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View Full Version : 'Islam…Is Not a Religion of Peace': Ex-Muslim Calls for Major Reform of the Faith Rea

03-24-2015, 06:12 AM
This woman sounds to be fairly honest, it's nice to hear someone speak a little of the truth about the religion of peace. :rolleyes:
<iframe width="590" height="332" src="http://launch.newsinc.com/?type=VideoPlayer/Single&widgetId=1&trackingGroup=69016&siteSection=libertyalliance&videoId=28764213" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>

Ayaan Hirsi Ali talked about reforming Islam on ABC’s This Week today, saying that it is “not a religion of peace” and Muslims need to get rid of the horrible, violent followers of the faith. She spoke of a “huge group of Muslims” that are peace-loving who need to be more open to reform. Martha Raddatz asked her if, as someone who is no longer a believer, she should “really be the voice for that.” Manal Omar made a similar observation, saying that with someone like Hirsi Ali, who is on record “attack Islam,” it’s “very hard for you to be able to call on a reform of Islam.” She and Hirsi Ali expressed some disagreements with what is written in the Qu’ran.
Read more at http://conservativevideos.com/islam-is-not-a-religion-of-peace-ex-muslim-calls-for-major-reform-of-the-faith/#22oXcYrjE6hWxVeX.99


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-24-2015, 07:53 AM
This woman sounds to be fairly honest, it's nice to hear someone speak a little of the truth about the religion of peace. :rolleyes:
<iframe width="590" height="332" src="http://launch.newsinc.com/?type=VideoPlayer/Single&widgetId=1&trackingGroup=69016&siteSection=libertyalliance&videoId=28764213" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>


Did you see how the liberal interviewer attacked the book author and also made damn sure to get in the comment about the act of opposition to Islam may lead people to attack Islam.

These stinking liberals can not help themselves but to defend Islam by any means possible--amazing isn't it , the only religion that they defend constantly is the one that actively murders its opposition!!! Two peas in the same pod... as they themselves would love to murder ALL OF US but are too cowardly to try .-Tyr