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View Full Version : Man beaten by strangers for not being outraged over death of Michael Brown

03-29-2015, 07:05 AM
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A white passenger riding a St. Louis light rail train late Monday was physically assaulted by several black men (http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/28/us/st-louis-metrolink-beating/index.html) after he refused to comment on the death of Michael Brown. That’s the bad news. The good news is that the response from the local community is “Enough!”
The incident, which was captured on surveillance cameras, shows a young black man in a red T-shirt approaching a seated white passenger. According to the victim, who requested that his identity not be disclosed, the stranger asked to use his cell phone. When he declined, the man sat down next to him and asked what he thought of “the Mike Brown situation.” The victim, 43, who was on his way home from work, said he “was too tired to think about it at the moment,” whereupon the suspect, in his twenties, stood up and begun punching the seated passenger in the head.

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03-29-2015, 09:50 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 10:17 AM
They will not stop doing this crap until we start shooting their sorry asses and the ffing piece of shit president they so love is out of office.
Currently the Obama has made justice and Law and Order to be dirty words.
Why isn't he condemned for this outrage ?
Because he claims to be black. That's like me claiming to be Indian-- doesn't matter-the idiots have their piece of shit messiah..
A scum not worth spitting on(heralded by blacks) and I know what the ffing bastard is--a traitor.. -Tyr

03-29-2015, 04:23 PM

I always liked that scene from Death Wish...

And then, there's this:


03-29-2015, 04:31 PM
I always liked that scene from Death Wish...

And then, there's this:


`I remember that...they both work...

03-29-2015, 07:23 PM
`I remember that...they both work...

Remember this one:


03-29-2015, 07:33 PM
They will not stop doing this crap until we start shooting their sorry asses...

So you want a return to Frontier Justice, where anyone can be shot for doing something that displeases another?
Sounds like Sharia Law to me.

03-29-2015, 07:37 PM
Remember this one:


....sure do...thug all mouth and decided to attack....ended up whimpering like a little biatch...most are this way...that's why they hunt in packs....1..to impress each other for cred....2....they feel they have a better chance to take down their prey....being attack by a pack is a better option for intelligent prey....why? Better out come in court when a defensive weapon is used....

03-29-2015, 07:44 PM
So you want a return to Frontier Justice, where anyone can be shot for doing something that displeases another?
Sounds like Sharia Law to me.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-29-2015, 09:04 PM
So you want a return to Frontier Justice, where anyone can be shot for doing something that displeases another?
Sounds like Sharia Law to me.

Really? Perhaps you read too much into it. A man attacks me I'll give the damn justice I deem appropriate the law be damned. A man attacks my family and I'll most likely kill him if I can--again the law be damned. Self defense and defending the lives of family from attack are a man's responsibility, even if or when the law fails to recognize or give legal defense to do so.

I see you know very little about Sharia law as its not about defense of innocence nor defending ones family. Its primarily about advancing the cult and lording its men over the women and ALL others in this world!

Seems to me with your liberal views on a host of subjects especially women's rights you'd agree but clearly you do not. Which leads me to ask why even with my knowing you'll not answer.
Sharia law permits and commands murder, rape, slavery, child molestation and absolute degradation of all females! A fact you like to ignore. -Tyr

03-29-2015, 11:02 PM
You were not referring to personal attacks upon your person. Your statement stated you wanted to start shooting protesters.

The most radical interpretations of Sharia Law are only practiced in extremist states. In more normal situations, Sharia Law is more of a tit-for-tat exchange. You steal something, you get your hand cut off. You rape someone, you get your ... yeah. You kill someone, you get executed.

I have a gun in my house. You break in and threaten my family, it's the last thing you will ever do. But I am not going to carry it around, looking to be a vigilante killer.

03-29-2015, 11:44 PM
~ "But I am not going to carry it around, looking to be a vigilante killer" ~

`Legal concealed carry people are not that way....a gun is like a seat belt...always have it....anytime..anyplace...anywhere things can happen....criminals / thugs don't care...they will kill you for your money or skin color....especially nowadays ....Criminals make trouble happen....for gain....law abiding citizens carry guns for protection / /defence....`

`....by the way...does a "vigilante" attack people or do bad people attack so called "vigilantes" for gain...and end up getting killed for being stupid?.....weapons are for self defence from bad people who want to do harm....

what would you do in this situation Gabby if unarmed....scream and plead for your life...and `Liberally` hope they wont do anything to you... like put a scar on your neck or forehead to say you been owned?


03-30-2015, 04:50 AM
From a posting I made a few years back, responding to something a poster had written:

A disturbed young man went to a school to murder his fellow students at Price Middle School, but before he was able to kill anyone, an armed guard stopped him in his tracks. This is wonderful. If only there were armed teachers in Sandy Hook, or if there was no ban on guns at the Aurora theater, then lives could have been saved.

Yes, this is how its done:

From The Jerusalem Post 22 February 2002:
An alert customer shot dead a terrorist who tried to set off an explosive device in a supermarket a few minutes ago in Efrat. The town is in Gush Etzion, a block of Jewish communities in Judea, south of Bethlehem.

At least one small explosion did take place, leaving one customer lightly wounded but causing no casualties, said Jerusalem Post reporter Margot Dudkevitch. Nails from one of the explosions littered the floor.

Further tragedy was averted when a woman shopping in the packed supermarket apparently saw the terrorist trying to set off a second explosion and shot him twice in the head from close range.

03-30-2015, 06:48 AM
So you want a return to Frontier Justice, where anyone can be shot for doing something that displeases another?
Sounds like Sharia Law to me.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 08:36 AM
You were not referring to personal attacks upon your person. Your statement stated you wanted to start shooting protesters.

The most radical interpretations of Sharia Law are only practiced in extremist states. In more normal situations, Sharia Law is more of a tit-for-tat exchange. You steal something, you get your hand cut off. You rape someone, you get your ... yeah. You kill someone, you get executed.

I have a gun in my house. You break in and threaten my family, it's the last thing you will ever do. But I am not going to carry it around, looking to be a vigilante killer.

They will not stop doing this crap until we start shooting their sorry asses...

They will not stop doing this crap
, really? And what crap was I speaking of? Attacking a white man for no reason!
So yes I was talking about defending myself. Who the hell would I BE SPEAKING ABOUT?

Sorry but seems you read and interpret whatever way helps you best castigate your opposition!
That may be convenient for you but it has no credence to we that see how wrong it is. -Tyr

03-30-2015, 10:07 AM
Tyr, put yourself in that video. You see these two smiling guys walking toward you. They are talking shit about you and saying you need to respect Michael Brown.
If you take out a gun and shoot both of them, you are guilty of murder. Plain and simple.

What if it happened to me? Depends on the situation. I know how to defend myself.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 10:27 AM
Tyr, put yourself in that video. You see these two smiling guys walking toward you. They are talking shit about you and saying you need to respect Michael Brown.
If you take out a gun and shoot both of them, you are guilty of murder. Plain and simple.

What if it happened to me? Depends on the situation. I know how to defend myself.
Nice strawman. No, if two guys attack me then I get to pull out my gun and kill the bastards, not just shoot them for talking.
You miss the point of self-defense.
The black man assaulted the white man, after the first blow the black man should have been shot in my opinion--especially since the white guy had no clue if the black man was going to beat him to death or not.
Myself, I usually need no damn weapon and have in my entire long life fought over a 110 fights using only my fists. Of course when its instances as we are discussing , all bets are off because these ffing animals are attacking with pure hate and vitriol thus those attacked haven't a clue how far they'l go . With that in mind fear of losing ones life must be factored in. Thus killing the son of bitches is called for.
Simple, survival and self defense ...-Tyr

03-30-2015, 03:01 PM
Myself, I usually need no damn weapon and have in my entire long life fought over a 110 fights using only my fists.

You have had more than 110 fights? Sounds like you have an anger problem. Or else you just enjoy fighting people.
Did all these 110+ people attack you? Or did you pick a fair number of those conflicts because you knew you had the advantage?

03-30-2015, 03:20 PM
Tyr, put yourself in that video. You see these two smiling guys walking toward you. They are talking shit about you and saying you need to respect Michael Brown.
If you take out a gun and shoot both of them, you are guilty of murder. Plain and simple.

What if it happened to me? Depends on the situation. I know how to defend myself.

They "smiling guys thugs" were hitting..Punching / attacking the guy (minding his own business) while they were talking about "respect" for Michael Brown...they could of killed him..caused serious damage ...`IF THEY CHOOSE TO...` why give them the choice on `your` life....??


"Depends on the situation" "I know how to defend myself"

*Again ..here is the situation...notice guy with knife and what he is saying to you....dont hide from it gabby....How could you have defended yourself in this situation being a good Liberal and unarmed in public?


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 05:47 PM
You have had more than 110 fights? Sounds like you have an anger problem. Or else you just enjoy fighting people.
Did all these 110+ people attack you? Or did you pick a fair number of those conflicts because you knew you had the advantage?

I worked many years as a bouncer.. And yes I was attacked, because a bouncer doesn't keep his job if he attacks the customers--even the ones causing a problem and being told or being forced to leave.
Its a real bitch letting the other guy always hit or try to hit first but it is number 1 in the job requirement.
And yes once I had anger issues out the damn whazoooo(not completely cured yet). So I found a very convenient outlet--a job in which beating hell out of assholes was required and rewarded.

No, never picked on weaker people, thats cowardice, a thing I dearly despise. I was the guy that beat hell out of well known bad-asses. A damn fact, no brag.....Stone cold drunks couldn't hit me if they tried--none of them were ever fast enough(many tried). I put those type out with ease. It was those that came looking to stomp me that were the problem as they were never pansies. Trust me, I got a damn lot of hurt laid on me but never was defeated by a single fighter as a bouncer(in personal fights I was a couple times). Was hit with several objects, pool cue, chair once, brass knucks twice, iron bar once, beer bottles couple times and homemade head knockers couple times.
Think about it , bouncer for over a decade so 110 fights is on 11 a year or one a month.
And about 35 of those 110 were personal so its even less than that as a bouncer.

I know fighting like the back of my hand. --Tyr

03-30-2015, 06:18 PM
One of my best friends worked as a security guard for five years to earn extra money for college. Worked a lot of concerts and private parties. She didn't have many encounters because they teach you how to subdue people without getting into a physical altercation.
I have been to many clubs and bars that had rowdy, drunken clientele. In the majority of case, the bouncers removed offenders without having to beat them up.
Though I am sure being a bouncer can give you an outlet for fits of anger. Same thing with the military in combat situations.

My cousin had a severe anger problem in high school. It all came to a head once when she beat up some girl in a dispute over a guy. Another guy confronted her over this and she beat him up as well. Strangely enough, it was the guy's parents who called police and dragged my cousin to court. The judge was disgusted, but had to follow the law. He forced my cousin to take anger management courses. Best thing that ever happened to her.

I'm not going to carry a gun around. Some other weapon perhaps. If you shoot someone, it is up to you to prove that you were in the right. Good luck with that one.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 06:28 PM
One of my best friends worked as a security guard for five years to earn extra money for college. Worked a lot of concerts and private parties. She didn't have many encounters because they teach you how to subdue people without getting into a physical altercation.
I have been to many clubs and bars that had rowdy, drunken clientele. In the majority of case, the bouncers removed offenders without having to beat them up.
Though I am sure being a bouncer can give you an outlet for fits of anger. Same thing with the military in combat situations.

My cousin had a severe anger problem in high school. It all came to a head once when she beat up some girl in a dispute over a guy. Another guy confronted her over this and she beat him up as well. Strangely enough, it was the guy's parents who called police and dragged my cousin to court. The judge was disgusted, but had to follow the law. He forced my cousin to take anger management courses. Best thing that ever happened to her.

I'm not going to carry a gun around. Some other weapon perhaps. If you shoot someone, it is up to you to prove that you were in the right. Good luck with that one.

Easy . Only shoot when ones life is truly threatened or life of another helpless is threatened.
Never pull that pistol unless already decided to fire it and with legal justification.
I have had anger problems all my life never shoot anybody--why shoot --hands are weapons and quite effective if one is skilled and strong/fast enough.
I am now a mild guy-compared to what I once was.
Yet anybody crosses a certain line with me they get to see and feel the younger version of me.
No brag --just fact...
I dont play..... I say that often and its not idle words..
A man that fears nobody is by any measurement a dangerous man, he may be crazy but by god he is dangerous too.
My father told me at 14 that if I were to hold to my core principles I'd have to fight many men over my lifetime--He told the truth dead on right..--Tyr

03-30-2015, 06:35 PM
I worked many years as a bouncer.. And yes I was attacked, because a bouncer doesn't keep his job if he attacks the customers--even the ones causing a problem and being told or being forced to leave.
Its a real bitch letting the other guy always hit or try to hit first but it is number 1 in the job requirement.
And yes once I had anger issues out the damn whazoooo(not completely cured yet). So I found a very convenient outlet--a job in which beating hell out of assholes was required and rewarded.

No, never picked on weaker people, thats cowardice, a thing I dearly despise. I was the guy that beat hell out of well known bad-asses. A damn fact, no brag.....Stone cold drunks couldn't hit me if they tried--none of them were ever fast enough(many tried). I put those type out with ease. It was those that came looking to stomp me that were the problem as they were never pansies. Trust me, I got a damn lot of hurt laid on me but never was defeated by a single fighter as a bouncer(in personal fights I was a couple times). Was hit with several objects, pool cue, chair once, brass knucks twice, iron bar once, beer bottles couple times and homemade head knockers couple times.
Think about it , bouncer for over a decade so 110 fights is on 11 a year or one a month.
And about 35 of those 110 were personal so its even less than that as a bouncer.

I know fighting like the back of my hand. --Tyr

`Seems we have a lot in common ....in younger days... was "bouncing" in adult bars were women danced.... Yes.... there were definite rules when working the floor...one was... always be nice....it was just a job....met first wife in one of those `nicer` places....:laugh: ...Yes...I too remember the beer bottles...knives...and yes gun fire ....let me just say...I was lucky...but at the time it was a needed living...The job paid well and had `bonuses`...and the girlfriend at the time (wife later) could pull down over a grand a night...especially with conventions in town....we had the sports cars ...the nice house in the sandy-springs area in Atlanta with all the trimmings ....we would do the Jamaican thing / trip twice a year with like minded co-workers...learned a lot in that business but moved to bigger and better things (although not always safer)....


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 08:28 PM
`Seems we have a lot in common ....in younger days... was "bouncing" in adult bars were women danced.... Yes.... there were definite rules when working the floor...one was... always be nice....it was just a job....met first wife in one of those `nicer` places....:laugh: ...Yes...I too remember the beer bottles...knives...and yes gun fire ....let me just say...I was lucky...but at the time it was a needed living...The job paid well and had `bonuses`...and the girlfriend at the time (wife later) could pull down over a grand a night...especially with conventions in town....we had the sports cars ...the nice house in the sandy-springs area in Atlanta with all the trimmings ....we would do the Jamaican thing / trip twice a year with like minded co-workers...learned a lot in that business but moved to bigger and better things (although not always safer)....


Another damn head knocker!!! :beer: :beer:
Seems we both had damn wild years as young men.
You know some of that one can not shake off, with me its the fast anger coming on when idiots try my patience.. And I dearly hate those that pretend to be tough.
I'd rather fight a tough cat that put hurt on me than a fool that only thought he was tough.
The first guy was really something to defeat, while the second guy only wasted my time.....
I usually hit 'em extra hard for wasting my time, kinda a last parting shot.. :laugh:-Tyr

Glory days, days in youth when being wild and hellbent on excitement was the drug
of choice. Lucky to have survived it myself.. I would not do it again if I had the time to do it ALL over again... ESPECIALLY THE WILD WOMEN, flashes of great pleasure that in the end had no real value..
With age comes wisdom, at least to some...-Tyr

03-30-2015, 08:43 PM
Another damn head knocker!!! :beer: :beer:
Seems we both had damn wild years as young men.
You know some of that one can not shake off, with me its the fast anger coming on when idiots try my patience.. And I dearly hate those that pretend to be tough.
I'd rather fight a tough cat that put hurt on me than a fool that only thought he was tough.
The first guy was really something to defeat, while the second guy only wasted my time.....
I usually hit 'em extra hard for wasting my time, kinda a last parting shot.. :laugh:-Tyr

Glory days, days in youth when being wild and hellbent on excitement was the drug
of choice. Lucky to have survived it myself.. I would not do it again if I had the time to do it ALL over again... ESPECIALLY THE WILD WOMEN, flashes of great pleasure that in the end had no real value..
With age comes wisdom, at least to some...-Tyr

`Yup...Tyr....I can tell....you been there....and understand...ahhh...the nasty memories...:laugh:


03-30-2015, 10:47 PM
With age comes wisdom, at least to some...-Tyr

Apparently you have not reached that age yet. :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2015, 11:13 PM
Apparently you have not reached that age yet. :cool:

A matter of perception, perspective and persecution..
Opinions are like assholes we all got one--yet some people have two.. --:laugh:--Tyr

03-31-2015, 06:50 AM
Funny how Gabby seems to always be close to somebody of the 'other viewpoint' and that closeness somehow validates her disagreement with logical arguments.

03-31-2015, 07:08 AM
Funny how Gabby seems to always be close to somebody of the 'other viewpoint' and that closeness somehow validates her disagreement with logical arguments.

:laugh::laugh: No Doubt, must be something in the water out there :laugh::laugh:

03-31-2015, 10:29 AM
Funny how Gabby seems to always be close to somebody of the 'other viewpoint' and that closeness somehow validates her disagreement with logical arguments.

For this to be true, you will need to present a logical argument. None has yet been offered.

03-31-2015, 12:41 PM
For this to be true, you will need to present a logical argument. None has yet been offered.


Pick a topic:

A Soldier does something bad:

Gabby: "well, I'm good friends with a Soldier and support them, but that guy is a bad apple"

A Gay sues a church for not letting him be a pastor:

Gabby: "Well, I'm good friends with a Pastor and I appreciate their beliefs, but the church is wrong!"

A crackpot extremist fascist President suggests banning certain ammo for the what the Ammo does NOT do, but makes-up what the ammo MIGHT do:

Gabby: "Well, I am close friends with a guy who shoots all the time and I value gun rights, but the All Mighty in Charge cannot fail, so his ban is a good idea"

A black dude says white people are racists:

Gabby: "Some of my best friends are black..."

etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam

03-31-2015, 01:46 PM

Pick a topic:

A Soldier does something bad:

Gabby: "well, I'm good friends with a Soldier and support them, but that guy is a bad apple"

A Gay sues a church for not letting him be a pastor:

Gabby: "Well, I'm good friends with a Pastor and I appreciate their beliefs, but the church is wrong!"

A crackpot extremist fascist President suggests banning certain ammo for the what the Ammo does NOT do, but makes-up what the ammo MIGHT do:

Gabby: "Well, I am close friends with a guy who shoots all the time and I value gun rights, but the All Mighty in Charge cannot fail, so his ban is a good idea"

A black dude says white people are racists:

Gabby: "Some of my best friends are black..."

etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam

Or how about the female Security guard that never had to hit anyone because she was taught to subdue folks :laugh: Lets see David Allen Coe has the Outlaws for Security, the Stones the Hells angels but Gabby has a female friend that single handily ( well may not by herself , my stretch ) but she never hit a soul because she was trained. :rolleyes:

But Gabby did ya know that when the NJ state police lowered their standards so they could allow woman in and the first woman became a police officer, her first time out she wound up locking herself in her car crying on the radio for help because the guy was 3 times her size. See these woman that do these tough ass jobs usually have a radio, they aren't out there subduing folks. Heck I had my hand in bouncing back in the day as well, and most escorts out of the club there would be at least 4 or 5 and sometimes more bouncers involved. OOO and Gabby I am not sure now a days but back at that time the NJ Troopers where rated #2 in the world only second to the Canadian Mounties, so I am guessing they had some pretty good training. :rolleyes: