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View Full Version : Dem alternative to Hillary?

03-12-2015, 04:29 PM
Although many are almost conceding the 2016 Dem nomination to Hillary Clinton, others (myself included) believe she will never make it that far. Hillary is not very bright and has a tendency toward glaring mistakes. Like the e-mail fiasco.
With that in mind, here is a look at an almost-candidate who might slip in if/when Hillary encounters her final banana peel.


03-12-2015, 04:39 PM
^She doesn't really have much to offer even without being scandal prone. And I don't think there is much of a bench on the Dem side to pull from, almost nobody with name recognition which might actually help them.

03-12-2015, 06:26 PM
Drudge has been pushing O'Malley.

03-12-2015, 07:22 PM
Democrats, Soros, the DNC, and all of the Dems who pretended they loved Obama...have been spending Millions, upon Millions of their dollars on their SURE THING...Hillary.

Otherwise. They have NOTHING to offer the American people but the threat of a 3rd Obama term.

03-12-2015, 09:44 PM
The Dems don't really need a big name candidate. They need a safe, mainstream candidate that won't offend anyone while the GOP candidates destroy each other during the primaries.
Republicans would have a decent shot in 2016 if they could get their act together. But they won't. Look at what is going in Congress right now. The far right and moderate Republicans are at each other throats.
What the GOP doesn't need is a far right or Tea Party candidate. They would have no chance of winning.

03-13-2015, 07:48 AM
The Dems don't really need a big name candidate. They need a safe, mainstream candidate that won't offend anyone while the GOP candidates destroy each other during the primaries.
Republicans would have a decent shot in 2016 if they could get their act together. But they won't. Look at what is going in Congress right now. The far right and moderate Republicans are at each other throats.
What the GOP doesn't need is a far right or Tea Party candidate. They would have no chance of winning.

The GOP needs Perianne.

03-13-2015, 07:59 AM
The Dems don't really need a big name candidate. They need a safe, mainstream candidate that won't offend anyone while the GOP candidates destroy each other during the primaries.
Republicans would have a decent shot in 2016 if they could get their act together. But they won't. Look at what is going in Congress right now. The far right and moderate Republicans are at each other throats.
What the GOP doesn't need is a far right or Tea Party candidate. They would have no chance of winning.

The dems are enamored with Hillary and have been since Bill left office. As soon as the latest news passes, many will be back right behind her. I still think at this point that the democrats see her as a front runner. And if they do, it will be a large problem, as the rest of the world sees reality and knows they are scandal ridden liars.

But I honestly think the GOP gets the office based solely on how bad Obama has done in office, and the overreaches he has committed, even though both parties have done so for a long time - his has been more deliberate, and he has been quite cocky about it. I think as things get closer, you'll start seeing many replays of the "most transparent administration ever", executive orders and such. That's almost exactly what happened in Congress - people didn't even give a crap who they were voting for - they just knew they wanted the Dems out as they weren't doing a good job.

03-13-2015, 05:52 PM
The alternative to Hillary is...FLUSHING Twice, instead of Once.