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View Full Version : Memo: Illegal aliens to receive Social Security, credit for time worked illegally

03-11-2015, 11:59 AM
Yep, illegal aliens will now have their illegal gains protected by government fiat.

BTW, if you are stopped for speeding in your car, and the cops find you have $15,000 in cash in the car, it can be confiscated and you won't get it back, on grounds that you might have gotten it by illegal activity. No, they don't have to prove it, or even charge you with an illegal act.

But the illegal aliens will get their illegally-earned money back, and then some.

If you wondered who's a second-class citizen in this country and who isn't, now you know.



Memo: Illegals To Receive Social Security, Credit For Time Worked Illegally

Posted Wednesday, March 11th 2015 @ 9am by Vince Coglianese

Under President Obama’s rule, illegal immigrants will be eligible for social security payments — and they’ll be credited for the time they’ve been working illegally, in some cases.

Obama’s executive actions — according to a Congressional Research Service memo sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by The Daily Caller — will permit illegals who qualify for the president’s program to earn social security payments.

“Under the November 20, 2014, policy memorandum, foreign nationals who receive deferred action status may be eligible for work authorization,” the CRS memo states. “As a result, a foreign national who receives deferred action status may be able to have all of his or her Social Security-covered earnings count toward qualifying for a Social Security benefit (all earnings from authorized and unauthorized work).”

03-11-2015, 12:18 PM
Yep, and that's a whole new democrat voting block that will vote for liberals 100%.


03-11-2015, 12:20 PM
It's not just the Democrats either. The Republicans just sold us down the River.