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View Full Version : Scott Walker Punches Back Twice As Hard At Obama

03-11-2015, 08:28 AM
Principles: If Republicans want to know how to respond to President Obama's barbs and attacks, they should pay close attention to what Gov. Scott Walker said after Obama smacked him for signing a right-to-work bill.

Obama, who believes that he should comment on anything and everything under the sun, issued a written statement condemning the law.

"I'm deeply disappointed," he said, "that a new anti-worker law in Wisconsin will weaken, rather than strengthen, workers in the new economy."

Obama then claimed that Walker's action was part of an "inexcusable assault on unions, led by powerful interests and their allies in government."

Clearly Obama needs to take a civics refresher course. After all, the bill that landed on Walker's desk was the result of the state's duly elected representatives' 62-35 vote in favor of it — and that after 20 hours of debate. In other words, democracy at work.

But what's really interesting is how Walker responded to Obama's tantrum. Rather than meekly taking Obama's blows, as most Republicans seem wont to do, Walker punched back — hard.

"On the heels of vetoing Keystone pipeline legislation, which would have paved the way to create thousands of quality, middle-class jobs, the president should be looking to states, like Wisconsin, as an example for how to grow our economy," Walker told National Review Online.

"Despite a stagnant national economy and a lack of leadership in Washington, since we took office, Wisconsin's unemployment rate is down to 5%, and more than 100,000 jobs and 30,000 businesses have been created."

Bam! In just two sentences, Walker shoved Obama's phony concern for workers back at him and pointed out that Wisconsin is growing its economy despite the flat recovery Obama's policies have produced nationwide.

Rest here - http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/031015-742791-scott-walker-responds-to-obama-right-to-work-attack.htm

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2015, 08:45 AM
Principles: If Republicans want to know how to respond to President Obama's barbs and attacks, they should pay close attention to what Gov. Scott Walker said after Obama smacked him for signing a right-to-work bill.

Obama, who believes that he should comment on anything and everything under the sun, issued a written statement condemning the law.

"I'm deeply disappointed," he said, "that a new anti-worker law in Wisconsin will weaken, rather than strengthen, workers in the new economy."

Obama then claimed that Walker's action was part of an "inexcusable assault on unions, led by powerful interests and their allies in government."

Clearly Obama needs to take a civics refresher course. After all, the bill that landed on Walker's desk was the result of the state's duly elected representatives' 62-35 vote in favor of it — and that after 20 hours of debate. In other words, democracy at work.

But what's really interesting is how Walker responded to Obama's tantrum. Rather than meekly taking Obama's blows, as most Republicans seem wont to do, Walker punched back — hard.

"On the heels of vetoing Keystone pipeline legislation, which would have paved the way to create thousands of quality, middle-class jobs, the president should be looking to states, like Wisconsin, as an example for how to grow our economy," Walker told National Review Online.

"Despite a stagnant national economy and a lack of leadership in Washington, since we took office, Wisconsin's unemployment rate is down to 5%, and more than 100,000 jobs and 30,000 businesses have been created."

Bam! In just two sentences, Walker shoved Obama's phony concern for workers back at him and pointed out that Wisconsin is growing its economy despite the flat recovery Obama's policies have produced nationwide.

Rest here - http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/031015-742791-scott-walker-responds-to-obama-right-to-work-attack.htm

You make a great point as did Walker-- BUT

Such only matters to people with higher IQ's.. That is the rub, the libs used the education system to dumb down the masses(dumbed down masses-work well for socialism)... Works well for government propaganda , so well that it gets these bots to vote against their own best interests and not even know it!
Thusly, even when exposed for their fraud, corruption and insanity they still get the votes and the votes mean staying in power to further corrupt and destroy.
Jim, it is like a snowball rolling downhill. I think it is now about to hit bottom and the big crash is very near..
That crash will decide the fate of this nation--does it survive or perish.
Yes, it is truly that serious and anybody thinking that it is not that damn serious hasn't got a clue IMHO..-Tyr

03-11-2015, 10:24 AM
Another reason to like Walker.

It's mind belong to see anyone like Obama get upset when individuals have more power

03-11-2015, 10:31 AM
Such only matters to people with higher IQ's..


If you haven't noticed while ranting against everything under the sun Republicans control the vast majority of governorships and state houses across the country. Arguments like yours will quickly return Republicans to the minority party in a hurry.

03-11-2015, 11:11 AM
Walker is the man. I haven't seen any weakness in him yet.