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View Full Version : Muslim students protest campus screening of ‘American Sniper’

03-16-2015, 07:01 AM
WTF? How about they simply don't attend if they don't like it? Are there muslim killings going on around the US due to this movie that I am unaware of? I think this bitch is claiming fear, unsafe and other crap as an excuse to get her way. And an apology? If up to me, I would have a news conference, and then tell her where she can stick her apology request. She speaks of freedom of speech as she demands the movie be canceled.


Some Muslim students at the University of Missouri protested an upcoming campus screening of “American Sniper” and clamored to have the film’s debut there canceled.

At the heart of the controversy is a Muslim student activist who declared showing the film on campus would make her feel “unsafe” and demanded an “apology and explanation” as to how and why the movie was even selected for Mizzou audiences.

The uproar was taken quite seriously, and prompted the student government to conduct a meeting to determine whether the flick should be shown.

“This film is blatant racist, colonialist propaganda that should not be shown under any circumstances and especially not endorsed by a branch of student government that purports to represent me and have my best interests in mind,” student Farah El-Jayyousi had stated.

She made the comments in a letter to the editor to the campus newspaper earlier this month, denouncing the decision to show the blockbuster – the highest grossing film of 2014. El-Jayyousi accused the movie of dehumanizing Muslims and glorifying the murder of Iraqis, and referred to Chris Kyle, the Navy SEAL featured in the film, as “a killer with no regard for human life.”

El-Jayyousi, described by the University of Missouri’s website as a psychology and women’s and gender studies double-major and social justice advocate, went on to declare in her letter:

I do not feel safe on this campus and for good reason. The fact that this film is being shown, the fact that I have to explain why this film is not only problematic but harmful makes me feel even more unsafe. Showing this film will create an even more hostile environment for me and other Arab, Muslim, South Asian and people of color on this campus.

I am requesting that this film not be shown and that it either be replaced with a film that does not glorify violence or support existing systems of domination and oppression, or an event addressing “American Sniper” and similar films and media texts using a critical lens. This film is blatant racist, colonialist propaganda that should not be shown under any circumstances and especially not endorsed by a branch of student government that purports to represent me and have my best interests in mind.

Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not an attempt at censorship but an affirmation of my right to feel safe in my body and identity wherever I may be, including this campus. Freedom of speech should not come at the expense of anyone’s humanity and right to be viewed, talked about and treated with basic respect and dignity.

I am asking that this film not be shown and that an official, public apology and explanation be issued by all parties involved in approving the screening of American Sniper on Mizzou’s campus.

Rest here - http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/21659/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-16-2015, 08:15 AM
WTF? How about they simply don't attend if they don't like it? Are there muslim killings going on around the US due to this movie that I am unaware of? I think this bitch is claiming fear, unsafe and other crap as an excuse to get her way. And an apology? If up to me, I would have a news conference, and then tell her where she can stick her apology request. She speaks of freedom of speech as she demands the movie be canceled.


Some Muslim students at the University of Missouri protested an upcoming campus screening of “American Sniper” and clamored to have the film’s debut there canceled.

At the heart of the controversy is a Muslim student activist who declared showing the film on campus would make her feel “unsafe” and demanded an “apology and explanation” as to how and why the movie was even selected for Mizzou audiences.

The uproar was taken quite seriously, and prompted the student government to conduct a meeting to determine whether the flick should be shown.

“This film is blatant racist, colonialist propaganda that should not be shown under any circumstances and especially not endorsed by a branch of student government that purports to represent me and have my best interests in mind,” student Farah El-Jayyousi had stated.

She made the comments in a letter to the editor to the campus newspaper earlier this month, denouncing the decision to show the blockbuster – the highest grossing film of 2014. El-Jayyousi accused the movie of dehumanizing Muslims and glorifying the murder of Iraqis, and referred to Chris Kyle, the Navy SEAL featured in the film, as “a killer with no regard for human life.”

El-Jayyousi, described by the University of Missouri’s website as a psychology and women’s and gender studies double-major and social justice advocate, went on to declare in her letter:

I do not feel safe on this campus and for good reason. The fact that this film is being shown, the fact that I have to explain why this film is not only problematic but harmful makes me feel even more unsafe. Showing this film will create an even more hostile environment for me and other Arab, Muslim, South Asian and people of color on this campus.

I am requesting that this film not be shown and that it either be replaced with a film that does not glorify violence or support existing systems of domination and oppression, or an event addressing “American Sniper” and similar films and media texts using a critical lens. This film is blatant racist, colonialist propaganda that should not be shown under any circumstances and especially not endorsed by a branch of student government that purports to represent me and have my best interests in mind.

Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not an attempt at censorship but an affirmation of my right to feel safe in my body and identity wherever I may be, including this campus. Freedom of speech should not come at the expense of anyone’s humanity and right to be viewed, talked about and treated with basic respect and dignity.

I am asking that this film not be shown and that an official, public apology and explanation be issued by all parties involved in approving the screening of American Sniper on Mizzou’s campus.

Rest here - http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/21659/

Watch how this type of muslim crap mushrooms! The biaaaaatch needs to be slapped down IMHO.. Her religion murders innocent men, women and children around the globe on a damn daily basis and this piece of shit dares to cry this shit out. To hell with that ffing maggot!!!!! -Tyr

03-16-2015, 08:21 AM
‘American Sniper’ movie went after the bad muslims trying to kill others...Geeeee...how can this "good muslim" not defend / support that?

03-16-2015, 08:37 AM
‘American Sniper’ movie went after the bad muslims trying to kill others...Geeeee...how can this "good muslim" not defend / support that?

Hopefully some student will accuse her of being an ISIL sympathizer. There's still enough patriotic American organizations to successfully defend such a response.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-16-2015, 10:10 AM
‘American Sniper’ movie went after the bad muslims trying to kill others...Geeeee...how can this "good muslim" not defend / support that?

There are no good muslims, there is those that just haven't engaged we infidels yet! All of them believe we should be converted or exterminated, as their crap book commands that. A fact!
The world will one day finally se Islam for the murder cult that it is...
If not it wins and the world becomes enslaved.
Who the maggots gonna murder then?
Answer is--each other.
Its an insanity cult....-Tyr

03-16-2015, 11:26 AM
Oh I see how it is, they think they can tell us what to watch too. allah u akabr.

03-16-2015, 11:39 AM
I, the infidel, just Friday evening saw an old friend who happens to be an American that converted to Islam when she was just 16. Why did she convert? Because she fell in love. She had 3 sons with her husband and by the age of 30, two of her sons had been sent to the middle east, the youngest one was not yet old enough to be sent to be trained to be a good muslim.

I know these things because she was a very good friend of mine who used to cry to me about not being able to divorce her husband, and taking her children away from him. He had girl friends, stole her kids, sent them to the middle east and yet according to islam she had no rights,

Getting back to seeing her after 20 years.
I was so happy to see her and to see that she was ok. (I often worried about her, hoping she was not in the middle east or dead) I reached out to give her a hug and she pushed me away. Right then and there I knew she was fully indocrtinated with hate and loathing of infidels. I asked her how her life had been. She spent 10 years in the Middle East to be with her boys. I was saddened to hear that.

Islam here and there is evil and full of hate.

03-16-2015, 03:01 PM

"Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not an attempt at censorship but an affirmation of my right to feel safe in my body and identity wherever I may be, including this campus."

.....You have no such rights. And of course it's an attempt at censorship.

Now go away.`

03-16-2015, 03:19 PM
An attempt at censorship .. sure.

But it goes deeper. These Muslims want not just to dictate what is or is not to be expressed, what they hope for is what they're busily achieving in Britain. Namely, to govern everyone's thoughts to such a pitch that unapproved-of thinking (by THEIR standards) becomes something abhorred. They want societies made up of clones of themselves.

It's doubtless why they single out America as 'The Great Satan'. You dare to revere free thought. Islam cannot abide this, so they wage war against you. Through terrorism with bombs, bullets, whatever is at hand.

Including propaganda imperatives. To them, anything not in line with their preferences is part of what they consider a process of war. They'll try to shove it down everyone's throats until such time as -- they'd hope -- they choke the life out of any thinking not conforming to their own.

03-16-2015, 04:18 PM
after it met with “veterans and members of the Muslim community,” the students association finally weighed in, saying the movie will be shown as originally planned on April 17 and 18 – but promised to have some sort of event to help “cultivate an inclusive campus climate.”

ONE person shouldn't be able to stop thousands from watching a movie, good for the student association.:clap:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-16-2015, 11:59 PM

"Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not an attempt at censorship but an affirmation of my right to feel safe in my body and identity wherever I may be, including this campus."

.....You have no such rights. And of course it's an attempt at censorship.

Now go away.`

Look at that picture of the scum. Is that a tattoo or is it scar burns on her fingers.
Give 'em time and they'll start more of the head cutting and blowing up places ...
Can not get too damn radical right now with their ally in the WHITEHOUSE.

Damn shame that JAFAR ran away or we could get the skinny on this brave woman and her plight, eh?? :rolleyes: -----Tyr

03-18-2015, 04:31 PM

"Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not an attempt at censorship but an affirmation of my right to feel safe in my body and identity wherever I may be, including this campus."

.....You have no such rights. And of course it's an attempt at censorship.

Now go away.`

Does she FEEL SAFE using American, taxpayer funds to provide her education?

If not. Go somewhere else where young women like her can be treated better...through STONING.

03-18-2015, 05:25 PM
"Lastly, I would like to clarify that this is not an attempt at censorship but an affirmation of my right to feel safe in my body and identity wherever I may be, including this campus." ..... You have no such rights.`

Where do you think she would go and get a silly idea like she has the right to feel safe in her own body while living in america, eh?

Look at that picture of the scum.

The universal prolog to any reasonable and balanced opinion...

03-18-2015, 05:59 PM
Where do you think she would go and get a silly idea like she has the right to feel safe in her own body while living in america, eh?

The universal prolog to any reasonable and balanced opinion...

.....Her idea of America and `what it should be` based on her teachings is a little different then that of "Americans" in America....she should stay in her own country if not happy instead of trying to change the / `her` host country....but muslims have a "knack" of doing that..."eh" ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-18-2015, 07:06 PM
The universal prolog to any reasonable and balanced opinion...

Judgment made and opinion expressed after many, many long hard hours studying about Islam and its cited Koranic goals..
One must know the animals if one wants to go big game hunting.

Now please cite your vast knowledge on the subject of Islam , terrorism and muslim acceptance of the rights and beliefs of others(we infidels)!
Or do you even have any???
I never speak with authority and praise or harsh judgment about subjects I have no in-depth knowledge of, do you???--Tyr

03-18-2015, 08:40 PM
.....Her idea of America and `what it should be` based on her teachings is a little different then that of "Americans" in America....she should stay in her own country if not happy instead of trying to change the / `her` host country....but muslims have a "knack" of doing that..."eh" ?

Yeah she's probably got some nonsense in her head about 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. Not in America though, keep that nonsense for lesser nations.

Clearly she shoulda recognised she's living in a free country and kept her mouth shut, such is the privilege of being free, amiright?

03-18-2015, 08:44 PM
Judgment made and opinion expressed after many, many long hard hours studying about Islam and its cited Koranic goals.. One must know the animals if one wants to go big game hunting. Now please cite your vast knowledge on the subject of Islam , terrorism and muslim acceptance of the rights and beliefs of others(we infidels)! Or do you even have any??? I never speak with authority and praise or harsh judgment about subjects I have no in-depth knowledge of, do you???--Tyr

But ofcourse - My knowledge on the subject of Islam , terrorism and muslim acceptance of the rights and beliefs of others(we infidels)! Has come from many, many long hard hours studying about Islam and its cited Koranic goals.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-18-2015, 09:14 PM
But ofcourse - My knowledge on the subject of Islam , terrorism and muslim acceptance of the rights and beliefs of others(we infidels)! Has come from many, many long hard hours studying about Islam and its cited Koranic goals.

I'll take that as a no since it is an obviously flippant-- "so is yo momma type of reply"..

Here is what I get, you are a typical young lib minded cat that does the re-spewing of lib stupidity, insanity and fantasy driven dribble.
Had you any in-depth knowledge on the subject you would have cited it but such a flippant reply reveals far more than you could ever know.

03-18-2015, 09:17 PM
I'll take that as a no since it is an obviously flippant-- "so is yo momma type of reply"..

Here is what I get, you are a typical young lib minded cat that does the re-spewing of lib stupidity, insanity and fantasy driven dribble.
Had you any in-depth knowledge on the subject you would have cited it but such a flippant reply reveals far more than you could ever know.

Tyr. We must all learn to remember how to recognize it when we see it..such as Noir wishes below. As in IGNORANCE REALLY IS BLISS!

03-18-2015, 09:18 PM
Yeah she's probably got some nonsense in her head about 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. Not in America though, keep that nonsense for lesser nations.

Clearly she shoulda recognised she's living in a free country and kept her mouth shut, such is the privilege of being free, amiright?

`Muslims want their own special rules in `host` countries...so they can feel at `home`...The left is always willing to jump through hoops to give it to them....The koran and western ideology will never..EVER... mix well.....there is no life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness with the koran / islam.`

03-19-2015, 06:25 AM
Radical Muslims to society: "You are violating our rights if you forbid us from finding ways to attack and kill you!"

Liberal response to those people: "Makes sense. There ya go! Take the keys to the kingdom!"

Christians to society: "Please just go away and let us practice our faith!"

Liberal response to those people: "No way - not until you change your beliefs to reflect what liberal society deems is good!"

03-19-2015, 06:45 AM
I'll take that as a no since it is an obviously flippant-- "so is yo momma type of reply"..

Here is what I get, you are a typical young lib minded cat that does the re-spewing of lib stupidity, insanity and fantasy driven dribble.
Had you any in-depth knowledge on the subject you would have cited it but such a flippant reply reveals far more than you could ever know.

I love Mr. Noir, I think he's a good kid, a smart kid. With that said...

if the tables were turned, and this were a Christian girl making demands.... he would be all over it claiming Christians have no right to make such demands... :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2015, 07:09 AM
I love Mr. Noir, I think he's a good kid, a smart kid. With that said...

if the tables were turned, and this were a Christian girl making demands.... he would be all over it claiming Christians have no right to make such demands... :)

I agree with your general premise in that he perhaps has a good heart and is lead far astray by his liberal indoctrination/tendencies., etc.
I've never sensed that intense hatred in his replies that one gets with so many other leftist/lib types.
Yet wrong is wrong.
No biggie as we are ALL wrong on things from time to time but its a biggie(IMHO) when one is dead wrong on religion and political philosophy.--Tyr

03-19-2015, 03:43 PM
[QUOTE=dmp;727596]Radical Muslims to society: "You are violating our rights if you forbid us from finding ways to attack and kill you!"

Liberal response to those people: "Makes sense. There ya go! Take the keys to the kingdom!"

Christians to society: "Please just go away and let us practice our faith!"

dmp. Sounds like the one, and only way to make the America haters happy is...to let them be punished by their demands of SHARIA Law. Without the protections of our Laws, and Constitution. They will self-destruct slowly, but surely. Otherwise SCREW 'EM. If they can't enjoy the Blessings of American freedom, liberty, and rights. They should demand to be taken back to the places they ESCAPED, that didn't have the freedom, liberty, and rights.


03-20-2015, 07:12 AM
Yeah she's probably got some nonsense in her head about 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'. Not in America though, keep that nonsense for lesser nations.

Clearly she shoulda recognised she's living in a free country and kept her mouth shut, such is the privilege of being free, amiright?

She has every right to PURSUE happiness. She also has every right to be offended.

What shouldn't have happened, and I'm glad someone at that school realized it, was banning the film.

One person shouldn't have the power to cancel something based on their feelings.

someone will always be offended by someone/something that doesn't mean what ever it is should be cancelled or distroyed. Otherwise no one would ever be able to leave the house for fear of insulting or offending the sensibilities of someone else.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2015, 08:01 AM
She has every right to PURSUE happiness. She also has every right to be offended.

What shouldn't have happened, and I'm glad someone at that school realized it, was banning the film.

One person shouldn't have the power to cancel something based on their feelings.

someone will always be offended by someone/something that doesn't mean what ever it is should be cancelled or distroyed. Otherwise no one would ever be able to leave the house for fear of insulting or offending the sensibilities of someone else.

The muzzies see the great weakness this nation has. That is the dem party running a cater to the minorities campaign and how they think "appeasement" is the answer to everything unless its Christian, Conservative, Republican or Patriotic. For with those its a no-holds-barred fight to the death. And that basically equates to evil vs. good. They being the scum in the BLACK HATS.

There is not one redeeming thing about Islam. Its overall goal is total power over every human alive and enslavement of all mankind into its savagery.. No better example of that than Sharia law and its barbaric, stone age , hate-filled concept of justice. -Tyr

03-20-2015, 08:12 AM
But ofcourse - My knowledge on the subject of Islam , terrorism and muslim acceptance of the rights and beliefs of others(we infidels)! Has come from many, many long hard hours studying about Islam and its cited Koranic goals.

I don't give a flip about Islam. I know lots about freedom, God given rights and Americanist principles. Irrespective of who attacks those, they are the enemy. It doesn't matter if it's a militant Islamist, a drug cartel or a Communist; they are all enemies of freedom.

03-20-2015, 08:58 AM
Films that show heavy drinking an reckless parting ... uh no that's not film that's every weekend in the dorms... yet no complaints about that for the safety of women etc?
But they'll play hard core porn in class and yet no complaints about that for the safety of women?

The girl is confused. She may have mildly legit concerns about her safety since people aren't that bright or nuanced when it comes to determining "wartime" threats innocent muslims, Sikhs and others have been attacked by idiots thinking they are striking back at radical "islam".

But she has ZERO concept of what free speech is about.
Well, i guess she has a her OWN concept of what free speech is about.
that is 'people are free to talk about anything I say is OK.'
Many people have a similar concept.

the left has protested against conservative speakers coming to university campuses. protesting for "social justice" reasons :rolleyes:.
Free speech - open public discourse - tolerance be hanged.

But this muslim girl and many on the left don't get that it really doesn't work their way only.
But to her, her perceived "safety" trumps ANY other concepts of free speech. Just as on DP here "safety" trumps some folks perception of freedom and the constitution when it comes to "due process" torture, "cruel and unusual punishment", "search and seizures" "warrants" etc..

Attempting to avoid the POSSIBILITY of harm or threat, defined as "safety", is far more important than freedoms to many people.