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03-08-2015, 10:01 AM

he he learned from news reports that Hillary Clinton did not use government secure e mail accounts! Okay! It is official. He's too darn stupid to be Ptesident.

[QUOTE][President Obama says he first learned from news reports that his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, used a private email account during her tenure, amid reports the White House and State Department may have known as far back as last August that Clinton did not use government email.
“The same time everybody else learned it, through news reports,” Obama told CBS’ Bill Plante, in response to a question of when the president learned of Clinton’s use of a private email account for conducting government business./QUOTE]

03-08-2015, 10:08 AM
One other thing bugs me about this whole mess.

Unless I missed it, nowhere is there any mention of her having or even using
a secure government E-mail address.

That↑ would be impossible to hide.

03-08-2015, 01:41 PM
But she'll have her staff take a look see and they'll give us the E-Mail's that are pertinent.

Yeah, that's the ticket.


03-08-2015, 03:45 PM
At least Obama didn't Blame Bush again. His standard Lies about Not Knowing, also applies to his over 200 golf rounds...when he DIDN'T KNOW HIS SCORE either?:laugh:

03-19-2015, 06:19 AM
yep....teabaggers so worried about 4 deaths in an embassy where they knew how dangerous their jobs were....yet they dismiss the fact 7000 Americans died at the hands of George Bush for ignoring threats on the World trade center.....Not to mention he should be in prison right now for torturing prisoners which is against the Geneva convention.....Obama my not be the best but hes far better than the last assclown. and far smarter too.

03-19-2015, 06:53 AM
yep....teabaggers so worried about 4 deaths in an embassy where they knew how dangerous their jobs were....yet they dismiss the fact 7000 Americans died at the hands of George Bush for ignoring threats on the World trade center.....Not to mention he should be in prison right now for torturing prisoners which is against the Geneva convention.....Obama my not be the best but hes far better than the last assclown. and far smarter too.

Do you call your Mom a teabagger as well, or only reserved from the security of the internet?

How come your idol never took in OBL when offered to him on a silver platter, which would have prevented 9/11 from ever happening? But you want to ignore such things and go to the blame bush mantra.

And "Obama may not be the best" < ------- LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOOOL

The funniest statement EVER posted on the internet!! He not only may not be the best, he ranks as one of the worst. The "most transparent administration ever" has set records for censorship 2 years running. They set records and increased welfare to never before seen highs. Folks complained about international relations with Bush in office - and things literally doubled since Obama came into office. In case you haven't noticed, he's a joke around the world. He lets our own weapons kill our own federal agents - and then uses Holder to cover it up. I could go on for days and days. Scandals, privacy disasters, people working for him are the worst crooks. But you don't care, do you? So long as you can use the term "teabagger" and look like a tough guy. It just makes you look like a pathetic little punk. And one oblivious to intelligence and reality as well.

Obama may not be the best? LOLOLOLOLOLOL Sure, and dog shit may not smell to good. :laugh:

03-19-2015, 09:13 AM
yep....teabaggers so worried about 4 deaths in an embassy where they knew how dangerous their jobs were....yet they dismiss the fact 7000 Americans died at the hands of George Bush for ignoring threats on the World trade center.....Not to mention he should be in prison right now for torturing prisoners which is against the Geneva convention.....Obama my not be the best but hes far better than the last assclown. and far smarter too.

...Mighty...you should check all your present information sources...and spend more time using search functions...

....welcome to the site.

03-19-2015, 09:47 AM

03-19-2015, 02:05 PM
yep....teabaggers so worried about 4 deaths in an embassy where they knew how dangerous their jobs were....yet they dismiss the fact 7000 Americans died at the hands of George Bush for ignoring threats on the World trade center.....Not to mention he should be in prison right now for torturing prisoners which is against the Geneva convention.....Obama my not be the best but hes far better than the last assclown. and far smarter too.

Mighty10th. After reading, and laughing at your rant above. I must first...welcome you here to DP.

And secondly, tell you how sorry I am to learn you FELL OUT OF A PLANE without a chute, and bumped your head.:lol: