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View Full Version : `................Online Review Crackdown`

04-11-2015, 05:57 PM
`All the companies involved have placed fraudulent reviews on websites such as Google, Yahoo, Yahoo, and CitySearch. The investigation allegedly uncovered services posting fake reviews that have good a more significant impact on the life of duped users including fake reviews for dentists, lawyers, and an ultrasound clinic. “What we’ve found is even worse than old-fashioned false advertising,” said Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general.

“When you look at a billboard, you can tell it’s a paid advertisement — but on Yelp or Citysearch, you assume you’re reading authentic consumer opinions, making this practice even more deceiving.” Investigators posed as the owner of a yogurt shop in Brooklyn who claimed to be the victim of unfair online reviews. A reputation management firm was hired and investigators discovered foreign persons were leaving positive reviews for places they never been in countries that have never traveled to. The investigation found that these favorable reviews could be purchased for as little as one dollar each.`

http://www.dailytech.com/Fake+Online+Review+Crackdown+Leaves+19+Companies+P aying+350000+in+Fines/article33425.htm#sthash.M81K7oaZ.dpuf