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04-19-2015, 02:03 AM
This sounds interesting, as many of you know I've long thought there is a 'war on men', here's a male authored book that agrees with me!


The denigration of men: Ridiculed, abused, exploited - the triumph of feminism has made today's men second class citizens, argues a deliciously provocative new book And it's time the chaps fought back

Men are brilliant. Seriously, we are. We invented philosophy, medicine, architecture, cars, trains, helicopters, submarines and the internet. Not to mention the jet engine, IVF, electricity and modern medicine.

We’ve led all the industrial revolutions and sent rockets into Space. We’ve fought wars with tin hats and bayonets and won them. The world we live in would be nothing without Alexander Graham Bell, Sigmund Freud, Horatio Nelson, Winston Churchill, William Shakespeare and Albert Einstein. The geniuses Leonardo da Vinci, Stephen Hawking, Michelangelo, Beethoven, Charles Darwin and Michael Faraday have all contributed immeasurably to our modern lives.

So why is it that, today, there has there never been a worse time to be a man? Rubbishing the male of the species and everything he stands for is a disturbing — and growing — 21st century phenomenon. It is the fashionable fascism of millions of women — and many, many men, too. Instead of feeling proud of our achievements, we men are forced to spend our time apologising for them. When people chide us for not being able to multi-task or use a washing machine we join in the mocking laughter — even though we invented the damned thing in the first place.


As it is, this kind of stiletto sexism — popularised by an army of female media commentators such as Julie Burchill, Suzanne Moore and Barbara Ellen — has become a depressingly familiar feature of modern British life. And it shows no sign of going away.

Consider the statistics. If you become a father to twins — one girl, one boy — current data proves that your son will die younger, leave school with fewer qualifications and be less eligible for work than your daughter.

Our universities and further education institutions are dominated by women at a proportion of ten to every seven men, with the Royal Veterinary College formally identifying boys as an under-represented group.

Across the Russell Group of Britain’s leading 20 universities, just three have a majority of male students.

This means your son will be more likely to join the ranks of the unemployed, the majority of whom are now — yes, you’ve guessed it — men.
The Office of National Statistics noted that in the summer of 2014 a total of 1,147,511 British men were out of work, compared with 887,892 women.

Psychologically, your son will be more likely to suffer from depression and attempt suicide than his sibling, but there’ll be less support in place to save him.

He’s also more likely to endure everyday violence than women, with the latest crime statistics for England and Wales noting that two-thirds of homicide victims were men.

If he’s seduced by his female teacher, she’ll leave court with a slapped wrist thanks to a legal system which is frequently lenient with women. But if your daughter has an affair with her male maths teacher he’ll be chalking up numbers on a prison wall before you can say: ‘burn your bra’.

By the time your son is 18, he will probably have absorbed the social message that his dad is much less valuable as a parent than his mother — that fathers in families are an added bonus, not a crucial cog.

Then, if he starts his own family and his relationship doesn’t last, he may become one of the four million UK men who have no access to their children, yet are forced to fund them.

To cap it all, he’ll be progressively neglected by British healthcare despite being more likely to get — and die from — nine out of the top ten killer diseases. You know, the biggies: these include cancer, heart conditions, strokes, pneumonia, diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver.

Fifteen years ago the UK Men’s Health Forum showed that, for every £1 spent on men’s health, £8 was spent on women’s. Since then little has changed, for no good reason. Or rather, one very bad reason: we live in a medical matriarchy. In other words, male life is cheap. Bargain basement, last-day-of-the-sale cheap.

The ultimate insult? It’s all done at our expense. The National Health Service is funded by the public purse, but it’s men — yes, men — who pay a whopping 70 per cent of UK income tax. Yet we are thrown nothing but crumbs in return.


And fight it we must, before it’s too late. We don’t want to undo or compete with feminism — far from it. But we urgently need our own version of women’s lib to stop our sons being permanently deflated, downgraded and disenfranchised. Remember the suffragettes? We are the suffragents.

So here are my suggestions for a new, improved approach to masculinity. It may not be politically correct, but look where political correctness has got us.

Let’s start by ditching a few of those everyday myths about being a bloke in the 21st century. First up, the wage gap. For years men have been guilt-tripped over a supposed discrepancy in pay that apparently sees women lose thousands of pounds every year compared with their male colleagues.

The great news? According to experts who understand it, this simply isn’t true.

The claim has been debunked by leading economists, including Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz, both professors of economics at Harvard University, and Christina Hoff-Somers of the American Enterprise Institute.


04-19-2015, 07:31 AM
Bravo to the writer!!!! Bravo!

04-19-2015, 08:19 AM
I think if all the nice ladies out there started sharing boobies with me, we can maybe call things even. :)

04-19-2015, 08:46 AM
This sounds interesting, as many of you know I've long thought there is a 'war on men', here's a male authored book that agrees with me!


Dr. Laura Schlessinger has been saying this for decades. Phyllis Schafley has been as well. One of the things I like about the culture of Mennonites, Amish and conservative Baptists is that men are still celebrated. I can tell you from my own life, it's possible to refuse to participate in feminist culture. One cornerstone of this is not to have any dealings with anyone who resents Christianity because it has a male deity. Anyone who has minor boys should take them to attend family court. My sons have a great nephew to look to as a bad example. That nephew's life is ruined. He has given up and scrapes by with low wage jobs because he doesn't get to keep his earnings due to a family court judgement for a son he hasn't seen in ten years.

This feminist business doesn't stop with just men, the next target is intact families. Look CAREFULLY at the Justina Pelletier case. If you're sick with no minor children Massachusetts is a great place to go. I just hope Massachusetts doesn't become even more liberal and start euthanizing sick wards of the state.

04-19-2015, 10:52 AM
I think if all the nice ladies out there started sharing boobies with me, we can maybe call things even. :)



04-19-2015, 01:16 PM
The Bureau of Labor Statistics records that "Among the four age groupings of those 35 years and older,women’s earnings ranged from 74 percent to 80 percent ofthe earnings of their male counterparts. In the younger agegroups, the earnings differences between women and menwere smaller, with women earning 89 to 90 percent of whatmen earned." In addition "Earnings differences between women and men werethe most pronounced for Asians and for Whites. Asianwomen earned 77 percent as much as Asian men in 2013,and White women earned 82 percent as much as theirmale counterparts. In comparison, Black and Hispanicwomen had median earnings that were 91 percent of thoseof their male counterparts."


The human species, men and women, approach life differently and possess individual gifts, different but complementary. I enjoy heartily that we are different. But I believe those differences should have no bearing on what our labor is worth. Perhaps a true equality in employment would end some of the gross inequities in the child support laws. To my mind, respect needs to be not just a philosophical concept but a be concretely demonstrated by a balance in economic power.

04-19-2015, 01:32 PM
The Bureau of Labor Statistics records that "Among the four age groupings of those 35 years and older,women’s earnings ranged from 74 percent to 80 percent ofthe earnings of their male counterparts. In the younger agegroups, the earnings differences between women and menwere smaller, with women earning 89 to 90 percent of whatmen earned." In addition "Earnings differences between women and men werethe most pronounced for Asians and for Whites. Asianwomen earned 77 percent as much as Asian men in 2013,and White women earned 82 percent as much as theirmale counterparts. In comparison, Black and Hispanicwomen had median earnings that were 91 percent of thoseof their male counterparts."


The human species, men and women, approach life differently and possess individual gifts, different but complementary. I enjoy heartily that we are different. But I believe those differences should have no bearing on what our labor is worth. Perhaps a true equality in employment would end some of the gross inequities in the child support laws. To my mind, respect needs to be not just a philosophical concept but a be concretely demonstrated by a balance in economic power.

As someone who has been in the corporate environment for 25+ years I can tell you there's a good qualitative reason for this if true. Women take fewer risks. You get what you tolerate. Women tolerate being underpaid. They are less likely to abandon an employer that makes their life miserable because staying with the same employer for decades gives the illusion of security. Assuming the assertion is true: Is the problem that men earn too much or that women earn too little? What do you suppose would happen if a company decided to be "socially responsible" and cut the pay of all their male employees by 20%? For the purpose of this discussion, let's assume that because of an Executive Order by the President that there's no legal ramifications.

04-19-2015, 02:46 PM
My own opinion but I believe that risk taking is more aptly defined by a gestalt of personal circumstance not just by gender. If you are a young adult with no particular responsibilities, risk of failure may assume a less threatening aspect. If you are older or have to concern yourself with mortgage, car loan, health concerns and dependents as well as your eventual retirement, that risk may loom very large and a person's choice may be to stay with a safer, albeit less profitable, position. As for cutting other employees' salaries to make up a deficit, that is equally unfair and I am sure would result in major upheaval in their lives. I am certain some would decide to take their skills elsewhere, but, again I also think that depends on their perception of the impact a change would have on other aspects of their lives.

04-19-2015, 04:14 PM
The Bureau of Labor Statistics records that "Among the four age groupings of those 35 years and older,women’s earnings ranged from 74 percent to 80 percent ofthe earnings of their male counterparts. In the younger agegroups, the earnings differences between women and menwere smaller, with women earning 89 to 90 percent of whatmen earned." In addition "Earnings differences between women and men werethe most pronounced for Asians and for Whites. Asianwomen earned 77 percent as much as Asian men in 2013,and White women earned 82 percent as much as theirmale counterparts. In comparison, Black and Hispanicwomen had median earnings that were 91 percent of thoseof their male counterparts."


The human species, men and women, approach life differently and possess individual gifts, different but complementary. I enjoy heartily that we are different. But I believe those differences should have no bearing on what our labor is worth. Perhaps a true equality in employment would end some of the gross inequities in the child support laws. To my mind, respect needs to be not just a philosophical concept but a be concretely demonstrated by a balance in economic power.

While no one is arguing that fair pay for fair work should be a thing regardless of gender, that's not what that study shows. These studies do a generic comparison, i.e., they just look at males hired for job vs. woman hired for job. They take nothing into account, such as recommendation letters, years of experience, which college they went to, and what they went to college for as it pertains to the company they work for.

For instance, let's say I'm setting up a restaurant, and I need a head chef. Now, I have two candidates, and while they both went to Culinary school, and they both have a couple years in the business, the first applicant's degree is a full BA degree in culinary, and it come from a school with really solid reputation in the field. Which person do you think I'll be paying more?

Blind statistics do not help in fixing the problem, and more pointedly, can end up with the exact situation that the UK is apparently running into, where the discrimination has now reversed itself.

04-19-2015, 04:33 PM
In my profession women are more likely to be an employee of the company, rather then a consultant. My experience is that women ask for lower pay when queried about their pay expectations. What is a company to do when the woman says she will work for an annual salary of $85K, while the man demands $70 per hour, which works out to $140K per year? If your project is six months, all they contractor asks for is a good reference, the employee expects loyalty and to be taken care of with long term employment. The security minded employee also has lot a more insular professional life leading to less exposure to solve varied types of IT problems. The two are ostensibly doing the same work because they are working on the same project.

04-19-2015, 09:24 PM
The Bureau of Labor Statistics records that "Among the four age groupings of those 35 years and older,women’s earnings ranged from 74 percent to 80 percent ofthe earnings of their male counterparts. In the younger agegroups, the earnings differences between women and menwere smaller, with women earning 89 to 90 percent of whatmen earned." In addition "Earnings differences between women and men werethe most pronounced for Asians and for Whites. Asianwomen earned 77 percent as much as Asian men in 2013,and White women earned 82 percent as much as theirmale counterparts. In comparison, Black and Hispanicwomen had median earnings that were 91 percent of thoseof their male counterparts."


The human species, men and women, approach life differently and possess individual gifts, different but complementary. I enjoy heartily that we are different. But I believe those differences should have no bearing on what our labor is worth. Perhaps a true equality in employment would end some of the gross inequities in the child support laws. To my mind, respect needs to be not just a philosophical concept but a be concretely demonstrated by a balance in economic power.

Actually those figures have been shown to be wrong. Period. If men and women in the same positions, with the same time and experience held constant, there is no pay differential. The differences come from women choosing to remain home for periods of time, they do take off more time to care for others. That creates the differences.

Then you have women that stay home for years, returning to the workplace. They are not going to catch up with men or women that do not take off for families. It's a choice.