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View Full Version : UK needs a revolution - Thought police strike again

03-17-2015, 10:44 AM

So - a kid sends a 'racist' tweet and is arrested.

Holy shit folks - Really. The US will be this fascist eventually. Liberty is falling away. There aren't many choices left. Revolution or slavery.

03-17-2015, 02:06 PM

So - a kid sends a 'racist' tweet and is arrested.

Holy shit folks - Really. The US will be this fascist eventually. Liberty is falling away. There aren't many choices left. Revolution or slavery.

This is part of why I consider the UK a 'lost cause', but contrast this with the US, which definitely is NOT.

What you're reporting on is what electing Left-wing Governments leads to. First, Lefties create a propagandist climate in which, over time, they dripfeed their chosen 'standards' through the media and slowly set them as a shared standard. That done, they then enshrine them into legislative stricture. Result .. not only a ban on freedoms of speech taken towards certain directions .. but a community in which the people within it consider those laws, and what underpins them, morally laudable. Most people eventually come to believe that ideas and beliefs they hold to are products of their own minds, whereas in fact, they've been fed those ideas by others.

The illusion of 'freedom' is preserved. But its actuality was throttled to death a long time ago ...

See this ... and note how the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT champions what it is describing here --


Hate speech is defined as an expression of hatred towards another person or group of people using various means such as writing, speech or any other form of communication. In the United Kingdom there are a number of laws set out to provide protection to citizens from hate speech.

What Are Typical Hate Speech Targets?

Hate speech is typically directed towards another person or group on the grounds of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, colour, ethnic origin and religion. Hate speech can be shown in many forms, typically verbal abuse, written speeches, harassment or gestures. The intention of hate speech is to harass and distress the intended target. In many cases the use of hate speech can incite violence from one group towards another.

What UK Laws Offer Protection Against Hate Speech?

There is no actual law against hate speech itself in the UK. Legal protection is provided under various statutes. The Public Order Act 1986 forbids racial hatred against individuals of groups including colour, race, ethnic origin and nationality. This can include threatening behaviour and written material that is designed to cause harassment and distress. In 2006; The Public Order Act was been amended to include religious hatred. In 2008, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act amended the Public Order Act to forbid the incitement of hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation.

What Are the Penalties for those found Guilty of Hate Speech?

The penalties and fines will vary depending on the case but imprisonment is an option for those for guilty of this crime. Anyone who does use threatening or abusive behaviour in this way can face up to seven years in prison, which is the maximum sentence. Fines can also be added to prison sentences or applied solely. A number of people in the UK have been arrested and found guilty of various forms of this type of offence.

So, there it is.

When you hear Left wing politicians, from Obama downwards, pontificating on what they consider to be 'right moral standards', watch out ! Their intention is not to just debate .. but to begin a process of indoctrination, taken to an eventual insistence that what they preach, MUST COME ABOUT. Lefties are very strong indeed on dictating their expectations about how people should think, and what they expect to observe from others' thoughts. See anyone take that line, however supposedly 'harmlessly' ... and you'll have an excellent indication that you've got a freedom-crushing Leftie on your hands.

Political correctness is the Left-wing fascist's friend.

03-17-2015, 02:46 PM
just blows my mind how citizens prosecute others for FEELINGS (such as hatred). I tell ya, there's hope ANYWHERE the majority are being fed Liberal bullshit. Liberals dominate academia - thus, the population and eventual politicians, thus the law.

03-17-2015, 03:09 PM
just blows my mind how citizens prosecute others for FEELINGS (such as hatred). I tell ya, there's hope ANYWHERE the majority are being fed Liberal bullshit. Liberals dominate academia - thus, the population and eventual politicians, thus the law.:clap::clap::clap:

The excuse for it is a simple one to explain. Lefties will argue that to publicly express yourself in a way which could ever 'incite hatred' is an antisocial act. Therefore, it has to be banned, since that's the 'decent' thing to do.

You end up with a narrow perception of what is or is not permissible speech. And, surprise surprise, that perception 'just happens' to dovetail with what the Left wants to see predominate.

Think as Lefties do. Follow their diktats. Fail to, and you're 'antisocial', and must suffer the backlash of society for your misdeed (.. that of speaking in an unapproved-of way !!).

Real freedom - it seems to me - is to so reject Leftieism as to reach the point where its very dogma is seen to be antisocial in itself. Though I'll never live to see it .. I hope, one day, that we'll live on a planet where Socialism will be seen as every bit as criminal as its 'National Socialist' variant .. as experienced courtesy of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich.

03-17-2015, 03:12 PM

The excuse for it is a simple one to explain. Lefties will argue that to publicly express yourself in a way which could ever 'incite hatred' is an antisocial act. Therefore, it has to be banned, since that's the 'decent' thing to do.

You end up with a narrow perception of what is or is not permissible speech. And, surprise surprise, that perception 'just happens' to dovetail with what the Left wants to see predominate.

Think as Lefties do. Follow their diktats. Fail to, and you're 'antisocial', and must suffer the backlash of society for your misdeed (.. that of speaking in an unapproved-of way !!).

Real freedom - it seems to me - is to so reject Leftieism as to reach the point where its very dogma is seen to be antisocial in itself. Though I'll never live to see it .. I hope, one day, that we'll live on a planet where Socialism will be seen as every bit as criminal as its 'National Socialist' variant .. as experienced courtesy of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich.

Wasn't he a linebacker and later the coach of the Chicago Bears? What does he have to do with this discussion? :)

03-17-2015, 03:23 PM
Wasn't he a linebacker and later the coach of the Chicago Bears? What does he have to do with this discussion? :):clap::clap:

You probably have to be American to understand that .. sorry, but this goes way over my head. I get the general intended gist, though ...

03-17-2015, 03:31 PM

You probably have to be American to understand that .. sorry, but this goes way over my head. I get the general intended gist, though ...

Sorry. It was corny. I am in a silly mood today. My husband has been out of town and he is coming home tonight!


03-18-2015, 02:16 PM
Arresting a 15 year olds a bit much, but allegedly spouting racial abuse should not be without consequence, unless you think that kinda things fine.

03-18-2015, 02:58 PM
Arresting a 15 year olds a bit much, but allegedly spouting racial abuse should not be without consequence, unless you think that kinda things fine.

If you think that 'consequences' are necessary and appropriate, then why not opt for some simple parental guidance ?

You say it yourself .. arresting someone of that age is 'a bit much'. But, we're so very 'PC' over here, that it's bound to lead to ridiculous excesses. You cannot reconcile slavish adherence to such doctrines without having a sense of proportion going completely out of the window.

Freedom of expression and freedom of thought are indivisible. Punish freedom of expression by excessive and absurd displays of authoritarian force, and you're a gnat's whisker away from a fully-fledged Police State, where conformity is everything, and freedom goes the way of the dodo.

Needless to say, it's deference to the Left over decades of their sociological meddling that's to blame. It's a cautionary warning against ever giving the Left power again.