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View Full Version : `......Exactly Why Do We "Need" A Woman President?`

04-15-2015, 09:14 PM
`The new liberal battle cry is that it's time for a woman president. Why?

Nobody seems to be able to answer that question.

Obama was elected because he was black and you're a racist if you opposed him. Will you now be called a sexist if you don't support Hillary Clinton?

Shouldn't we elect a president based on their qualifications and not on their race or sex? `

...As far as I can tell.....there are two main problems with voting for Hillary purely because she’s A Woman and “it’s time”...`


1) It isn’t time for a woman to be president.

...It’s time, instead, for a competent and honest adult of either gender to be president...

2) Presidents are not symbols for their genders, but if they are, Hillary makes for a really, really bad symbol.

...If a Clinton presidency would actually be symbolically significant for women, think about what the symbolism would say...Hillary embodies just about every negative stereotype of female managers and CEOs...

...we could forget about gender altogether, either way, and start trying to find someone — anyone — who can do the job with a modicum of integrity and proficiency.

If that person is a woman, great. If it’s a man, great. If it’s a seahorse, great. We no longer have the luxury to worry about looks, skin color, gender, or species. We are at a crisis moment in our country. A moment that requires a leader who, at a minimum, isn't deeply depraved, profoundly self-obsessed, and chronically incompetent.`

04-16-2015, 12:58 AM
I tend to agree with you as to "WHY" we need a woman President. The only President we need is a person that has real Values, Believes as most of us do that our once great nation has to regain our footing and once again be the leader of the world and while not swinging the BIG stick as we have in the past not have any fear of upsetting some countrys because we have to stand for what we believe in and back it up not with words and "SORRYS" but in a show of might and strong will. A President that is for America and Americans, all for one and one for all. I hope our next President makes America and her citizens the priority and makes Big Government smaller.

04-16-2015, 01:11 AM
We need competent leadership. Who cares what they look like?

04-16-2015, 05:13 AM
`Shouldn't we elect a president based on their qualifications and not on their race or sex

Yes, you should, and it just so happens that the last 43 presidents sworn into office, out of 43, the most qualified was a man. Ya? Representation matters.

People vote for various reasons, some on single issues, some as negative voting, others because of 'who's most qualified on paper' and some will vote because they feel the candidate will better represent them, for some women during this up and coming election cycle, you must understand that they feel a woman represents them better than a man, and their vote is worth no less because they do not chose who they vote for based on the same criteria that you may do.

Personally I think it'd be a shame to have the Clinton be such a figure, but if the GOP line up the usual entitied middle class white male to oppose the entitled middle class white female. Who knows.

04-16-2015, 05:49 AM
but if the GOP line up the usual entitied middle class white male to oppose the entitled middle class white female. Who knows.

I know you said if... but do you think Rubio, Cruz & Paul are "entitled"? And if so, can you explain specifics about them?

04-16-2015, 05:50 AM
I tend to agree with you as to "WHY" we need a woman President. The only President we need is a person that has real Values, Believes as most of us do that our once great nation has to regain our footing and once again be the leader of the world and while not swinging the BIG stick as we have in the past not have any fear of upsetting some countrys because we have to stand for what we believe in and back it up not with words and "SORRYS" but in a show of might and strong will. A President that is for America and Americans, all for one and one for all. I hope our next President makes America and her citizens the priority and makes Big Government smaller.

Wow, what a blast from the past!! How goes it, Jon? Sure hope we see you again!! :)

04-16-2015, 05:57 AM
I know you said if... but do you think Rubio, Cruz & Paul are "entitled"? And if so, can you explain specifics about them?

I don't know anything about these guys, but I'm guessing they're millionaires?

04-16-2015, 05:59 AM
I don't know anything about these guys, but I'm guessing they're millionaires?

Most likely. Does wealth automatically mean entitled? We should perhaps only elect people with minimal money? I know a few wealthy people that you would think make less than 50k per year, and live as such.

04-16-2015, 06:01 AM
I don't know anything about these guys, but I'm guessing they're millionaires?

Btw, fwiw, I would say that every Dem that runs, now and in the past, has had just as much money as the GOP field, if not more at times. I honestly see no difference at all between wealth of candidates between parties. As of right now, the BIGGEST "entitled" person out there is Hillary then, with easily the largest wealth of all, probably double than all combined.

04-16-2015, 06:02 AM
P.s. - and she hasn't driven a car since 1996. Must be nice to be a "normal" person.

04-16-2015, 06:02 AM
Most likely. Does wealth automatically mean entitled? We should perhaps only elect people with minimal money? I know a few wealthy people that you would think make less than 50k per year, and live as such.

Does it mean entitlement? No. Does it give the perception of entitlement? Yes.

04-16-2015, 06:03 AM
Does it mean entitlement? No. Does it give the perception of entitlement? Yes.

Read above then - as BOTH sides generally have the money, so this really makes no sense.

04-16-2015, 06:04 AM
Read above then - as BOTH sides generally have the money, so this really makes no sense.

p.s. - and she hasn't driven a car since 1996. Must be nice to be a "normal" person.

btw, fwiw, i would say that every dem that runs, now and in the past, has had just as much money as the gop field, if not more at times. I honestly see no difference at all between wealth of candidates between parties. As of right now, the biggest "entitled" person out there is hillary then, with easily the largest wealth of all, probably double than all combined.

personally i think it'd be a shame to have the clinton be such a figure, but if the gop line up the usual entitied middle class white male to oppose the entitled middle class white female. Who knows.


04-16-2015, 06:06 AM
Obama net worth - 12.2 million
Clinton net worth - 21.5 million

04-16-2015, 06:08 AM
Personally I think it'd be a shame to have the Clinton be such a figure, but if the GOP line up the usual entitied middle class white male to oppose the entitled middle class white female. Who knows.

Gotcha, read too fast, I thought you were implying that the GOP field were rich elitists while the dem candidates were regular middle class. Too much coffee. My apologies. :)

04-16-2015, 08:03 AM
I know you said if... but do you think Rubio, Cruz & Paul are "entitled"? And if so, can you explain specifics about them?

`You beat me to it...or read my mind....:cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2015, 08:28 AM
`You beat me to it...or read my mind....:cool:

Our nation--- NEEDS--- a Conservative patriot that will heal and help this nation by improving its economy and improving its military might...
Russia, China and Iran are all three making aggressive moves which we do "next to nothing" to counter !
And thats a recipe for further and far , far greater aggression, history repeatedly shows this!
Had Hitler been firmly met in 1938/1939, WW2 could have been averted. Instead he was "appeased" (a fav with lib/dems) and thus decided to go full bore with what he truly wanted and as a result many millions died.
Lib/dems masters of ignoring history and its lessons! Tis why they are so dangerous to this nation and its survival..
Obama leads the way on that but with him its not ignorance rather its a well planned agenda. --Tyr

04-16-2015, 08:40 AM
Don't forget, a Republican woman (not to mention a conservative woman) is a "female impersonator". You have to factor in Newspeak when decoding leftist communication.

04-16-2015, 09:18 AM
`The new liberal battle cry is that it's time for a woman president. Why?

Nobody seems to be able to answer that question.

Obama was elected because he was black and you're a racist if you opposed him. Will you now be called a sexist if you don't support Hillary Clinton?

Shouldn't we elect a president based on their qualifications and not on their race or sex? `

...As far as I can tell.....there are two main problems with voting for Hillary purely because she’s A Woman and “it’s time”...`


1) It isn’t time for a woman to be president.

...It’s time, instead, for a competent and honest adult of either gender to be president...

2) Presidents are not symbols for their genders, but if they are, Hillary makes for a really, really bad symbol.

...If a Clinton presidency would actually be symbolically significant for women, think about what the symbolism would say...Hillary embodies just about every negative stereotype of female managers and CEOs...

...we could forget about gender altogether, either way, and start trying to find someone — anyone — who can do the job with a modicum of integrity and proficiency.

If that person is a woman, great. If it’s a man, great. If it’s a seahorse, great. We no longer have the luxury to worry about looks, skin color, gender, or species. We are at a crisis moment in our country. A moment that requires a leader who, at a minimum, isn't deeply depraved, profoundly self-obsessed, and chronically incompetent.`


04-16-2015, 09:38 AM
Sometimes the simplest images are the most damning.

http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/C6B19827-EF0E-40AE-A4D0-9E879CA057E6_zpsdghecouz.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/C6B19827-EF0E-40AE-A4D0-9E879CA057E6_zpsdghecouz.jpg.html)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2015, 10:04 AM
Sometimes the simplest images are the most damning.

http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/C6B19827-EF0E-40AE-A4D0-9E879CA057E6_zpsdghecouz.jpg (http://s80.photobucket.com/user/jonathan-mcc/media/C6B19827-EF0E-40AE-A4D0-9E879CA057E6_zpsdghecouz.jpg.html)

Dog cat, cat mouse, home house, auto car, road street. Images not necessary.
Explanation may be , but I get your drift with the all female pic of prez's..
I just disagree that gender is the qualifier .
Leadership abilities and IQ should be top qualifiers and those can be male or female.
As Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir both so aptly proved!!!! -Tyr

04-16-2015, 03:18 PM
We NEED someone to run for president who isn't in it for the power and prestige or a narcissist who wants to see his name up in lights.

Right now I don't see anyone in the running who I'd vote for, especially not Hillary.

04-16-2015, 03:24 PM
We NEED someone to run for president who isn't in it for the power and prestige or a narcissist who wants to see his name up in lights.

Right now I don't see anyone in the running who I'd vote for, especially not Hillary.

*Put your glasses on and read up...:)
