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03-23-2015, 06:16 PM
.....Poor baby was turning his life around....he was practically a baby according to his mom....just old enough to handle a crow bar...


"When you grow up without things, you go get things," Jones' cousin, Oriel Taylor, said`

************************************************** ********

`Supposedly the LEO were African American as well, guess it doesn't fit the narrative so Jessie....Al and Hussein remain quiet.`

http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index...l#incart_river (http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2015/03/family_of_unarmed_man_shot_dea.html#incart_river)

03-23-2015, 07:03 PM
My apologies to anyone who disagree's with me but...I can no longer feel sorry, in any way for anyone who breaks the law. No matter what they were doing.

I am reminded of Sammy Davis Jr. singing "Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time!"


Thankfully. There is NO TIME for the poor, innocent, little empty headed law breaker left.

How long? Once again, before Al Sharpton shows up to convince the mother to SUE the city for robbing her of all future visits to the Local Jail to see her Poor Little Baby???

03-26-2015, 06:17 AM
The hell with him, adios Amigo. No matter the color, race or religion, if you break the law you may get shot in the process !! So Mom's quit your bitching and teach your kids not to be criminals !!

03-26-2015, 11:18 AM
Is it not considered disturbing how often cops seem to be unable to arrest citizens without shooting them dead?

03-26-2015, 11:46 AM
Is it not considered disturbing how often cops seem to be unable to arrest citizens without shooting them dead?

Yep. Disturbing that so many parents are raising kids that are willing to break the law, and fight with responding police to the point that they need to respond with force. Bad eggs out there? Yep. More often than not though, it's simply criminals breaking the law, and then committing further felonies by fighting with the police and making a bad situation into one where force is necessary. If they didn't fight with police this wouldn't happen. If they didn't commit crimes, this wouldn't happen. The disturbing part is how often these crimes are being committed.

03-26-2015, 01:32 PM
Is it not considered disturbing how often cops seem to be unable to arrest citizens without shooting them dead?

Noir. And once again, you fail to demonstrate, or discuss the alternatives to your claim above. You never bother to mention how much HIGHER the number of Police Officer shootings there would be if our Police Officers didn't protect themselves with their Weapon.

Like our Liberal, Democrat Gun haters here in the USA. It's so easy to ignore, and never honestly discuss the entire story. Isn't it?

03-26-2015, 05:00 PM
Noir. And once again, you fail to demonstrate, or discuss the alternatives to your claim above. You never bother to mention how much HIGHER the number of Police Officer shootings there would be if our Police Officers didn't protect themselves with their Weapon. Like our Liberal, Democrat Gun haters here in the USA. It's so easy to ignore, and never honestly discuss the entire story. Isn't it?

Like here in the UK? Where the blood of unarmed police flows like rivers through the streets?

03-26-2015, 05:10 PM
Like here in the UK? Where the blood of unarmed police flows like rivers through the streets?

The UK is not full of black people. Big difference.


03-26-2015, 05:26 PM
The UK is not full of black people. Big difference. YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGmbUXqHPk4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGmbUXqHPk4)

If you believe the racist propaganda the UK is being overrun by black people and other non-white ethnicities, who'da'thunk?

03-26-2015, 05:38 PM
Like here in the UK? Where the blood of unarmed police flows like rivers through the streets?

Noir. Do you know what the meaning of the expression "You're full of it..." means?

Look at how easily you twisted what I said, and you again avoided saying.

You must have BROWN EYES, which would answer my questionl

03-26-2015, 06:38 PM
Noir. Do you know what the meaning of the expression "You're full of it..." means? Look at how easily you twisted what I said, and you again avoided saying. You must have BROWN EYES, which would answer my questionl

Well somehow the police in the UK are able to arrest citizens, and not shot them dead on the streets, or be shot dead themselves. It seems a shame US police can't do the same.

But please, ignore the above sentiment and continue with an insult of your choosing.

03-26-2015, 07:20 PM
Well somehow the police in the UK are able to arrest citizens, and not shot them dead on the streets, or be shot dead themselves. It seems a shame US police can't do the same.

But please, ignore the above sentiment and continue with an insult of your choosing.

Once again you skirt, and avoid the truth. Do you know the population of the U.K., as compared to the USA?

Not to mention. We have a constitutional form of law where Americans have more freedoms, rights, and liberties than those in the U.K. Which, by the way, is why we are no longer COLONIES of the U.K. And the result of a REVOLUTION many wish they could forget.

03-26-2015, 07:24 PM

03-26-2015, 07:27 PM

Should we allow NOIR to see that video?

03-26-2015, 08:46 PM

03-26-2015, 08:50 PM
Is it not considered disturbing how often cops seem to be unable to arrest citizens without shooting them dead?

If they resist arrest, assault the cop, grab for his gun, etc....they deserve to be shot dead.

What's really disturbing.... is how all of these ferals that are getting shot for those very things (some or many of which already had a prior criminal record) are being held up as martyrs by the idiot left and leftist media.....instead of being reported and portrayed as the thuggish slimebags that they WERE.

03-26-2015, 08:51 PM


03-26-2015, 08:59 PM
Should we allow NOIR to see that video?

Nah. Let him continue on with his head stuck in that dank, dark, but comfy place (a la ignorance is bliss).

03-27-2015, 04:49 AM
Once again you skirt, and avoid the truth. Do you know the population of the U.K. as compared to the USA?

About 60 million to 300 million, only 5 times the pop, with way more than 5 times the shootings... Where in the UK citizen shootings are single digits in a year, and sometimes even zero, estimated figures from the US (because apparently you guys don't record or publish such statistics) put the number around 400 per year!

Not to mention. We have a constitutional form of law where Americans have more freedoms, rights, and liberties than those in the U.K. Which, by the way, is why we are no longer COLONIES of the U.K. And the result of a REVOLUTION many wish they could forget.

One of those extra freedoms y'all seem to have is the freedom to be shot dead in the street with much greater regularity.

03-27-2015, 06:00 AM
One of those extra freedoms y'all seem to have is the freedom to be shot dead in the street with much greater regularity.

CRIMINALS have the right to be shot dead.

You don't see a ton of legal gun owners running around shooting people for no reason.

03-27-2015, 06:10 AM
CRIMINALS have the right to be shot dead.

As oppose to the right to a fair trail?

03-27-2015, 06:24 AM
As oppose to the right to a fair trail?

Yes they have a right to a fair trial if they don't resist arrest, try to kill a police officer and so on. I see what you are saying Noir and I agree with you on the surface it looks bad, but you have to remember we have all kinds of people in the States that have decided they are going to test the police, see what they can get away with and push the police as far as they can, and as they are finding out this is a very dangerous game.

03-27-2015, 06:27 AM
As oppose to the right to a fair trail?

Depends on what they're doing. Fighting for a gun, fighting a cop who has a gun, resisting arrest with potential for bodily harm.... I can go on and on. But when you do these things to a police officer with a gun, it's possible you may get shot. VERY VERY VERY rarely does this happen to a 100% innocent person.

You want a trial and 'prove' innocence? That's COURT. So don't fight and resist in the streets, and wait for court to have your day.

03-27-2015, 11:06 AM
About 60 million to 300 million, only 5 times the pop, with way more than 5 times the shootings... Where in the UK citizen shootings are single digits in a year, and sometimes even zero, estimated figures from the US (because apparently you guys don't record or publish such statistics) put the number around 400 per year!

One of those extra freedoms y'all seem to have is the freedom to be shot dead in the street with much greater regularity.

NOIR. I am no longer in doubt about you. You really are just plain dumb. Nothing more needs to be said here. You can deny being dumb as much as you like. Here in the USA everyone like you has a right to be as dumb as you want...Guaranteed by the constitution. That's your best freedom.

03-27-2015, 12:19 PM

Wow, that cop really said it all right there! Impressive display of control, because you can see that he's absolutely furious.

03-28-2015, 07:08 AM
Yes they have a right to a fair trial if they don't resist arrest, try to kill a police officer and so on. I see what you are saying Noir and I agree with you on the surface it looks bad, but you have to remember we have all kinds of people in the States that have decided they are going to test the police, see what they can get away with and push the police as far as they can, and as they are finding out this is a very dangerous game.

Y'see here, if you resist arrest, you won't get shot dead, you'll have 'resist or wilfully obstruct a constable in the execution of his duty' added to your charge sheet, or in more serious matters 'assault with the intent to avoid arrest'.

Personally i know which system i'd rather live in.

You want a trial and 'prove' innocence? That's COURT.

Small but important note, a trail is not to prove innocence, rather it is to prove guilt.

03-28-2015, 07:17 AM
NOIR. I am no longer in doubt about you. You really are just plain dumb. Nothing more needs to be said here. You can deny being dumb as much as you like. Here in the USA everyone like you has a right to be as dumb as you want...Guaranteed by the constitution. That's your best freedom.

However will i cope with all the endless stream of insults from some american on the internet? Abouttime, i think its about time (geddit!) we had a hug and you let all this negativity pass (:

03-28-2015, 07:19 AM
Y'see here, if you resist arrest, you won't get shot dead, you'll have 'resist or wilfully obstruct a constable in the execution of his duty' added to your charge sheet, or in more serious matters 'assault with the intent to avoid arrest'.

Personally i know which system i'd rather live in.

Small but important note, a trail is not to prove innocence, rather it is to prove guilt.

Noir no one I know of was shot for simply objecting to being arrested. Like I said it is a entirely different scenario here, the criminal element in the US feels they can get away with what ever they want, I have been pulled over dozens of times and even had run in's with the law that were what one might say on the criminal level, and I am still alive and have never been shot. If you treat people with a little respect it goes along way, and in no way am I trying to tell you I know how your world is but it just seems to me that there is a bit more respect for the police there than over here. ( and yes that is my opinion of course )

03-29-2015, 09:04 AM
Y'see here, if you resist arrest, you won't get shot dead, you'll have 'resist or wilfully obstruct a constable in the execution of his duty' added to your charge sheet, or in more serious matters 'assault with the intent to avoid arrest'.

Personally i know which system i'd rather live in.

Me too, I would go to the place that has MUCH more freedoms. Of course I don't fight with the police and fuck around with guns and all like criminals, so the whole being shot dead doesn't really apply to me. Be a law abiding citizen and then enjoy the greatest and most free country in the world.

Small but important note, a trail is not to prove innocence, rather it is to prove guilt.

You are correct, my bad. But I am glad that you agree that these folks are in the wrong for taking the fight to the streets, instead of the argument in court where it belongs.

03-29-2015, 10:52 AM
Seen too many of these stories lately. I can empathize with the families who have lost sons and daughters for whom they still had hopes and dreams. However, they would have been better off rearing their kids to respect the law and attempting to counteract the pervasive street attitude that encourages crime and the type of thug behavior that includes resisting police. We just had one of these last week about a mile from where I live. A young man robbed a local Best Buy and ran out to the parking lot where he led the police on a foot chase and then attempted to carjack a family with young kids. He was tazed twice with no effect and finally was shot and died in the local ED a bit later. Sad perhaps. But he would still be alive if he had responded appropriately to the initial police contact and surrendered. Instead he jeopardized both police and innocent civilians. The only good thing is the cops and the family in the car all went home alive. Our laws and police are not perfect but they are our protection in an increasingly violent society.

03-29-2015, 12:56 PM
How to avoid getting a perp killed and how most police and communities view each other, IMO:


East Knoxville residents back ‘Officer G'

Former NAACP president: 'We are not Ferguson'

A crowd gathered as Knoxville Police Department Lt. Gordon Gwathney struggled with the screaming black woman in the public housing development.

Gwathney already had shot his stun gun at the 5-foot-2-inch tall woman, but her crack cocaine high made her impervious to the electric jolt designed to freeze the muscles of large men. She ripped the metal wires from her body and continued to fight.

As he tussled with the 110-pound woman, the crowd of onlookers in Walter P. Taylor Homes swelled. Gwathney’s radio was ripped from his uniform as he forced the woman to the ground, so calling for help as the crowd closed in around him was not an option.

As he fought to get handcuffs on the squirming woman, two people from the crowd jumped into the fray.

“I saw something I thought I’d never see — people come to the aid of an officer,” Dewey Roberts, former president of Knoxville NAACP, told a community group last week. “They were telling her to calm down and they got his radio that had been knocked loose.”

Roberts witnessed the event through a window at the Dr. Lee Williams Complex, a senior citizens center he oversees in Walter P. Taylor Homes. Roberts had seen the confrontation develop despite Gwathney “trying to de-escalate the situation” and worried as he saw the crowd of black onlookers encircle the lone officer.

“With my experiences with police over the years, I was just amazed,” said the 69-year-old Roberts who led Knoxville’s black community through the racial tinderbox in the late 1990s when several black men died during confrontations with Knoxville officers.

“And it wasn’t just a few people, it was the whole crowd. I was shaking my head in disbelief, but it was a good feeling.”

Gwathney, an 18-year veteran of the Knoxville Police Department, said the woman bit two of the residents who came to his aid. The 28-year-old woman, he said, was wanted on 10 outstanding warrants and had been ordered to stay out of Walter P. Taylor homes.

The gathering crowd was a reassurance and not a threat for him. These are his people. He knows their names. He goes to their children’s graduations.

To residents of East Knoxville, Gwathney is “Officer G.”

“He treats us like people; he knows our names,” said Linda Conner, a resident of Walter P. Taylor Homes whose two adult children benefited from Gwathney’s influence.

“One kind of got off on the wrong foot and he picked her up in the ninth grade and started to mentor her,” the 49-year-Conner said. “He came to her graduation.”

“Other officers come through and they’re going to run. Officer G comes through and he gets out and talks to people.

“Because they wear their pants low, Officer G knows that doesn’t mean you’re a drug dealer or criminal. We know and respect him. He’s a blessing out here.”

Gwathney has spent 12 of his 18 years in Knoxville’s housing projects. His Seymour upbringing suits him better in East Knoxville.
“I worked West Knoxville, but I like this better; I fit in better,” he said.

It wasn’t always like this for Gwathney. When he joined the force, Knoxville Mayor Victor Ashe was trying to ease racial tensions twisted to the point officers were alerted to threats that snipers on rooftops would pick them off the street. Ashe in 1998 created the Police Advisory Review Committee to oversee investigations of alleged police misconduct in the black community.

“When I first came on, there’s no way I would walk through Walter P. by myself,” he said of the majority black development. “Now, I can do that at 3 a.m.”

Roberts recalls getting “10-15 calls a week about harassment by KPD” during his two decades leading the Knoxville NAACP.
“Police have changed the trend with their training, and training is everything,” Roberts said.

David Rausch, who this week celebrates his fourth year as chief of the Police Department, agreed training officers on diversity, treating people with respect, creating walking patrols and attending community meetings has dissolved boundaries and created relationships.

Rausch said police training employs “procedural justice where we listen to people and not go into a situation with your mind made up, so people know they are being heard.”

“They no longer see us as an occupying force,” the chief said. “We’re seeing a huge decrease in complaints, a decrease in resistance responses and an increase in compliments.”

Roberts, however, cautions how fragile the nascent trust between police and minorities can be.

“You can never rest because it only takes one incident to ignite the passion we’ve seen before. But our mayor and police chief are ready to de-escalate any situation.

“We are not Ferguson.”

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03-29-2015, 06:07 PM
However will i cope with all the endless stream of insults from some american on the internet? Abouttime, i think its about time (geddit!) we had a hug and you let all this negativity pass (:

Once again we differ. What you call insults, I merely call Truth. And no. I am not a hugger. I do not easily appease, nor can I be convinced to ignore using negativity WHEN IT APPLIES.