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03-16-2015, 03:33 PM
While I personally abhor the political leanings of unions, I respect the right of people to band together to form a union.

The Anti-Racketeering Act (Hobbs Act) of 1943 forbids the obstruction of interstate commerce by robbery or extortion. However, unions and union leaders are exempt from this act because the Supreme Court ruled that "the law simply doesn't apply when unions are seeking 'legitimate' union objectives."

United States v. Enmons, 410 U.S. 396 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Reports) (1973), was a controversial United States Supreme Court (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States) case in which the Court held that violence, if carried out in furtherance of a labor union (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_union)'s objectives, does not violate the law according to the extortion and robbery provisions of the federal Anti-Racketeering Act of 1934 or the Hobbs Act (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobbs_Act).

The case involved a labor strike in which union members fired rifles at three utility company transformers, drained the oil from another, and blew up an entire company substation. The labor union in question was seeking a higher-pay contract and other benefits from their employer, the Gulf States Utilities Company (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_States_Utilities). The Court decided that the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Brotherhood_of_Electrical_Workers) (IBEW) was immune from prosecution because their violent acts were in pursuit of a legitimate union objective.

When groups perceive themselves as being exempt from prosecution, we can expect them to push until there is push-back.


03-16-2015, 03:37 PM
Note that this was the same court, in the same year, who ruled that abortion is a right guaranteed by the U. S. Constitution.

03-17-2015, 02:04 PM
While I personally abhor the political leanings of unions, I respect the right of people to band together to form a union.

The Anti-Racketeering Act (Hobbs Act) of 1943 forbids the obstruction of interstate commerce by robbery or extortion. However, unions and union leaders are exempt from this act because the Supreme Court ruled that "the law simply doesn't apply when unions are seeking 'legitimate' union objectives."

When groups perceive themselves as being exempt from prosecution, we can expect them to push until there is push-back.


"RULE OF THUMB, about Labor Unions in the USA. Remember Jimmy Hoffa?
Agreed, Unions ONCE were the best thing for America's working, Middle class.
But, over the last several decades. They have become nothing more than Government Sanctioned Political Action Committee's that take Workers (funds) dues, from their paychecks to INSTALL CROOKS in Congress."

(a quote from aboutime)

03-17-2015, 06:05 PM
Unions put me out of two jobs in the mid 70's....When I was trying to work my way
through college.

A coal strike crippled West Virginia and I was released from both jobs because
there was no income to them due to the Unions closing down mines, closing down
independent operators (Mine was at a private firm loading coal, gravel, sand, and salt
barges on the Monongahela River)....shutting down the railways and truckers...(other job was at a steak house that lost customers due to the strike).

Unions served their purpose in the first of the 1900's, but are now too far out of
control and only self-serving.

Screw them all.!

03-17-2015, 09:17 PM
Unions put me out of two jobs in the mid 70's....When I was trying to work my way
through college.

A coal strike crippled West Virginia and I was released from both jobs because
there was no income to them due to the Unions closing down mines, closing down
independent operators (Mine was at a private firm loading coal, gravel, sand, and salt
barges on the Monongahela River)....shutting down the railways and truckers...(other job was at a steak house that lost customers due to the strike).

Unions served their purpose in the first of the 1900's, but are now too far out of
control and only self-serving.

Screw them all.!

Elessar. Totally agree, and also from personal experience. When I turned 16, and got my 'working papers', as they used to call them back in the sixties. My father; who was a Teamster. Spoke up for me, and tried to help me get a Summer job by going to the Labor Hall, where only Teamsters met every day, looking, and waiting for work assignments. That is how I spent my Summer, while my friends did what other teens did.
Fact is. I had to be there at the Union hall every morning for thirty days. And, if I was chosen to work somewhere for one of the local trucking companies. I had to work 30 Days in a row before I would be eligible to join the Union. Sad thing is. I only worked...about two continuous weeks before I was told to forget it, and go back to school in the Fall.
Though my father was a member of the union. He constantly reminded me, and my younger brothers how Jimmy Hoffa was nothing but a crook who took union dues to pad his own pockets.
So, unless someone has had experience with Unions....UNLIKE THE NEA UNIONS today. They have no idea what the unions are really doing, and it's not for the worker members. THAT'S A FACT.

03-17-2015, 09:48 PM
While I personally abhor the political leanings of unions, I respect the right of people to band together to form a union.

The Anti-Racketeering Act (Hobbs Act) of 1943 forbids the obstruction of interstate commerce by robbery or extortion. However, unions and union leaders are exempt from this act because the Supreme Court ruled that "the law simply doesn't apply when unions are seeking 'legitimate' union objectives."

When groups perceive themselves as being exempt from prosecution, we can expect them to push until there is push-back.


And of course, the fat cat union leaders get to decide and determine which objectives are "legitimate". Swell. Funny how the left always demonizes corporations and CEOs as greedy and not paying their fair share... but when it comes to criticizing union bosses and their greed and success and lavish lifestyles....nary a peep is heard from them.

03-18-2015, 03:22 PM
And of course, the fat cat union leaders get to decide and determine which objectives are "legitimate". Swell. Funny how the left always demonizes corporations and CEOs as greedy and not paying their fair share... but when it comes to criticizing union bosses and their greed and success and lavish lifestyles....nary a peep is heard from them.

DLT, and, another little known fact about unions is: If anyone cares to investigate for themselves. Unions are the biggest supporters of Congress members who keep pushing for Higher Minimum Wages.

Union bosses who negotiate for higher wages, benefits, and other freebies...depend on Minimum Wage hikes as a bargaining tool these days.

For instance. Imagine how a union membership feels when they stop at a fast-food joint, and learn the people serving them their Fries, Shakes, and Burgers...are about to earn MORE than the truck driver who delivers those supplies to the back door??????

04-01-2015, 01:23 PM
While I personally abhor the political leanings of unions, I respect the right of people to band together to form a union.

The Anti-Racketeering Act (Hobbs Act) of 1943 forbids the obstruction of interstate commerce by robbery or extortion. However, unions and union leaders are exempt from this act because the Supreme Court ruled that "the law simply doesn't apply when unions are seeking 'legitimate' union objectives."

When groups perceive themselves as being exempt from prosecution, we can expect them to push until there is push-back.


Did you say King Barry I? Talk unconstitutional? Apparently all that education we paid for failed to mentioned there are 3 branches of government.