View Full Version : Womps

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-04-2015, 10:58 AM
Sense= WOMPS

WOMPS are people that know they are perfect and above we lowly peons.
They can look down upon we mere mortals from afar!
And castigate us for our imperfections with a sneer and a haughty laugh.
Never mind that they are often about as smart as a damn rock and
delight in their own ignorance.
I could write more but certainly do not want to start talking to myself as Ive seen an example of just how damn laughable that is lately! ;)

So next time you encounter a WOMPS, laugh at the chump and thank God you at least have common sense and integrity enough to not be a damn fool. --Tyr

04-06-2015, 10:42 AM
Sense= WOMPS

Seems a thread based on self hate. :)

04-06-2015, 03:03 PM
Seems a thread based on self hate. :)

Found something you could identify with, FJ .. ??:lol:

OR .. is this just another example of your, ahem, not launching any sort of attack on a Conservative ... as you keep on absurdly claiming ?

How's the Leftie agenda coming along ?

04-06-2015, 03:06 PM
Sense= WOMPS

WOMPS are people that know they are perfect and above we lowly peons.
They can look down upon we mere mortals from afar!
And castigate us for our imperfections with a sneer and a haughty laugh.
Never mind that they are often about as smart as a damn rock and
delight in their own ignorance.
I could write more but certainly do not want to start talking to myself as Ive seen an example of just how damn laughable that is lately! ;)

So next time you encounter a WOMPS, laugh at the chump and thank God you at least have common sense and integrity enough to not be a damn fool. --Tyr:clap::clap::clap:

Now, who on earth could this POSSIBLY remind me of .. ??:laugh::laugh::rolleyes::laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-06-2015, 04:25 PM
Seems a thread based on self hate. :)

Sorry that your guilt drives you to post such drivel..
I hate a lot if things but myself--" sho' ain't one of them"..

Ize bez a coooool cat ..... except when fools make me stir in anger.. --Tyr

04-07-2015, 09:46 AM
Found something you could identify with, FJ .. ??

I'm just making an observation. Perhaps maybe someday possibly you'll be able to do the same thing without looking through your lens of ignorant stupidity. Nah, probably not.

Sorry that your guilt drives you to post such drivel..

I have no guilt. I just notice that you make some rant post and use a definition that describes you fairly accurately.

04-07-2015, 11:37 AM
I'm just making an observation. Perhaps maybe someday possibly you'll be able to do the same thing without looking through your lens of ignorant stupidity. Nah, probably not.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Has it ever occurred to you, FJ, just how suited your, ahem, 'style' of posting is, for 'Cage' designation ?
Why not make this your permanent home, and leave more adult and mainstream posting to the grown-ups? H'mm ?? :lol::dance:

I have no guilt.

Yes - that statement does seem to make sense. After all .. what Leftie does ?? Being devoid of guilt is, surely, a mandatory prerequisite of Leftie adherence. Frankly, seeing any Leftie dissolve into a guilt-fest upon understanding the full nature of all the poison s/he had been peddling, isn't something I'd wish on any living creature ...

04-07-2015, 02:02 PM
Has it ever occurred to you, FJ, just how suited your, ahem, 'style' of posting is, for 'Cage' designation ?

I suppose it's better than all of your posts getting the 'stupid idiot' designation. But a hypocrite like you would never recognize that truth.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-07-2015, 04:20 PM
I have no guilt. I just notice that you make some rant post and use a definition that describes you fairly accurately.

haha, you jumped in to reply simply because you felt it hit you square on the head amigo!
Otherwise, you'd ignored it altogether.....
Guilt leads you to try to save face and image...
Hoss, confession is good for the soul.
Share with us your "sins" and dark, little secrets......;)--Tyr

04-07-2015, 05:25 PM
Sense= WOMPS

WOMPS are people that know they are perfect and above we lowly peons.
They can look down upon we mere mortals from afar!
And castigate us for our imperfections with a sneer and a haughty laugh.
Never mind that they are often about as smart as a damn rock and
delight in their own ignorance.
I could write more but certainly do not want to start talking to myself as Ive seen an example of just how damn laughable that is lately! ;)

So next time you encounter a WOMPS, laugh at the chump and thank God you at least have common sense and integrity enough to not be a damn fool. --Tyr

Good one Tyr. Almost reminds me of a saying that sounded very much the same, as in: "WOMP" his butt!:laugh:

04-08-2015, 07:29 AM
I suppose it's better than all of your posts getting the 'stupid idiot' designation.

How did you know what I was thinking ?? You forget that I behave myself on this forum a whole lot better than you do ...

OK, then, are we agreed ? You'll be posting exclusively on the Cage from now on, and save the more mainstream content for us more responsible grown-ups to supply ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-08-2015, 09:35 AM
How did you know what I was thinking ?? You forget that I behave myself on this forum a whole lot better than you do ...

OK, then, are we agreed ? You'll be posting exclusively on the Cage from now on, and save the more mainstream content for us more responsible grown-ups to supply ?

haha, my friend you dream too much. The fj never would agree to that.
He can not help it because he has those liberal tendencies.
Besides, you are at fault for not being blinded by his brilliance and clever cover... -;)--Tyr

04-08-2015, 09:58 AM
haha, you jumped in to reply...

I merely noticed you started a thread whining about something that defines you to a 't'. You spend so much time prattling on about your "perfect sense" that I figured I'd help you out.

OK, then, are we agreed ?

Once you start posting in the idiot section then I will post in the cage. Or once you're in the idiot section then I will no longer have to point out that you're an idiot at which point you'll have nothing left to whine about. Win/win you moron.

... liberal tendencies.

Your imaginative ignorance is never to far away is it?

04-08-2015, 10:02 AM
How did you know what I was thinking ?? You forget that I behave myself on this forum a whole lot better than you do ...

OK, then, are we agreed ? You'll be posting exclusively on the Cage from now on, and save the more mainstream content for us more responsible grown-ups to supply ?
No one is restricted to the cage, but it would behoove those that wish to flame each other to do so there.

04-08-2015, 01:24 PM
No one is restricted to the cage, but it would behoove those that wish to flame each other to do so there.

Fair enough.

As an observation, though ... for contributor(s) who seem to make a posting 'career' of flaming others (notably Conservatives here) and go so far as to goad comparable responses through specific tactics that lead to such outcomes ... it makes sense, as I think your own post acknowledges, to keep such exchanges confined in the Cage.

The 'restriction' becomes a logically inferrable one, possessing validity in those terms ....

04-08-2015, 01:28 PM
Once you start posting in the idiot section then I will post in the cage.

It might have escaped your notice (.. that 'attention deficit' thing kicking in again ?), but you already ARE posting in the Cage.

Do you feel fully at home here ?

04-08-2015, 01:34 PM
... flaming others (notably Conservatives here)...

I don't know what's worse, you being ignorant:


Or you being willfully ignorant.

04-08-2015, 05:47 PM
I merely noticed you started a thread whining about something that defines you to a 't'. You spend so much time prattling on about your "perfect sense" that I figured I'd help you out.

Once you start posting in the idiot section then I will post in the cage. Or once you're in the idiot section then I will no longer have to point out that you're an idiot at which point you'll have nothing left to whine about. Win/win you moron.

Your imaginative ignorance is never to far away is it?

And you, fj. Seem to always come here out of jealousy because you are angry about your ignorance always being so CLOSE.

04-08-2015, 05:58 PM
How did all this bickering start? I mean, the history of it?

Boys will be boys I guess.

If anyone is interested, last work I challenged another woman at work to a fight. I was so angry!!!!! She wouldn't fight me and instead did the adult thing and apologized. But Perianne sure was mad!

04-08-2015, 06:09 PM
How did all this bickering start? I mean, the history of it?

Boys will be boys I guess.

If anyone is interested, last work I challenged another woman at work to a fight. I was so angry!!!!! She wouldn't fight me and instead did the adult thing and apologized. But Perianne sure was mad!

:laugh:Glad it worked out for both of you....she must of did something very bad:laugh2:...you know there are more effective ways than physical violence...if someone really deserves it...and stick their nose where it don't belong...Hey perianne....I am enjoying a good cup of coffee right now...:coffee:

04-08-2015, 09:21 PM
:laugh:Glad it worked out for both of you....she must of did something very bad:laugh2:...you know there are more effective ways than physical violence...if someone really deserves it...and stick their nose where it don't belong...Hey perianne....I am enjoying a good cup of coffee right now...:coffee:

Me likey coffee. Maybe I will fix a cup later.

This Nurse's Aide at work verbally jumped all over me about something she thought I did. We exchanged some words until the Clinical Manager told us to stop and get back to work. As the Aide walked past me, she lowered her shoulder and nearly knocked me down. That did it. I told Clinical Manager we (the Aide and I) were going to take a break OUTSIDE.

Later, the CM asked the Aide "Do you really, really want to fight Peri? Because if you do, she will oblige you and she will hurt you". I am little and old, but I still have some fight in me. I am not going to take physical abuse from any woman.

Anyway, the Aide apologized repeatedly throughout the night. So, it all worked out.

Does anyone on here wanna fight???? lol

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-09-2015, 09:51 AM
Me likey coffee. Maybe I will fix a cup later.

This Nurse's Aide at work verbally jumped all over me about something she thought I did. We exchanged some words until the Clinical Manager told us to stop and get back to work. As the Aide walked past me, she lowered her shoulder and nearly knocked me down. That did it. I told Clinical Manager we (the Aide and I) were going to take a break OUTSIDE.

Later, the CM asked the Aide "Do you really, really want to fight Peri? Because if you do, she will oblige you and she will hurt you". I am little and old, but I still have some fight in me. I am not going to take physical abuse from any woman.

Anyway, the Aide apologized repeatedly throughout the night. So, it all worked out.

Does anyone on here wanna fight???? lol

My friend, iffin I did , it certainly would not be with you or any of the other fine ladies that we have here. :beer:

My first wife was a petite lady that had fire in here spirit and the courage of a lion.
Problem was--she also had a drug addiction, lets just say, I am no damn pushover and it took my abilities to limit the damage she inflicted when on a drug fueled rampage.
A lesser man stood no chance, tis why after our divorce she never kept a guy for very long.
Never remarried and never admitted our marriage ended because of her drug addiction. ---Tyr

04-09-2015, 02:19 PM
I don't know what's worse, you being ignorant: Or you being willfully ignorant.

Since neither applies, you're dealing in pure fantasy.

But what's not fantasy, and is apparent for all to see (.. though you deny it ANYWAY ..) are all your gratuitous attacks on Conservatives here. I repeat an earlier point: if you really WERE the Conservative you persistently claim to be, how is it that you have no sense of 'kinship', or identification, with the very Conservatives you instead pinpoint for your various attacks ?

04-09-2015, 02:39 PM
How did all this bickering start? I mean, the history of it?

Boys will be boys I guess.

If anyone is interested, last work I challenged another woman at work to a fight. I was so angry!!!!! She wouldn't fight me and instead did the adult thing and apologized. But Perianne sure was mad!

I can't speak with authority for others .. but for me, it comes down to my identifying FJ's positions as fraudulent. Of this there can be no doubt at all.

FJ claims to be Conservative, yet nails his colours all too often to positions, or sensibilities, that Left-wingers would identify with and applaud.

His ultra-concern for the welfare of terrorists is one. I've very reasonably pointed out to him that terrorists engage in atrocities proving beyond doubt that human qualities are completely absent in them ... therefore, they cannot possibly deserve 'human rights', or any human status. FJ, though, thinks my rejection of terrorists as human is 'disgusting', my rejection of their having human rights, ditto. I call terrorists what they ARE, namely, SUBhuman.

Lefties would never accept this, though it stares them in the face. FJ's position is identically aligned with theirs.

There are other indications of the true bona fides of FJ. The two most obvious that come to mind are his attacks on DP which are aimed at other CONSERVATIVES here .. and his 'Ultimate Thatcherite' claim, which is automatically and irredeemably disparaging to every other TRUE pro-Thatcher supporter in the world today.

FJ is a 'Thatcherite' despite being ignorant of some of Lady Thatcher's political thinking, and even offers opposition to aspects of it. That's to say ... in truth, he's no 'Thatcherite' at all.

When I post, I post honestly, posting as it represents me to post. FJ posts as something other than what he really is. FJ knows I will always see through him. Therefore, he has nothing to gain by trying to con me. So, he reserves some of his most virulent attacks for me ... as he also does with others who likewise don't buy into his hoped-for image creation.

He attacks Conservatives who know he's not one. He also attacks Conservatives just for the hell of it. It's ultimately that simple.

04-09-2015, 04:24 PM

Willfully ignorant is clearly worse. That you choose that for yourself is sad.


When I post, I post honestly, posting as it represents me to post.


That's a shame because you are dumb as a rock. And it shows with each and every post of yours. You're mindlessly stupid and you've allowed your imagination to turn you into a sham and a lying sack. I try to help you but you choose to be ignorant.

04-09-2015, 05:20 PM
Willfully ignorant is clearly worse. That you choose that for yourself is sad.

That's a shame because you are dumb as a rock. And it shows with each and every post of yours. You're mindlessly stupid and you've allowed your imagination to turn you into a sham and a lying sack. I try to help you but you choose to be ignorant.

Somebody close to fj needs to get REFILLS for the meds he hasn't been taking for his BDD. (brain disfunction disorder) as prescribed by the OBAMACARE joke....

04-10-2015, 08:36 PM
Willfully ignorant is clearly worse. That you choose that for yourself is sad.

That's a shame because you are dumb as a rock. And it shows with each and every post of yours. You're mindlessly stupid and you've allowed your imagination to turn you into a sham and a lying sack. I try to help you but you choose to be ignorant.

Thank you for that post, FJ, since in its own way it helps to illustrate the correctness of my case (... as if I needed such a confirmation ...).

Where's your countering proof of how 'wrong' I am ? Answer ... THERE IS NONE. All you do is just launch into another personalised attack against a Conservative.

I'm tired of stating the obvious about you. You're a troll, you're anything but genuine. We can see this for ourselves.

If you cannot defend yourself, why not offer an apology ? Why not abjectly apologise for disparaging other Thatcherites ? Calling yourself the 'One True Thatcherite' is a sweeping insult against all other Conservatives, everywhere, loyal to that brand of it.

But it's silly of me to ask. Being a fraud, and being a Leftie, you'd never dream of offering any such apology.

04-10-2015, 08:42 PM
Thank you for that post, FJ, since in its own way it helps to illustrate the correctness of my case (... as if I needed such a confirmation ...).

Where's your countering proof of how 'wrong' I am ? Answer ... THERE IS NONE. All you do is just launch into another personalised attack against a Conservative.

I'm tired of stating the obvious about you. You're a troll, you're anything but genuine. We can see this for ourselves.

If you cannot defend yourself, why not offer an apology ? Why not abjectly apologise for disparaging other Thatcherites ? Calling yourself the 'One True Thatcherite' is a sweeping insult against all other Conservatives, everywhere, loyal to that brand of it.

But it's silly of me to ask. Being a fraud, and being a Leftie, you'd never dream of offering any such apology.

Sir Drummond. Amazing how easily fj still manages to expose all of his own misgivings with every attempt to accuse others, in order to hide from himself all the time.

We should all be thankful he has reached the point of NO RETURN enough, not to recognize, or understand how he should know...WHEN TO STOP TALKING, and just GO AWAY.
But then. Where would all that humor be without the endless stupidity he demonstrates every post?

04-11-2015, 05:46 AM
... All you do is just launch into another personalised attack against a Conservative.


But it's silly of me to ask. Being a fraud, and being a Leftie, you'd never dream of offering any such apology.

You and stupid are never far apart as evidenced by yet another post of you lying like a sack. I have attacked no conservative, you aren't one. There are plenty of your own posts glorifying big government tactics; you can't deny that you mindless fool.

I am now ready to concede that you are British because of your pompous proclamation that only you know I'm a leftie while countless other posters here know that I'm a conservative. Why you think they're stupid I'll never know other than you just being mad that I can take apart your posts and arguments like the ill-thought out drivel that they are.

As far as an apology, I'll make one as soon as you admit the obvious; That I'm a leftie like you torture puppies. :)

FJ's position is identically aligned with theirs.

You are one stupid moron. You can't prove that statement.

04-11-2015, 07:16 AM
Me likey coffee. Maybe I will fix a cup later.

This Nurse's Aide at work verbally jumped all over me about something she thought I did. We exchanged some words until the Clinical Manager told us to stop and get back to work. As the Aide walked past me, she lowered her shoulder and nearly knocked me down. That did it. I told Clinical Manager we (the Aide and I) were going to take a break OUTSIDE.

Later, the CM asked the Aide "Do you really, really want to fight Peri? Because if you do, she will oblige you and she will hurt you". I am little and old, but I still have some fight in me. I am not going to take physical abuse from any woman.

Anyway, the Aide apologized repeatedly throughout the night. So, it all worked out.

Does anyone on here wanna fight???? lol

OK I have to admit, I wouldn't mind wrestling a pretty little lady, heck I will even let ya win. :laugh: J/k please don't take offense

04-11-2015, 07:19 AM
OK I have to admit, I wouldn't mind wrestling a pretty little lady, heck I will even let ya win. :laugh: J/k please don't take offense

`LOL!...your such a Dog! :laugh:...Good Saturday morning....:coffee:

04-11-2015, 07:25 AM

04-11-2015, 07:39 AM
`LOL!...your such a Dog! :laugh:...Good Saturday morning....:coffee:

Good Morning Bro


Take the knife out of her hand and well we could have a good morning :laugh: pretty lady but she looks a tad bit off dead center.

04-11-2015, 12:05 PM
Good Morning Bro

Take the knife out of her hand and well we could have a good morning :laugh: pretty lady but she looks a tad bit off dead center.

`For awhile..in the past... many of the pretty ones I met were a tad bit of center...:laugh:

Made them interesting...for a short while...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-11-2015, 01:20 PM
`For awhile..in the past... many of the pretty ones I met were a tad bit of center...:laugh:

Made them interesting...for a short while...

Sexy as hell, wild as hell, spirited out the wazoo and a tad bit off center--damn sure sounds like my kind of wild gal when I was young.
Loved most of it but damn sure never want to repeat it now!-:beer:--Tyr

04-11-2015, 01:25 PM
Sexy as hell, wild as hell, spirited out the wazoo and a tad bit off center--damn sure sounds like my kind of wild gal when I was young.
Loved most of it but damn sure never want to repeat it now!-:beer:--Tyr

`You nailed it....figuratively speaking ....oh man what memories...of course we might have been in the same line of work at one time... !:laugh:


04-11-2015, 03:23 PM
You and stupid are never far apart as evidenced by yet another post of you lying like a sack.

Yet MORE troll rot.

I have attacked no conservative, you aren't one.


There are plenty of your own posts glorifying big government tactics; you can't deny that you mindless fool.

I do deny JUST that.

'Big Government tactics' are those tactics which, on occasion, have to be enacted out of sheer, practical necessity. 'Glorifying' them doesn't come into it, except for your excuse to attack a Conservative ... yet AGAIN.

The irony here (and as I've explained before) is that you, as the so-called 'Ultimate Thatcherite', if you really WERE such, would be DEFENDING this. I've already shown you examples of where Margaret Thatcher enacted 'Big Government tactics' to right wrongs, to defeat Leftie wreckers. This is historical fact. So, by taking the line you do, you DISprove your so-called 'Thatcherite credentials'. They are fraudulent.

I am now ready to concede that you are British because of your pompous proclamation that only you know I'm a leftie while countless other posters here know that I'm a conservative.

So much argues against your 'conservative' claim. I've just cited one example. As for your conceding I'm British ... am I supposed to care ?? I do not live and breathe, FJ, to 'prove' myself to YOUR satisfaction !!!

Believe what you choose. It is, after all, the LEFTIE way ...

As far as an apology, I'll make one as soon as you admit the obvious; That I'm a leftie like you torture puppies. :)

Simply an insult, and AGAIN, one betraying your Leftie contempt for decency.

Supply the apology because you SHOULD do so. Because logic says so. Because decency says so ...

... or, DON'T, because, AS A LEFTIE, you lack the smallest motivation to do so.

04-12-2015, 06:27 AM
Sexy as hell, wild as hell, spirited out the wazoo and a tad bit off center--damn sure sounds like my kind of wild gal when I was young.
Loved most of it but damn sure never want to repeat it now!-:beer:--Tyr

AAAA the Good Old days, before the King Kong diseases, a shot of penicillin was the worst ya heard about. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
04-12-2015, 01:29 PM
Good Morning Bro

Take the knife out of her hand and well we could have a good morning :laugh: pretty lady but she looks a tad bit off dead center.

Lol, I'd never heard that particular term. I will be using it now. :laugh2:

04-12-2015, 02:04 PM
" Hey Jeff...wanna Play a Game?" .........:laugh2:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-12-2015, 03:31 PM
" Hey Jeff...wanna Play a Game?" .........:laugh2:


In the good ole days 40 years ago, Id taken those knives away and asked her to go clubbing with me..
These days I will just say , she looks very cute, dangerous and ready to hurt ya iffin' you didn't satifsy her.... :laugh:
Just my kind of gal.... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Ok, once was.... ;)

And do not be tempting my buddy Jeff like that!
You will get him tossed in tha doghouse fo sho'... ;)--Tyr

04-13-2015, 06:01 AM
" Hey Jeff...wanna Play a Game?" .........:laugh2:


OK I have to admit she made me moist. :laugh:

Something about a woman that has that please me or else look does it for me. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-13-2015, 09:02 AM
OK I have to admit she made me moist. :laugh:

Something about a woman that has that please me or else look does it for me. :laugh:

See, Longterm done got ya started down a path toward another doghouse stay.
Use the force man, resist evil temptations and follow da light.
The doghouse sho bez a terrible place to have to stay my friend...

Do not let an unrepentant sinner like LTG lead ya astray!

Remember, gun and bible... ;) You a Southern boy, right?? ;) --Tyr

04-13-2015, 06:30 PM
See, Longterm done got ya started down a path toward another doghouse stay.
Use the force man, resist evil temptations and follow da light.
The doghouse sho bez a terrible place to have to stay my friend...

Do not let an unrepentant sinner like LTG lead ya astray!

Remember, gun and bible... ;) You a Southern boy, right?? ;) --Tyr

"Oh you guys are so silly! .....Sit down and lets have a glass of wine":thumb:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3fYuHYshc_Q/T8mamIYqy9I/AAAAAAACHQk/9qSU5DC_2HQ/s1600/Very%2Bsaucy%2521%2BFitness%2Bguru%2BJennifer%2BNi cole%2BLee%2Bdons%2Bskimpy%2Bcooking%2Bgarb%2Bto%2 Bpromote%2Bnew%2Bbook%2B%2B6.jpg

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-13-2015, 07:05 PM
"Oh you guys are so silly! .....Sit down and lets have a glass of wine":thumb:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3fYuHYshc_Q/T8mamIYqy9I/AAAAAAACHQk/9qSU5DC_2HQ/s1600/Very%2Bsaucy%2521%2BFitness%2Bguru%2BJennifer%2BNi cole%2BLee%2Bdons%2Bskimpy%2Bcooking%2Bgarb%2Bto%2 Bpromote%2Bnew%2Bbook%2B%2B6.jpg

Now, now hoss , don't try that on me.
I bez older and wiser than Jeff with his lustful thoughts and sex filled fantasies stirred up by such heathen pics.. :laugh:
Besides, dat lady got far too much on to inspire me into lustful thoughts and doghouse ways!! ;)--Tyr

04-22-2015, 12:43 PM
Yet MORE troll rot.

I call it truth. And I'm correct. :)


Plenty of threads and your own words prove me correct. See below:

I do deny JUST that.

'Big Government tactics' are those tactics which, on occasion, have to be enacted out of sheer, practical necessity.

Wow, you make it too easy.

... am I supposed to care ??

:dunno: You don't particularly care about truth anyway.

Simply an insult...

What insult? It was a true statement. :) As is you being a lying sack... or you're just ignorant. There is plenty of evidence for either to be true.

04-22-2015, 09:10 PM
I call it truth. And I'm correct. :)

Plenty of threads and your own words prove me correct. See below:

Wow, you make it too easy.

:dunno: You don't particularly care about truth anyway.

What insult? It was a true statement. :) As is you being a lying sack... or you're just ignorant. There is plenty of evidence for either to be true.

Sir Drummond. Let it go. Obviously, fj believes he is either Obama, or Al Gore, and probably a cross-dresser like Bruce Jenner....HAS NOW BECOME. So, fj is, and must always be right, and has no idea what truth really is.