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04-13-2015, 08:09 AM
From The Associated Press 11 April 2015:
Arnold Breitenbach of St. George sought a license plate with the designation CIB-69, representing the Combat Infantryman's Badge he received and the year he was awarded the Purple Heart. The Utah Division of Motor Vehicles denied his request, citing state regulations prohibiting the use of the number 69 because of its sexual connotations...

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ODD_VIETNAM_VET_SEXY_LICENSE_NUMBER?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-04-11-18-43-16)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-13-2015, 08:52 AM
From The Associated Press 11 April 2015:
Arnold Breitenbach of St. George sought a license plate with the designation CIB-69, representing the Combat Infantryman's Badge he received and the year he was awarded the Purple Heart. The Utah Division of Motor Vehicles denied his request, citing state regulations prohibiting the use of the number 69 because of its sexual connotations...

article (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ODD_VIETNAM_VET_SEXY_LICENSE_NUMBER?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-04-11-18-43-16)

Why should he get any respect?
After all, he was a baby killer , right? :rolleyes:
So says the lib punks, dem voters and dumbasses that vote in dumocrat idiots...
Rap music(far worse expressions) banned there too or did they make a convenient exception for those with super tans?--Tyr

red state
04-13-2015, 09:01 AM
It is pathetic how the evil, perverted or weird among us have distorted and even ruined simple words (and now numbers) that, at one time, was meant for good, wholesome things......and in the case of the Purple Heart recipient, (HONOR).

I'm not old by any means but I can remember when being GAY or even WEIRD was well understood to mean something different. Gay once meant happy or joyous. Nowdays, a normal person wouldn't dare refer to their mood or themselves as gay (within the jubilant sense of the word).

What is particularly disturbing is how the homosexuals now openly accept the word QUEER that they once detested. I'm glad many of them finally agree that they are: A deviation from the expected or norm... Heck, this "69" thing falls into the same category and it is truly despicable how the left would force us to remove a simple and sweet CHOOSE LIFE license plate when THEY could simple introduce and proudly display their own CHOOSE DEATH or CHOOSE ABORTION lisence plates. They are ashamed of themselves when it comes down to it and know that there is no way to sugar coat what they do (although they try). I see COEXIST stickers but in my part of the Nation, never see a "I'M HOMOSEXUAL and proud of it" sticker. I suppose that will come soon enough and I'm actually shocked that they denied this honorable serviceman the right to have the year of his service and Purple heart on the license plate. We live in QUEER times indeed. I'm actually contemplating on whether to order this COEXIST sticker that sheds the proper light on what the complaisant term (coexist) truly means. http://www.debatepolicy.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7110&stc=1 THEY want yo to coexist but as their liberal sticker places Christianity at the back of the line, so to are they attempting to shove REAL Americans and Christians under the bus. Placing iSLUM, communism and, if I may dare make the connection, [liberalism] first will get us all killed because their way allows no coexisting and I want more out of life than simply existing. I'll take FREEDOM and PROSPERITY and to hell with all others.

How many more words (or numbers) are we willing to lose to the corrupt within our society. Like our freedoms; once they have been taken or misdirected, they are gone forever.

red state
04-13-2015, 09:09 AM
Forget France and making fun of them for tucking tail.....we have a leaning tower of appeasement in OUR White House and it is high time that we start making a fuss every time this sort of thing, like the license plate, denies our freedoms. The left are good at this and realized that the squeaky wheel actually does get the grease. Real men usually get over it an carry on but with the changing times, perhaps REAL Americans should demand more and more attention as the Tea Party Group once did. Boy, the left, the media and the RHINOS certainly shut the Tea Party down quick.....now pretty much a thing of the past.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-13-2015, 09:17 AM
They protest , the lib media praises them all to hell and back.
We protest and are vilified, castigated, criticized and ridiculed as savages and hard hearted bastards.
This true American says to hell with ALL of them. And I live that , my friend. I live it...
Costs me dearly but I damn sure live it... -Tyr

red state
04-13-2015, 09:45 AM
yEP....THEY $#!T in the streets, have sex on police cars *(or is that the other way around) and the media never shed proper light on the group as a whole to be the very people who were raping, stealing and crapping on cars and sidewalks. The Tea Party groups were always portrayed as haters, bigots, rednecks and gun nuts but these GOOD AMERICANS always left the park or public arena clean, picked-up and orderly (despite the left's attempt to infiltrate them). We'd never see a special IRS file on the street $#!TTERS but we certainly saw the Tea Party and other REAL Americans leaned on by the IRS (which was formed just before the War Between the States and should be closed down due to overwhelming abuses to Americans).

But, anyway, you are spot on and hopefully those in the fight will EVENTUALLY provide America with less gov and more freedom.