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View Full Version : `....The BBC Flew a Drone Over Auschwitz — And the Result Is Haunting`

03-26-2015, 07:19 PM
http://mic.com/articles/109222/the-b...lt-is-haunting (http://mic.com/articles/109222/the-bbc-flew-a-drone-over-auschwitz-and-the-result-is-haunting)

`....It's hard to imagine what the victims were going through at the time.

What a tragedy......"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

03-26-2015, 08:37 PM
But you WANT to repeat it, do you not? Just with a different religious sect.

03-26-2015, 08:46 PM
But you WANT to repeat it, do you not? Just with a different religious sect.

....And You support muslim terrorists...do you not? Muslim terrorists who attack the western world daily...abuse women and children...bomb innocent people....are you crazy? comparing the Jews at that time to muslim terrorists now? The Jews did nothing wrong...they were just jews...and hated for it...

*Again....Never underestimate a liberal's willingness to share how stupid they are with the world.

03-26-2015, 08:55 PM
http://mic.com/articles/109222/the-b...lt-is-haunting (http://mic.com/articles/109222/the-bbc-flew-a-drone-over-auschwitz-and-the-result-is-haunting)

`....It's hard to imagine what the victims were going through at the time.

What a tragedy......"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

I was amazed at how enormous the place was. I guess it had to be to house that many Hitler victims. I still wonder why they didn't just plot a move, get together and charge the damned guards and then escape. Yes, some would have been killed in the process, but not all or most of them....as eventually happened. I guess the fear and "normalcy bias" takes over under those circumstances. Still...when you're already being starved to death....

03-27-2015, 08:24 AM
the 101st


03-27-2015, 08:34 AM
That was stunning...

Drones are the future of video story telling.

03-27-2015, 08:36 AM
....And You support muslim terrorists...do you not? Muslim terrorists who attack the western world daily...abuse women and children...bomb innocent people....are you crazy? comparing the Jews at that time to muslim terrorists now? The Jews did nothing wrong...they were just jews...and hated for it...

*Again....Never underestimate a liberal's willingness to share how stupid they are with the world.

This fixation on a single threat is a recipe for failure. There are many more threats to freedom than militant Muslims. Fixating on one blinds you to another. Who cares if it's an Atheist or a Muslim that pressures Nativity scenes to be removed, for example? It's all about WHAT, not WHO.

03-27-2015, 08:40 AM
I want to send this to a guy I served with in Nam. but his entire family was wiped out by the Nazi's. ill have to think it over

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-27-2015, 08:51 AM
But you WANT to repeat it, do you not? Just with a different religious sect.

Accusation is a bit broad. Care to explain?
Are you daring to say that opposition to muslim terrorists is same as the genocide of the Jews by Hitler and crew?--Tyr

03-27-2015, 09:46 AM
Accusation is a bit broad. Care to explain?
Are you daring to say that opposition to muslim terrorists is same as the genocide of the Jews by Hitler and crew?--Tyr

she doesn't know the ragheads helped Hitler hunt the jews

03-27-2015, 09:46 AM
Accusation is a bit broad. Care to explain?
Are you daring to say that opposition to muslim terrorists is same as the genocide of the Jews by Hitler and crew?--Tyr

How do you propose NOT treating Muslim US residents the same way Japanese US residents were treated during WWII?


Over 127,000 United States citizens were imprisoned during World War II. Their crime? Being of Japanese ancestry.Despite the lack of any concrete evidence, Japanese Americans were suspected of remaining loyal to their ancestral land. ANTI-JAPANESE PARANOIA increased because of a large Japanese presence on the West Coast. In the event of a Japanese invasion of the American mainland, Japanese Americans were feared as a security risk.

It made no difference that many had never even been to Japan. Even Japanese-American veterans of World War I were forced to leave their homes.

03-27-2015, 10:08 AM
This fixation on a single threat is a recipe for failure. There are many more threats to freedom than militant Muslims. Fixating on one blinds you to another. Who cares if it's an Atheist or a Muslim that pressures Nativity scenes to be removed, for example? It's all about WHAT, not WHO.

*my post above was a `response` to someone else...which was related to the subject.

*But back to you...The greatest threat today is the one most of us hear on the news daily...the cult of slam brings "fixation" to itself... `daily` ....there are many threats to Freedom....the biggest remains a matter of opinion....

03-27-2015, 10:19 AM
Accusation is a bit broad. Care to explain?
Are you daring to say that opposition to muslim terrorists is same as the genocide of the Jews by Hitler and crew?--Tyr

You are painting with the same broad base brush.
You are not just opposed to Muslim terrorists. You are opposed to ALL Muslims. The same way Hitler hated ALL Jews.
If you read Hitler's early writings, he found ways to link Jews to every misstep that caused WWI and its aftermath.
I read this board and find Muslims blamed for just about everything. The atrocities committed by miniscule radical factions somehow become the responsibility of every peaceful Muslim. Which proceeds to cast doubt and suspicion on those who merely want to live.
Read some of your responses. Are you that far from wanting all American Muslims placed in detention camps? Or forced to wear scarlet letters?
I see more than a bit of Hitler in many of you.

03-27-2015, 11:10 AM
You are painting with the same broad base brush.
You are not just opposed to Muslim terrorists. You are opposed to ALL Muslims. The same way Hitler hated ALL Jews.
If you read Hitler's early writings, he found ways to link Jews to every misstep that caused WWI and its aftermath.
I read this board and find Muslims blamed for just about everything. The atrocities committed by miniscule radical factions somehow become the responsibility of every peaceful Muslim. Which proceeds to cast doubt and suspicion on those who merely want to live.
Read some of your responses. Are you that far from wanting all American Muslims placed in detention camps? Or forced to wear scarlet letters?
I see more than a bit of Hitler in many of you.

Your extremism obscures your argument. The US internment of Japanese-Americans is a better reference.

03-27-2015, 11:14 AM
You are painting with the same broad base brush.
You are not just opposed to Muslim terrorists. You are opposed to ALL Muslims. The same way Hitler hated ALL Jews.
If you read Hitler's early writings, he found ways to link Jews to every misstep that caused WWI and its aftermath.
I read this board and find Muslims blamed for just about everything. The atrocities committed by miniscule radical factions somehow become the responsibility of every peaceful Muslim. Which proceeds to cast doubt and suspicion on those who merely want to live.
Read some of your responses. Are you that far from wanting all American Muslims placed in detention camps? Or forced to wear scarlet letters?
I see more than a bit of Hitler in many of you.

All Muslims are loyal to the same, war'like', Koran. All share intolerances to criticism of it, no matter how they express this.

And how DO they express that ? By death threats against those showing opposition to it, and its 'founder' .. ?

You want to look for Hitleresque behaviour. Consider how very extreme such threats are, and have been. Also ... ask yourself how widespread Muslim terrorism is. Involving how many countries, where they have headquarters, or a strong militant contingent .. or just terrorist cells.

Is Islamic State a major terrorist force, or, isn't it ? How many, from how many countries, have they recruited to join them ? [Hint: the UK alone reckons that over 500 UK citizens have left to go to Syria to fight for them, many supposedly fitting the 'normal, peaceful' profile ..].

In the meantime ... Lefties insist upon force-feeding us with yet more 'Islam is a religion of peace' rot.

Perhaps they all just have an especially weird sense of humour ? H'mm ?

03-27-2015, 11:28 AM
All Muslims are loyal to the same, war'like', Koran. All share intolerances to criticism of it, no matter how they express this.

And how DO they express that ? By death threats against those showing opposition to it, and its 'founder' .. ?

You want to look for Hitleresque behaviour. Consider how very extreme such threats are, and have been. Also ... ask yourself how widespread Muslim terrorism is. Involving how many countries, where they have headquarters, or a strong militant contingent .. or just terrorist cells.

Is Islamic State a major terrorist force, or, isn't it ? How many, from how many countries, have they recruited to join them ? [Hint: the UK alone reckons that over 500 UK citizens have left to go to Syria to fight for them, many supposedly fitting the 'normal, peaceful' profile ..].

In the meantime ... Lefties insist upon force-feeding us with yet more 'Islam is a religion of peace' rot.

Perhaps they all just have an especially weird sense of humour ? H'mm ?

*my post above was a `response` to someone else...which was related to the subject.

*But back to you...The greatest threat today is the one most of us hear on the news daily...the cult of slam brings "fixation" to itself... `daily` ....there are many threats to Freedom....the biggest remains a matter of opinion....

The worst threat is not generally the loudest threat. Approach risks as if you are an insurance company, then work to reduce those risks. Different risks come and go, but the principles of liberty remain the same. Whether the enemy is militant Muslims, drug cartels or Communists, the focus should be on preserving our liberty, with military force when necessary. If you live in El Paso, Laredo, or McAllen drug cartels are a bigger threat any day of the week.

03-27-2015, 11:40 AM

my my what is this filthy smelling raghead talking to Hitler about ???

03-27-2015, 02:24 PM
I was `10 when Dad finished the basement in our hose and built a new bedroom for me. Furnished the room and a new piece was a stand up desk that had been his Uncle's. There were still some of his Uncle's possessions inside and amongst the were 3 Kodak film boxes containing pictures from the liberation from one of the death camps.

Chilling to say the least for a 10 year old kid. Thousands of bodies, some spilling out of overloaded freight cars, others in vast heaps, more in pits, and all naked or just in rags. Sobering pictures which led me to read up on the history of the Nazi's and documents from the Final Solution. I vividly today can still see those pictures that disappeared from my desk once Dad realized they were there.

03-27-2015, 02:34 PM
I was `10 when Dad finished the basement in our hose and built a new bedroom for me. Furnished the room and a new piece was a stand up desk that had been his Uncle's. There were still some of his Uncle's possessions inside and amongst the were 3 Kodak film boxes containing pictures from the liberation from one of the death camps.

Chilling to say the least for a 10 year old kid. Thousands of bodies, some spilling out of overloaded freight cars, others in vast heaps, more in pits, and all naked or just in rags. Sobering pictures which led me to read up on the history of the Nazi's and documents from the Final Solution. I vividly today can still see those pictures that disappeared from my desk once Dad realized they were there.

Indeed so. Chilling ... disgusting.

Consider that, right now, TODAY, after all the decades following the atrocities you describe .. there are Islamic nations on this planet who'd be happy to play their part in finishing what Hitler dreamed of.

There are those who'd side with those very nations harbouring such an 'ambition', and be happy to demonise anyone defying their delusional version of political correctness. So I ask: why has so much of the world failed to learn the lessons of history ?