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View Full Version : Al Sharpton Launches ‘Hunger’ Strike Until Loretta Lynch Is Confirmed

04-15-2015, 06:38 PM
Well the idiot is at it again, and I suppose if he starves himself to death ( you know eating every other day :rolleyes: ) it will be whiteys fault. :laugh:

The Rev. Al Sharpton, whose head already resembles a deflated balloon collapsing into an Italian suit, apparently thinks he still needs to lose a few pounds. That’s the only plausible explanation for the following.
Seung Min Kim, Politico: (http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/loretta-lynch-supporters-hunger-strike-confirmation-116994.html)

Loretta Lynch is still waiting to be confirmed as attorney general, and her allies are hoping a hunger strike will do the trick.
The advocacy group founded by the Rev. Al Sharpton, along with female civil-rights leaders, are launching the hunger strike — where groups of fasters will alternate days abstaining from food until Lynch is confirmed to replace Eric Holder at the Justice Department


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2015, 06:46 PM
Well the idiot is at it again, and I suppose if he starves himself to death ( you know eating every other day :rolleyes: ) it will be whiteys fault. :laugh:


Everybody that thinks that fatass monkey will not eat are delusional themselves!
Bastards like him sacrifice nothing based upon ethical principles.
Not that confirming that ffing witch as anyway ethical.--Tyr

04-15-2015, 07:02 PM
Since everyone with a real brain knows Al Sharpton is nothing but a liar. I hope he starves, and stays on his hunger strike. But..I would love to know how idiots like him survive on their own stupidity for so long.

04-16-2015, 05:54 AM
The thing is is that the fat Fu** has already said he will not eat on every other day :rolleyes: He knows himself he can't go with out some of that GREAZY OL FRIED CHICKEN :laugh:

Personally I hope that scumbag stops eating and breathing, naaa I don't hope so but I surely wouldn't miss him. :salute:

04-16-2015, 05:55 AM
Symbolic stupidity. Nonetheless, I wish the scumbag would in fact starve to death.

04-16-2015, 06:19 AM
Symbolic stupidity. Nonetheless, I wish the scumbag would in fact starve to death.

As I read this I had a terrible though, but it cracked me up. You know those commercials about feeding the children and they show the poor starved UN medicated kids, I imagined Old Al looking at the camera with those sad eyes and hearing the narrator talking about the poor guy starving. :laugh:

Now don't get me wrong I feel for those poor kids and have thought many times about sending the dollar a day but for Sharpton, well that would be a comedy. :laugh:

I could hear the commercial now, as the camera pans by him sitting in the WH eating Prime Rib and Lobster with Obama, snorting a couple of lines for dessert the narrator would be saying for just a Grand a day you could feed this Hippo and be a dumb ass like the rest of the folks that give to his fat rich black ass. :laugh:

04-16-2015, 09:17 AM
He's an idiot, racist and a rabble-rouser

And I hope that Lynch never gets confirmed

04-16-2015, 02:08 PM
wouldn't it be great if his mind was healed and he became an advocate for wisdom?

04-16-2015, 02:11 PM
Well the idiot is at it again, and I suppose if he starves himself to death ( you know eating every other day :rolleyes: ) it will be whiteys fault. :laugh:


Shall we pray? Brothers and sisters, PLEASE don't confirm Loretta Lynch. If Brother Al wants to off himself, who are we freethinkers to stand in his way? Amen.