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View Full Version : Alabama death row inmate to be freed after nearly 30 years

04-03-2015, 06:52 AM
Now this really stinks, this guy has been incarcerated for more than half of his life ( he is 58 now ) he has spent 30 years in prison for a crime that he didn't commit, what a shame. I don't see no way that it can ever be made up to him. But think about this, we have the technology to go back 30 years and find we wrongfully convicted someone but couldn't get the jury to lock OJ up :smoke:

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — An Alabama inmate who spent nearly 30 years on death row will go free Friday after prosecutors told a judge there is not enough evidence to link him to the 1985 murders he was convicted of committing.
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Jefferson County Circuit Judge Laura Petro on Thursday dismissed the case against Anthony Ray Hinton at the request of the district attorney's office. Prosecutors said forensic experts couldn't determine whether six crime scene bullets — which were the crux of the evidence against Hinton — came from a gun investigators took from his home


04-05-2015, 11:34 AM
Cases like this are a prime reason I can't support the death penalty. At least this man gets part of his life back.