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04-10-2015, 04:34 PM
Has anybody here read the novels in the Game of Thrones series? How do they differ from the TV series? I am trying to get into the books - borrowed the first one from the library - and am curious about opinions.

08-14-2015, 04:08 PM
Sorry for the Necro, but I just saw this.

Yeah, Sharon and I got hooked and at the end of Season 2, we made a special trip to go buy all of the books... 5 in total at the time.

Book 4 was a disappointment all the way around... but the way George RR Martin kills off major characters, some new ones had to be introduced.

The show stays fairly consistent but there are differences, like Tyrion's disfigurement. In the books he lost his nose during battle, not just a scar running diagonally across his face. The show has a lot more homo scenes, but that's just HBO wanting to show how progressive they are. However, Dani does engage in such activities in the books.

I don't remember Season 5's ending from the books, so either the show has progressed past the 5th book now or I have a very bad memory... but I'm sure I would have remembered that.

Very much worthwhile reading, though. I enjoyed them.

08-14-2015, 05:53 PM
the last two were not as good as the first couple. He split the story ... haven't read them in a couple of years. But I thought he would be awhile before Jon was killed because I seem to remember it was one of the last scenes of the last book and it was the finale of this season.

Guess I need to go read the last two.

HBO does a lot of gratuitous sex scenes....some get pretty disgusting. Did you see the episode of Cersi's walk of shame? Pretty graphic ... I remember reading that part and being overjoyed that she finally got her comeuppance. However, seeing how it was depicted in the show was pretty horrific.

I've become accustomed to not getting to fond of any of the characters, but I really did think they would change the demise of Jon.

Oh well, I wonder when Martin will release the next book?