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04-14-2015, 06:00 PM
A succinct way of explaining how today's liberals get away with telling hordes of falsehoods that would have gotten any Republican run out of town on a rail.

A must-read.



Hillary and the Liberal Way of Lying
How the Clintons pioneered the methods by which Obama sold his Iran deal.

by Bret Stephens
April 13, 2015 7:33 p.m. ET

Sometime in the 1990s I began to understand the Clinton way of lying, and why it was so successful. To you and me, the Clinton lies were statements demonstrably at variance with the truth, and therefore wrong and shameful. But to the initiated they were an invitation to an intoxicating secret knowledge.

What was this knowledge? That the lying was for the greater good, usually to fend off some form of Republican malevolence. What was so intoxicating? That the initiated were smart enough to see through it all. Why be scandalized when they could be amused? Why moralize when they could collude?

It always works. We are hardly a month past Hillary Clinton’s Server-gate press conference, in which she served up whoppers faster than a Burger King burger flipper—lies large and small, venial and potentially criminal, and all of them quickly found out. Emails to Bill, who never emails? The convenience of one device, despite having more than one device?

It doesn’t matter. Now Mrs. Clinton is running for president, and only a simpleton would fail to appreciate that the higher mendacity is a recommendation for the highest office. In the right hands, the thinking goes, lying can be a positive good—as political moisturizer and diplomatic lubricant.


What the Clintons pioneered—the brazen lie, coyly delivered and knowingly accepted—has become something more than the M.O. of one power couple. It has become the liberal way of lying.

Consider this column’s favorite subject: the Iran deal. An honest president might sell the current deal roughly as follows.

“My fellow Americans, the deal we have negotiated will not, I am afraid, prevent Iran from getting a bomb, should its leaders decide to build one. And eventually they will. Fatwa or no fatwa, everything we know about their nuclear program tells us it is geared toward building a bomb. And frankly, if you lived in a neighborhood like theirs—70 million Shiites surrounded by hundreds of millions of Sunnis—you’d want a bomb, too.

“Yes, we could, in theory, stop Iran from getting the bomb. Sanctions won’t do it. Extreme privation didn’t stop Maoist China or Bhutto’s Pakistan or Kim’s North Korea from building a bomb. It won’t stop Iran, either.

“Airstrikes? They would set Iran back by a few years. But even in a best-case scenario, the Iranians would be back at it before long, and they’d keep trying until they got a bomb or we got regime change.

“Fellow Americans, how many of you want to raise your hands for more Mideast regime change?

04-14-2015, 06:33 PM
I give her a 10% chance of getting elected. She tarnished herself with accepting the Secretary of State position with the resulting scandals that happened on her watch.

The email server scandal was icing on the cake - everyone knows she's just as slippery as Billy Bob and Obama now - if not worse.

04-14-2015, 07:14 PM
I give her a 10% chance of getting elected. She tarnished herself with accepting the Secretary of State position with the resulting scandals that happened on her watch.

The email server scandal was icing on the cake - everyone knows she's just as slippery as Billy Bob and Obama now - if not worse.

I hope you are right, but I see her as the next President.