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View Full Version : High School Principal Excludes White Students From ‘Black Lives Matter’ Event

03-09-2015, 06:39 AM
So much for just wanting to be treated equal I guess, could you imagine if a white HS principal had a white only anything, Sharpton would have buses coming with in minutes.

An Illinois high school principal is defending his decision to exclude white students from a “Black Lives Matter” event held at his school.
On February 27th, Oak Park and River Forest High School principal, Nathaniel Rouse, hosted a “Black Lives Matter” event exclusively for black students. The assembly was intended to culminate Black History Month with a discussion on race relations. Approximately 350 black individuals attended the event. When white students attempted to attend the assembly, however, they were denied entry.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2015, 07:03 AM
So much for just wanting to be treated equal I guess, could you imagine if a white HS principal had a white only anything, Sharpton would have buses coming with in minutes.


As usual they want to have their cake and eat it too.....
Typical liberal hypocrisy, hell no you can not exclude blacks from anything as that is racist yet we can exclude whites and its just fine!
Tis why libs and their plantation bots are truly enemies of the nation.
They use the stupidity that they breed/educate into these gullible and self-serving bots. TRUTH in the telling my friend. As soon as they get 5 to 10 million illegal Mexican vote this nation will fall in less than a decade. Fact.. Its coming soon.
Best load up on ammo and strap on your big boy pants.
Gonna be a damn lot of maggots that got to be shot down is my best guess. And gonna be a damn lot of good innocent people murdered long before that justice is delivered.
Do not think that such division is not an agenda driven operation by the ffing Obama traitor because it is.
Selma my ass!!! -Tyr

03-09-2015, 07:38 AM
White Lives Matter

03-09-2015, 07:40 AM
^^ Now for a better reply, as I know some folks out there will say "the police aren't out there shooting white folks".

First off, bulshit, as it happens, you just don't read about it as much. But if "black lives matter" because they die violently - what about "white lives matter" when they are killed by black folks in a HUGELY higher number than cops on blacks.

03-09-2015, 08:13 AM
The article says whites were not even allowed in, maybe they where there because they wanted to join the black folks, support them. But we will never know because it was OK to tell them they can't come in.

03-09-2015, 09:40 AM
White Lives Matter

The article says whites were not even allowed in, maybe they where there because they wanted to join the black folks, support them. But we will never know because it was OK to tell them they can't come in.

Imagine if white students would have demonstrated to that effect. If you read the article, the school wouldn't have a leg to stand on against it. I noticed the sign the said "Black/Brown Power". I recall a group that uses the phrase "White Power". I wonder WHICH group that is ..... hmmmmmm.

03-09-2015, 09:54 AM

03-09-2015, 10:28 AM
Before anyone accuses me of being racist for liking the above cartoon - I did so for the reality portion, not any perceived racism. In real life, far too many qualified candidates get passed over in favor of statistics and percentages. Gone are the days where simply the most qualified candidate gets the job. :(

03-09-2015, 10:29 AM
Before anyone accuses me of being racist for liking the above cartoon - I did so for the reality portion, not any perceived racism. In real life, far too many qualified candidates get passed over in favor of statistics and percentages. Gone are the days where simply the most qualified candidate gets the job. :(

Even if you were a racist, it's covered by the First Amendment, assuming it's still in effect.

03-09-2015, 10:38 AM
Even if you were a racist, it's covered by the First Amendment, assuming it's still in effect.

I believe, to an extent, it was put on hiatus about 7 years ago or so. I'm afraid it may get worse before it gets better. :(

03-09-2015, 10:38 AM
When I read Jeff's OP I had to read the article and comments.

For those that don't know Chicago and it's suburbs that well or at all, a bit of background. Oak Park borders Chicago's Austin neighborhood, one that was well known during the 60's and 70's for gang violence, (the West Side) of Chicago.

Oak Park became the 'Western Suburb' that many progressive whites and blacks 'fled to' when attempting to escape the growing violence of middle class Chicago neighborhoods. It was much like Evanston to the northern suburbs and there were many comparisons between the two.

Both tended to be more Democrat, progressive, wealthy and have better educated populations than most 'near-in' suburbs. If people couldn't afford Hyde Park for diversity, Oak Park was a good second choice. Mixed race couples would often choose Oak Park or Evanston to raise their kids. Both had long histories for progressive ideals including temperance movement and social progressiveness in housing and neighborhood reach out programs.

As the high school name reflects, River Forest is a suburb that lies just north of Oak Park. It has always been less diverse and more wealthy than its sister suburb. (BTW, River Forest like the suburb I grew up in, has been known as a home suburb for many of the 'mob leaders suburb of choice for raising their kids-very low crime rates, for obvious reasons.) Unlike Oak Park, River Forest doesn't border Chicago, smaller suburbs serve as a buffer.

The numbers of racial groups at the high school over emphasis the make up of race in that suburb however. Many parents for many years have chosen to send their kids to parochial high schools-Fenwick (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenwick_High_School_%28Oak_Park,_Illinois%29) is in Oak Park. There are also 4 other top tier parochial high schools within public transportation routes of Oak Park.

Enough for 'background' what does surprise me is that the principal of the school seems to have run roughshod over the equal access of any programs that are paid for from public monies. This is one of the more high achieving high schools in IL, in spite of higher than average minority and low income student bodies. (While the suburb is 'wealthy' for a near-in suburb, there is a significant percentage of the population in lower income due to low income housing, with much multi-family housing.) One would think that the administration would be very aware of not excluding any group(s) from school sponsored activities or programs.

03-09-2015, 10:54 AM
When I read Jeff's OP I had to read the article and comments.

For those that don't know Chicago and it's suburbs that well or at all, a bit of background. Oak Park borders Chicago's Austin neighborhood, one that was well known during the 60's and 70's for gang violence, (the West Side) of Chicago.

Oak Park became the 'Western Suburb' that many progressive whites and blacks 'fled to' when attempting to escape the growing violence of middle class Chicago neighborhoods. It was much like Evanston to the northern suburbs and there were many comparisons between the two.

Both tended to be more Democrat, progressive, wealthy and have better educated populations than most 'near-in' suburbs. If people couldn't afford Hyde Park for diversity, Oak Park was a good second choice. Mixed race couples would often choose Oak Park or Evanston to raise their kids. Both had long histories for progressive ideals including temperance movement and social progressiveness in housing and neighborhood reach out programs.

As the high school name reflects, River Forest is a suburb that lies just north of Oak Park. It has always been less diverse and more wealthy than its sister suburb. (BTW, River Forest like the suburb I grew up in, has been known as a home suburb for many of the 'mob leaders suburb of choice for raising their kids-very low crime rates, for obvious reasons.) Unlike Oak Park, River Forest doesn't border Chicago, smaller suburbs serve as a buffer.

The numbers of racial groups at the high school over emphasis the make up of race in that suburb however. Many parents for many years have chosen to send their kids to parochial high schools-Fenwick (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenwick_High_School_%28Oak_Park,_Illinois%29) is in Oak Park. There are also 4 other top tier parochial high schools within public transportation routes of Oak Park.

Enough for 'background' what does surprise me is that the principal of the school seems to have run roughshod over the equal access of any programs that are paid for from public monies. This is one of the more high achieving high schools in IL, in spite of higher than average minority and low income student bodies. (While the suburb is 'wealthy' for a near-in suburb, there is a significant percentage of the population in lower income due to low income housing, with much multi-family housing.) One would think that the administration would be very aware of not excluding any group(s) from school sponsored activities or programs.

Outstanding point! Until reading your comment, I didn't realize what they did was legally actionable.

03-09-2015, 11:04 AM
Outstanding point! Until reading your comment, I didn't realize what they did was legally actionable.

I'm pretty sure that parents would have to raise the legal issues, though I wouldn't be surprised to see some action by the school board to preempt. I searched for some reaction today, but it's early.