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View Full Version : OUTRAGE: U.S. Senator sends supportive letter to foreign leader with nuclear weapons

03-10-2015, 05:41 PM
Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) letter to USSR Premier Yuri Andropov in 1983, offering to help him evade then-President Reagan's attempts to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in both countries, ranks among the top treasonous missives in U.S. history.

Kennedy offered to come to Moscow to help the Russians develop propaganda to defeat Reagan's disarmament attempts. He also tried to arrange for Andropov to interview with U.S. media outlets for the same purpose.

As liberals are insisting today, to advise a US enemy, to encourage them to develop a weapon to use against us, these scum have really hit bottom.

Did they commit a felony? Quite possibly. To openly sell out their own country, as liberals are describing it today, is the worst of the worst.

This happened with a U.S. enemy that had already developed nuclear weapons AND the systems to deliver them onto U.S. cities. They had them aimed right at us, ready to fire. Not just to some backwater wannabe 7th-century dictatorship which the Democrats were insisting would never develop nuclear weapons at all, just nuclear power for "peaceful purposes".

So I'm sure you liberals would agree that what Kennedy did was far more serious than what present-day Republicans have done. Right?



Oops, wrong thread. Can you tell me where's the thread Democrats wrote, expressing their outrage over Kennedy's strange treason? I'll transfer this post there, and erase it here, as soon as I find it.

03-10-2015, 07:10 PM
Ah, yes. The Teddy Kennedy show.....

http://icansayit.com/images/kennedybig1.jpg and....http://icansayit.com/images/kennedycar.jpg Teddy never got to open the Kennedy Water Rescue Squad to save Young Women.