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03-24-2015, 06:23 PM
Wow, I can see where this will be IMMENSELY popular.

I for one can hardly wait to plunk down even more cash than new cars cost now, for the privilege of having my car overrule me when I decide to speed up.

If the car companies really wanted to make cars safer by some high-tech tomfoolery, they would used the automatic-braking sensor and speed measurement, to measure how close you are to the car in front of you, and reduce your speed to keep your following distance safe. That would avoid a GREAT many more collisions than a speed-limit restrictor... since more accidents are caused by tailgating than by speeding.

I can see this speed-limit restrictor as being as popular as Obamacare... which had to be forced through Congress at midnight on Christmas eve and imposed on the American people without their consent. (People who then kicked most of the Democrats who did it, out of Congress.) The same will be necessary for this speed-limit restrictor.



Ford's new car will force you to obey the speed limit

by Daniel Cooper | @danielwcooper | 6 hrs ago

Much as we'd like to emulate our NASCAR heroes, breaking the speed limit often comes at a price. Ford is hoping to prevent accidents and speeding tickets by introducing cars that can see what the speed limit is and preventing heavy-footed motorists from driving any faster. Ford's Intelligent Speed Limiter tech will first appear on the new Ford S-Max that's launching in Europe that could just change the way that we drive.

A camera mounted on the windshield scans the road signs on the sides of the highway and, when the vehicle enters a 20mph zone, the system reduces the top speed to match. Rather than controlling the speed with automatic braking, the car limits its own velocity by adjusting the amount of fuel being pushed to the engine.

03-24-2015, 06:38 PM
Different technology... I remember when I rented a Uhaul truck to go from Virginia to NJ. I got on the highway and hit 55 and the gas pedal literally started fighting with my foot and made me slow down!! I usually did about 75 the whole trip, and it felt MUCH longer at 55 and in a shitty truck.

I would NEVER buy a new car that would force me to obey a speed limit - but it wouldn't surprise me to see this across the board one day - "because it's good for us".

03-24-2015, 06:43 PM
Different technology... I remember when I rented a Uhaul truck to go from Virginia to NJ. I got on the highway and hit 55 and the gas pedal literally started fighting with my foot and made me slow down!! I usually did about 75 the whole trip, and it felt MUCH longer at 55 and in a shitty truck.

I would NEVER buy a new car that would force me to obey a speed limit - but it wouldn't surprise me to see this across the board one day - "because it's good for us".

Of course. Government's job is to take care of us and save us from our own actions.... isn't it?

03-24-2015, 07:09 PM
I'd love to buy one - then sue the hell out of ford when I can't make it to the hospital or outrun road ragers.

The Sheep of our once-fine nation will gobble this stuff up. Ford will advertise the "safety" of slowing down (second only to the fame of the kardashians, I cannot fathom how people so-easily buy into the LIE 'speed kills'). Municipalities now short of speed-taxes will raise license tabs fees, and gas taxes to off-set the lost revenue. When that doesn't work, the people will shout for joy as their government creates a new tax for the purchase of that and every other new car to fund "safety" programs like the Highway Patrol (who don't keep things safe so much as respond after the fact). More and more control (freedom) of our lives will given over to the corrupt government as fascism moves ever-steadily towards the new normal condition.

03-24-2015, 09:12 PM
It's a safety hazard to be unable to speed.

Sometimes you don't have much room to get around someone piddling along at 50 mph and the only chance you get is a fairly short straightaway. You need to be able to get up to 70 or 80 in short order to get around in time. Passing someone at 55 mph is ridiculous.

Ford will lose their ass on this project - I don't know of anyone that wants to be limited.

03-25-2015, 05:59 AM
They had tried this technology in Big trucks, drivers will find ways around it. Now they just put a governor on the fuel intake and if you get caught over riding it it is one heck of a fine but that hasn't stopped many from doing so.

03-25-2015, 05:28 PM
Sounds like FORD is trying the Obamacare route. Great way NOT to sell cars.

We all know. Whenever anyone tells an American what they can, and can't do. REJECTION becomes the result.

03-25-2015, 05:50 PM
You do have the ability to override the speed limiter. Even so, it's still a crappy "innovation".

03-25-2015, 09:54 PM
If the car companies really wanted to make cars safer by some high-tech tomfoolery, they would used the automatic-braking sensor and speed measurement, to measure how close you are to the car in front of you, and reduce your speed to keep your following distance safe. That would avoid a GREAT many more collisions than a speed-limit restrictor... since more accidents are caused by tailgating than by speeding.

This is already in use in most newer cars. Adaptive Cruise Control. It is bizarre to use at first but Kind of Cool once you get used to it.

03-26-2015, 05:40 AM
This is already in use in most newer cars. Adaptive Cruise Control. It is bizarre to use at first but Kind of Cool once you get used to it.

That is so very true, I had a Kenworth that on the computer it was set to run 137 mph, it wouldn't do that on the road but I do know for a fact it would run at least 108 mph ( the guy that drove the twin to my truck received a ticket in SC going 108mph ) What was fun was we would fly by some of these new sport cars and they would top out at like 90, must of been pretty embarrassing getting your doors blown off in your little sports car by a 18 wheeler. :laugh:

03-26-2015, 08:12 AM
You do have the ability to override the speed limiter. Even so, it's still a crappy "innovation".

"Drivers can temporarily override the system by pressing firmly on the accelerator". Yes, but what is temporary? 100 yards, 10 seconds, 1 text message?

It seems every year something is added to vehicles for tour own safety at added cost. Congress has mandated backup cameras on all vehicles manufactured starting in 2016 and will this speed sign limiter be and auto avoidance be the next mandatory dictates until we are all cruising around in self driving cars?

All of vehicles now have electronically limited speeds, unless you're driving a "classic" pre computer vehicle.

I feel safe with my cars limited to 138 & 163 mph. Isn't that enough?

03-26-2015, 03:25 PM
"Drivers can temporarily override the system by pressing firmly on the accelerator". Yes, but what is temporary? 100 yards, 10 seconds, 1 text message?

It seems every year something is added to vehicles for tour own safety at added cost. Congress has mandated backup cameras on all vehicles manufactured starting in 2016 and will this speed sign limiter be and auto avoidance be the next mandatory dictates until we are all cruising around in self driving cars?

All of vehicles now have electronically limited speeds, unless you're driving a "classic" pre computer vehicle.

I feel safe with my cars limited to 138 & 163 mph. Isn't that enough?

Simple remedy. You just do not purchase, rent, or lease those vehicles. UNCLE SAM (the Liberal, Socialist version) wants more control over EVERYTHING we do. Once again. 1984 jumps out at us, and we just laugh.

03-27-2015, 05:53 PM
I’ll use the standard Libtard response “That sounds like a good idea for everyone else, but don’t make me do it.”