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View Full Version : How would you respond in this person's job situation?

04-03-2015, 11:02 AM

They Want to Hire Me and Fire the Person They've Got

He set up the meeting with the CEO for today - this morning. I was there for three hours. The COO came to the meeting, too.At the client's office?
No! At the Bartles and Jaymes office - at the search firm's office. Weird, right? They told me why they didn't want to meet on site at their office. They said 'It's a confidential search.' I told them that every search is confidential, so what's different? They said 'There's an incumbent.'

I said to myself, I don't need the hundred and thirty-seven thousand dollars that badly. It felt good to realize that. That's power, right there. I'll get my kids through college either way. I don't need to be under somebody's boot heel. Can you imagine working for these punks? I'd be looking over my shoulder the whole time.

https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrinknp_300_300/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAOcAAAAJGFhNThjOGM2LWYyZjQtNGRmOS04MW RiLTk5Y2MwNmU2ZmQxNA.jpg

I said "It's been very educational meeting you all, but I can see I'm not your guy." Their faces literally fell. For a split second I felt sorry for them. The recruiter got red in the face and said "So you wasted our time this morning?"