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03-11-2015, 07:09 AM
Where I worked previously I had a long conversation with HR that I kind of disagreed with at the time. They told me at mattered very little what I thought about my own words. Let me give a little background...

While the place was huge, the tech room was just a bunch of guys. Of course, being away from the rest of the company, one door, no windows - we often spoke like we were at the local bar. Sometimes we called one another some names that weren't too nice if you didn't know us. We laughed at the names and were all the best of friends. We couldn't understand what the big deal was.

Perception. What they said mattered is what the people heard, and whether it was offensive to them or not. You call a friend a dirty name - in a friendly manner - all that matters is how they perceived the words you spoke. This also went various other ways. If someone you weren't huge friends with, they use bad words in front of you, even if meant friendly, all that matters is how you perceived it. Same with others who simply overhear the words.

What is my point? The perception we give off with racism on our board. And once again, am I one of the worst offenders? I often will start threads about Ferguson, Sharpton, crime statistics... Some perceive my words as racist in nature. I don't use the N word unless contextually necessary. I don't name call if I can help it, and I try my best to avoid what perceptions might be seen by guest readers. But I understand the world we live in, and some will see racism if you just write the word "black man" - or even "Obama sucks".

But I think the majority, the overwhelming majority, know the major differences. Perception can insult. Discussions really shouldn't. Someone shouldn't be offended if I discuss crime within their particular race. Nor when I discuss current major events that discuss racial aspects. Nor pointing out racists like Sharpton. But other things said, even if we don't realize it at times, could send off vibes that one is racist. And even that is OK to an extent, anyone is free to be racist if they like.

I created and deleted a subforum awhile back that catered to "race relations". I made it so that the threads didn't show up at the top of the board. Then I moved the threads and deleted that forum. I don't want to do that again, as it's not fair to either side.

Some of the problem is subjects "leaking" from one thread to another. Often there will be a thread with good discussion, and sometimes a piece of it may be continued in another thread. Problem is, now those words are out of context for readers. In a Ferguson thread, a mention about black crime may seem innocent enough. Mentioning black crime in a thread about Twinkies may not sound quite as nice.

Sometimes it's meant as humor. But sometimes on man's humor is another man's insult.

ALL I'm asking is to please think of context. Keep threads on topic. Think about the perception of DP. Think of us as "family", and do you want your family looked upon a negative fashion? Do you know if we have black members or readers? What about other races? And please don't say you don't care, as this is a community, and we need to think about all of us as a package deal.

I'm sorry for things I have said that may have been perceived negatively, whether stated as such, or perceived incorrectly. Sometimes I don't write very well. Sometimes my out of control posts poke others into following suit.

And please don't yell at me for this. This isn't censorship or being a nazi or any of that crap. I'm not saying "you can't do this?" I'm simply speaking to the community, those who want this place to grow, explaining things, taking my responsibility, and hoping we can be a little better contextually and/or think about how we write things and how it may be perceived by the masses.

If I'm that way off base, you are free to ignore me, or politely explain how this is a wrong request.

03-11-2015, 08:27 AM
Mentioning black crime in a thread about Twinkies may not sound quite as nice.

Is the problem about black twinkies them being perpetrators or victims of crime?

Sometimes it's meant as humor. But sometimes on man's humor is another man's insult.

ALL I'm asking is to please think of context. Keep threads on topic. Think about the perception of DP. Think of us as "family", and do you want your family looked upon a negative fashion? Do you know if we have black members or readers? What about other races? And please don't say you don't care, as this is a community, and we need to think about all of us as a package deal.

I'm sorry for things I have said that may have been perceived negatively, whether stated as such, or perceived incorrectly. Sometimes I don't write very well. Sometimes my out of control posts poke others into following suit.

And please don't yell at me for this. This isn't censorship or being a nazi or any of that crap. I'm not saying "you can't do this?" I'm simply speaking to the community, those who want this place to grow, explaining things, taking my responsibility, and hoping we can be a little better contextually and/or think about how we write things and how it may be perceived by the masses.

If I'm that way off base, you are free to ignore me, or politely explain how this is a wrong request.

I do keep in mind not being a deterrent to new members joining when I post. On the other side of the scale, people won't join/post if they feel like they need to walk on eggshells.

Oh, and my standard reply to someone saying they are "sorry": YOU CERTAINLY ARE.

03-11-2015, 08:36 AM
Is the problem about black twinkies them being perpetrators or victims of crime?

I do keep in mind not being a deterrent to new members joining when I post. On the other side of the scale, people won't join/post if they feel like they need to walk on eggshells.

Oh, and my standard reply to someone saying they are "sorry": YOU CERTAINLY ARE.

No egg shells!! Like I said, it's a request to keep things in context is all. It's not like folks are going to be banned if they speak their minds. I think it's helpful to the community as a whole that we pay attention to such things. Even yourself state that you sorta think about such things. This is just something else to think about prior to hitting the enter button. Nothing wrong with an explanation to everyone with the hopes that we can all take a peek as we post and decide. No one is harmed.

And your last comment is cool. If someone apologizes, and means it, then they ARE "sorry" for their actions/words. So pointing it out with emphasis is no biggie. :)

03-11-2015, 08:53 AM
Jim, thanks for giving voice to what many of have been feeling, the board has lately been projecting a mindset that many of us do not share. When one tries to address in some form, they are called names or it's implied they are pandering. It's not true.

One can easily agree that the students at OU acted out in the very worst of fashion, while defending the first amendment. Acting like them would make one a knucklehead; acting like the University President, likewise. Saying that the students should be shunned, well that does make sense. This is not being PC, this is about being civil and an adult.

03-11-2015, 09:11 AM
No egg shells!! Like I said, it's a request to keep things in context is all. It's not like folks are going to be banned if they speak their minds. I think it's helpful to the community as a whole that we pay attention to such things. Even yourself state that you sorta think about such things. This is just something else to think about prior to hitting the enter button. Nothing wrong with an explanation to everyone with the hopes that we can all take a peek as we post and decide. No one is harmed.

And your last comment is cool. If someone apologizes, and means it, then they ARE "sorry" for their actions/words. So pointing it out with emphasis is no biggie. :)

I'm glad we're on the same page, YOU SORRY S.O.B.

03-11-2015, 09:18 AM
Where I worked previously I had a long conversation with HR that I kind of disagreed with at the time. They told me at mattered very little what I thought about my own words. Let me give a little background...

I suppose I see things differently. Jim, if you are interested, PM me.

03-11-2015, 09:24 AM
I suppose I see things differently. Jim, if you are interested, PM me.

I'm shooting you a PM in a second...

But you are also welcome to chime in here. Maybe others can understand one another better? This is just a discussion. Based on what you quoted from me, I'm confused.

03-11-2015, 09:30 AM
I'm glad we're on the same page, YOU SORRY S.O.B.

Now, me being sorry, and me being an SOB are 2 different things. Not that you're incorrect about that, but I only addressed myself being "sorry". You, not so sneakily, added in the insult. Now, I hope a very small spider crawls into your ear and lays eggs. :coffee:

03-11-2015, 10:22 AM
If you are a true Christian, then you believe that God created everyone in his own image. And that no person is superior or inferior to another. If you can't approach a person of another race, religion or ethnicity on the street and embrace them as your brother, then you are not a Christian. Simple as that.
Some very famous people have believed that one race is better than others. Hitler was one of them. Perhaps you agree with him. A lot of people still do.
The only real second-class citizens are those who believe in the concept of second class citizens. There is no difference between the concept of whites being superior to blacks and the concept of one religion being superior to another.
The first amendment gives everyone the right to free speech. But you should also remember that everyone is judged by their words and deeds.

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

03-11-2015, 11:11 AM
And Gabs illustrates standard 'resorting to out of context scripture' and nice and fluffy words with ulimatums.

Words don't betray somebody as a racist, neccessarily. Context does, perhaps moreso - but honestly, nobody knows whats in somebody's heart - however much they say. Yet I believe it's not important who we are deep down inside - its our actions/words that define us. Yup - agreed.

What I don't agree with: TALKING about stereotypes. AVOIDING the tough topics. CENSORING free expression of beliefs - racist or not.

And just stop being a dick to other people. (shrug).


03-11-2015, 11:26 AM
Where I worked previously I had a long conversation with HR that I kind of disagreed with at the time. They told me at mattered very little what I thought about my own words. Let me give a little background...

While the place was huge, the tech room was just a bunch of guys. Of course, being away from the rest of the company, one door, no windows - we often spoke like we were at the local bar. Sometimes we called one another some names that weren't too nice if you didn't know us. We laughed at the names and were all the best of friends. We couldn't understand what the big deal was.

Perception. What they said mattered is what the people heard, and whether it was offensive to them or not. You call a friend a dirty name - in a friendly manner - all that matters is how they perceived the words you spoke. This also went various other ways. If someone you weren't huge friends with, they use bad words in front of you, even if meant friendly, all that matters is how you perceived it. Same with others who simply overhear the words.

What is my point? The perception we give off with racism on our board. And once again, am I one of the worst offenders? I often will start threads about Ferguson, Sharpton, crime statistics... Some perceive my words as racist in nature. I don't use the N word unless contextually necessary. I don't name call if I can help it, and I try my best to avoid what perceptions might be seen by guest readers. But I understand the world we live in, and some will see racism if you just write the word "black man" - or even "Obama sucks".

But I think the majority, the overwhelming majority, know the major differences. Perception can insult. Discussions really shouldn't. Someone shouldn't be offended if I discuss crime within their particular race. Nor when I discuss current major events that discuss racial aspects. Nor pointing out racists like Sharpton. But other things said, even if we don't realize it at times, could send off vibes that one is racist. And even that is OK to an extent, anyone is free to be racist if they like.

I created and deleted a subforum awhile back that catered to "race relations". I made it so that the threads didn't show up at the top of the board. Then I moved the threads and deleted that forum. I don't want to do that again, as it's not fair to either side.

Some of the problem is subjects "leaking" from one thread to another. Often there will be a thread with good discussion, and sometimes a piece of it may be continued in another thread. Problem is, now those words are out of context for readers. In a Ferguson thread, a mention about black crime may seem innocent enough. Mentioning black crime in a thread about Twinkies may not sound quite as nice.

Sometimes it's meant as humor. But sometimes on man's humor is another man's insult.

ALL I'm asking is to please think of context. Keep threads on topic. Think about the perception of DP. Think of us as "family", and do you want your family looked upon a negative fashion? Do you know if we have black members or readers? What about other races? And please don't say you don't care, as this is a community, and we need to think about all of us as a package deal.

I'm sorry for things I have said that may have been perceived negatively, whether stated as such, or perceived incorrectly. Sometimes I don't write very well. Sometimes my out of control posts poke others into following suit.

And please don't yell at me for this. This isn't censorship or being a nazi or any of that crap. I'm not saying "you can't do this?" I'm simply speaking to the community, those who want this place to grow, explaining things, taking my responsibility, and hoping we can be a little better contextually and/or think about how we write things and how it may be perceived by the masses.

If I'm that way off base, you are free to ignore me, or politely explain how this is a wrong request.

Everything in life is about perception. You can post and repost until your fingers bleed trying to explain, and people are going to perceive what they want to. Remember, Pelosi and Reid are in office, not to mention King Barry I and his staff-groping minion Prince Joe.

This is a bit too PC for you. Freedom of speech is freedom of speech. We currently live in a country where freedom of speech is selectively granted. The Obama mindset: apologize and feel guilty for who and what you are and stating what you think. A lot easier the let others tell you what to think. The Dems have been doing it to the GOP for decades until it's a mindset.

You aren't gong to change the perception of this board by what people post. It's WHO you let post that will change THAT perception. The perception of this board is not about what is posted on it. It's about who you let say what they want and who you don't.

Just my opinion.

03-11-2015, 12:59 PM
A lot of people are in favor of freedom of speech. Until someone says something that offends them. Then they get upset.
Like if someone came on this board today and said "I was so happy to hear about those military people dying in a chopper crash. I hope they all went to hell."
Or perhaps "The more Jews and Christians killed by ISIS, the better. They all need to die!"
Hate is created by those who hate.


03-11-2015, 02:42 PM
"freedom of speech"

If anyone makes it to this post, and thinks that my OP was about censorship, or freedom of speech being denied or any of that, please read it again. I'm asking others to look at the big picture, and to think twice before hitting the reply button. If one wants to ignore what I said, and post whatever they will within the rules, so be it, no one is going to stop you.

Abbey Marie
03-11-2015, 02:50 PM
If you are a true Christian, then you believe that God created everyone in his own image. And that no person is superior or inferior to another. If you can't approach a person of another race, religion or ethnicity on the street and embrace them as your brother, then you are not a Christian. Simple as that.
Some very famous people have believed that one race is better than others. Hitler was one of them. Perhaps you agree with him. A lot of people still do.
The only real second-class citizens are those who believe in the concept of second class citizens. There is no difference between the concept of whites being superior to blacks and the concept of one religion being superior to another.
The first amendment gives everyone the right to free speech. But you should also remember that everyone is judged by their words and deeds.

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Dang, Gabby, you had me until the bolded part. There is a huge difference between the two. The former belief/attitude goes against the teachings of the Bible, as you have pointed out. The latter is actually right in tune with the Bible (and many other religious works), but not as being "superior".

My religion is not superior, as we are not in a contest. It is my belief, as the Bible tells us, that Jesus actually is THE way, THE truth and THE life, and no one goes to the Father but through Him. If we believe that all religions are the same, then Jesus was a liar. He was quite clear on the subject. That does not mean we are superior. That is the wrong way to frame it. It is, however, a way of being pejorative.

Abbey Marie
03-11-2015, 02:52 PM
Re: the OP. I must admit that I am uncomfortable at times with some posts I see. And wonder what an observer might think. On the whole, though, I think we are pretty tame compared to many sites out there. I don't catch everything, though, and I may have missed some egregious stuff.

03-11-2015, 02:54 PM
I think many people including me at times forget common courtesy. The internet has done 2 things. It has brought us together only to bring us apart.

Jim. I like your forum. You run it the way you see fit.

At least you don't have a bunch of assholes running roughshod over the entire forum. Trolls are at a minimum.

There are certain words I may say in private, but most people will never hear me say them publicly. It is just how I roll. My Daddy would have backhanded me if he heard me say some of the words used on forums. I don't necessarily see that here

03-11-2015, 05:16 PM
A lot of people are in favor of freedom of speech. Until someone says something that offends them. Then they get upset.
Like if someone came on this board today and said "I was so happy to hear about those military people dying in a chopper crash. I hope they all went to hell."
Or perhaps "The more Jews and Christians killed by ISIS, the better. They all need to die!"
Hate is created by those who hate.


Not me. They can say what they want. Therein lies the conundrum. People want to say what they want without suffering the consequences of their words. The internet has made it all the more easy because the weak can hide in their basements and post their e-balls.

Just a microcosm of our society. The weak have been brainwashed to think they don't have to suffer the consequences of their actions. "I drove into a light pole so I'm suing the light pole company". Never mind I was drunk and had one eye closed. It was the light pole's fault.

03-11-2015, 05:30 PM
"freedom of speech"

If anyone makes it to this post, and thinks that my OP was about censorship, or freedom of speech being denied or any of that, please read it again. I'm asking others to look at the big picture, and to think twice before hitting the reply button. If one wants to ignore what I said, and post whatever they will within the rules, so be it, no one is going to stop you.


So ... what you are saying is freedom of speech is limited to the scope of your rules. That's easy. Your board, your rules. However, there is no parallel with your rules and the First Amendment.

And I'm not poking at you. Everyone who has a board does it. They draw a line somewhere. I did it. Your rules have to reflect your enforcement.

03-11-2015, 05:31 PM
Dang, Gabby, you had me until the bolded part. There is a huge difference between the two. The former belief/attitude goes against the teachings of the Bible, as you have pointed out. The latter is actually right in tune with the Bible (and many other religious works), but not as being "superior".

My religion is not superior, as we are not in a contest. It is my belief, as the Bible tells us, that Jesus actually is THE way, THE truth and THE life, and no one goes to the Father but through Him. If we believe that all religions are the same, then Jesus was a liar. He was quite clear on the subject. That does not mean we are superior. That is the wrong way to frame it. It is, however, a way of being pejorative.

I would say a soul-saving religion IS superior.


03-11-2015, 05:34 PM
I think many people including me at times forget common courtesy. The internet has done 2 things. It has brought us together only to bring us apart.

Jim. I like your forum. You run it the way you see fit.

At least you don't have a bunch of assholes running roughshod over the entire forum. Trolls are at a minimum.

There are certain words I may say in private, but most people will never hear me say them publicly. It is just how I roll. My Daddy would have backhanded me if he heard me say some of the words used on forums. I don't necessarily see that here


03-11-2015, 05:50 PM
Not me. They can say what they want. Therein lies the conundrum. People want to say what they want without suffering the consequences of their words. The internet has made it all the more easy because the weak can hide in their basements and post their e-balls.

Just a microcosm of our society. The weak have been brainwashed to think they don't have to suffer the consequences of their actions. "I drove into a light pole so I'm suing the light pole company". Never mind I was drunk and had one eye closed. It was the light pole's fault.

You are 100 percent correct. People need to learn that the internet is a double-edged sword. Yes, you can hide behind an anonymous veil. But it will eventually catch up with you. Look at the frat guys who got caught doing racist chants and wanting black people hung from a tree. It's fine until you get caught. You have the right to say what you want. The school (or any organization) has the right to remove you.
It's all about personal responsibility. You can lawyer up all you want, but eventually you have to pay the price for your misdeeds.

I have always preached the Golden Rule on internet message boards. Jim's board, Jim's rules. You do NOT have the right to free speech here. Or on any privately owned message board. One person decides what is acceptable to post here, and who has the right to post anything. And unless you are Jim, it's not you.

That is why I always post what I think. I'm not here to agree with you. I'm not here to piss you off (regardless of what you might think). I am here to express my opinion. Since I am the only liberal here, most of you are not going to agree with the majority of what I say.
No need to get upset about it, though. Think about it and move on. Going into a profane, insult-laden rant doesn't help anything. It's all water off a duck's back.
Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I don't like you. Even if you are old and stupid. :p

03-11-2015, 06:03 PM
​Good thread....


03-11-2015, 06:19 PM

03-12-2015, 05:44 AM
You are 100 percent correct. People need to learn that the internet is a double-edged sword. Yes, you can hide behind an anonymous veil. But it will eventually catch up with you. Look at the frat guys who got caught doing racist chants and wanting black people hung from a tree. It's fine until you get caught. You have the right to say what you want. The school (or any organization) has the right to remove you.
It's all about personal responsibility. You can lawyer up all you want, but eventually you have to pay the price for your misdeeds.

I have always preached the Golden Rule on internet message boards. Jim's board, Jim's rules. You do NOT have the right to free speech here. Or on any privately owned message board. One person decides what is acceptable to post here, and who has the right to post anything. And unless you are Jim, it's not you.

That is why I always post what I think. I'm not here to agree with you. I'm not here to piss you off (regardless of what you might think). I am here to express my opinion. Since I am the only liberal here, most of you are not going to agree with the majority of what I say.
No need to get upset about it, though. Think about it and move on. Going into a profane, insult-laden rant doesn't help anything. It's all water off a duck's back.
Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I don't like you. Even if you are old and stupid. :p

Okay. What.s your point? Mine's simple and ALWAYS ignored. I'm a Southerner. Half my family's from Texas, the other half from Alabama. Yankees are more prejudiced than any Southerner I know. You want equality? Hold your scientifically identified ethnic minorities to the same standard you hold white men to instead of explaining them away with victimization status.

They ALL (ethnic minorities) claim this is the land of opportunity, Then use that opportunity instead if signing up for welfare and claiming to be a victim. They don't want opportunity. They want a handout.

Meanwhile back at the ranch .... you can be a half crippled vet and not get shit. Food for thought.

03-13-2015, 11:37 AM
If I'm that way off base, you are free to ignore me, or politely explain how this is a wrong request.

I'm not sure why you're sorry, facebook is more appropriate for some posters here. They would prefer to rant to those of like mind and recoil at the pressure of having to debate their positions.

03-13-2015, 11:44 AM
I'm not sure why you're sorry, facebook is more appropriate for some posters here. They would prefer to rant to those of like mind and recoil at the pressure of having to debate their positions.

My sorry portion was based solely on my own posts. I'll take responsibility for my actions/words. I'm no angel. If I'm to ask others to think 2x before they hit the submit button, then I have to be a part of that. And I would be hypocritical if I acted like I was better than others in some manner. That's just me, describing me, 100% for and by me, and speaking for no one and describing no one and such. :)

03-13-2015, 07:12 PM

Sometimes those who say the least, say the most. I'm almost afraid to ask you what the one word reply means? Be gentle! :slap: :thumb:

03-13-2015, 09:46 PM
Sometimes those who say the least, say the most. I'm almost afraid to ask you what the one word reply means? Be gentle! :slap: :thumb:


I've been giving this thread, your OP in particular, quite a bit of thought since my initial reading of it the other day... I almost posted some thoughts earlier this evening but opted to skip pressing the submit button for one reason or another...

I'll start by saying that, while I admittedly do not read every post submitted, I cannot remember having ever read one of yours, Jim, and thinking to myself, "Christ, what a bigot." I cannot say the same of a few others... Let me also say that part of the appeal DP holds for me is the slower pace, the friendlier less adversarial atmosphere.

I have, on more than one occasion, been... Shocked? Surprised? Disappointed by what I would consider to be ugly, bigoted posts by members here at DP. Members who, up until then, I had not seen in that light. It seems to be happening more frequently these days, for whatever that is worth... Perhaps the most disconcerting part of this observation for me is, I tend to look at DP as family, at least those of us who have been around here a few years. As you well know, DP, in the world of message boards, is small. We have less traffic than most, fewer regularly active posters, and it's generally a much calmer atmosphere compared to, say your old place. It is there that I would fully expect to see, and I do, the sort of bigotry that disappointed me here.


Maybe because I thought I knew the persons in question? Because we are a smaller community, closer knit, almost like a family, and you don't want to think someone in your family thinks that way? The truth is, I have only myself to blame for the disappointment I felt. I expected more where I shouldn't have.

So, where does this get us? I'm of the opinion that bigotry, of any kind, has no place in polite, informed society. I am also of the opinion that free speech should not be infringed, though the free speech thing doesn't apply, necessarily, to a privately owned message board...

Boy, what a rambling mess...

I agree with you, Jim, racist and bigoted comments don't look good to folks looking to join a community of any type. How to temper such comments on the board? I don't know. My first instinct was to say, "What would your kids think of what you just typed? Would you want them to think that way?" But the answer to that question, for a bigot, is obvious... Then I thought, "What would your parents think of what you just typed?" But it occurred to me that a person has to learn to think that way somewhere...

There is no real answer to the problem, bud. There are some here who will weigh your words and, after some reflection and soul searching, will temper their posts because they want to, because that is who they are. Others will not.

I shouldn't have had those Double Bocks... Rambling...

Dude, get your ass down here and give an old man an excuse to get out of the house...

03-14-2015, 07:39 AM
I'll start by saying that, while I admittedly do not read every post submitted, I cannot remember having ever read one of yours, Jim, and thinking to myself, "Christ, what a bigot." I cannot say the same of a few others... Let me also say that part of the appeal DP holds for me is the slower pace, the friendlier less adversarial atmosphere.

I won't claim to be an angel. I have in fact made some posts in the past that weren't very nice. When I get passionate and angry, that happens. :(

I have, on more than one occasion, been... Shocked? Surprised? Disappointed by what I would consider to be ugly, bigoted posts by members here at DP. Members who, up until then, I had not seen in that light. It seems to be happening more frequently these days, for whatever that is worth... Perhaps the most disconcerting part of this observation for me is, I tend to look at DP as family, at least those of us who have been around here a few years. As you well know, DP, in the world of message boards, is small. We have less traffic than most, fewer regularly active posters, and it's generally a much calmer atmosphere compared to, say your old place. It is there that I would fully expect to see, and I do, the sort of bigotry that disappointed me here.

Well said, and more or less exactly why this thread was made. As you know, I see us as a family too. I would like more family members too. :) And I don't want to lose any family members.

Maybe because I thought I knew the persons in question? Because we are a smaller community, closer knit, almost like a family, and you don't want to think someone in your family thinks that way? The truth is, I have only myself to blame for the disappointment I felt. I expected more where I shouldn't have.

I think in the smaller communities you will see certain things stand out more. I think we all know one another very well here. Any changes in personality, or when folks are agitated, the community sees it, where it might not be as bad in a larger community. And of course, when we see things as a family, the disappointment is less expected.

So, where does this get us? I'm of the opinion that bigotry, of any kind, has no place in polite, informed society. I am also of the opinion that free speech should not be infringed, though the free speech thing doesn't apply, necessarily, to a privately owned message board...

It doesn't apply here, but I try my best to extend it anyway. So rather than go crazy with rules, that's when I make threads like this and try to explain to the community how I see it harms us, and how we can get back on track.

I agree with you, Jim, racist and bigoted comments don't look good to folks looking to join a community of any type. How to temper such comments on the board? I don't know. My first instinct was to say, "What would your kids think of what you just typed? Would you want them to think that way?" But the answer to that question, for a bigot, is obvious... Then I thought, "What would your parents think of what you just typed?" But it occurred to me that a person has to learn to think that way somewhere...

Well stated. I know when sitting at the dinner table, in front of my son, there is no doubt I temper the way I speak, and get rid of the foul language and such. I don't expect folks here to drop the foul language, but the thinking can be similar. We do have some younger folks, but of age. We have women here too. We also have folks who just don't go for that language. Just 5 seconds of thinking prior to posting can make a huge difference. And even then, sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. But if it's not daily, and every other thread, it's not something that changes the complexion of the community.

There is no real answer to the problem, bud. There are some here who will weigh your words and, after some reflection and soul searching, will temper their posts because they want to, because that is who they are. Others will not.

Yep, and that's cool. I don't expect perfection. But if folks try, I think as a family we can be a little bit better. :)

I shouldn't have had those Double Bocks... Rambling...

The Germans make a damn good lager!! Oktoberfest in March!! :beer:

Dude, get your ass down here and give an old man an excuse to get out of the house...

I so want to. My friend Chuck lives in Charleston and was angry I didn't reach out to him last time. Also, being with the entire family limits your time and destinations. Man, I would love to come down and get a few nights at a hotel right in town. My sister works for a huge hotel chain and can generally get me discounts. (and when Jeff reads this he will tell me I need to come there in Georgia. Dad is then another 10 hours south of there. I need to sneak out so them bastards don't know about it!!) :laugh:

Abbey Marie
03-14-2015, 04:02 PM
I would say a soul-saving religion IS superior.


I think I explained my pov quite well. If you want to couch Christianity as superior to other religions, go right ahead. I will go on preferring to simply say it is the only way to the Father, and leave it at that.

03-15-2015, 07:47 AM
Now, me being sorry, and me being an SOB are 2 different things. Not that you're incorrect about that, but I only addressed myself being "sorry". You, not so sneakily, added in the insult. Now, I hope a very small spider crawls into your ear and lays eggs. :coffee:

I am reminded of the short story about the earwig...

03-15-2015, 07:52 AM
And then, there was THIS (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2014/11/03/a-spider-was-living-in-singer-katie-meluas-ear-for-a-week-here-is-is-the-video/)...

03-15-2015, 08:12 AM
I am reminded of the short story about the earwig...

I haven't seen them little bastards since I was a kid. I remember seeing them pinchers and then stepping on them and squishing them. The word "ear" alone was enough for me to know they needed to hit the road!!

And then, there was THIS (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2014/11/03/a-spider-was-living-in-singer-katie-meluas-ear-for-a-week-here-is-is-the-video/)...

Opened article, quickly read, and NO WAY I click on that video! LOL I'll have fricking nightmares. Spiders are the worst things on earth!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-15-2015, 09:30 AM
There is a reason why I am only now making my first comment to this thread. You see I post exactly what I think and whether it be right or wrong its the truth as I see it and know it. Yet there are those that avoid answering in debate with me by calling those TRUTHS A DEROGORATORY TERM, saying its just me "ranting". Ok, lets just say it is me "ranting", can not a rant have truth in it?

I've been here long enough to make lots of friends and trust me they are very good people as I shy the hell away from the other kind. Although not ever out of fear but always out of the use of common sense and adhering to my core principles.

Now, on to the free speech and posting here aspect. Of course there has to be some limits or else it is a damn free for all chaotic mess 24/7--like some boards are! Who the hell wants that?
The problem is how much leeway is given when a regular member goes out on a limb when speaking on a subject he or she may be very passionate about. Are they to be called on the carpet about it or just let in go because judging their past history of postings shows they are not trolling nor are they a raving racist/bigot/homophobe!

Currently in my view there is a bit too much of the false accusations part going on here by one or two members to AVOID certain truths when pointed out to them in a debate.
This avoidance by casting out the accusation of troll or bigot or racist or "ranter" gets old after a couple years!

Here is a suggestion, how about those charging a member with being a troll, etc just contact admin here and have the ffing matter settled by those in charge!

After facing three solid years of having that false accusation leveled at me I decide a few months ago to slow down my posting here and to leave by mid year!

I am not a shy or sensitive guy but logging in everyday and seeing the false accusation made does get old.

Sure, I've been blessed to have some mighty fine people here become my friends but myself its just too damn irritating to see most of my sourced/linked posts charged off as rants, bigotry or racism . And then see that ffing false charged thanked by others.

Closing down my poetry thread most likely this month. My thread showing the truth about Islam I am closing down by June..


03-15-2015, 09:47 AM
There is a reason why I am only now making my first comment to this thread. You see I post exactly what I think and whether it be right or wrong its the truth as I see it and know it. Yet there are those that avoid answering in debate with me by calling those TRUTHS A DEROGORATORY TERM, saying its just me "ranting". Ok, lets just say it is me "ranting", can not a rant have truth in it?

Dude, you seriously need to chill out.
First of all, you are committing the cardinal sin of taking this board too seriously. It's the internet. You yell at someone. They yell at you back. It's all water off a duck's back.
I have heated arguments with you. I get pissed off at you. But I respect you. The fact that I sometimes choose not to debate you in depth means I either don't have the time, or am not interested enough in the subject matter.
You are not right all the time. No one is. Even Republicans are not right all the time. :cool:
Stop pouting and go back to swinging.

03-15-2015, 10:24 AM
There is a reason why I am only now making my first comment to this thread. You see I post exactly what I think and whether it be right or wrong its the truth as I see it and know it. Yet there are those that avoid answering in debate with me by calling those TRUTHS A DEROGORATORY TERM, saying its just me "ranting". Ok, lets just say it is me "ranting", can not a rant have truth in it?

I've been here long enough to make lots of friends and trust me they are very good people as I shy the hell away from the other kind. Although not ever out of fear but always out of the use of common sense and adhering to my core principles.

Now, on to the free speech and posting here aspect. Of course there has to be some limits or else it is a damn free for all chaotic mess 24/7--like some boards are! Who the hell wants that?
The problem is how much leeway is given when a regular member goes out on a limb when speaking on a subject he or she may be very passionate about. Are they to be called on the carpet about it or just let in go because judging their past history of postings shows they are not trolling nor are they a raving racist/bigot/homophobe!

Currently in my view there is a bit too much of the false accusations part going on here by one or two members to AVOID certain truths when pointed out to them in a debate.
This avoidance by casting out the accusation of troll or bigot or racist or "ranter" gets old after a couple years!

Here is a suggestion, how about those charging a member with being a troll, etc just contact admin here and have the ffing matter settled by those in charge!

After facing three solid years of having that false accusation leveled at me I decide a few months ago to slow down my posting here and to leave by mid year!

I am not a shy or sensitive guy but logging in everyday and seeing the false accusation made does get old.

Sure, I've been blessed to have some mighty fine people here become my friends but myself its just too damn irritating to see most of my sourced/linked posts charged off as rants, bigotry or racism . And then see that ffing false charged thanked by others.

Closing down my poetry thread most likely this month. My thread showing the truth about Islam I am closing down by June..


When did you stop beating your dog?

03-15-2015, 12:35 PM
Currently in my view there is a bit too much of the false accusations part going on here by one or two members to AVOID certain truths when pointed out to them in a debate.
This avoidance by casting out the accusation of troll or bigot or racist or "ranter" gets old after a couple years!

Here is a suggestion, how about those charging a member with being a troll, etc just contact admin here and have the ffing matter settled by those in charge!

After facing three solid years of having that false accusation leveled at me I decide a few months ago to slow down my posting here and to leave by mid year!

I understand where you come from, but understand that those things are solely between member to member. Staff doesn't condone nor condemn. I don't think you're a troll at all. I think pointing out facts/truths are not racist at all. I think sometimes when we post, we can also be a little racist at times, particularly when speaking about Obama. But I don't see you as a racist/bigot, unless speaking about Islam. :) <---- and I'm right there with you on that one. Ranting? Hell, we all rant about our favorite subject at times.

When people don't like one another, that person is a troll/ranter or whatever. I do it, and others do it to me. I was accused of being a nazi for a long time. I am German, but it's still a tad harsh!

03-15-2015, 12:36 PM
Dude, you seriously need to chill out.
First of all, you are committing the cardinal sin of taking this board too seriously. It's the internet. You yell at someone. They yell at you back. It's all water off a duck's back.
I have heated arguments with you. I get pissed off at you. But I respect you. The fact that I sometimes choose not to debate you in depth means I either don't have the time, or am not interested enough in the subject matter.
You are not right all the time. No one is. Even Republicans are not right all the time. :cool:
Stop pouting and go back to swinging.

F off, troll!! :coffee: :poke: :beer:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-15-2015, 02:04 PM
When did you stop beating your dog?

Is beating dogs your thang? Or are you just an inquisitive kind of guy looking for new thrills?

03-15-2015, 02:57 PM
I understand where you come from, but understand that those things are solely between member to member. Staff doesn't condone nor condemn. I don't think you're a troll at all. I think pointing out facts/truths are not racist at all. I think sometimes when we post, we can also be a little racist at times, particularly when speaking about Obama. But I don't see you as a racist/bigot, unless speaking about Islam. :) <---- and I'm right there with you on that one. Ranting? Hell, we all rant about our favorite subject at times.

When people don't like one another, that person is a troll/ranter or whatever. I do it, and others do it to me. I was accused of being a nazi for a long time. I am German, but it's still a tad harsh!

First of all, I like nearly everyone here. When I first starting coming here, it was Tyr's posts that grabbed my attention and likely the reason I decided to join.

Secondly, take the political correctness out of the issue. What is wrong with being a "racist"? Seriously. I think liberal America has programmed everyone to think that believing in white superiority is somehow a sin. Do blacks not think they are the cat's meow? How about Arabs? Even Puerto Ricans somehow think they are superior to other groups.

Maybe it would be better if no race or nationality thinks they are superior to another, but that is not real life. If blacks think they are the best, I don't care. I don't care what any group thinks. If some ghetto girls think they are better than me, and as long as they don't harass or assault me, then I. don't. care. Same goes for me or any other white people. You NEVER hear the press complain about racism when it comes to anyone but white people. And that in itself is racism.

03-15-2015, 03:07 PM
Where I worked previously I had a long conversation with HR that I kind of disagreed with at the time. They told me at mattered very little what I thought about my own words. Let me give a little background...

While the place was huge, the tech room was just a bunch of guys. Of course, being away from the rest of the company, one door, no windows - we often spoke like we were at the local bar. Sometimes we called one another some names that weren't too nice if you didn't know us. We laughed at the names and were all the best of friends. We couldn't understand what the big deal was.

Perception. What they said mattered is what the people heard, and whether it was offensive to them or not. You call a friend a dirty name - in a friendly manner - all that matters is how they perceived the words you spoke. This also went various other ways. If someone you weren't huge friends with, they use bad words in front of you, even if meant friendly, all that matters is how you perceived it. Same with others who simply overhear the words.

What is my point? The perception we give off with racism on our board. And once again, am I one of the worst offenders? I often will start threads about Ferguson, Sharpton, crime statistics... Some perceive my words as racist in nature. I don't use the N word unless contextually necessary. I don't name call if I can help it, and I try my best to avoid what perceptions might be seen by guest readers. But I understand the world we live in, and some will see racism if you just write the word "black man" - or even "Obama sucks".

But I think the majority, the overwhelming majority, know the major differences. Perception can insult. Discussions really shouldn't. Someone shouldn't be offended if I discuss crime within their particular race. Nor when I discuss current major events that discuss racial aspects. Nor pointing out racists like Sharpton. But other things said, even if we don't realize it at times, could send off vibes that one is racist. And even that is OK to an extent, anyone is free to be racist if they like.

I created and deleted a subforum awhile back that catered to "race relations". I made it so that the threads didn't show up at the top of the board. Then I moved the threads and deleted that forum. I don't want to do that again, as it's not fair to either side.

Some of the problem is subjects "leaking" from one thread to another. Often there will be a thread with good discussion, and sometimes a piece of it may be continued in another thread. Problem is, now those words are out of context for readers. In a Ferguson thread, a mention about black crime may seem innocent enough. Mentioning black crime in a thread about Twinkies may not sound quite as nice.

Sometimes it's meant as humor. But sometimes on man's humor is another man's insult.

ALL I'm asking is to please think of context. Keep threads on topic. Think about the perception of DP. Think of us as "family", and do you want your family looked upon a negative fashion? Do you know if we have black members or readers? What about other races? And please don't say you don't care, as this is a community, and we need to think about all of us as a package deal.

I'm sorry for things I have said that may have been perceived negatively, whether stated as such, or perceived incorrectly. Sometimes I don't write very well. Sometimes my out of control posts poke others into following suit.

And please don't yell at me for this. This isn't censorship or being a nazi or any of that crap. I'm not saying "you can't do this?" I'm simply speaking to the community, those who want this place to grow, explaining things, taking my responsibility, and hoping we can be a little better contextually and/or think about how we write things and how it may be perceived by the masses.

If I'm that way off base, you are free to ignore me, or politely explain how this is a wrong request.

I suddenly feel very 'out of the loop' here. :confused:

03-15-2015, 03:23 PM
Is beating dogs your thang? Or are you just an inquisitive kind of guy looking for new thrills?

I just thought you getting busted for shoplifting would have made you reflect on your other anti-social behaviors.

03-15-2015, 03:33 PM
First of all, I like nearly everyone here. When I first starting coming here, it was Tyr's posts that grabbed my attention and likely the reason I decided to join.

Not surprising, Tyr's a cool character. :)

Secondly, take the political correctness out of the issue. What is wrong with being a "racist"? Seriously. I think liberal America has programmed everyone to think that believing in white superiority is somehow a sin. Do blacks not think they are the cat's meow? How about Arabs? Even Puerto Ricans somehow think they are superior to other groups.

I think a lot of us are "loud and proud" of who we are. But that's different than turning around and calling someone a "nigger" for little to no reason, other than you don't like someone or because they are black. And even if someone wants to be racist - there are still ways to post without using derogatory terminology all the time.

I'm certainly not trying to step on anyone, limit freedom of speech or any of that. I just don't want the entire board to be perceived as a place where nothing but racist talk takes place. When such things become pronounced, the entire community may suffer in various ways. Current members that don't care for racism and/or bigotry may refrain from contributing. Guests that read the board may think 2x about joining. I try to look at things as a whole, the community as a whole, how things can affect us now and how so in the long term.

03-15-2015, 03:35 PM
I just thought you getting busted for shoplifting would have made you reflect on your other anti-social behaviors.

I think I know what you're doing with the "when did you stop beating your wife" thing, and perhaps Tyr does not, or maybe I'm just wrong. Either way, I don't think this is a good time, or place, to be poking at people.

03-15-2015, 03:57 PM
Not surprising, Tyr's a cool character. :)

I think a lot of us are "loud and proud" of who we are. But that's different than turning around and calling someone a "nigger" for little to no reason, other than you don't like someone or because they are black. And even if someone wants to be racist - there are still ways to post without using derogatory terminology all the time.

I'm certainly not trying to step on anyone, limit freedom of speech or any of that. I just don't want the entire board to be perceived as a place where nothing but racist talk takes place. When such things become pronounced, the entire community may suffer in various ways. Current members that don't care for racism and/or bigotry may refrain from contributing. Guests that read the board may think 2x about joining. I try to look at things as a whole, the community as a whole, how things can affect us now and how so in the long term.

Jim, I was not criticizing your initial posts and I totally understood what you were saying. I think you know I like you. It's just when people talk about whites being racist is when it gets to me. By any liberal standards I am a racist.

I understand I am on someone else's forum and I try to follow the rules.

BTW, I haven't not forgotten my response to your PM. I have been very busy, but have three days off work now.

03-15-2015, 04:05 PM
F off, troll!! :coffee: :poke: :beer:



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-15-2015, 04:07 PM
I think I know what you're doing with the "when did you stop beating your wife" thing, and perhaps Tyr does not, or maybe I'm just wrong. Either way, I don't think this is a good time, or place, to be poking at people.

I fully understand what he is doing, I just do not appreciate being bothered with it now. My dad taught me that you do not kick a man when he is down unless he deserves far, far worse..
I made no requests for any changes here. Life has its ups and its downs.
I always expect to be confronted for my far right stands .
My views are only hated/despised by dumbasses that think the world can be made into some ffing liberal paradise when Liberalism same as Marxism has repeatedly shown that it never works in reality because man is inherently evil. LIBERALISM AND MARXISM TWO PEAS IN THE SAME POD MY FRIEND.
TF just likes to nip at people to amuse himself from his dull, boring life.
I was taught to pity such people until they step up above that level and begin to deserve more directed action/attention.

03-15-2015, 04:14 PM
Secondly, take the political correctness out of the issue. What is wrong with being a "racist"? Seriously. I think liberal America has programmed everyone to think that believing in white superiority is somehow a sin.

Seriously? Do you not realize the history behind this? The entire idea of one group of people being superior to another group of people simply because they have a different skin color?
Are you telling me that, because a person is black instead of white, they are a lessen being? That they shouldn't be able to eat where you do, sleep where you do, use the same restrooms or even be in the same room as you?
Oh well, Hitler thought the same way about blacks and Jews. The Nazis were all about Aryan superiority. Radical Muslims feel the same way. Are you no better than they are?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-15-2015, 04:16 PM
I just thought you getting busted for shoplifting would have made you reflect on your other anti-social behaviors.

No sir, only ever been busted for busting people up!
Stealing items in a store ain't my bag.
Should I want money and think crime is the way to go, I'd just take it from dumbasses that hang out in badass bars thinking they qualify as bad.. :laugh:
I had friends that did that on a regular basis when I was young, it just never appealed to my adventurous, and more sensible side...
I preferred gambling because I was very, very good at it.
Low risk, high profit and fun to sit around drinking booze, making money and sometimes meeting some fine women that were very free hearted..

Give it a try and maybe the concept of beating dogs will lose its interests to you. - ;) -Tyr

03-15-2015, 04:21 PM
I fully understand what he is doing, I just do not appreciate being bothered with it now. My dad taught me that you do not kick a man when he is down unless he deserves far, far worse..
I made no requests for any changes here. Life has its ups and its downs.
I always expect to be confronted for my far right stands .
My views are only hated/despised by dumbasses that think the world can be made into some ffing liberal paradise when Liberalism same as Marxism has repeatedly shown that it never works in reality because man is inherently evil. LIBERALISM AND MARXISM TWO PEAS IN THE SAME POD MY FRIEND.

I don't hate or despise your views. I only disagree with them. Doesn't mean I dislike you. If I despised all conservative Republicans, I wouldn't be married to a very wonderful man. In my current life, politics are merely points of conversation. Outside of this board, I never discuss politics. I used to be very involved. Now I am not. I am a wife, a mother and a secondary school counselor. That is more than enough for my plate.
I expect to be confronted, even attacked, for my liberal stance on things. You can say whatever you want. It's all water off a duck's back. When I leave this board, all is forgotten. I don't sit around and stew about things. I have far more important things to worry about that what people on a message board think about me.
All men are not inherently evil. Just conservative Republicans. Unless they are tamed. :cool:

03-15-2015, 04:24 PM
I don't hate or despise your views. I only disagree with them. Doesn't mean I dislike you. If I despised all conservative Republicans, I wouldn't be married to a very wonderful man. In my current life, politics are merely points of conversation. Outside of this board, I never discuss politics. I used to be very involved. Now I am not. I am a wife, a mother and a secondary school counselor. That is more than enough for my plate.
I expect to be confronted, even attacked, for my liberal stance on things. You can say whatever you want. It's all water off a duck's back. When I leave this board, all is forgotten. I don't sit around and stew about things. I have far more important things to worry about that what people on a message board think about me.
All men are not inherently evil. Just conservative Republicans. Unless they are tamed. :cool:

That's really funny gabby. Everything you said above was laughable. Because IF IT WAS in any way TRUE. You'd have no need to come here to make excuses, or pretend to explain everything you laughingly said above. In other words. YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE.

03-15-2015, 04:48 PM

03-16-2015, 03:40 AM
I haven't seen them little bastards since I was a kid. I remember seeing them pinchers and then stepping on them and squishing them. The word "ear" alone was enough for me to know they needed to hit the road!!

Opened article, quickly read, and NO WAY I click on that video! LOL I'll have fricking nightmares. Spiders are the worst things on earth!

For those who missed Rod Serlings presentation on Night Gallery of The Caterpillar — the story about the earwig — you can view it HERE (http://www.hulu.com/watch/58794). You can also make it full screen. It is only about a half hour long.

03-16-2015, 08:15 AM
That's really funny gabby. Everything you said above was laughable. Because IF IT WAS in any way TRUE. You'd have no need to come here to make excuses, or pretend to explain everything you laughingly said above. In other words. YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE.

Naw, she shouldn't leave. If she goes too far, just respond with dirty replies or encourage someone else to do so. :ssex:

03-16-2015, 10:19 AM
I don't think anyone should be telling anyone else to leave.

03-16-2015, 10:56 AM
... You see I post exactly what I think and whether it be right or wrong its the truth as I see it and know it. Yet there are those that avoid answering in debate with me by calling those TRUTHS A DEROGORATORY TERM, saying its just me "ranting". Ok, lets just say it is me "ranting", can not a rant have truth in it?


Currently in my view there is a bit too much of the false accusations part going on here by one or two members to AVOID certain truths when pointed out to them in a debate.


You're kidding right? You don't really want to be challenged.

03-16-2015, 01:57 PM
First of all, I like nearly everyone here. When I first starting coming here, it was Tyr's posts that grabbed my attention and likely the reason I decided to join.

Secondly, take the political correctness out of the issue. What is wrong with being a "racist"? Seriously. I think liberal America has programmed everyone to think that believing in white superiority is somehow a sin. Do blacks not think they are the cat's meow? How about Arabs? Even Puerto Ricans somehow think they are superior to other groups.

Maybe it would be better if no race or nationality thinks they are superior to another, but that is not real life. If blacks think they are the best, I don't care. I don't care what any group thinks. If some ghetto girls think they are better than me, and as long as they don't harass or assault me, then I. don't. care. Same goes for me or any other white people. You NEVER hear the press complain about racism when it comes to anyone but white people. And that in itself is racism.

Seriously? Do you not realize the history behind this? The entire idea of one group of people being superior to another group of people simply because they have a different skin color?
Are you telling me that, because a person is black instead of white, they are a lessen being? That they shouldn't be able to eat where you do, sleep where you do, use the same restrooms or even be in the same room as you?
Oh well, Hitler thought the same way about blacks and Jews. The Nazis were all about Aryan superiority. Radical Muslims feel the same way. Are you no better than they are?

Oh, yes. That is exactly what I said. <rolls eyes>

03-16-2015, 03:18 PM
I don't think anyone should be telling anyone else to leave.

So now you have a pug and 2 frogs? :poke::laugh2:

03-16-2015, 04:37 PM
That's really funny gabby. Everything you said above was laughable. Because IF IT WAS in any way TRUE. You'd have no need to come here to make excuses, or pretend to explain everything you laughingly said above. In other words. YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE.

Gabby is one of the last people I'd want to see leave.

03-16-2015, 05:09 PM
So now you have a pug and 2 frogs? :poke::laugh2:

A Pug, Chihuahua, cat, 3 Tetras, 2 frogs and 6 cichlids. I tried to adopt another kitty over the weekend but was snubbed by the WWOW. He was a tiny, all gray cat, and his face and eyes looked part siamese. And these new fish better impress me as I'm still itching to get a piranha!

03-16-2015, 05:13 PM
Gabby is one of the last people I'd want to see leave.

Sometimes I think she's certifiable. But I think sometimes I am too. I wish she would spend more time with better debate and less time with pushing some buttons.... but she is a rare fully opposing voice. I wish I could connect one of those electric things on her and zap her to put her in line. And just like a family. :)

This is funny stuff...


03-16-2015, 05:28 PM
Naw, she shouldn't leave. If she goes too far, just respond with dirty replies or encourage someone else to do so. :ssex:

I was merely advising her to take her own advice. I enjoy laughing at how convinced she seems to be, in being so much more superior than the rest of us. Just listen to her.

03-16-2015, 05:29 PM
Sometimes I think she's certifiable. But I think sometimes I am too. I wish she would spend more time with better debate and less time with pushing some buttons.... but she is a rare fully opposing voice. I wish I could connect one of those electric things on her and zap her to put her in line. And just like a family. :)

This is funny stuff...


Reminded me of this:


Sadly, this clip does not include the funniest part...

03-16-2015, 06:03 PM
I was merely advising her to take her own advice. I enjoy laughing at how convinced she seems to be, in being so much more superior than the rest of us. Just listen to her.

HA. She must forget that Perianne is here. Hahaha. Silly gabby. :lol:

03-16-2015, 06:13 PM
HA. She must forget that Perianne is here. Hahaha. Silly gabby. :lol:

...`Perianne.....I loved that other avatar you had.....`also`...;)

03-16-2015, 06:17 PM
...`Perianne.....I loved that other avatar you had.....`also`...;)

Which one?

03-16-2015, 07:24 PM
I was here before many of you and I will remain here until I drive Jim bonkers and he finally presses the nuclear button. :dev3:

03-16-2015, 08:31 PM
I was here before many of you and I will remain here until I drive Jim bonkers and he finally presses the nuclear button. :dev3:

Are you offering Jim YOUR nuclear button?

I wanna see who you are, I got a sex drive just push to start [x3]
Push push push push to start
I got a sex drive just push to start.


03-16-2015, 09:46 PM
I was here before many of you and I will remain here until I drive Jim bonkers and he finally presses the nuclear button. :dev3:

Yeah, we know gabby. You make it so easy to expose your ignorance, and how to be a snob so well. Don't go anywhere. You're the DP version of Hillary. Just another diaper that needs to be changed....OFTEN due to loss of intelligence via evacuation of liberal challenges to retention.

03-17-2015, 07:16 AM
HA. She must forget that Perianne is here. Hahaha. Silly gabby. :lol:

Silly Gabby, trix are for kids!!


I was here before many of you and I will remain here until I drive Jim bonkers and he finally presses the nuclear button. :dev3:

Not unless you go psycho. I feel like hitting you in the face with a pie, but not banning you. :)

Are you offering Jim YOUR nuclear button?

She's a meanie, won't share any pictures with me at all, not even a harmless picture of her face. :(

03-17-2015, 02:55 PM
A lot of people are in favor of freedom of speech. Until someone says something that offends them. Then they get upset.
Like if someone came on this board today and said "I was so happy to hear about those military people dying in a chopper crash. I hope they all went to hell."
Or perhaps "The more Jews and Christians killed by ISIS, the better. They all need to die!"
Hate is created by those who hate....


I've been giving this thread, your OP in particular, quite a bit of thought since my initial reading of it the other day... I almost posted some thoughts earlier this evening but opted to skip pressing the submit button for one reason or another...

I'll start by saying that, while I admittedly do not read every post submitted, I cannot remember having ever read one of yours, Jim, and thinking to myself, "Christ, what a bigot." I cannot say the same of a few others... Let me also say that part of the appeal DP holds for me is the slower pace, the friendlier less adversarial atmosphere.

I have, on more than one occasion, been... Shocked? Surprised? Disappointed by what I would consider to be ugly, bigoted posts by members here at DP. Members who, up until then, I had not seen in that light. It seems to be happening more frequently these days, for whatever that is worth... Perhaps the most disconcerting part of this observation for me is, I tend to look at DP as family, at least those of us who have been around here a few years. As you well know, DP, in the world of message boards, is small. We have less traffic than most, fewer regularly active posters, and it's generally a much calmer atmosphere compared to, say your old place. It is there that I would fully expect to see, and I do, the sort of bigotry that disappointed me here.


Maybe because I thought I knew the persons in question? Because we are a smaller community, closer knit, almost like a family, and you don't want to think someone in your family thinks that way? The truth is, I have only myself to blame for the disappointment I felt. I expected more where I shouldn't have.

So, where does this get us? I'm of the opinion that bigotry, of any kind, has no place in polite, informed society. I am also of the opinion that free speech should not be infringed, though the free speech thing doesn't apply, necessarily, to a privately owned message board...

Boy, what a rambling mess...

I agree with you, Jim, racist and bigoted comments don't look good to folks looking to join a community of any type. How to temper such comments on the board? I don't know. My first instinct was to say, "What would your kids think of what you just typed? Would you want them to think that way?" But the answer to that question, for a bigot, is obvious... Then I thought, "What would your parents think of what you just typed?" But it occurred to me that a person has to learn to think that way somewhere...

There is no real answer to the problem, bud. There are some here who will weigh your words and, after some reflection and soul searching, will temper their posts because they want to, because that is who they are. Others will not....

Those 2 post pretty much sum up my thoughts on the issue.

03-17-2015, 03:18 PM
I was here before many of you and I will remain here until I drive Jim bonkers and he finally presses the nuclear button. :dev3:

Small suggestion, Gabby -- your continued presence here would be more observably convincing as being that, if you answered challenging posts in a more timely fashion ? How often have you been perceived as 'doing a runner' (as we say on this side of the Pond) where you either evade answering challenges, or take an inordinate amount of time in trying to ?

If you find challenging posts too difficult to convincingly respond to, why not admit to it, and move on ?

03-17-2015, 03:19 PM
Silly Jim, boobies are for kids! :p

03-17-2015, 03:32 PM
Silly Jim, boobies are for kids! :p

And my husband!

03-17-2015, 05:35 PM
Silly Jim, boobies are for kids! :p


03-17-2015, 06:58 PM
Which one?

...`The one before this one....

03-18-2015, 07:58 AM
Silly Jim, boobies are for kids! :p

You do realize, that regardless of my age, I am perhaps one of the largest kids alive? :lol:

03-18-2015, 08:14 AM
A lot of people are in favor of freedom of speech. Until someone says something that offends them. Then they get upset.
Like if someone came on this board today and said "I was so happy to hear about those military people dying in a chopper crash. I hope they all went to hell."
Or perhaps "The more Jews and Christians killed by ISIS, the better. They all need to die!"
Hate is created by those who hate.

What a double edge sword we have here!

We have FOS. None of us want it taken away. We love the 1st amendment and many will fight and die for it. Our COTUS is perhaps the most important thing in our society. While we hate to hear what others say, we want them to have FOS, to protect our own, and the idea forever.

But who wants to hear things by ISIS, or other terrorists? Or people wishing death on our soldiers and such? Or celebrating death of our soldiers? Or how about simply enjoying ISIS, and even just adding smiley faces after writing the name? Stuff like that would make me want to ban those folks instantly.

Have the ability to say things, even if it insults or hurts another - and you may get similar treatment from another. And of course everyone has that right to be the insulter... So what do you do? Do you allow the proverbial shit to hit the fan?

I don't know. I really don't have those answers. That's where I think the "individual" comes in. I would never be the person to kill the 1st. But that doesn't mean I can't temper my comments at times. Just because I do have that right, it doesn't mean to use it solely to go full force into insult and kill mode!! And trust me, speaking for myself, I CAN do that, and not proud of it. Again, speaking for myself, I try to understand what I'm posting and think for a few seconds before hitting the submit button. Sometimes I fail, as you all know. But I think if I "try" at least, I'll be better for it, even if some crap leaks through at times. (I know, for me it's like trying to stop water from going through a strainer at times). :)

Gabby's post makes me think. Makes me wonder and reflect from both sides. Who would have though she was capable of making my mind reason with myself. It HAD to be accidental. :coffee:

03-18-2015, 09:10 AM
Our COTUS is perhaps the most important thing in our society.

Jim, you can't fool us you dirty old man. You use COTUS instead of "the Constitution" because it's one letter away from COITUS.

Abbey Marie
03-18-2015, 10:05 AM
Jim, bottom line, you are not the government, and do not need to be the guardian of everyone's or anyone's 1st Amendment rights. It is your board, free for us all to use, and what you choose to disallow (which has always been a very small amount of stuff anyway) is rightfully up to you.

As I think Gabby alluded, anyone who says there should be no limits on speech, has something they personally do not want to hear.

My view: Making the place palatable for most, is far better than catering to the few, because of some utopian feeling that we owe it the world to allow it all.

03-18-2015, 10:10 AM
Jim, bottom line, you are not the government, and do not need to be the guardian of everyone's or anyone's 1st amendment rights. It is your board, free for us all to use, and what you choose to disallow (which has always been a very small amount of stuff anyway) is rightfully up to you.

As I think Gabby alluded, anyone who says there should be no limits on speech, has something they personally do not want to hear.

My view: Making the place palatable for most, is far better than catering to the few, because of some utopian feeling that we owe it the world to allow it all.

I know I'm not the government. But I still like to try and extend those freedoms. But if left fully unchecked we might find ourselves with 2 posts per day. Just like any good family out there in America, we temper what we say, we respect one another - and that makes for a healthy family.

Unless I'm angry, then all bets are off. Ok, I kid, I kid.

03-18-2015, 10:11 AM
11:11 make a wish!

03-18-2015, 10:13 AM
Had to rush to get that last one in before the clock changed! I remember my first girlfriend telling me that if you made a wish at 11:11 it would come true. Weird thing is, I "accidentally" look at the clock and see that time, and it's happened MANY times to just be an accident. I'm talking hundreds and hundreds of times over the years. And no, nothing comes true.

03-18-2015, 10:31 AM
Had to rush to get that last one in before the clock changed! I remember my first girlfriend telling me that if you made a wish at 11:11 it would come true. Weird thing is, I "accidentally" look at the clock and see that time, and it's happened MANY times to just be an accident. I'm talking hundreds and hundreds of times over the years. And no, nothing comes true.

Let me guess: You wished at 11:11 that she would shut up. Right? The funny thing with that wish: If you tell her it decreases the chances of it happening.

03-18-2015, 12:03 PM
Jim, bottom line, you are not the government, and do not need to be the guardian of everyone's or anyone's 1st amendment rights. It is your board, free for us all to use, and what you choose to disallow (which has always been a very small amount of stuff anyway) is rightfully up to you.

As I think Gabby alluded, anyone who says there should be no limits on speech, has something they personally do not want to hear.

My view: Making the place palatable for most, is far better than catering to the few, because of some utopian feeling that we owe it the world to allow it all.

What you say is true. Not going to argue your points because they are valid. There are limits to free speech. And, it IS Jim's board to do with as he pleases.

But you DO cater to the few.

03-19-2015, 07:03 AM
But you DO cater to the few.

I honestly think we cater to all, just at different times. Liberal or conservative, friend or foe - I defy anyone to come forward who has approached ANY staff member and didn't get catered to. Granted, if things are pushed, it doesn't always work out to a happy ending. This is why I have so many darn fights in PM. When there are fights, I'll cater to both sides, until given a reason to side with one. If a liberal contacts me, I will work my best to help out with whatever problem they came forth with. I'm not tooting my own horn, but I can't think of a single member who wouldn't get assistance and catered to if they reach out to me.

I think very often folks will confuse how staff posts on the board with how they are catered to. If a liberal comes in with guns blaring for example, and some conservatives come after that person.... Now that person feels attacked. If that person is a true asshole, hell, I may even jump on the bandwagon - as a member just like anyone else. BUT - if that member were to contact a staff member with a legit question concern (legit being the key word), they WILL get the respect and such that they deserve, like any other member.

I think if anything, I am guilty of trying to appease the masses, and trying to make everyone happy, instead of jumping down on one side. Sometimes that fails me, I admit that. :(

** Any likeness is not meant to be directed at anyone. Just speaking in generalities from over the years. And yes, I understand that being an appeaser is sometimes the wrong thing to do.

03-19-2015, 08:48 AM
I honestly think we cater to all, just at different times. Liberal or conservative, friend or foe - I defy anyone to come forward who has approached ANY staff member and didn't get catered to. Granted, if things are pushed, it doesn't always work out to a happy ending. This is why I have so many darn fights in PM. When there are fights, I'll cater to both sides, until given a reason to side with one. If a liberal contacts me, I will work my best to help out with whatever problem they came forth with. I'm not tooting my own horn, but I can't think of a single member who wouldn't get assistance and catered to if they reach out to me.

I think very often folks will confuse how staff posts on the board with how they are catered to. If a liberal comes in with guns blaring for example, and some conservatives come after that person.... Now that person feels attacked. If that person is a true asshole, hell, I may even jump on the bandwagon - as a member just like anyone else. BUT - if that member were to contact a staff member with a legit question concern (legit being the key word), they WILL get the respect and such that they deserve, like any other member.

I think if anything, I am guilty of trying to appease the masses, and trying to make everyone happy, instead of jumping down on one side. Sometimes that fails me, I admit that. :(

** Any likeness is not meant to be directed at anyone. Just speaking in generalities from over the years. And yes, I understand that being an appeaser is sometimes the wrong thing to do.

Come on. You act like I didn't ever run a board. Like I said... your board, your rules. But, you cater to 3 whiny ass shits while the rest of us that makes sense and have WAY more than clue about poliyics than those 3 ignorant fucks.

I just kind of wonder why .....

03-19-2015, 08:57 AM
Come on. You act like I didn't ever run a board. Like I said... your board, your rules. But, you cater to 3 whiny ass shits while the rest of us that makes sense and have WAY more than clue about poliyics than those 3 ignorant fucks.

I just kind of wonder why .....

Are you saying that I never addressed any issues when/if you asked me? Maybe Gabby can chime in as a liberal and state whether or not that's the case, whether or not I helped her ever. Same with every single member on this board is free to state whether or not I address their issues or whether or not I blow them off.

And I don't know 100% for sure which folks you claim I specifically cater to - but I'll wager $5 right now that whomever they are - they'll claim that I've helped them before AND corrected and/or asked them to do things before to reel things in.

Also, and just out of curiosity, IF there are 3 members that ANYONE doesn't care for - why would they not be on folks ignore lists? I'm not certain why others think I may cater to some, but I can only assume these folks don't care for them. I'll wager another $5 that those folks don't use the ignore button. Sometimes folks think I cater to others - simply because I don't ban whomever they don't like, or take some sort of action they would prefer. Either way, the ignore button solves any such issues almost instantly. But generally when I ask people to do so, commence the arguments as to why that won't be happening...

03-19-2015, 08:38 PM
Your token not really quite a liberal? Why don't you get Pixie too? You know ... the one that only ever seems to show up when I do? That one? The one that agrees with every ass kisser on the board because she's a slut that uses everyone?

Go ahead. Make my day. Unless you got no balls and just ban me. Otherwise, belt up, junior.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2015, 09:08 PM
Your token not really quite a liberal? Why don't you get Pixie too? You know ... the one that only ever seems to show up when I do? That one? The one that agrees with every ass kisser on the board because she's a slut that uses everyone?

Go ahead. Make my day. Unless you got no balls and just ban me. Otherwise, belt up, junior.

Grow the hell up dude. Every damn time you show up here you start whining about some member as if your ass is gold!
You whine like a damn child and then proclaim your ffing greatness, it gets really old quick.
Man up for once in your miserable life and admit that you aren't shit when its not your board with you holding all the power.
You did not show back up and act like a man, instead you showed up to whine like a biaaaatch!
So three members here made you cry--big deal, grow the ffk up....
Name those members so we ALL can see what terrible louts they are!

Man, you take the cake for being a whiny ass...-Tyr

03-19-2015, 11:20 PM

03-20-2015, 03:09 AM
A couple of comments:

Our nation was set up with the belief that man can govern himself and therefore government should be limited so that man can govern himself.

The first amendment was passed because our founders believed that we should have the right to express ourselves. But in denying the government the authority to regulate what we say, they did not abdicate our responsibility to govern our own speech.

I believe that we have a responsibility to govern our speech. The scriptures discuss this in James. Paul also taught us to avoid corrupt communications. I believe this means we have a responsibility to be honest in our words. But also to be kind and merciful with them. We should use our words to build people up and not tear them down. I believe we will be blessed when we use our abilities to communicate correctly.

I also think that is what the thread is discussing. We can honestly talk about issues of race without using racial slurs or insults. We can use our words to heal and not divide us further.

Some comments about being inferior or superior. I disagree. We are all inferior at some things and superior in others. We all have different gifts and skills. For example I'm athletically inferior Michael Jordan. I'm artistically inferior to Pablo Picasso. My gifts are elsewhere. And in those I may be superior to those people I just mentioned.

The fact that we have different gifts doesn't mean our value as a human is different. And we can't judge people as groups because we are all given different gifts as individuals.

One of the most beautiful passages of scripture I've read discusses the doing away with classifying ourselves in different groups.

"And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people." 4 Nephi 1:15

I think that's the key to a lot of things. We need the love of God in our hearts. No matter what our faith tradition we need to see those around us with the same love God has for them. When that happens we will see miracles in our society.

Didn't expect to write so much. I hope I didn't take too much of anyone's time rereading this.

03-20-2015, 04:39 AM
Your token not really quite a liberal? Why don't you get Pixie too? You know ... the one that only ever seems to show up when I do? That one? The one that agrees with every ass kisser on the board because she's a slut that uses everyone?

Go ahead. Make my day. Unless you got no balls and just ban me. Otherwise, belt up, junior.

You can talk normal in PM's when you returned here. All is fine. Then mysteriously, every now and again, you come here like this - and get angry and start shit. It's call TUI, similar to DUI. I'm not going into shit like this with you whenever you go on a bender. It's always been quite easy though. If you don't like 3 members, or how we "cater" to them, or if you don't like Pixie, and you refuse to use the ignore button, then go elsewhere.

Amazing how you can go from a participating member about politics one day, and return as a drunk complainer the next.

And as for the balls, and belting up - I think we went that route once before, tough guy. I don't play that game, took you up on your offer, and instead of replying you bailed altogether from here. So save your tough guy BS.

03-20-2015, 04:41 AM
Grow the hell up dude. Every damn time you show up here you start whining about some member as if your ass is gold!

Or point out how long he has been a member, or that he too ran a board once. :lol:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2015, 07:39 AM
Or point out how long he has been a member, or that he too ran a board once. :lol:

I've seen this ten thousand times, my younger brother is an alcoholic . He does this same crap every time he doesn't get his way or people don't kiss his ass by feeling sorry enough for him.
And ONLY HE is ever right !
What he is really saying is, "I am jealous, you people aren't paying enough attention to me, to ME!

I also was once married to an alcoholic, she ran with pretty much the same damn pattern...
Nothing worse than an alcoholic wanting to be in total control when their damn addiction shows they can not even control their own life properly.

Gunny has a Stalin complex--- when it total power he deals ruthlessly and deems himself a demi-god but when out of power (not the board owner) he whines like a child..
Truly pathetic IMHO.. BUT then again Ive dealt with it for over 40+ years with my much younger brother Ronald.--Tyr

03-20-2015, 08:20 AM
"Jimmy have you had your coffee yet"....


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2015, 08:59 AM
"Jimmy have you had your coffee yet"....


Dat gal sho' bez healthy!!! ;)--Tyr

03-20-2015, 09:14 AM
Dat gal sho' bez healthy!!! ;)--Tyr

`You seen Jims other thread on her right...? she is..shall we say...special....she can bring me Coffee anytime...:laugh:`

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2015, 09:21 AM
`You seen Jims other thread on her right...? she is..shall we say...special....she can bring me Coffee anytime...:laugh:`

Missed that thread.
No way, not me! My wife would kill me if that pretty gal brought me coffee!
Trust me on this, this man knows when he has a treasure already
and sho' aint a gonna mess dat up.. ;)--Tyr

03-20-2015, 09:25 AM