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View Full Version : Gyrocopter Lands on West Front of US Capitol, Pilot Arrested

04-15-2015, 05:21 PM
OK this looked like a lot of fun, man where is the security? I wonder how this guy even made it as far as he did, thank God he wasn't planning on doing any harm because he made it to his designation.

A small helicopter violated DC restricted airspace (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-military-unaware-aircraft-violated-dc-airspace/story?id=30343860) Wednesday afternoon and landed on the Capitol's West Front in Washington. The pilot has been detained, according to US Capitol Police.
"The FAA is working with its aviation security partners in the DC area investigating an incident involving an aircraft that landed on the west Lawn of the U.S. Capitol this afternoon," the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement.


04-15-2015, 07:54 PM
OK this looked like a lot of fun, man where is the security? I wonder how this guy even made it as far as he did, thank God he wasn't planning on doing any harm because he made it to his designation.


`Hey got lucky he was shot down...close...

04-15-2015, 09:20 PM
`Hey got lucky he was shot down...close...

Agree, the airspace is restricted. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington,_DC_Metropolitan_Area_Special_Flight_Ru les_Area

04-15-2015, 09:22 PM
`he got lucky he was not shot down....close...

Very close...

04-16-2015, 07:13 AM
So an "Undocumented Visitor" to the White House must be arrested and detained

But an "Undocumented Immigrant" gets a pass into the Country and a chance for free health care, Social Security and an IRS bonus check.

Sounds like the "Change we can believe in" has come true :pee:

04-16-2015, 08:40 AM
I would have had target practice with him. I know there's secret service on the roof, they could have at least broke out the automatics and played 'hit the moving target'. I can't imagine much discipline for taking out a threat to the White House!

red state
04-16-2015, 08:43 AM
So an "Undocumented Visitor" to the White House must be arrested and detained

But an "Undocumented Immigrant" gets a pass into the Country and a chance for free health care, Social Security and an IRS bonus check.

Sounds like the "Change we can believe in" has come true :pee:

EXACTLY THAT!!!:lol::clap: HECK.....THAT ONE DESERVES AT LEAST THREE MORE (HERE YA GO!)!!! :clap::clap::clap:

A disgruntled Federal Employee warns the FBI and/or SS a year in advance of his intentions and he still makes it that far. WOW! What if he had timed this to the "letter" while B.O. was golfin' and gone (POSTAL) or something?! What if ISIS is watching and thinks: "Wow, if that guy can do that and get that close, there's no limits to what we can do with gunmen and bombs on HUNDREDS of these things."

Didn't authorities know far in advance about the Boston Bomber Brothers? What the heck is going on with security? Could it be that they're doing what I'd do and kinda look the other way while whistling Dixie? Who knows but this stunt has the makings of a GREAT film and I bet those who produced "White House Down" wishes that they had a few scenes with a flying device like this. Then again, they'd probably be in trouble for giving the guy the idea.

It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt (or shot down / arrested). At least he lived by his Postal motto; "Hail, rain, sleet or snow....and bullets but the mail got through."

red state
04-16-2015, 08:55 AM
We've had some fantastic footage of this and that with outstanding footage of a guy getting rammed (OVER A WALL) but I'm still waiting on the footage of the year.......B.O. doing his lil' tap dance jig down Air Force One's steps and breaking his freakin' pencil neck. Of course, those ears would probably slow his fall enough to not do this Nation JUSTICE!!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2015, 08:59 AM
EXACTLY THAT!!!:lol::clap: HECK.....THAT ONE DESERVES AT LEAST THREE MORE (HERE YA GO!)!!! :clap::clap::clap:

A disgruntled Federal Employee warns the FBI and/or SS a year in advance of his intentions and he still makes it that far. WOW! What if he had timed this to the "letter" while B.O. was golfin' and gone (POSTAL) or something?! What if ISIS is watching and thinks: "Wow, if that guy can do that and get that close, there's no limits to what we can do with gunmen and bombs on HUNDREDS of these things."

Didn't authorities know far in advance about the Boston Bomber Brothers? What the heck is going on with security? Could it be that they're doing what I'd do and kinda look the other way while whistling Dixie? Who knows but this stunt has the makings of a GREAT film and I bet those who produced "White House Down" wishes that they had a few scenes with a flying device like this. Then again, they'd probably be in trouble for giving the guy the idea.

It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt (or shot down / arrested). At least he lived by his Postal motto; "Hail, rain, sleet or snow....and bullets but the mail got through."

Seems that to much of this is "allowed" to happen(why-I've no clue).. Look at the recent previous encounters.
Does not interest me unless somebody actually did serve this nation when doing that..
However, do not support any such criminal activity but damn sure wouldn't cry about it....Tyr

red state
04-16-2015, 09:22 AM
I wouldn't support it but I'd most certainly celebrate (the absolute remedy).

04-16-2015, 09:32 AM
And on the leftist news media, the same "T"waffels who scream foul about a cop shooting were panting about the ability to shoot down a 60 y/o postal worker in a gyro-copter

Give me a break

red state
04-16-2015, 09:35 AM
And to clarify, I did not mean to mis-word by lumping Boston in on that.....I merely meant that I would not salute or take a bullet for that big-eared pencil neck in OUR White House. Yes, I may look the other way and get behind something if I saw such a lil' chopper, loaded down with back-packs coming into view. Isn't that what this president wants....undocumented visitors as Belligerent so cleverly added? Give the SOB what he's asking all of us to accept.

Given the threats from ISIS to B.O., I'm surprised they haven't tried something. Heck, I don't know what they are waiting on. They've had six years of lax security and anyone can see that under B.O.'s watch, you can shoot up soldiers in Fort Hood, blast innocent folks running a marathon and wear undies laced with muSLUM goodies. I'm surprised that under Bush's watch, we didn't all get poisoned. How easy would it be (and I've said this over and over for many years and on different forums) but how easy would it have been during or after Sept. 11, to have sent just 100 mexican-looking muSLUMs across our border and those 100 go to 100 towns....then to 100 more towns until they have climbed all the water towers of said towns till they have systematically sickened or killed all of the occupants?! They don't need IED's which would toast the very technology that they could use after a take-over..................just kill those drinking the water. The US did this quite successfully to the Native Americans and because of the US's genocide toward Native Americans, we still don't have the bison herds that once roamed our Nation. iSLUM will do what the US did...change the landscape of America forever while devastating what was once a way of life for those who came before. The only problem is that the USA has done mighty and great GOOD and iSLUM will only bring more of what we see in the sewers of the world.

Perhaps jaFART is reading this and has already planned this out with his lil' muSLUM pukes and is only waiting for the perfect timing when B.O. will declare martial law and never leave OUR White House.

Sad days in America....just saying that turning the head may actually be good for a change to put an end to CHANGE.

red state
04-16-2015, 09:40 AM
And on the leftist news media, the same "T"waffels who scream foul about a cop shooting were panting about the ability to shoot down a 60 y/o postal worker in a gyro-copter

Give me a break

A WHITE 60 yr old (CONSERVATIVE) postal worker, mind you. Remember the guy who flew into the IRS building just a few years ago? Wasn't he a WHITE, disgruntled (CONSERVATIVE) until it was proven that he was a liberal?!!!!

I agree; Give me a break. but better yet......GIVE B.O. A BREAK after he take a tumble down Air Force One while doing his lil' less-than-manly "jig".