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View Full Version : "Diplomacy out".... blunt talk in as Obama gets tough on GOP

04-18-2015, 10:00 PM
`And the truth comes out.......` Perhaps the Good Liberal left and "republicans" should take note of this...`

~ "WASHINGTON (AP) — Diplomacy is out, blunt talk is in as President Barack Obama and his White House team single out Republican lawmakers by name for criticism over their words and actions on Iran, Cabinet nominations and climate change.
Even amid glimmers of bipartisanship in Washington, the White House approach amounts to this: when you can't join 'em, beat 'em." ~

http://news.yahoo.com/diplomacy-blunt-talk-obama-gets-tough-gop-072503045--politics.html (http://news.yahoo.com/diplomacy-blunt-talk-obama-gets-tough-gop-072503045--politics.html)

04-18-2015, 11:38 PM
`And the truth comes out.......` Perhaps the Good Liberal left and "republicans" should take note of this...`

~ "WASHINGTON (AP) — Diplomacy is out, blunt talk is in as President Barack Obama and his White House team single out Republican lawmakers by name for criticism over their words and actions on Iran, Cabinet nominations and climate change.
Even amid glimmers of bipartisanship in Washington, the White House approach amounts to this: when you can't join 'em, beat 'em." ~

http://news.yahoo.com/diplomacy-blunt-talk-obama-gets-tough-gop-072503045--politics.html (http://news.yahoo.com/diplomacy-blunt-talk-obama-gets-tough-gop-072503045--politics.html)

More AP bludgeoning of the GOP/Congress, they are like a part of the Executive Branch. This administration has never tried to work with the other partisan side. They are the ones whom have broken promise after promise. They disrespect the Congress and the Courts.

Finally enough in Congress have started to stand up to their 'Chicago Way,' and Obama doesn't like it one bit.