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03-07-2015, 08:19 AM
Three gay men from Thailand have tied the knot in what is thought to be the world's first three-way same-sex marriage.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2972542/They-look-like-new-boy-band-s-world-s-THREE-WAY-sex-marriage-Gay-Thai-men-tie-knot-fairytale-ceremony.html#ixzz3ThnGejB5

03-07-2015, 08:29 AM

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2972542/They-look-like-new-boy-band-s-world-s-THREE-WAY-sex-marriage-Gay-Thai-men-tie-knot-fairytale-ceremony.html#ixzz3ThnGejB5


http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-V5ftwaD_nHk/Tz6E984C9uI/AAAAAAAAB54/x66axQ60mxs/s1600/abbott_costello.jpg#who%27s%20on%20first%20%20420x 304

03-07-2015, 09:14 AM

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2972542/They-look-like-new-boy-band-s-world-s-THREE-WAY-sex-marriage-Gay-Thai-men-tie-knot-fairytale-ceremony.html#ixzz3ThnGejB5

Wow triple the perversion, yea the poor gays just want to be recognized, yup it's now 3 some's, next the poor child molesters will just want to be recognized, it's perversion plain and simple.

03-07-2015, 09:17 AM
Three way marriages, multiple marriages, marrying animals... Some of us even said this kind of weird crap would be the next step, using the same arguments - and it didn't take very long. :(

Abbey Marie
03-07-2015, 10:13 AM
When it comes to what was long thought to be immoral behavior, we are no longer allowed to call it immoral. Or restated, we can call it immoral, or reject it, but there may well be repercussions, depending on your situation. And there will always be personal attacks for doing so.

My saying regarding all sorts of things we see today: What was once shameful, is now a source of pride.

03-07-2015, 10:17 AM
When it comes to what was long thought to be immoral behavior, we are no longer allowed to call it immoral. Or restated, we can call it immoral, or reject it, but there may well be repercussions, depending on your situation. And there will always be personal attacks for doing so.

My saying regarding all sorts of things we see today: What was once shameful, is now a source of pride.

Are they somehow harming you? Why does it bother you what they do in the privacy of their own homes? Does allowing them to get married somehow change your marriage, or the word marriage? Why shouldn't they have equal rights? And if one dies, what is the big deal that the others would like protection?

You're a bigot. You're a hater. :slap:

Just sayin'! :)

Abbey Marie
03-07-2015, 10:21 AM
Are they somehow harming you? Why does it bother you what they do in the privacy of their own homes? Does allowing them to get married somehow change your marriage, or the word marriage? Why shouldn't they have equal rights? And if one dies, what is the big deal that the others would like protection?

You're a bigot. You're a hater. :slap:

Just sayin'! :)

Geez, you're right, Jim! I now see the error of my ways.

Haters gonna hate. ;)

03-07-2015, 10:23 AM
Geez, you're right, Jim! I now see the error of my ways.

Haters gonna hate. ;)


03-07-2015, 10:25 AM
Creepy little bastards.

They set the bar.

Next will be a 4-way marriage, followed shortly after by an entire conclave married. Attendance to the Rainbow Square will be 'man'datory for the 4 o' clock orgy.

Abbey Marie
03-07-2015, 10:26 AM

03-07-2015, 10:30 AM
Creepy little bastards.

They set the bar.

Next will be a 4-way marriage, followed shortly after by an entire conclave married. Attendance to the Rainbow Square will be 'man'datory for the 4 o' clock orgy.

And why not? Who are we to judge the love of others, and what makes them happy? I see no harm in what they are doing, even if 10 of them wanted to marry. Maybe just give them civil unions at least then.

You're a bigot too.

03-07-2015, 10:37 AM
You're a bigot too.

I'm good with it.

Ain't skeered. :happy0203:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-07-2015, 10:50 AM
The slippery slope argument that the libs and other fools decry is in full play just as we said it would be. Next child molesters, folks engaging in having sex with animals, etc.
Think not?

Ok , lets see.
Answer this question correctly if you can

How many genders identifications are there?--Tyr


Facebook introduced dozens of options for users to identify their gender today – and although the social media giant said it would not be releasing a comprehensive list, ABC News has found at least 58 so far.

Previously, users had to identify themselves as male or female. They were also given the option of not answering or keeping their gender private.

User’s can now select a “custom” gender option.

“There’s going to be a lot of people for whom this is going to mean nothing, but for the few it does impact, it means the world,” Facebook software engineer Brielle Harrison told the Associated Press. Harrison, who worked on the project, is in the process of gender transition, from male to female.

Facebook will also allow users to select between three pronouns: “him,” “her” or “their.”

The following are the 58 gender options identified by ABC News:
•Cis Female
•Cis Male
•Cis Man
•Cis Woman
•Cisgender Female
•Cisgender Male
•Cisgender Man
•Cisgender Woman
•Female to Male
•Gender Fluid
•Gender Nonconforming
•Gender Questioning
•Gender Variant
•Male to Female
•Trans Female
•Trans* Female
•Trans Male
•Trans* Male
•Trans Man
•Trans* Man
•Trans Person
•Trans* Person
•Trans Woman
•Trans* Woman
•Transgender Female
•Transgender Male
•Transgender Man
•Transgender Person
•Transgender Woman
•Transsexual Female
•Transsexual Male
•Transsexual Man
•Transsexual Person
•Transsexual Woman

You are forgiven if you said --TWO! MALE AND FEMALE.. :laugh:

This is an example of where liberalism goes. It denies the civilized norms thus we get absurdity, extremes and pure stupidity all heralded as great enlightenment!
Tis why I hate all liberals today. Today's liberal is almost nothing like the liberal of a century ago .

I allow nobody to force me to give respect to that which I KNOW to be wrong. I could have easily been a very wealthy man had I not rigidly embraced and held to my core principles. I choose those principles over all else.. A fact.

This New Age shit, stinks and is not a beautiful rose as the fooooools cry that it is.. --Tyr

Abbey Marie
03-07-2015, 10:57 AM
Tyr, I am very pleased to say that I have no idea what most of those terms mean. Life can be tough enough without claiming to be some in-between gender.