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View Full Version : Planned fallen soldier monument in Mich. veterans memorial causes controversy over pr

04-16-2015, 07:04 AM
This is ridiculous, how a statue showing this could possibly be wrong is beyond me. They say it is because of the gun, well it's not like they are placing a real gun at the statue and it's not like everybody doesn't know that our military has to at times carry a weapon and basically without it we wouldn't have the freedoms we have.

A planned monument that would serve as the final piece of a veterans’ memorial in a Detroit suburb has caused controversy over its prominent depiction of a military rifle, the Detroit Free Press reported (http://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2015/04/14/fallen-soldier-monument/25760969/).
Bear Hall, the chairman of the local chapter of Friends of American Veterans in Milford, Mich. earlier this month proposed placing a sculpture of the battlefield cross at the end of a brick walkway leading out of the present veterans’ memorial.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2015, 08:38 AM
This is ridiculous, how a statue showing this could possibly be wrong is beyond me. They say it is because of the gun, well it's not like they are placing a real gun at the statue and it's not like everybody doesn't know that our military has to at times carry a weapon and basically without it we wouldn't have the freedoms we have.


When any nation stops honoring its defenders /true heroes it is on its way to destruction. A solid gold negative fact..
The world operates as a huge green eyed monster so any weakness we have will be avidly exploited.
Obama has made thousands of weaknesses deliberately and instead of being called on that he is praised!
Mankind has not changed so historic repetition of violent upheaval and power grabs still holds true.
Those pulling bamscum's strings(puppet) are playing a huge dangerous game.
They are making billions by doing so and reaching a goal they set long ago.-----Tyr

red state
04-16-2015, 09:10 AM
Sounds like the accurate thing to do and to not have a gun in the statue's hand is in keeping with how our military has been disarmed for decades now. Some have been killed because it was politically incorrect to have a LOADED rifle. Some have been killed because they play by some mindless game of tag you're it and can't shoot until it is their turn (or politically correct to protect themselves and their comrades). Some have been killed by treacherous muSLUMs in a US Uniform after surviving Iraq-Afghanistan only to be shot TOTALLY unarmed within their military base.

While they are at it, they should place chains on the stature because some of our BEST are rotting in prison after Bush and others charged them for being SOLDIERS. Given the scum that makes up sewer states like michigan, it is a wonder they don't replace the statue with Malcolm X or some other SOB who was a pimp, a traitor or serial killer who lead entire nations with an iron fist.

I say good riddance to such states and will not even use capitalization due to their lack of earning respect. As the muSLUM population grows in dearbourne and spreads to the rest of their $#!THOLE of a state, let them die under the knife and feel good about the fact that they were never a gun nut who didn't give a cult of pieces a chance. Same goes for california.....it was stolen from mejico and should go back to mejico. Just don't come running to Mississippi or Alabama. Take what you've earned where you earned it.....

red state
04-16-2015, 09:20 AM

Why not present the White House with a statue of bird-Dog and a "major" in a wheelchair as they stand/sit on the flag-like plaque draped under their feet/wheels with the marble plaque containing the names of those who should have had a a statue in their honor? Why, they can even raise a crescent and insignia to read: "allah act bar".

Liberal PUKES!!! I can't stand them.....never mind even think about being polite to any of them as I once did. It is getting to the point that I say THEY deserve any "man-made" event that may take place in the future. Yep, I regret being so harsh but if you make your bed....LIE in it. Only then will THEY wake up (maybe) and if they don't awaken; only then will WE be rid of what is ruining this Nation.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2015, 09:37 AM

Why not present the White House with a statue of bird-Dog and a "major" in a wheelchair as they stand/sit on the flag-like plaque draped under their feet/wheels with the marble plaque containing the names of those who should have had a a statue in their honor? Why, they can even raise a crescent and insignia to read: "allah act bar".

Liberal PUKES!!! I can't stand them.....never mind even think about being polite to any of them as I once did. It is getting to the point that I say THEY deserve any "man-made" event that may take place in the future. Yep, I regret being so harsh but if you make your bed....LIE in it. Only then will THEY wake up (maybe) and if they don't awaken; only then will WE be rid of what is ruining this Nation.

Welcome aboard, I reached that point day of 9/11.... !!

Ain't a damn thing slow about me and I remember well this---
As a child, I was so bright that my daddy called me "Sun"...- :laugh:;) --Tyr

04-16-2015, 05:03 PM

Why not present the White House with a statue of bird-Dog and a "major" in a wheelchair as they stand/sit on the flag-like plaque draped under their feet/wheels with the marble plaque containing the names of those who should have had a a statue in their honor? Why, they can even raise a crescent and insignia to read: "allah act bar".

Liberal PUKES!!! I can't stand them.....never mind even think about being polite to any of them as I once did. It is getting to the point that I say THEY deserve any "man-made" event that may take place in the future. Yep, I regret being so harsh but if you make your bed....LIE in it. Only then will THEY wake up (maybe) and if they don't awaken; only then will WE be rid of what is ruining this Nation.

Welcome aboard, I reached that point day of 9/11.... !!

Ain't a damn thing slow about me and I remember well this---
As a child, I was so bright that my daddy called me "Sun"...- :laugh:;) --Tyr

I myself never much cared for those simple SOB's

04-16-2015, 07:40 PM

Why not present the White House with a statue of bird-Dog and a "major" in a wheelchair as they stand/sit on the flag-like plaque draped under their feet/wheels with the marble plaque containing the names of those who should have had a a statue in their honor? Why, they can even raise a crescent and insignia to read: "allah act bar".

Liberal PUKES!!! I can't stand them.....never mind even think about being polite to any of them as I once did. It is getting to the point that I say THEY deserve any "man-made" event that may take place in the future. Yep, I regret being so harsh but if you make your bed....LIE in it. Only then will THEY wake up (maybe) and if they don't awaken; only then will WE be rid of what is ruining this Nation.

`Understand....But I don't feel the stupid SOB`s will ever...`EVA` Awaken.......

04-17-2015, 12:41 AM
This is ridiculous, how a statue showing this could possibly be wrong is beyond me. They say it is because of the gun, well it's not like they are placing a real gun at the statue and it's not like everybody doesn't know that our military has to at times carry a weapon and basically without it we wouldn't have the freedoms we have.


I think you're being too kind. Stupid would be a better word.