.romaniatv.net/rusia-ameninta-romania-vom-anihila-flota-militara-romaneasca_201314.html#ixzz3TctuLhDo)

``Putin will test America and NATO. They will use the same method they employed in Ukraine, by sending "little green men" - SPETSNAZ troops in green uniforms without insignia to "help" the Russian minority in Moldova and/or Estonia.

Moldova is at this moment an independent country but its population is 80% Romanian and historically is a province of Romania which was taken by Stalin by force and annexed to USSR. Moldovan people can take Romanian citizenship by simply sending in an application, no question asked, no processing fees. They speak the same language (with a drawl), move freely without passports and study in Romanian universities tuition free. For Romania, the Moldovans are pretty much what East Germans used to be to West Germany before the reunification - two countries, one people divided by a border imposed by force.

If Russia attacks Moldova, Romania will have to at least send military equipment aid in defense of their sister country. This will be the pretext for Putin to test the article 5 of the NATO alliance, that says an attack on a NATO member is an attack on the entire NATO alliance, and attack the Romanian Navy based in the Constanta and Mangalia harbors. They will also continue their incursion westward in Ukraine by taking the Bugeac region, effectively cutting off Ukraine's access to the Black Sea harbors and its oil and gas rich continental plateau.``


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`The whole world knows everything is up for grabs until Obama is replaced by a real President.`

03-06-2015, 02:36 PM

Gen Hodges accused Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, of seeking to destroy Nato, and warned that Russia could seek to use the sort of “hybrid warfare” seen in eastern Ukraine against a Nato member to test the alliance.
“I am sure Putin wants to destroy our alliance, not by attacking it but by splintering it,” he said in a speech to military and political leaders in Berlin.
He warned that Mr Putin could try to destabilise a Nato member by using a rebel militia as in eastern Ukraine, or other forms of “ambiguous” warfare.
In the absence of an overt Russian attack, some Nato members could be reluctant to invoke Article 5 of the Washington treaty, under which an attack on one member is an attack on all.
“Once Article 5 is gone, our alliance is over,” Gen Hodges said.
He called for American tanks to be positioned in countries along Nato’s eastern flank, as a deterrent to Mr Putin.
Gen. Hodges accused Russia of seeking to establish control of the mouth of the river Danube, which would give it a stranglehold over the economies of south-eastern Europe.


NATO US Commander in Europe Gen. Ben Hodges: Vladimir Putin wants to destroy NATO (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/vladimir-putin/11448971/Vladimir-Putin-wants-to-destroy-Nato-says-US-commander-in-Europe-Ben-Hodges.html)