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View Full Version : Bitter, sullen Democrats want "Reagan" removed from DC airport title

04-03-2015, 03:20 PM
When these people lose, they lose everything.

BTW, how many Republicans want "Kennedy" removed from New York's airport name?

Yep, none.

Looks like the Democrats just cannot stand any mention of the guy who convincingly disproved their cherished tax-and-spend theories.



Wow: Bitter DC Dems Want 'Reagan' Removed from Airport Title

Cortney O'Brien | Apr 03, 2015

In 1998, the Washington National Airport in Arlington, VA was renamed Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport – and local Democrats are still bitter about it.

The Washington Post recently conducted a survey of Washington, DC area residents, asking them what they prefer to call the busy airport. The results show that while younger people tend to call it by its current title, Reagan National, older, liberal commuters refuse to utter the name of the conservative president. In total, 72 percent of Republicans surveyed said they refer to it as 'Reagan' or 'Reagan National,' while only 35 percent of Democrats acknowledged the airport by that name.

Survey participant Jason West's eloquent explanation perhaps says it all.

“I’m still mad about the name, because of how it got passed. It got forced upon all the people here by a small group of powerful men in Congress,” says survey respondent Jason West, 57, a business analyst who lives in D.C.

“It’s almost like all those Republicans wanted to stick a middle finger up to all the people who live here,” West recalls. “I don’t know why [President Bill] Clinton didn’t veto it.”

Yeesh. Talk about being overly sensitive. I'm not the biggest fan of John F. Kennedy or his policies, but am I going to stop calling New York City's main international airport JFK?

04-03-2015, 03:31 PM
Best part of this is where some disgruntled liberal whines, “I’m still mad about the name, because of how it got passed. It got forced upon all the people here by a small group of powerful men in Congress”.

Do you suppose this guy is even aware, that that's exactly how Obamacare got passed?

04-03-2015, 03:53 PM
Personally, I enjoy seeing their rants. Just the mention of Reagan makes 80% of them go batshit insane.

They'll never get that name changed, IMO.

04-03-2015, 03:57 PM
That's ridiculous. I've always called it Reagan Airport.

04-03-2015, 04:19 PM
That kind of stuff never bothered me, the names of places. I've flown out of Kennedy and never gave it another thought. Hell, I went to "JFK High School", as did Jeff and Sir Evil. I didn't realize I had an argument for not going to school!! :)

Btw, didn't Reagan stop being president a pretty long time ago?