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View Full Version : `......Police: Muslims threw Christians overboard during Med voyage`

04-16-2015, 07:57 PM
`(AP) — Italy's migration crisis took on a deadly new twist Thursday as police in Sicily reported that Muslim migrants had thrown 12 Christians overboard during a recent crossing from Libya, and an aid group said another 41 were feared drowned in a separate incident.,,,,,,

,,,,,Palermo police said they had detained 15 people suspected in the high seas assault, which they learned of while interviewing tearful survivors from Nigeria and Ghana who had arrived in Palermo Wednesday morning after being rescued at sea by the ship Ellensborg.
The 15 were accused of multiple homicide aggravated by religious hatred, police said in a statement.

***The surviving Christians, the statement said, only managed to stay on board by forming a "human chain" to resist the assault.`


04-16-2015, 07:58 PM
~ "Soooo wait. You are "migrating" from the war torn country of your origin to hopefully a better life in a democratic nation and you commit atrocities because youuuu??? Whaaat? ......

These folks obviously have nothing to contribute to the world other than a murderous, ignorant mentality I would tie them together and toss then over with the souls they murdered. They would not step one toe onto any land other than where they came from. Italy should hit a u-turn on that boat." ~

04-17-2015, 07:22 AM
Sad thing is, we hear stories like this more and more and more and more. Killings around the world, daily. Some by groups and others from individuals. The amount of muslims that "aren't real muslims" around the world is shocking!

04-17-2015, 07:28 AM
I'm sure that once they're inside a western country, they'll stop killing other religious groups. Right?

Bunch of animals.

04-17-2015, 07:39 AM
I'm sure that once they're inside a western country, they'll stop killing other religious groups. Right?

Bunch of animals.

The liberals will say so. And they very well may be - for a little while. But I honestly think radicalism within islam spreads quicker than wildfire. And likely, adults immigrating might already feel as such. No doubt almost every last muslim on earth sees jewish folks as the enemy, whether they will admit so or not. Even many that come to the US see our country as "the great satan". And yep, there are some peaceful loving folks that are muslim too, but unfortunately, they seem to be in a very small minority.

04-17-2015, 08:10 AM
The liberals will say so. And they very well may be - for a little while. But I honestly think radicalism within islam spreads quicker than wildfire. And likely, adults immigrating might already feel as such. No doubt almost every last muslim on earth sees jewish folks as the enemy, whether they will admit so or not. Even many that come to the US see our country as "the great satan". And yep, there are some peaceful loving folks that are muslim too, but unfortunately, they seem to be in a very small minority.

The irony kills me.

The muzzies are fleeing an islamic hellhole of a country to sneak into Italy, which is a Christian nation - very heavy Catholic population.

Along the way, they decide to kill off their fellow refugees because they are Christian in their boat before they reach the Christian country they're trying to sneak into.

04-17-2015, 08:24 AM
What other response but 'Crusade like' is possible?


Pope Francis condemns ISIS’ slaying of Christian ‘martyrs’ (http://nypost.com/2015/02/16/pope-francis-condemns-isis-slaying-of-21-christians/)By Josh Saul (http://nypost.com/author/josh-saul/) and Bruce Golding (http://nypost.com/author/bruce-golding/)

February 16, 2015 | 4:19pm


Vatican Addresses Report Saying Pope Francis Is An ISIS TargetThe Huffington Post | By Cavan Sieczkowski (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cavan-sieczkowski/)

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Fla. Army Veteran Recruits US Soldiers to Fight ISIS by Joining 'Veterans Against ISIS' Militia
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/fla-army-veteran-recruits-us-soldiers-to-fight-isis-by-joining-veterans-against-isis-militia-135039/#36M5ZicuL5xDQ7ow.99

04-17-2015, 08:44 AM
What other response but 'Crusade like' is possible?




If Baptists can picket alongside Catholics to end infanticide (stop calling it "abortion"), then I guess something can be worked out resist militant Islamists. What would you do if the ones fighting alongside you were these guys?


About National Director
Pastor Thomas Robb

Thomas Robb is an ordained Baptist minister. Born in Detroit, Michigan and later moving to Tucson, AZ with his family when he was a young man, Thomas Robb became active politically when he was 17 years old speaking out against Communism.He began publishing his own newspaper when he was 19 years old called The Torch which he still publishes today. After graduating with a Bachelor of Theology degree, he earned his Doctorate under private tutelage. Mr. Robb and his wife Muriel and their children moved to Harrison, Arkansas, a friendly place centrally located in the heartland of America.
Mr. Robb has been a powerful spokesman the past 30 years for the white rights movement. He has been featured in newspapers, magazines, and news programs such as London Sunday Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, USA Today, 48 hours, 20/20, The Today show, (numerous CNN programs) the BBC, Channel 4 of London, A&E, The History Channel, the Learning Channel, as well as being featured in countless documentaries in Germany, England, Russia, Japan, Australia, France, Yugoslavia, Chzechlozavakia, Sweden, South Africa, Spain, Italy, and Greece.
Newsweek Magazine wrote:

"Robb's tactics appear to be effective...In Montgomery, Alabama, Klan watch believes Robb has led the most successful recruiting drive since Duke."<b style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium;">In a news article from the London Sunday Times they wrote,
"An accomplished and charismatic speaker, Robb is viewed by civil rights experts as the most dangerous of the new breed of white supremacists because of his communication skills, political ambitions and his impressive ability to cloak the underlying message of hatred and intolerance in an avuncular garb of reason and logic."<b>Dan Levitas of the Center for Democratic Renewal in Atlanta, Georgia said:
"Robb is a master of media manipulation. He has constructed a well crafted and successful marketing strategy for the Klan."Dr. Ed Fields, publisher and editor of The Truth at Last newspaper said:
"Today There are numerous Klan groups. Some only existing in a single community, others state wide or operating in several states. There is one Klan leader who has built a true national Klan organization. This is Pastor Thom Robb. Today he carries on more wide spread activity than any other kkk leader we know of. Robb is an excellent speaker and leader. He is a true man of God - we wholeheartedly and unreservedly endorse Pastor Robb. I want to urge all independent and local Klan groups who are considering affiliation with a national body to contact this sterling leader who has accomplished so much good for his race and the Klan."</b></b>Pastor Robb has committed his life to speaking up for the rights of White Christians while traveling all over America. All three of his grown children are active in the white rights movement and he always stresses the importance of family involvement noting that there is no better way to secure a future for our children then by teaching them how to stand up for their white Christian faith and to be proud of their heritage. Its all about family whether its our immediate family or our racial family and Pastor Robb speaks up for the family!