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View Full Version : `MO Lt Gov. "There's more racism in the Justice Dept than in St. Louis area....

03-18-2015, 06:07 PM

“There is more racism in the Justice Department than there is in anywhere I see in the St. Louis area,” Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder said in an interview with NewsMaxTV Monday. “We are making progress. We’ve come an enormous way in 50 years. That’s not to say we don’t have still have more to do.

*But it is the left — it is the Eric Holder and Obama left — and their minions who are obsessed with race, while the rest of us are moving on beyond it.”

Kinder, a Republican, criticized the administration for “[inciting] a mob” during the protests that followed Brown’s killing.

“The whole blowup of this protest movement was based on the lie that never happened of ‘hands up don’t shoot,’” Kinder said in remarks that were first reported by BuzzFeed. “It’s bad enough the protesters were behaving that way, but we have a right to expect much more from the attorney general, the head of the Justice Department of the United States, and the president of the United States. And instead, what we got too often from them was incitement of the mob, and, uh, encouraging disorder in Ferguson and disrupting the peaceable going-about of our daily lives in the greater St. Louis region.”

He added: “Many of them have spent most of their careers defending Black Panthers and other violent radicals.”


http://news.yahoo.com/missouri-fergu...141254076.html (http://news.yahoo.com/missouri-ferguson-obama-justice-department-racist-st-louis-kinder-141254076.html)