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03-16-2015, 03:41 PM
`....WITH a good submarine, a navy can do amazing things. Ask the French. They’ve just managed to “sink” a nuclear-powered US super carrier — and half its battle group.`

`The French Ministry of Defence has revealed one of its attack submarines pulled of an astounding upset during recent `war-games` in the North Atlantic.

....The Aviationist blog spotted an article on the French defence force’s website — quickly withdrawn — which told how one of their submarines, the “Saphir” tackled the might of the United States’ navy off the coast of Florida.

The how of this would be a interesting read,however I realize most of us will never know the How....`

http://www.news.com.au/world/us-supe...-1227250666936 (http://www.news.com.au/world/us-supercarrier-sunk-by-french-submarine-in-wargames/story-fndir2ev-1227250666936)


`Lt. Cmdr. Tom Dodge was probably 3ft from the frenchies rudder the whole time.:laugh:

.......I highly doubt either side pulled out all the stops and played it as if it was actually war......since neither side wants to lay their cards on the table before the time comes.

*But it will be interesting to see if any changes are made based on what they did in the game and what the french did.... but I know we won't hear anything...if they do make changes`

03-16-2015, 04:22 PM
Interesting article!

It was a breach of protocol by the French to tell that story - the purpose of war games is to identify weaknesses in strategy, hardware and training amongst allies to improve all parties' performance. They quickly pulled the story but too late.

It's pretty embarrassing to the US Navy to have that happen, let alone make it public knowledge that they lost a Carrier and half the battlegroup from one attack sub!

Fortunately the weakness in our strategy was exposed in a war game instead of the real deal. Losing a Carrier and half a battlegroup would be a devastating loss.

03-16-2015, 05:20 PM
LongTerm. Believe it or not. During EVERY exercise the navy takes part in, with foreign navies around the World. Traditionally, the U.S. Loses a carrier, or other kinds of U.S.Naval ships during the exercises..ON PURPOSE.

That's why they are called 'WAR GAMES'.

Truth is...in reality. Our ships are NEVER in the position to be attacked by UNKNOWN other forces above, on, or below the sea.

Notice how the French will NEVER admit, due to bad P.R, that their submarines could never survive in a REAL war with any U.S. Navy Boomer, or Fast Attack submarine because...THEY DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE THERE!

By the way. For anyone who doubts my accuracy on this story. I know, because I have taken part in such games many, many times during my career at sea. WAR GAMES are WAR GAMES. Nothing more, and not a threat to the U.S.Navy. I promise.

03-16-2015, 05:36 PM
Interesting article!

It was a breach of protocol by the French to tell that story - the purpose of war games is to identify weaknesses in strategy, hardware and training amongst allies to improve all parties' performance. They quickly pulled the story but too late.

It's pretty embarrassing to the US Navy to have that happen, let alone make it public knowledge that they lost a Carrier and half the battlegroup from one attack sub!

Fortunately the weakness in our strategy was exposed in a war game instead of the real deal. Losing a Carrier and half a battlegroup would be a devastating loss.

`....I am reminded from a scene from Hunt for Red October I believe where the hero..Jack Ryan....is telling his wife that he is being sent out to a carrier to help in the search of Russia's missing sub amid rising tensions with the Soviets....

`She is worried about it and he reassures her by saying...that the carriers are the most well protected ships at sea...`

03-16-2015, 05:38 PM
LongTerm. Believe it or not. During EVERY exercise the navy takes part in, with foreign navies around the World. Traditionally, the U.S. Loses a carrier, or other kinds of U.S.Naval ships during the exercises..ON PURPOSE.

That's why they are called 'WAR GAMES'.

Truth is...in reality. Our ships are NEVER in the position to be attacked by UNKNOWN other forces above, on, or below the sea.

Notice how the French will NEVER admit, due to bad P.R, that their submarines could never survive in a REAL war with any U.S. Navy Boomer, or Fast Attack submarine because...THEY DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE THERE!

By the way. For anyone who doubts my accuracy on this story. I know, because I have taken part in such games many, many times during my career at sea. WAR GAMES are WAR GAMES. Nothing more, and not a threat to the U.S.Navy. I promise.

`...I wonder if the carrier group was prohibited from using active sonar due to Leftists environmental concerns:laugh:

03-16-2015, 05:45 PM
`...I wonder if the carrier group was prohibited from using active sonar due to Leftists environmental concerns:laugh:

LongTerm. No need. Most civilians aren't aware that a carrier battle group ALSO includes Our Submarines who are also Invisible to OUR SHIPS.

Using Active, or Passive Sonar...is Old School...for movies, books, and Dreaming.
Personally. I am not in the least...worried, or concerned about this kind of story.
Can't share anymore, since I know things like this have ADVANCED to even higher levels since I retired.

If anyone should be worried about a HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER kind of scenario in today's world. It should be
nations like China, and Russia who are still trying to figure out all the details BILL CLINTON gave them back in the nineties. NOT A JOKE. Clinton, like Obama, and Hillary...are all provable traitors.

03-16-2015, 06:36 PM
LongTerm. Believe it or not. During EVERY exercise the navy takes part in, with foreign navies around the World. Traditionally, the U.S. Loses a carrier, or other kinds of U.S.Naval ships during the exercises..ON PURPOSE.

That's why they are called 'WAR GAMES'.

Truth is...in reality. Our ships are NEVER in the position to be attacked by UNKNOWN other forces above, on, or below the sea.

Notice how the French will NEVER admit, due to bad P.R, that their submarines could never survive in a REAL war with any U.S. Navy Boomer, or Fast Attack submarine because...THEY DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE THERE!

By the way. For anyone who doubts my accuracy on this story. I know, because I have taken part in such games many, many times during my career at sea. WAR GAMES are WAR GAMES. Nothing more, and not a threat to the U.S.Navy. I promise.

What's the purpose of losing a Carrier? To train the rest of the fleet to adapt to a massive blow?

I guess that makes sense.. the article made it sound like it wasn't supposed to happen, but that info wasn't supposed to be out in the public anyway so the accuracy of the story is suspect IMO.

03-16-2015, 06:38 PM
`....I am reminded from a scene from Hunt for Red October I believe where the hero..Jack Ryan....is telling his wife that he is being sent out to a carrier to help in the search of Russia's missing sub amid rising tensions with the Soviets....

`She is worried about it and he reassures her by saying...that the carriers are the most well protected ships at sea...`

That was a great movie, with the exception of having to watch Alec Baldwin - just the sight of him angers me. The book was awesome.

03-16-2015, 07:00 PM
What's the purpose of losing a Carrier? To train the rest of the fleet to adapt to a massive blow?

I guess that makes sense.. the article made it sound like it wasn't supposed to happen, but that info wasn't supposed to be out in the public anyway so the accuracy of the story is suspect IMO.

Oh, if my memory serves me correctly, based on the many times I took part, aboard six ships during my years; this was supposed to happen. And, for strictly Political reasons. Nations like France need to let their TAX PAYERS know their money for Defense isn't being wasted on BROWN PANTS, and WHITE FLAGS!!!:laugh:

03-16-2015, 08:46 PM
Oh, if my memory serves me correctly, based on the many times I took part, aboard six ships during my years; this was supposed to happen. And, for strictly Political reasons. Nations like France need to let their TAX PAYERS know their money for Defense isn't being wasted on BROWN PANTS, and WHITE FLAGS!!!:laugh:

While I love French surrender jokes, I'm sure they don't find them all that funny... been a while since I bashed them.

Ah, what the hell :




Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-17-2015, 08:48 AM
While I love French surrender jokes, I'm sure they don't find them all that funny... been a while since I bashed them.

Ah, what the hell :




French tanks are fast, one very slow forward gear, five hyper fast reverse gears..
Turbo boosters on the reverse gears...:laugh:--Tyr