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03-29-2015, 07:21 AM
What about the meme that women 'never' lie about rape? These reports have been climbing, especially on college campuses, encouraged by weird mandates set by the government and backed by 'idealist' college staffs. It seems to me this is an outgrowth of the 'war on boys/men.' Schools have been expelling young men on the accusations, even when determined to be 'unfounded.' I'm certain most are familiar with the Rolling Stone fake rape story, there are too many others. Here's the latest I've seen, from UK:

Girl who cried rape after threesome with two soldiers has been jailed - Mirror Online (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/girl-who-cried-rape-after-5406386#ICID=sharebar_twitter)

Girl who cried rape after threesome with two soldiers has been jailed
16:41, 26 March 2015 By Stephen Walter

A girl who falsely accused two army soldiers of trying to rape her because she felt ashamed about sleeping with them both has been jailed.

Nicole Richess, 20, had a drunken threesome with the two servicemen at a friend’s house and then her own home at the end of a night out.

The following day her boyfriend, Alex Ganter, heard rumours she had been unfaithful and confronted her.

Richess ‘panicked’ and made up the false claim that the two innocent men, aged 23 and 24, had forced themselves on her because she was too ashamed to tell Mr Ganter she had cheated on him.

Mr Ganter, her partner of three years, made her go to the police to report the ‘attack’.

Richess even gave a ‘tearful’ account of the co-called crime to officers and ‘illicitly gained their empathy.’

Her ‘deceitful web of lies’ resulted in the arrest of the two soldiers, leaving them ‘distraught and petrified.’

However, officers began to realise Richess was lying when they gathered the accounts of the soldiers and her friends and she was charged with perverting the course of justice.

She has now been jailed for two-and-a-half years by a judge who told Richess her lies had an ‘insidious and corrosive’ effect on public confidence and the justice system.

Judge Jonathan Fuller QC said: “You made a determined and prolonged attempt to weave a picture of deceit to further your ends and you were prepared to make wholly false allegations of attempted rape against these innocent young men.

“The impact on these victims cannot be understated and false allegations of rape and attempted rape can have dreadful consequences.

“Every occasion of a proved false allegation has an insidious effect on public confidence, sometimes allowing doubts to creep into when one shouldn’t exist.

“Your offence has a corrosive effect on criminal justice.”


03-29-2015, 08:17 AM
One positive unintended consequence is that guys will more quickly figure out that a brick and mortar university isn't a good deal. The price females will pay is guys refusing to give them the time of day.

03-29-2015, 09:03 AM

More Men Fight College Allegations of Sexual Assault

Lawsuit is one of more than 2 dozen similar suits since start of last year

A former undergraduate student sued Cornell University, alleging the Ivy League school wrongly accused him of forcing himself on a female student.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday by a man referred to as John Doe, is the latest to be brought against a school amid a crackdown on campus sexual assaults. It contends Cornell violated his due-process rights when the school concluded he raped a fellow student after a party in December 2013 and then withheld his diploma.

The suit says the Ithaca, N.Y., university “cherry-picked witness statements,” “ignored important…statements” and judged the credibility of witnesses “without any ascertainable rationale or logic.”

A spokesman for Cornell declined to comment.

Since the start of last year, more than two dozen men have sued colleges and universities over such cases, largely alleging that the schools’ disciplinary processes are stacked against them. The number is a dramatic jump from just a few years ago.

Last week, a Boston College graduate sued the school, saying it failed to give him a fair hearing after accusing him of sexual assault.

A spokesman for Boston College said the school “stands by the findings of its administrators who adjudicated the case, and we intend to defend our decision in court.”

Some of the suits have already fallen flat. But actions brought against Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania and the University of Colorado led to settlements in which the schools either set aside sanctions or reduced them. Others have led to judicial rulings that questioned whether the schools’ disciplinary processes afford men a fair shake.

In recent years, colleges have made it easier for female students to initiate actions against men they accuse of sexual assault.

In 2011, citing hotly debated statistics that about 1 in 5 women is a victim of “completed or attempted” sexual assault in college, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights set forth new procedures for schools to follow when handling sexual assault and harassment claims.

Among other things, the Education Department recommended that alleged victims be required to prove only that it was “more likely than not” the harassment or violence occurred to hold an accused responsible.


03-29-2015, 09:47 AM
Indians think the solution to fake rape charges is to set up marriages without dating. Perhaps having objective selection criteria is a good thing.

07-22-2015, 09:45 AM


Man wrongly accused of rape finally released from prison

By ASHE SCHOW (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/author/ashe-schow)
• 7/21/15 3:44 PM

Mark Weiner wanted to do a good deed by giving a young woman who was walking alone at night a ride home. Unfortunately for Weiner, that young woman was looking to get sympathy from a man she was dating. So as Weiner drove her home, the woman, Chelsea Steiniger, texted her boyfriend, Michael Mills, claiming she had been abducted for sexual purposes.

Steiniger alleged that within a span of 28 minutes, Weiner "tried to get in my pants," wouldn't let her out of the car at her mother's house and then took control of her phone to send threatening texts to Steiniger's boyfriend. In one of those messages allegedly sent by Weiner, he told Mills: "[S]hes [sic] in my house she said she was cold so IMMa [sic] warm her up."

Weiner was a 52-year-old manager at the local Food Lion, perhaps not the type of person one would expect to text "IMMa" to someone.

Steiniger would later testify that Weiner drove past her mother's house, incapacitated her with a chemical-soaked rag and took her to a rural property to rape her. She claimed she had escaped by jumping off a second-floor balcony, hiding in the woods and walking two miles to her mother's house. At no time did she call the police.

Mills did call the police, who tried to contact Steiniger, But she had turned off her phone after checking her voicemail. Police then went to Steiniger's home. She answered the door looking exactly like someone who had not just jumped out a window and trekked through the woods.

Despite this, Weiner was arrested. The prosecutor for the case, Denise Lunsford, didn't turn over potentially exculpatory evidence to the defense. Lunsford had spoken to two cops who said cell phone records indicated that Steiniger's phone pinged two towers near her mother's house but none near the house she was allegedly taken to by Weiner. Lunsford declined to allow the policemen to testify and didn't notify the defense of their evidence.

As Slate's Dahlia Lithwick noted, no physical evidence tied (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2015/07/mark_weiner_conviction_vacated_chelsea_steiniger_t ext_case_finally_overturned.html) Weiner to the rural house or Steiniger's phone. Weiner was convicted based solely on Steiniger's testimony and was sent to prison.


07-22-2015, 10:02 AM
Anyone that falsely accuses someone of rape should receive the exact sentence the accused would receive.

What is that, generally? Up to 20 years in Club Fed for a Class A felony?

07-22-2015, 10:05 AM
Anyone that falsely accuses someone of rape should receive the exact sentence the accused would receive.

What is that, generally? Up to 20 years in Club Fed for a Class A felony?

What's worse is that the conviction was vacated since the accuser was later charged with a drug charge, leading the judge to conclude that her testimony wasn't 'trustworthy.' That leaves the door open to these kinds of prosecutions.

Not a word about the police not testifying, keeping exculpatory evidence hidden.

08-06-2015, 08:36 AM
I've been reading about the fake rape accusations and court proceedings for quite awhile. Also have watched for years about women who abuse children-serial pedophiles if you will. Just like male pedophiles, they tend towards careers and activities that will put them in contact with children, so they may find the most vulnerable.

What I've always been struck by is how it's presented in reporting as 'unusual' for females, I guess opposed to the males? Women tend not to be punished the same.

This actually seems to another way that there's a 'war on boys,' going on.

If interested, here's a compilation of one person's noting the phenonema:


08-06-2015, 08:48 AM


Huffington Post laments bills pushing for campus due process

By ASHE SCHOW (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/author/ashe-schow)

8/5/15 4:54 PM

The media backlash against a pair of campus sexual assault bills that would protect due process rights for accused students continues (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fraternity-groups-college-rape_55c10396e4b0e716be074a7f?hyxk1emi) with the Huffington Post's Tyler Kingkade.

Kingkade uses his article to smear fraternities as pushing "bills to limit college rape investigation," the implication being that they don't want crimes investigated. The article's subhead reads: "In some circumstances, colleges would be forbidden from expelling a student for sexual assault."

Those "circumstances" include not punishing a student based on the quasi-legal system set up by Title IX and the Department of Education's "Dear Colleague (http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-201104.html)" letter. Under those policies, due process rights are thrown out the window and the colleges are incentivized to find students responsible on the flimsiest of evidence — sometimes solely on the word of the accuser.

Sexual assault, as Kingkade acknowledges, is a crime, but currently schools and advocates are treating it as a disciplinary matter no different than cheating or plagiarism. The North-American Interfraternity Conference and the National Panhellenic Conference (Kingkade conveniently leaves sororities out of the headline) are supporting bills that make sure crimes are handled by the criminal justice system.


08-06-2015, 09:12 AM
What about the meme that women 'never' lie about rape? These reports have been climbing, especially on college campuses, encouraged by weird mandates set by the government and backed by 'idealist' college staffs. It seems to me this is an outgrowth of the 'war on boys/men.' Schools have been expelling young men on the accusations, even when determined to be 'unfounded.' I'm certain most are familiar with the Rolling Stone fake rape story, there are too many others. Here's the latest I've seen, from UK:

Girl who cried rape after threesome with two soldiers has been jailed - Mirror Online (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/girl-who-cried-rape-after-5406386#ICID=sharebar_twitter)

What makes this Daily Mirror story 'remarkable', in its way, is that the Mirror isn't known for being overly-supportive of our own soldiers. They moved heaven and earth to damage their reputation when they were doing their bit against Islamic terrorism, in the Middle East -- with wholly fictitious claims about mistreatment of captives.

Piers Morgan, editor at the time, always refused to apologised for running the story. It cost him his job.

Perhaps the Mirror is trying to repair its reputation with this story. It needs to. Its hardline Leftie direction keeps posing it problems.

08-06-2015, 09:15 AM
What makes this Daily Mirror story 'remarkable', in its way, is that the Mirror isn't known for being overly-supportive of our own soldiers. They moved heaven and earth to damage their reputation when they were doing their bit against Islamic terrorism, in the Middle East -- with wholly fictitious claims about mistreatment of captives.

Piers Morgan, editor at the time, always refused to apologised for running the story. It cost him his job.

Perhaps the Mirror is trying to repair its reputation with this story. It needs to. Its hardline Leftie direction keeps posing it problems.

I'll never presume to understand UK tabloids, that's a given. ;)

What I'm interested in is the 'common wisdom' that women don't rape and women never lie about rape. Both are assumed true for the most part, in spite of much evidence of those being false assumptions.

08-06-2015, 09:23 AM
I'll never presume to understand UK tabloids, that's a given. ;)

What I'm interested in is the 'common wisdom' that women don't rape and women never lie about rape. Both are assumed true for the most part, in spite of much evidence of those being false assumptions.

There's definitely a double standard when it comes to this.

The stories of a female teacher having sex with a 17 year old male student honestly don't flare my nostrils in outrage... in fact, I'd give the kid a thumbs up.

Conversely, if it's a male teacher and a 17 year old girl, I'm ready to hang that bastard high.

I can't explain why I feel that way, but at least I'm honest about it. It probably derives from my own memories of high school and a couple of smoking hot teachers that I had. I know, I'm a pig.

08-06-2015, 09:32 AM
There's definitely a double standard when it comes to this.

The stories of a female teacher having sex with a 17 year old male student honestly don't flare my nostrils in outrage... in fact, I'd give the kid a thumbs up.

Conversely, if it's a male teacher and a 17 year old girl, I'm ready to hang that bastard high.

I can't explain why I feel that way, but at least I'm honest about it. It probably derives from my own memories of high school and a couple of smoking hot teachers that I had. I know, I'm a pig.

I completely get that. I'd have to say the same about myself ...

08-06-2015, 09:40 AM
Then the age of consent should be lowered? What about the 11 or 13 year olds? Maybe you guys think NAMBLA' s right?

08-06-2015, 09:42 AM
Then the age of consent should be lowered? What about the 11 or 13 year olds? Maybe you guys think NAMBLA' s right?

Whoa, whoa!

No, I qualified my statement with the 17 year old scenario.

Any younger than that is pedophilia territory, no matter what the circumstances are.

08-06-2015, 09:45 AM
Whoa, whoa!

No, I qualified my statement with the 17 year old scenario.

Any younger than that is pedophilia territory, no matter what the circumstances are.

I didn't think so. Indeed that 'understanding' pov of men is part of the reason, imo, that women aren't held accountable.

08-06-2015, 09:48 AM
Then the age of consent should be lowered? What about the 11 or 13 year olds? Maybe you guys think NAMBLA' s right?

I'd maybe suggest (reminiscent of another thread ?) that this is one area where some centralised agreement and implementation of a set standard is called for ?

In the UK, it's already set at 16 .. and there HAS been talk in our media (though not very serious talk, at least, not yet) about lowering it !

But am I correct in thinking that in the US, it varies from State to State ? I can make no sense of that. Are kids in some States more mature at an earlier age than in others ??

08-06-2015, 09:51 AM
In Europe ... depending on country, it CAN go as low as 14 .. ! ...


Countries (links are to sections on this page)

Albania (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Albania), Austria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Austria), Bulgaria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Bulgaria), Bosnia and Herzegovina (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Bosnia_and_Herzegovina), Estonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Estonia), Germany (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Germany), Hungary (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Hungary), Italy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Italy), Liechtenstein (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Liechtenstein), Macedonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Macedonia), Montenegro (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Montenegro), Portugal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Portugal), San Marino (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#San_Marino), Serbia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Serbia)

Croatia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Croatia), Czech Republic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Czech_Republic), Denmark (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Denmark), France (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#France), Greece (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Greece), Iceland (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Iceland), Monaco (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Monaco), Poland (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Poland), Romania (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Romania), Slovakia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Slovak_Republic), Slovenia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Slovenia), Sweden (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Sweden)

Andorra (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Andorra), Armenia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Armenia), Azerbaijan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Azerbaijan), Belarus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Belarus), Belgium (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Belgium), Finland (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Finland), Georgia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Georgia), Kazakhstan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Kazakhstan), Latvia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Latvia), Lithuania (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Lithuania), Luxembourg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Luxembourg), Moldova (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Moldova), Netherlands (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Netherlands), Northern Cyprus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Northern_Cyprus),Norway (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Norway), Russia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Russia), Spain (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Spain), Switzerland (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Switzerland), Ukraine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Ukraine), United Kingdom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#United_Kingdom_.28and_de pendencies.29)

Cyprus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Cyprus), Ireland (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Ireland)

Malta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Malta), Turkey (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Turkey), Vatican City (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Europe#Vatican_City)

Some of these countries, however, have laws which offer increased protection for children who have reached the age of consent, but are still minors, for example by enacting laws which stipulate that it is illegal to engage in sexual acts with such children under exploitative circumstances (such laws exist in e.g. Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Portugal). These laws can be found mostly in the countries which have a lower age of consent.

08-06-2015, 09:55 AM
Considering most of the women are in 'trusted' positions, they have power over their victims. Now the basis of rape is?

08-06-2015, 10:15 AM
Considering most of the women are in 'trusted' positions, they have power over their victims. Now the basis of rape is?

... whoever gets believed ? ...

The trouble with arguments of this type is, it's too dependent upon individual factors to be completely sure of your case. I can conceive, just about, of a society where a 14 year old has maturity enough to be considered 'of age'. Though I balk at that myself .. considering that some European countries DO set the age that low, and that it's far more than just the one .. you have to figure that they have some sort of basis for it. Austria .. Italy .. Germany, for example ?

Otherwise, how is it that such a thing ever happens ? It's not as though we're talking Islamic-inspired paedophilia here (.. necessarily ..).

08-06-2015, 12:07 PM
Any younger than that is pedophilia territory, no matter what the circumstances are.

Even if they're 18 it constitutes a relationship where one has power over the other. I think even in college that's a no-no.

08-06-2015, 02:44 PM
Even if they're 18 it constitutes a relationship where one has power over the other. I think even in college that's a no-no.

Yeah, but as I understand it, that isn't criminal but it's against the code of ethics as set by schools, and I think it's zero-tolerance. I'm sure a lot more of that goes on than in high school, but the students are wise enough at that age to keep quiet about it than the 17 year old bragging to his friends.

08-06-2015, 03:44 PM
Yeah, but as I understand it, that isn't criminal but it's against the code of ethics as set by schools, and I think it's zero-tolerance. I'm sure a lot more of that goes on than in high school, but the students are wise enough at that age to keep quiet about it than the 17 year old bragging to his friends.

Of course college issues aren't criminal because no one is a minor but the overarching issue is an unequal power relationship. Gender shouldn't be a distinguishing factor.

08-06-2015, 03:48 PM
What about the meme that women 'never' lie about rape? These reports have been climbing, especially on college campuses, encouraged by weird mandates set by the government and backed by 'idealist' college staffs. It seems to me this is an outgrowth of the 'war on boys/men.' Schools have been expelling young men on the accusations, even when determined to be 'unfounded.' I'm certain most are familiar with the Rolling Stone fake rape story, there are too many others. Here's the latest I've seen, from UK:

Girl who cried rape after threesome with two soldiers has been jailed - Mirror Online (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/girl-who-cried-rape-after-5406386#ICID=sharebar_twitter)

I think everyone's been raped by Bill Cosby.

08-06-2015, 03:50 PM

08-09-2015, 07:39 AM

Judge upholds accused student's gender-bias claim By ASHE SCHOW (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/author/ashe-schow)

8/7/15 4:44 PM

A Virginia judge will allow a formerly accused Washington and Lee University student to continue with his lawsuit (https://cases.justia.com/federal/district-courts/virginia/vawdce/6:2014cv00052/96678/54/0.pdf?ts=1438870936) alleging gender bias against the university.

Judge Norman K. Moon denied W&L's motion to dismiss the lawsuit, allowing John Doe — as he is referred to in the claim — to continue to seek damages resulting from his expulsion from the university. John believes he was wrongly accused of sexual misconduct, and Moon appears to agree.

On Feb. 8, 2014, John and his eventual accuser, Jane Doe, met at an off-campus party. The two danced, talked and kissed.

The two eventually went back to John's residence and talked for awhile. Jane then walked over to John and allegedly told him, "I usually don't have sex with someone I meet on the first night, but you are a really interesting guy." Jane then began kissing John and the two had sex.

The next morning, John drove Jane home and the two exchanged cellphone numbers. Shortly after the encounter, the two became friends on Facebook. The two exchanged friendly messages.
During the summer of 2014, Jane worked at a women's clinic that handled sexual assault issues. After speaking to people there about her encounter with John, she began reclassifying the encounter as sexual assault.

When she returned to campus in the fall, Jane claimed on a study abroad application that she had been sexually assaulted. She also attended a presentation by W&L's Title IX officer Lauren Kozak. Kozak claimed that "regret equals rape," and introduced the concept as a new idea people were now supporting.

08-09-2015, 08:18 AM
One positive unintended consequence is that guys will more quickly figure out that a brick and mortar university isn't a good deal. The price females will pay is guys refusing to give them the time of day.

What you learn how to do is not pin yourself in a room alone with a female Marine. I can't speak a whole lot for the other services, but female Marines are notorious for using allegations of sexual harassment to get over. If you were counseling one, you ALWAYS had a witness.

I imagine it's the same anywhere, and it's too bad because it demeans those women that bust their butts.

08-09-2015, 08:28 PM
What you learn how to do is not pin yourself in a room alone with a female Marine. I can't speak a whole lot for the other services, but female Marines are notorious for using allegations of sexual harassment to get over. If you were counseling one, you ALWAYS had a witness.

I imagine it's the same anywhere, and it's too bad because it demeans those women that bust their butts.

Any man who commits rape should have his penis surgically removed. An equal punishment befits a woman who falsely cries rape.

08-09-2015, 08:31 PM
Any man who commits rape should have his penis surgically removed. An equal punishment befits a woman who falsely cries rape.

There is a penalty for women who falsely claim rape. It's called "perjury."
There should be a penalty for men who rape women. It's called "death."

And for those of you who are still uninformed, rape is not a crime of passion. It's a crime of power.

08-09-2015, 09:13 PM
Indians think the solution to fake rape charges is to set up marriages without dating. Perhaps having objective selection criteria is a good thing.

In India it is estimated that 95% of Cases of Rape go unreported.

also... the courts are a joke...


1. A judge in Delhi said there was a “very disturbing trend” of young women consenting to sex with their lovers and then claiming rape. The judge, Virender Bhat, said in a 2013 ruling (http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/RapeJudgement.pdf):

“The girls in such cases are mostly in the age group of 19 – 24 years, thus mature enough to understand the consequences of their acts and not so numb to get carried away with any representations of the boy,” the judge wrote in State v. Sushil Kumar. “They voluntarily elope with their lovers to explore the greener pastures of bodily pleasure and on return to their homes, they conveniently fabricate the story of kidnap and rape in order to escape scolds and harsh treatment from the parents. It is these false cases which tend to trivialize the offences of rape and undermine its gravity.”

2. Bhat also said that women who engage in premarital sex are "immoral." The very next day after the high court's criticism, Bhat ruled (http://mynation.net/docs/109-2013/) the following in a rape case, State v. Ashish Kumar, in which the victim said she had been duped into having sex and then abandoned at the altar:

“When a grown up, educated and office going woman subjects herself to sexual intercourse with a friend or colleague on the latter’s promise he would marry her, she does so at her own peril... She must understand that she is engaging in an act which is not only immoral but also against the tenets of every religion. No religion in the world allows pre-marital sex.”

3. A retired judge in the state of Kerala said child prostitution “is not rape. (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Suryanelli-case-Ex-HC-judge-says-girl-used-for-child-prostitution-not-raped/articleshow/18419584.cms)" He sparked controversy in 2013 when he told a journalist that he had dismissed the case of 35 men who gang-raped a child sex worker in the 1990s using that logic. He later said he had been filmed without his knowledge by a hidden camera.
4. A 14-year-old girl's rapist was acquitted because she did not fight “like a wild animal” during the sexual assault. The Supreme Courtdismissed a second appeal of the case (http://judis.nic.in/supremecourt/imgs1.aspx?filename=40308.) in 2013, expressing “anguish” that the prosecution and the Madhya Pradesh trial court had not been more careful and shown more sensitivity “considering its facts and circumstances.”

08-09-2015, 09:35 PM
In India it is estimated that 95% of Cases of Rape go unreported.

also... the courts are a joke...


1. A judge in Delhi said there was a “very disturbing trend” of young women consenting to sex with their lovers and then claiming rape. The judge, Virender Bhat, said in a 2013 ruling (http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/RapeJudgement.pdf):

“The girls in such cases are mostly in the age group of 19 – 24 years, thus mature enough to understand the consequences of their acts and not so numb to get carried away with any representations of the boy,” the judge wrote in State v. Sushil Kumar. “They voluntarily elope with their lovers to explore the greener pastures of bodily pleasure and on return to their homes, they conveniently fabricate the story of kidnap and rape in order to escape scolds and harsh treatment from the parents. It is these false cases which tend to trivialize the offences of rape and undermine its gravity.”

2. Bhat also said that women who engage in premarital sex are "immoral." The very next day after the high court's criticism, Bhat ruled (http://mynation.net/docs/109-2013/) the following in a rape case, State v. Ashish Kumar, in which the victim said she had been duped into having sex and then abandoned at the altar:

“When a grown up, educated and office going woman subjects herself to sexual intercourse with a friend or colleague on the latter’s promise he would marry her, she does so at her own peril... She must understand that she is engaging in an act which is not only immoral but also against the tenets of every religion. No religion in the world allows pre-marital sex.”

3. A retired judge in the state of Kerala said child prostitution “is not rape. (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Suryanelli-case-Ex-HC-judge-says-girl-used-for-child-prostitution-not-raped/articleshow/18419584.cms)" He sparked controversy in 2013 when he told a journalist that he had dismissed the case of 35 men who gang-raped a child sex worker in the 1990s using that logic. He later said he had been filmed without his knowledge by a hidden camera.
4. A 14-year-old girl's rapist was acquitted because she did not fight “like a wild animal” during the sexual assault. The Supreme Courtdismissed a second appeal of the case (http://judis.nic.in/supremecourt/imgs1.aspx?filename=40308.) in 2013, expressing “anguish” that the prosecution and the Madhya Pradesh trial court had not been more careful and shown more sensitivity “considering its facts and circumstances.”

You will see a substantial improvement since Narendra Modi has taken power as Prime Minister. He is a conservative with a focus on building a functioning government.

08-10-2015, 12:03 AM
Any man who commits rape should have his penis surgically removed. An equal punishment befits a woman who falsely cries rape.

Which is beside the point in this issue. Rape and the false allegation of rape are two different things. Men accused of rape have to prove their innocence, in direct contradiction to the Constitution. I guy didn't do it just because a female makes an accusation.

Simply because the actual crime of rape is brutal and demeaning, it doesn't make every man guilty by default when accused of it.

08-10-2015, 12:05 AM
Which is beside the point in this issue. Rape and the false allegation of rape are two different things. Men accused of rape have to prove their innocence, in direct contradiction to the Constitution. I guy didn't do it just because a female makes an accusation.

Simply because the actual crime of rape is brutal and demeaning, it doesn't make every man guilty by default when accused of it.

Absolutely. That is why I think a woman who falsely cries rape should have intense punishment.

08-10-2015, 12:15 AM
Absolutely. That is why I think a woman who falsely cries rape should have intense punishment.

I think any person falsely alleging rape should receive the EXACT same punishment as a rapist. I have no sympathy. Even if found innocent, the accused has been tried and convicted in the media and his reputation is done. The media spends about a half a second on page A-18 declaring his innocence after usually months of Page 1 headlines declaring his guilt.

And DON'T let Nancy Grace get hold of it. She wants to hang the guy from the nearest tree on Day One.

Max R.
08-10-2015, 07:11 AM

People lie. Men have been lying for years with "It was consensual". Example? This guy:


That doesn't make it right for women to lie, but it does make it understandable in "he said/she said" situations. Still, I think most people who claim assault, rape or otherwise being victimized are probably telling the truth since I have faith most people are honest.

08-10-2015, 07:52 AM
I think any person falsely alleging rape should receive the EXACT same punishment as a rapist. I have no sympathy. Even if found innocent, the accused has been tried and convicted in the media and his reputation is done. The media spends about a half a second on page A-18 declaring his innocence after usually months of Page 1 headlines declaring his guilt.

And DON'T let Nancy Grace get hold of it. She wants to hang the guy from the nearest tree on Day One.

If enough evidence is found to support a woman lying about it, it should make national news with her name splashed everywhere, while the mans name is redacted to protect his privacy. Run the court appearances on Court TV and let her face justice, and hopefully see prison time.

08-10-2015, 07:53 AM
People lie. Men have been lying for years with "It was consensual". Example? This guy:


That doesn't make it right for women to lie, but it does make it understandable in "he said/she said" situations. Still, I think most people who claim assault, rape or otherwise being victimized are probably telling the truth since I have faith most people are honest.

Not in the numbers presumed. Now with the universities, under Federal Gov't mandates, due process has been thrown out.

"Regret is rape?" I don't think so, do you?

Max R.
08-10-2015, 12:46 PM
Not in the numbers presumed. Now with the universities, under Federal Gov't mandates, due process has been thrown out.

"Regret is rape?" I don't think so, do you?

Regret isn't rape, but rape and attempted rape still exist. How many guys think "No means yes"?


Myths and Facts About Date Rape (http://www.police.ufl.edu/community-services/myths-and-facts-about-date-rape/)A national survey indicated that 15% of women students on college campuses reported being victims of rape and 12% reported being victims of attempted rape. Fifty-seven percent of the incidents occured during dates; and 75% of the assailants and 55% of the victims had used alcohol or other drugs prior to the assault. (Warsaw, R. I Never Called it Rape. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1994.) Other studies have produced similar results. More than half of all rape and sexual assault incidents occurred within one mile of the survivor’s home or in the survivor’s home. (Greenfield, L.A. Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997.)
The most current statistics published in Florida are the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s (FDLE) numbers collected from law enforcement agencies throughout Florida. These statistics only reflect sexual offenses that were reported to law enforcement.
Forcible rape occurs once every 1 hour and 38 minutes throughout the state of Florida. (FDLE Crime Clock, 2010)
Total Forcible Sex Offenses Reported in Florida, 2010*

Forcible rape: 5,074
Attempted rape: 295
Forcible sodomy: 1,173
Forcible fondling: 3,343
Total Sexual Offenses Reported: 9,885

Total Forcible Sex Offenses Reported in Alachua County, 2010*

Forcible rape: 121
Attempted rape: 9
Forcible sodomy: 24
Forcible fondling: 32
Total Sexual Offenses Reported: 186

(*Florida Statistical Analysis Center: FDLE, Crime in Florida, Florida Uniform Crime Report; Tallahassee, FL)
Unfortunately, sexual battery, also known as rape, is a subject surrounded by misinformation. The information presented here is intended to help you understand the facts. Armed with facts you can make the best choices for your situation.
Date/Acquaintance rape describes when an individual is forced by someone he or she knows to participate in unwanted sexual activity. Threats and intimidation, administration of alcohol or other drugs, as well as physical force or restraint is often present in an acquaintance rape situation. Acquaintance rape is the most common form of rape on college campuses. Acquaintance rape occurs most often during or after social events such as parties at bars, fraternity/sorority parties, or other places where students may congregate while using alcohol or drugs. It can even occur on a date.
There are expectations about what men’s and women’s roles should be, and at times these expectations conflict with true feelings. It is the responsibility of both men and women to communicate their feelings directly and to respect each other’s right to say NO. Always remember, “No Means No”!
Myths and Reality About Date Rape
Myth: Date rape only happens between people who just met or don’t know each other well.
*Reality: Rape (sexual intercourse with a person against his/her will through the use of threat, force, and/or intimidation) has nothing to do with how well the person knows the assailant. It’s not uncommon for a person to be raped by someone he or she has been dating for a long time, or by a former lover, or by a spouse.
Myth: There are many false reports of rape, especially date rape.
*Reality: In the article False Reports: Moving Beyond the Issue to Successfully Investigate and Prosecute Non-Stranger Sexual Assault (Lonsway, K., Archambault, J., Lisak, D., 2009), the research suggested that the rate of false reporting for sexual assault is in the range of 2-8%. Additionally, in the 1996 National Criminal Victimization Survey, the Bureau of Justice Statistics proposed that only 30.7% of all rapes are reported to the police.
Myth: Women can easily avoid situations that can lead to rape.
*Reality: Most women who have been raped were in an environment they considered safe and were raped by someone they thought they could trust.
Myth: Women are more likely to be raped by black men than by white men.
*Reality: Ninety-nine percent of people who rape are men, and 60% of male perpetrators of rape are Caucasian. (Greenfeld, L. A. Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault,Washington, D. C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997.)http://www.oneinfourusa.org/statistics.php
Myth: Only women can be raped.
*Reality: Men can be and are sexually assaulted, and not only by men who are gay. Rape is not about sexual orientation or sexual desire; it is an act of power and control, in which the victim is brutalized and humiliated.
Here are some tips for both men and women to help understand this crime and to prevent it.

Know your sexual intentions and limits. You have the right to say “No” to any unwanted sexual contact. If you are uncertain about what you want, ask the person to respect your feelings.
Don’t get stranded. If you don’t know your date well, consider driving your own car and asking to meet your date in a public place – if your date hesitates, don’t waiver. If you do accept a ride from a date, always carry some money so that you can call a cab if you need to cut the date short.
Communicate your limits firmly and directly. If you say “No,” say it like you mean it. Be careful of mixed messages. Back up your words with a firm tone of voice and clear body language. Remember that some people think that drinking, dressing provocatively, or going to a private room indicates a willingness to have sex. Be especially careful to communicate your limits and intentions clearly in such situations.
Don’t rely on ‘ESP’ to get your message across. Don’t assume that your date will automatically know how you feel, or will eventually “get the message” without your having to tell him/her.
Stay sober on a date. Alcohol impairs judgment and memory. A victim of rape who was intoxicated may have his/her credibility attacked in court.
Listen to your gut feelings. If you feel uncomfortable or think you may be at risk, leave the situation immediately and go to a safe place.
Don’t be afraid to ‘make waves’ if you feel threatened. If you feel you are being pressured or coerced into sexual activity against your will, don’t hesitate to state your feelings and get out of the situation. Better a few minutes of social awkwardness or embarrassment than the trauma of sexual assault.
Attend parties with friends you can trust. Agree to look out for one another. Try to leave with a group, rather than alone or with someone you don’t know very well.
Decide whether you would fight back. Most experts agree that this is a choice that each person must make for himself/herself. If you are confident, consider learning self-defense techniques that provide you with an option if you are attacked.


Listen carefully. Take the time to hear what your date is saying. If you feel he/she is not being direct or is giving you a “mixed message”, ask for clarification.
Use common sense. Realize that you do not have the right to force anyone to have sex just because you paid for dinner or drinks.
Don’t fall for common stereotypes. When a person says “No”, don’t assume that he/she really means, “Yes.” No means no. Always.
Remember that date rape is a crime. It is never acceptable to use force in sexual situations, no matter what the circumstances.
Don’t make assumptions about a person’s behavior. Don’t automatically assume that a man/woman wants to have sex just because he/she is drinking, dresses provocatively, or agrees to go to your room. Don’t assume that just because a man/woman has had sex with you previously he/she is willing to have sex with you again. Also don’t assume that just because a man/woman consents to kissing or other sexual intimacies he/she is willing to have sexual intercourse.
Be aware of your date. Having sex with someone who is mentally or physically incapable of giving consent is rape. If you have sex with someone who is drugged, intoxicated, passed out, incapable of saying “No,” or unaware of what is happening around him/her, you may be guilty of rape.
Be especially careful in group situations. Be prepared to resist pressure from friends to participate in violent or criminal acts.
Get involved if you believe someone is at risk. If you see someone in trouble at a party or see a friend using force or pressuring someone into sexual contact, don’t be afraid to intervene. You may save the person from the trauma of sexual assault and your friend from the ordeal of criminal prosecution.

Ways to Avoid Date/Acquaintance Rape:

Avoid excessive use of alcohol or drugs. They interfere with your ability to communicate and increase your chances of being assaulted.
Trust your instincts. If a situation feels wrong or dangerous, it may be. Get away, call for help, and listen to your instincts.
Pay attention to what is happening around you. Do not put yourself in a vulnerable situation.
Make conscious and active choices. Say what you mean and express what you feel.
Be assertive and sure of what you want to do.
Do not imagine that because someone has spent a lot of time, attention, or money on you that it obligates you sexually. You have the right to say “NO”.
Make plans ahead of time so that someone will know where you are.
Most of all do not be afraid to say “NO”.

So-called Date Rape Drugs, such as GHB, Roofies, Ketamine and others, are chemical compounds that amplify the effect of other drugs, usually alcohol. These drugs pose particularly significant problems because they are colorless, odorless, and easy to place in an unsuspecting person’s beverage. If you or a friend find you are intoxicated beyond what you might expect based on what and how much you have consumed, or if you become confused, dizzy, or ill for any unexplained reason, seek medical assistance, tell a friend, and get help.
If you have been raped or drugged, report the crime immediately to the police and seek medical attention. On campus the University of Florida Police will provide assistance to you including contacting the department’s Office of Victim Services.

For further information on this or other safety topics, please contact the University of Florida Police Department’s Community Services Division at 352-392-1409.

08-10-2015, 01:38 PM
Those stats, are real. I agree about date rape or even the more traumatic acquaintance rape. Bottom line is that rape is about power and humiliating the victim. Sex is the weapon.

I see some reversed motivation going on with the fake rapes.

Max R.
08-10-2015, 02:06 PM
Those stats, are real. I agree about date rape or even the more traumatic acquaintance rape. Bottom line is that rape is about power and humiliating the victim. Sex is the weapon.

I see some reversed motivation going on with the fake rapes.
Sometimes rape is about power and humiliation. In HS and College-aged boys, it's about a primal need so strong it can overrule common sense.

Most jokes are funny because they are truisms. Like this one:

God said to Adam, "I've got some good news and some bad news. First the good news. I have given you a brain and a penis. The bad news... I've only given you enough blood to work one of them at a time!"

08-10-2015, 02:10 PM
Sometimes rape is about power and humiliation. In HS and College-aged boys, it's about a primal need so strong it can overrule common sense.

Most jokes are funny because they are truisms. Like this one:

God said to Adam, "I've got some good news and some bad news. First the good news. I have given you a brain and a penis. The bad news... I've only given you enough blood to work one of them at a time!"

Indeed, that has always been so. It's also why there are things called, 'Dad's rules' to prevent those circumstances. There's always been those that take the hard road.

Max R.
08-10-2015, 02:21 PM
Indeed, that has always been so. It's also there are things called, 'Dad's rules' to prevent those circumstances. There's always been those that take the hard road.
When Daddy's Little Princess is at college, he's not around to police her. How many college-aged kids think they know everything and take risks that, if their parents or anyone over 30 saw, would seem ridiculously stupid? Like getting drunk and passing out at a Frat House?




Max R.
08-10-2015, 02:26 PM
Which reminds me of this joke:

A very sexy woman walks into a pub and takes a seat at the end of the bar.

The bartender says to her, "What can I get ya?"

The woman replies, "Give me a shot of tequila."

The bartender gets the shot and sets it in front of her. The woman immediately picks up the shot , slams it down and passes out cold. Three men from the bar drag her out back and have their way with her.

The following night, the same woman goes back to the same pub, takes a seat at the same place at the end of the bar, and the same bartender asks, "What can I get ya?"

The woman replies, "Give me a shot of tequila."

The bartender gets the shot and sets it in front of her. The woman immediately picks up the shot , slams it down and passes out cold. Four men from the bar drag her out back and have their way with her.

The following night, the same woman goes back to the same pub, takes a seat at the same place at the end of the bar, and the same bartender says, "I know, you want a shot of tequila..."

The woman stops him and says, "No, you better make it a beer, that tequila makes my pussy hurt."

08-10-2015, 02:27 PM
When Daddy's Little Princess is at college, he's not around to police her. How many college-aged kids think they know everything and take risks that, if their parents or anyone over 30 saw, would seem ridiculously stupid? Like getting drunk and passing out at a Frat House?




I'm not defending assaults. I am saying that if your daughter or son are not ready to take responsibility for themselves and know how to prevent putting themselves in those situations, perhaps they should have more time at home.

I've always been in favor of sex education for middle and high schoolers. Any reasonable course explains female and male sexuality via hormones. I'm 60 and still remember learning that it's not responsible to get naked with a guy, unless planning on sex. Things you don't want to happen, have a high probability of happening. Is that rape? Not so sure-yes physical strength differential-motivation going into the encounter?

Same with maintaining control-alcohol and drugs. Don't get wasted, things can happen.

Granted rape drugs are a whole different game-involuntary. That is rape, premeditated.

Max R.
08-10-2015, 02:29 PM
I'm not defending assaults. I am saying that if you're daughter or son are not ready to take responsibility for themselves and know how to prevent putting themselves in those situations, perhaps they should have more time at home.

I've always been in favor of sex education for middle and high schoolers. Any reasonable course explains female and male sexuality via hormones. I'm 60 and still remember learning that it's not responsible to get naked with a guy, unless planning on sex. Things you don't want to happen, have a high probability of happening. Is that rape? Not so sure-yes physical strength differential-motivation going into the encounter?

Same with maintaining control-alcohol and drugs. Don't get wasted, things can happen.

Granted rape drugs are a whole different game-involuntary. That is rape, premeditated.
While a good idea, and I agree, the fact remains how do you stop an 18 year old from doing anything? Kicking them out?

Agreed about sex education.

08-10-2015, 02:36 PM
While a good idea, and I agree, the fact remains how do you stop an 18 year old from doing anything? Kicking them out?

Agreed about sex education.

That is the question with no answer. LOL! I have 3 now in their 30's, youngest turned 30 yesterday. They all managed to get through university and have gainful employment.

One of the boys had a drug dealer as roommate freshman year. Took many calls for him to finally get to housing and request change. Yes, he had to say why.

The darling daughter called one night, her boyfriend had pushed her against a wall. My brother and one of my sons went and got her. She commuted the rest of the semester.

For the most part, things went smoothly. While at the time I was freaked with both problems, I finally figured out I was still their support, they knew when they were in a bad situation and needed some help.

08-10-2015, 03:00 PM
Judge says, "Innocent until proven guilty." Not the University's position

http://m.chronicle.com/article/Judge-Faults-University-for/232265/?key=ST12Il9jZHBLZSxlZTxDMDlXbnNoZhwiN3ZLaX0ublBdE A==

<header style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Heuristica, serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px;">Judge Faults University for Requiring Student to Prove He Was Innocent of Sexual MisconductBy Peter Schmidt
AUGUST 10, 2015</header>
- See more at: http://m.chronicle.com/article/Judge-Faults-University-for/232265/?key=ST12Il9jZHBLZSxlZTxDMDlXbnNoZhwiN3ZLaX0ublBdE A==#sthash.qrid7V0Y.dpuf

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga erred in finding a student guilty of sexual misconduct based on his inability to prove he had obtained verbal consent from a woman who described her own memory of their encounter as clouded by intoxication, a state judge has ruled.

The state-court judge held that Steven R. Angle, the campus’s chancellor, had rendered an "arbitrary and capricious" decision last December in ordering the expulsion of Corey Mock, a senior.

In demanding that Mr. Mock prove he had obtained verbal consent in advance of sexual intercourse, Mr. Angle held the student to an untenable standard, partly because the campus’s code of conduct defines as consent not just verbal messages but "acts that are unmistakable in their meaning," according to the judge, Carol L. McCoy of the chancery court in Nashville.

In addition, the judge held, Mr. Angle violated Mr. Mock’s due-process rights by interpreting the university’s code of conduct, which requires initiators of sexual activity to obtain consent, as establishing a judicial requirement that students accused of sexual misconduct prove that they had obtained consent in order to clear themselves.

That interpretation of the conduct code, the judge said in her ruling, "erroneously shifted the burden of proof onto Mr. Mock, when the ultimate burden of proving sexual assault remained on the charging party," the university.

"Absent the tape recording of a verbal consent or other independent means to demonstrate that consent was given, the ability of the accused to prove the complaining party’s consent strains credibility and is illusory," the judge wrote.

08-10-2015, 03:04 PM
Regret isn't rape, but rape and attempted rape still exist. How many guys think "No means yes"?


You have a biased opinion. You've been programed by the Corps. But look at how it affects our lives. To this day I shy away from being caught alone with a woman that isn't my SO. I feel awkward being stuck here with my GF's daughters.

And I raised my own to daughters just fine.

I'm not defending anyone nor anything, but "no means no" except for the mixed signals kind of tosses an elephant into the room. Playing hard to get is a tried and true practice centuries older than "no means no".

08-13-2015, 04:41 PM
How about under 16?


Teacher seduced student at Disneyland, police say (http://nypost.com/2015/08/12/teacher-seduced-student-at-disneyland-police-say/)By Reuters

August 12, 2015 | 2:11pm

A former substitute teacher at a Los Angeles-area high school was set to be arraigned on Wednesday on charges of molesting and having sex with several young boys, officials said.

Michelle Yeh, 28, was charged with eight felony counts of unlawful sexual intercourse, oral copulation and lewd acts on two boys under the age of 16, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said in a statement.


Police said Yeh had worked at several schools in the area and also had an online tutoring profile, increasing the number of minors she potentially had contact with.

Prosecutors said Yeh chased after several of her pupils, buying them gifts, taking one to the Disneyland amusement park in nearby Anaheim, and meeting another at a hotel.

If convicted, Yeh could face up to nine years and eight months in state prison, according to the district attorney’s office.

08-13-2015, 07:24 PM
I've been reading about the fake rape accusations and court proceedings for quite awhile. Also have watched for years about women who abuse children-serial pedophiles if you will. Just like male pedophiles, they tend towards careers and activities that will put them in contact with children, so they may find the most vulnerable.

What I've always been struck by is how it's presented in reporting as 'unusual' for females, I guess opposed to the males? Women tend not to be punished the same.

This actually seems to another way that there's a 'war on boys,' going on.

If interested, here's a compilation of one person's noting the phenonema:


It stinks indeed,,,

When I 'escorted' people to the Brig....and stood as bailiff in hearings...

amazing how many tales from women were lies...

08-14-2015, 12:07 AM
male that couldn't prove he "didn't rape."


Judge Stops USC from Expelling Football Player Who Failed to Prove He Wasn't a Rapist (http://reason.com/blog/2015/08/13/judge-stops-usc-from-expelling-football)

Another important win for due process in college sex disputes.

Robby Soave (http://reason.com/people/robby-soave/all)|<time datetime="2015-08-13T16:10:00+00:00" style="font-family: Helvetica, helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 11.8999996185303px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Aug. 13, 2015 12:10 pm

</time>Bryce Dixon, a football player who was expelled from the University of Southern California for sexual assault, should resume classes and might be able to rejoin the team, a judge has ruled.

On Wednesday, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert H. O’Brien barred USC from carrying out the expulsion on the grounds that the university’s sexual assault adjudication process was miserably unfair to accused students.

Bryce’s attorney, Mark Hathaway, released the following statement:

“Judge O’Brien agreed with Bryce that USC’s Title IX sexual misconduct investigation was unfair and lacks due process.” said Mark Hathaway, attorney for Bryce Dixon. “USC’s investigator acts as police, prosecutor, and judge. There is no hearing, no right to counsel, no rules of evidence, no presumption of innocence, and no right to confront witnesses. Courts are beginning to recognize the injustice imposed on students.”

USC is still deciding how to respond, though it stands by its initial decision in the Dixon case.

08-14-2015, 12:34 AM
Are college campuses a picture of how lefties would prefer the world be?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-14-2015, 12:39 AM
I have to admit that I never once cried rape on any girl that took such advantage of me!
Although it was a major event , I somehow found the charity in my heart to forgive each one and even managed to find some level of fondness for the terrible memory.;)


Back in the early 70's, I had a friend that was falsely accused and served 3 years of a 5 years prison sentence for rape. Full story is too long to tell here as it would take about 20/25 paragraphs .
Trust me on this , they had sex meet ups for months , which she later after one such meeting an argument occurred, she chose to cry rape on him , she was 31 years old and he was 19.
I was away in Atlanta arrived home months later he is already in prison. He went back up North when released. Never saw him again but did see and speak to his older brother. Prison totally ffked the guy up.
Her charge was a fake one but she got by with it. I had driven him over to her house dropped him off dozens of times, they had sex quite often. Later he got involved with a bar girl -the lady that accused him of rape demanded that he drop her, he refused -the rest became his history. Sad story- I had warned him about that woman!!!
In fact , talked to his older brother Roger about 5 years ago. Terry is married and now has 5 kids! Has had no other criminal charges ever brought against him.. Straight arrow kind of guy. --Tyr

08-14-2015, 07:17 AM
Are college campuses a picture of how lefties would prefer the world be?

08-14-2015, 10:29 AM

On point:


Sheltered Students Go to College, Avoid Education
1046 <time class="timestamp" datetime="2015-08-13T13:44:51.016Z" itemprop="datePublished" style="box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); text-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.00392157) 1px 1px 1px; font-family: SupriaSans, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; position: relative; letter-spacing: 0.1em; line-height: 25px; color: rgb(170, 170, 182); text-transform: uppercase; display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px;">AUG 13, 2015 9:44 AM EDT</time>By Megan McArdle (http://www.bloombergview.com/contributors/megan-mcardle)

If you've reached that crotchety age I'm at, you may be as mystified as I am by the kids these days -- especially by how they're behaving on campus. I get the naive leftist politics and the wildly irresponsible partying; those things have been staples of student life for hundreds of years. I even understand the drive toward hamfisted censorship of views they don't like. After all, I did my coming-of-age at the University of Pennsylvania during the "spring from hell (http://www.thedp.com/article/2013/09/free-speech-and-penn-sheldon-hackney)," when copies of the campus newspaper were stolen to protest perceived bias against minorities, and Eden Jacobowitz was famously brought up on racial harassment charges for screaming "shut up, you water buffalo" out the window at a black sorority that was conducting a rather lively promenade down the walk below his dorm window.

What I don't understand is the tenor of the censorship. When I was in college, people who wanted to censor others were forthrightly moralistic, trying to silence "bad" speech. Today's students don't couch their demands in the language of morality, but in the jargon of safety. They don't want you to stop teaching books on difficult themes because those books are wrong, but because they're dangerous, and should not be approached without a trigger warning. They don't want to silence speakers because their ideas are evil, but because they represent a clear and present danger to the university community. If the school goes ahead and has the talk anyway, they build safe spaces (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/22/christina-hoff-sommers-speaker-oberlin-triggers-de/?&hootPostID=ab371f2b5b331e3ce93a66c0fcdec5a2)so that people can cower from the scary speech together.


Today the universities are to make them 'safe,' government is there (already forcing universities) for when they leave.

08-15-2015, 08:59 AM
male that couldn't prove he "didn't rape."


More details from this case, which he didn't 'win' yet, judge just didn't want him to be further 'damaged' if he does:



Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert H. O'Brien granted Dixon's request for a stay of the results of a disciplinary process that was "lacking in due process, with no hearing, no right to counsel, no rules of evidence, no presumption of innocence, no right to possess copies of witness statements and evidence and no right to confront witnesses against him," according to Dixon's writ of administrative mandate.

Dixon's expulsion comes from an accusation of sexual assault lodged against him by a female athletic trainer. She filed two accusations against Dixon, but he was only found responsible for one.

The first accusation stemmed from an Oct. 9, 2014, encounter between Dixon and the accuser. The two had previously talked on the phone and sent text messages, and ran into each other around 3 a.m. The accuser had been at a fraternity party and hugged Dixon. She and her friends invited Dixon and his friends for a late-night swim at their apartment complex.

Once at the accuser's apartment, she invited Dixon into her bedroom to use a phone charger. She then proceeded to change into her bathing suit in front of Dixon and the two began fondling each other on her bed. When the accuser said she wasn't feeling well, Dixon says he stopped, made sure she was okay, and left, even though she allegedly invited him to stay the night.


But the accuser's second claim stuck. On Oct. 23, 2014, the accusing student rode her bicycle to Dixon's apartment around midnight to smoke marijuana. Dixon believed something sexual would happen because of the earlier encounter (he had not yet been accused of assault for that night) and the fact that the female student was coming over so late at night.

After walking to get a burrito, the two returned to Dixon's apartment and went into his bedroom, as his roommate and roommate's girlfriend were in the living room. The two eventually engaged in sexual intercourse, which Dixon described as consensual. He said the accuser was "an active participant" in the activity.

The couple in the living room said they heard "normal-people-having-sex" sounds coming from Dixon's room.

The next day, the accuser told her boyfriend, another USC athlete, about the encounter. He was never called as a witness during the disciplinary hearing, which Dixon believes is because the boyfriend felt the encounter was consensual.


The accusation was investigated solely by Allee, who is named in Dixon's lawsuit against the university. Not only did Allee conduct the investigation and interview witnesses, she also was responsible for determining a judgment against Dixon and assigning sanctions.

USC claims to provide students a "fair, thorough, neutral and impartial investigation," yet Allee's background is in victim advocacy. So not only was she the investigator, judge and jury determining Dixon's fate, she was also an advocate for the accuser — a conflict of interest that is only exacerbated by the fact that Dixon's guilt in this case is by no means clear-cut.

Allee acknowledged in her report the accuser never asked Dixon to stop or showed lack of consent. Allee, using a "yes-means-yes" standard of consent, asked Dixon to prove the female student consented. Dixon explained that she was "lip biting, moaning, kissing me back on my neck" during the activity and had laid naked on his bed while he put on a condom.

But Dixon had no evidence of consent, such as a videotape. Despite his roommate's assertion the sex sounded consensual, Allee sided with the accuser. Such is the problem (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/one-year-in-yes-means-yes-policies-begin-to-fall-apart/article/2570096) with yes-means-yes policies.


This is another clear case of accused student's lacking any semblance of due process. Dixon was not given a hearing, allowed to see the evidence and witness statements against him or allowed to confront his accuser. He was allowed legal counsel, but his attorney could not represent or speak for him during the disciplinary process.

Dixon's attorney, Mark Hathaway, issued a statement in response to the judge's ruling.

"Judge O'Brien agreed with Bryce that USC's Title IX sexual misconduct investigation was unfair and lacks due process." Hathaway said. "USC's investigator acts as police, prosecutor and judge. There is no hearing, no right to counsel, no rules of evidence, no presumption of innocence and no right to confront witnesses. Courts are beginning to recognize the injustice imposed on students."

I think these people were engaging in very loose sexual behavior, I certainly wouldn't condone. Given the circumstances, I just don't see rape.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 09:39 AM
Sexual repression can be a very useful tool to control people. Islam uses it to that effect with great success.
As its male are most often so pent up from sexual repression they are quite willing to fight/murder over even a cartoon. Any red bloodied straight American male can verify going long periods without sex can and does raise ones volatility and increase explosive tendency to fight.
Additionally, Islam thus gets to set standards by which the males can try to gain "favors" from higher authorities to engage in sex otherwise not permitted.
Leftists and Islamists have enemies in common-------------- us!
They learn from each other.
Rape as we would normally view and detest it has been taken in to assume a leftist political nature and a means of control and limitation .-Tyr

08-15-2015, 09:43 AM
Sexual repression can be a very useful tool to control people. Islam uses it to that effect with great success.
As its male are most often so pent up from sexual repression they are quite willing to fight/murder over even a cartoon. Any red bloodied straight American male can verify going long periods without sex can and does raise ones volatility and increase explosive tendency to fight.
Additionally, Islam thus gets to set standards by which the males can try to gain "favors" from higher authorities to engage in sex otherwise not permitted.
Leftists and Islamists have enemies in common-------------- us!
They learn from each other.
Rape as we would normally view and detest it has been taken in to assume a leftist political nature and a means of control and limitation .-Tyr

I don't disagree with any of what you say, but don't see how it ties into this particular thread. Am I missing something?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
08-15-2015, 10:05 AM
I don't disagree with any of what you say, but don't see how it ties into this particular thread. Am I missing something?
The liberal(leftist) new age cry for these set standards to avoid being accused of rape are being created and endorsed as part of the war on men, by those politically minded leftists/others.
I merely noted it is a useful tool as Islam has historically shown by denying its male the sexual freedom the Western civilization has had. One of the great rewards in fighting for Allah is war booty--women!
In that specific case-RAPE- has been religiously sanctioned by Islam. Koranic verses allow it and promote it as a reward for fighting.
Also note, sexual repression is a very deep part of Islam and now these new rape prevention and standards
set to justify consent given sex play into it. Where the male is being put into great fear of an afterward accusation of rape.
I see the connection myself because I see and know the leftist/lib-Islam alliance in the political arena.
Certainly can debated but the connection does exist, however small it may now be.--Tyr

08-15-2015, 10:15 AM
The liberal(leftist) new age cry for these set standards to avoid being accused of rape are being created and endorsed as part of the war on men, by those politically minded leftists/others.
I merely noted it is a useful tool as Islam has historically shown by denying its male the sexual freedom the Western civilization has had. One of the great rewards in fighting for Allah is war booty--women!
In that specific case-RAPE- has been religiously sanctioned by Islam. Koranic verses allow it and promote it as a reward for fighting.
Also note, sexual repression is a very deep part of Islam and now these new rape prevention and standards
set to justify consent given sex play into it. Where the male is being put into great fear of an afterward accusation of rape.
I see the connection myself because I see and know the leftist/lib-Islam alliance in the political arena.
Certainly can debated but the connection does exist, however small it may now be.--Tyr

I'm still missing the connections, I'm sorry.

Basically what my point was in the thread was the elimination of due process and the new trend towards 'guilty until proven innocent.' This is on campuses now, when will it hit the criminal system? Luckily it does seem males are fighting back with some help by FIRE and other groups.

A second theme has been women pedophiles and the mantra that women don't lie or rape, regarding rape. The punishments for both have been nearly none. Why? The idea of women being 'capable' of either.

08-20-2015, 08:37 AM
Where the pressure on universities to set up separate justice is coming from:


How a little-known education office has forced far-reaching changes to campus sex assault investigations How a little-known education office has forced far-reaching changes to campus sex assault investigations By DAVID G. SAVAGE (http://www.latimes.com/la-bio-david-savage-staff.html#navtype=byline) AND TIMOTHY M. PHELPS (http://www.latimes.com/la-bio-timothy-phelps-staff.html#navtype=byline)contact the reporters

For the last four years, a little-known civil rights office in the U.S. Department of Education has forced far-reaching changes in how the nation’s colleges and universities police, prosecute and punish sexual assaults on campus.

With a strong mandate from President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, the office's lawyers have redefined campus sexual assault as a federal civil rights issue, changed the standard by which allegations must be judged and publicized the names of a growing number of schools under investigation for allegedly failing to respond properly to complaints of sexual misconduct.

"This is the first administration to call sexual violence a civil rights issue," said Catherine E. Lhamon, a former ACLU lawyer in Los Angeles who, as assistant secretary of Education, heads the Office for Civil Rights and has brought the style of an aggressive litigator to the once-staid education post.


Under pressure from the Office for Civil Rights, campuses are rushing to set up a parallel legal system to investigate and rule upon murky encounters that often involve inebriated students. They must decide within 60 days whether it is "more likely than not" that an alleged perpetrator was guilty. And they make those decisions without many of the legal protections associated with a criminal trial.

The new procedures vary from school to school, but according to Harvard Law School professor Janet Halley and other critics, many do not allow the accused to know details of accusations against them, to question accusers, or to have lawyers participate in hearings. Many also allow only limited appeals of rulings by a campus administrator or outside expert.

The punishments can be a expulsion and a permanent notation on a student’s transcript, potentially life-altering penalties.

Critics call those moves dangerous procedural short circuits that have resulted in serious injustice.

"It’s tragic what the federal government has done," said Elizabeth Bartholet, a civil rights activist and professor at Harvard Law School. "They are creating a backlash against the very cause they are fighting for."


Critics say that in many cases, particularly those in which both parties were drunk and there were no other witnesses, schools are being pressured to reach a conclusion where it is impossible to know the truth with any certainty.


"When the case is ambiguous, when the memories are clouded by alcohol consumption or time, we shouldn’t be punishing people," said Halley, a self-described feminist once responsible for investigating such accusations at Stanford University.
"I’m afraid that’s what we are doing, we are over-correcting," Halley said. "The procedures that are being adopted are taking us back to pre-Magna Carta, pre-due-process procedures."


08-21-2015, 07:13 PM
A University of Arkansas student who claimed she was sexually assaulted will face felony charges (http://www.uatrav.com/news/article_007ff814-453d-11e5-8216-bbb548fc3c6b.html#.VdSsNVoxE8U.twitter) for her false report, according to the Arkansas Traveler.



08-21-2015, 09:07 PM
When someone falsely accuses someone else of committing a crime, the false accuser should receive the same punishment as that which she would have caused the innocent person to have.

From the link:

A common claim among sexual assault activists is that taking action against false accusers (http://www.theguardian.com/law/2014/dec/01/109-women-prosecuted-false-rape-allegations) would prevent real victims from coming forward. Capt. Crain made clear that false accusations won't make the police more skeptical of future accusers.

08-22-2015, 06:28 PM
Seems this should be: Teach Women Not to Attempt to Rape:


<time class="timeago" datetime="2015-08-20T14:47:16Z" title="Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:47AM" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant: inherit; font-weight: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; box-sizing: border-box;">Thursday, August 20, 2015 10:47AM</time>
A guidance counselor at a prestigious private school in Chester County is accused of pursuing a teen student for sex, even promising him admission to Harvard University in an effort to coerce him.

Emily Feeney, 40, of Wayne, Pa., was a swim coach and Director of College Counseling at Malvern Prep for two years. She has since been fired, District Attorney Tom Hogan said.

"The defendant was extraordinarily predatory in the way she attacked this 16-year-old boy, going after him again and again and again," said Hogan.

Feeney had no comment as she turned herself in on Wednesday. Her lawyer, Michael Engle, said "She's understandably upset. These are serious charges and we're taking the matter very seriously."

The investigation began on May 13th.

The teen victim told investigators that Feeney, his coach and guidance counselor, had been sending him inappropriate emails and text messages since 2014, when he was 16 years old. At one point, Feeney kissed the boy, investigators say.

The messages included a topless photo and other pictures of herself in various stages of undress, the D.A.'s office said.

She also allegedly sent such messages such as "I adore you - always have, always will."

Another allegedly read "If you ever cared about me, please don't shut me out. It's too painful."

The victim told investigators he repeatedly told Feeney to stop, saying "I'm not interested in you end of story. I'm 16. I'm not into you."


08-23-2015, 06:14 AM
Teach women not to rape: http://wgntv.com/2015/08/22/former-nfl-cheerleader-sentenced-to-probation-for-rape/

Probation for pedophilia. 48 year old woman, 15 year old friend of her son. She provided alcohol for the minors. Probation?

08-25-2015, 09:28 AM

Here's the article debate referenced: http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/latest-columns/20150821-samuel-r.-staley-and-belinda-guthrie-debating-laws-that-turn-college-sex-into-a-police-process.ece

08-25-2015, 09:50 AM
Teach women not to rape: http://wgntv.com/2015/08/22/former-nfl-cheerleader-sentenced-to-probation-for-rape/

Probation for pedophilia. 48 year old woman, 15 year old friend of her son. She provided alcohol for the minors. Probation?

An astute 15 year old would have extorted $100,000 from her. Think of how small the legal risk would be to that 15 year old.

08-25-2015, 01:12 PM
An astute 15 year old would have extorted $100,000 from her. Think of how small the legal risk would be to that 15 year old.

$100k is the going rate per the Jared settlement... and no extortion needed.

08-28-2015, 06:53 AM
I tell you I'm "shocked!" Not. Who cares about due process?


The St. Paul’s Rape Case Shows Why Sexual-Assault Laws Must ChangeBy EMILY BAZELON<time class="dateline" datetime="2015-08-26" style="font-size: 0.6875rem; line-height: 0.6875rem; font-family: nyt-mag-sans, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgb(153, 153, 153); margin-left: 12px;">AUG. 26, 2015</time>


This is chilling and retrograde. And it shows the gap between the definition of rape in many states and the “culture of consent” at universities, Tuerkheimer argues. As she puts it, “On campus, this is rape; off campus, it often is not.” The discrepancy, she argues, diminishes the violation of victims outside universities, even though studies show they are actually more vulnerable (http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/22/opinion/who-suffers-most-from-rape-and-sexual-assault-in-america.html) to sexual assault than college students.


09-02-2015, 09:26 PM

Woman sentenced for sexually abusing boys at Talent trailer park By Vickie Aldous

Mail Tribune

Posted Aug. 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM
Updated Aug 31, 2015 at 4:22 PM

A woman was sentenced Monday for sexually abusing boys at a Talent trailer park.

Shawna Marie Nerby, 25, of Lower Lake, Calif., was sentenced to five years' probation after pleading guilty to attempted first-degree sodomy, attempted first-degree rape and attempted second-degree rape. She is a former resident of the trailer park.

She previously had been indicted on two counts of first-degree sodomy, second-degree sodomy, first-degree rape and second-degree rape.

Nerby pleaded guilty to the lesser charges in a plea agreement.

The Jackson County District Attorney's Office and court-appointed defense attorney Christine Herbert reached the agreement because Nerby had developmental delays and had been victimized herself, said Senior Deputy District Attorney Terry Smith-Norton.

Nerby has been in the Jackson County Jail since Jan. 11 on $250,000 bail.

She admitted in court to having sexual contact in 2009 with two boys who were age 10 and 12 at the time, Smith-Norton said.

The sexual contact came to light in late 2014 after the boys stepped forward and talked to authorities. They told police the sexual contact began in 2005, when they were about 6 and 8 years old, according to Talent police.


09-02-2015, 10:03 PM
Sometimes rape is about power and humiliation. In HS and College-aged boys, it's about a primal need so strong it can overrule common sense.

Most jokes are funny because they are truisms. Like this one:

God said to Adam, "I've got some good news and some bad news. First the good news. I have given you a brain and a penis. The bad news... I've only given you enough blood to work one of them at a time!"

That's all it's about. Power and control.

01-13-2016, 09:00 AM
U.S. judge orders woman in debunked rape story to turn over papers: report (https://www.yahoo.com/news/u-judge-orders-woman-debunked-rape-story-turn-042518524.html)

(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Tuesday ordered a woman who is a central figure in a debunked story about rape at the University of Virginia to turn over documents related to the article as part of a pending defamation suit, the Washington Post reported.U.S. District Court Chief Judge Glen Conrad said in court he planned to grant most aspects of a motion from lawyers for a University of Virginia associate dean responsible for dealing with sexual assaults on campus.
The associate dean is suing Rolling Stone for its depiction of her in the 2014 article about rape at the school, it said in an article posted online.

01-13-2016, 10:50 AM
As a victim of sexual violence, I have to say that rape and related sexual crimes are something the female never forgets. It is with us forever. Likewise, a false allegation of rape can be equally damaging and should incur the exact same penalty as the alleged rapist would have received...that is, if it can be proven she falsely accused.